Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 858: Going Out (Part 2)

fleet in action

Prince Xiu Senya's fleet. It was arranged behind the four fleets, ranking fifth.

When the fleet left the island and sailed on the sea for a period of time, the knights and mages on the fleet of Prince Xiu Senya, who were not followers of the Eight Gods, came to their senses first.

Knight Shihra, what did you feel just now? A knight named Pika came to a knight named Shihra and asked.

Feeling? Shihra looked back at Pika: Pika, what do you want to say?

I just want to say that in the voice just now, there is a powerful force injected into our body, which makes people have a fighting spirit all at once. Look at those people, they are all excited up to now , It seems that the influence of this kind of power on people can also be divided into big and small. Pickup pointed to the distance and said.

The objects he was referring to were ordinary soldiers who had not yet reached the level of knights.

Listen to what you said... the words just now. It really carries a powerful force, which can make people have fighting spirit. Shihra thought so, and his eyes naturally fell on those ordinary soldiers. , His brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

I saw that this group of soldiers not only had excited expressions on their faces, but even the light in their eyes was inexplicably excited. Although it could be seen that their sanity was still there, the vitality displayed at this moment In the state of infinite excitement, it still makes others feel awe-inspiring when they see it.

However, this is also very good! Although it is true that these people are affected by some kind of power, they will appear in such a state, Shihra doesn't think there is anything wrong with their current state.

While looking at these people, he said seriously to the pickup knight beside him: Being able to bless the entire fleet at one time is not something that ordinary people can do. This may be the grace of the gods.

You should be very clear that when you are on the battlefield, besides life, you are dead. If you can be blessed by the power of the gods, you can be more brave on the battlefield, that is also a good thing.

He is a pragmatist, since the opponent's method is beneficial to him, there is no reason for him not to accept it.

Pickup thought about it. In the end, he also agreed with his point of view, saying: Knight Shihra, you are right, maybe, this situation is a good thing, but...

Pickup then asked another question: Shihra, maybe I'm too sensitive, I don't know why, but I still feel that this battle is too risky.

Without planning, without deployment, I rushed to the enemy's lair...

Hearing what Pika said, Shihra just smiled: Pika, don't think that way, our gods are great, and they are by no means comparable to their gods. Don't go too deep, you should understand!

Well, well, Shihra. I hope our gods can bless us so that this battle can end smoothly. After Pika finished speaking, he fell silent.

These discussions actually fell into the ears of Prince Xiu Senya.

Your Highness, it will take some time before we get close to the dense fog area, why don't you go in and have a rest first? A knight came to the deck and said to Prince Xiu Senya who was looking at the sea.

What Prince Xiu Senya wore today was a very well-fitting military uniform, inside which was the thin armor that was passed on secretly by the royal family. It is said that this armor was blessed by the gods and possessed strong defensive power.

Standing on the deck, looking at the endless sea in the distance, Prince Xiu Senya's mood at this time was somewhat inexplicably depressed. Even he himself did not know the reason for this depression.

In fact, there is no need for Prince Xiushenya to send troops in person, but if he sends troops in person, after the battle, he will have a share of the victory. With the compromise of the gods, perhaps, the kingdom of Esk can be expanded by one to three counties.

Undoubtedly, this is a great cause, not only making the crown prince's position as stable as a mountain, even if he becomes a king in the future, he can also sit securely on the throne and become one of the monarchs of all dynasties. Belonging to accomplished kings.

Hapson, tell me, what will be the result of our holy war? Feeling a little inexplicably depressed, Prince Xiu Senya didn't answer the other party directly, but asked the knight back.

Your Highness, we will win, and the human coalition will definitely win. The knight named Harpson said with certainty: Also, we can expand our territory, and you will be recorded in the annals of history.

Seeing that affirmative and determined expression, Prince Xiu Senya smiled lightly and felt a lot more comfortable: You are right, we will definitely win, and when we win, we can return home victorious... I heard that your The child is almost ten years old, right?

Yes, Your Highness, my son will be ten years old this year. Knight Harpson replied, Now he is studying at Viscount Habata's mansion.

He didn't understand why His Highness looked a little depressed, but as a loyal knight, he always answered the prince's questions truthfully.

Well, it's ten years old. My child, and your child, are three years older than your child. I miss him a little bit, alas. With a sigh, Prince Xiu Senya laughed again, looking into the distance In the blue sea, he smiled happily this time: When we finish this battle, we can go back and send your child to my palace!

Obey! This is flattery. Knight Harpson replied very happily.

Prince Xiu Senya didn't speak anymore, maybe it was because of the evil disaster till now, although the ten years of constant fighting brought honor and status to Prince Xiu Senya, and also won him the status of a crown prince, but at the same time, also Are you tired?

Now, Prince Xiu Senya only hopes that this battlefield can be ended quickly.

Your Highness, we are already approaching the foggy area. Someone was reporting at this moment.

Have you approached the Elven Island? Prince Xiu Senya's spirit was shaken, and he immediately abandoned all his thoughts, and changed into a wise and decisive demeanor: Immediately activate the ship's horoscope.

Obey! The order was conveyed immediately. A priest of the Lord of Radiance took out a copper plate and prayed silently. After a while, dots appeared on the copper plate, and each point represented a ship.

Now, what appeared was only his own fleet.

Your Highness, the fleets have been connected, showing each other's positions.

Once you encounter an enemy ship, immediately mark it inside. Prince Xiu Senya issued an order.


This is the coalition's plan for a rainy day. The coalition already knows that the foggy area created by Hope Island can distort people's sight, and even distort the transmission of magic and divine arts. position, and even track the location of enemies.

Together, they can also control the battlefield.

Into the fog.

If it wasn't for the battlefield, the mist would be really beautiful, like a veil sprinkled on the sea, everything would become hazy. The outline in the distance was faintly exposed again, and it was wet and greasy on the face.

An enemy fleet appears in the distance! Although the mist has a distorting effect, it cannot be completely distorted. After a while, a priest warned.

The whole army is on guard, ready to fight! Standing on the deck, Prince Xiu Senya ordered.

Just then, there was a booming sound.

Lightning spell? What a dense spell! Prince Xiu Senya thought secretly. Due to the isolation of the fog, he couldn't see clearly beyond 500 meters.

There must have been fighting in the distance.

But Prince Xiu Senya immediately restrained himself, because 500 meters away, the elf fleet appeared.

As soon as you get close, attack immediately, and the mage also prepares! Prince Xiu Senya touched the hilt of his sword with awe-inspiring eyes, ready to fight as soon as he got close.

But at this moment, a huge light flashed, and before he even had time to think, it exploded with a boom.

The side of Prince Xiu Senya suddenly exploded, and the body of the pickup knight who spoke just now became countless fragments.

Prince Xiu Senya was still some distance away from where Pika was standing, but he could actually see the scene of Pika's death.

A companion who was talking to him just now was suddenly killed. This shocked Prince Xiu Senya, but what was even more shocking was the range.

What kind of spell is this? How did you attack here immediately?

At this moment, without allowing him to think too much, the battleship he was on began to shake violently and quickly tilted to one side.

The place was still surrounded by dense fog, and the farther places could no longer be seen. There was a continuous boom, followed by a cry of despair, which was extremely clear, as if it was resounding in the ears.

Why? Why is this happening? Prince Xiu Senya yelled. He clearly saw that the elf fleet was not approaching at all, and the dark pipes were exposed on both sides.

Boom, another batch of light beams attacked the ship.

The ship was hit twice again, the deck cracked, and the prepared paladins, knights, and even priests all fell into the water screaming.

Boom, the main ship was hit again, and it swayed violently. Prince Xiu Senya wanted to stand up. The battleship he was on had obviously begun to walk towards the road of extinction under the devastation of the shells.

The tilt of the ship made it difficult for the humans on it to maintain their balance, so they fell into the water one after another, and there were many human soldiers who fell into the water from the battleship.

Everyone, don't panic! As soon as Prince Xiu Senya's body fell into the water, he immediately comforted everyone and said, Let's swim over.

For the convenience of fighting at sea, human soldiers have already learned to swim. Although they fell off the boat, it is not impossible to swim to the opposite boat to fight!

When the idea of ​​Prince Xiu Senya just came up, there were repeated screams on the surface of the sea.

Your Highness, it's a sea elf, it's a sea elf!

This was the call from the Harpson knight who spoke to him just now, but before he finished speaking, there was a scream.

No! A strong grudge burst out, but the pressure of the water made him only blow up a piece of water. (!)

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