Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 849 Wedding (Part 1)

The misty plane, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

A red sun. Hanging high above the sky, it uses its own energy to continuously pour down its own brilliance.

Pieces of green leaves, under the contrast of the sun, emit colorful rays of light, and the morning dew rolls gently on them, colorful and beautiful.

On the land illuminated by Romon's divine light, there are vibrant scenes everywhere.

Because there are a lot of people living together in this area, the population is so large that it surpasses any territory, the kind of fog that is common in the misty world does not appear in this area.

The fog dissipated, and within 200 square kilometers, the color of the sky would always be that incomparably beautiful azure color. The sunlight was soft and beautiful, and everything was bathed in it, glowing with soft light.

on the ground. All kinds of plants are growing healthily and vigorously. Regardless of race or age, they sway with the wind together, as if they are singing a kind of music that humans cannot hear.

In this area, there are lush trees and green grass, and some harmless small animals are happily playing in the grass and among the bushes, and there is a peaceful scene everywhere.

At this time, it was April, the weather was warm, and the air was filled with a fragrance mixed with vegetation and flowers.

On a newly opened country road, people are constantly traveling, some on foot, and more on their own ox carts.

Since ancient times, the status of the leaders has always been low, only a little higher than slaves, and they have basic freedom.

But on the glorious land of God Romon, these people began to have more opportunities.

Now that the time has come, the first and second batch of believers have been released.

Tens of thousands of people immigrated to the outside of the city, and established hundreds of villages, scattered all over the area where the mist dissipated.

Because the deployment is just right, they are connected together. There are no dead corners, forming a large sunny area.

This is something that has rarely happened for thousands of years, and this kind of miracle happened in their cognition.

Moreover, the field that has been relying on for a living has expanded several times.

The increase of land, even if it is a system of enfeoffment,

It also allowed the people to own a large amount of land. Through the three-field rotation, these people who were originally in the poorest state are now relatively richer day by day!

This is regarded as the grace of the god Romun.

Now, except for the people who originally wore the forest collar, there are still some who have not digested it, and the others are cheering and taking refuge in the glorious embrace of God Romon.

On the road, the sun is shining, and a bullock cart is in progress.

Peter's eldest son is now about to get married, because someone helped introduce a girl from a neighboring village to this child a few days ago, and Peter's family is very happy. Today is the day when they go to the woman's house to meet.

The leader Peter and his two sons are wearing thin but brand new single clothes today. It seems that the extra spirit, especially his eldest son, has a good appearance. Although he is not very talkative, his handsome appearance can definitely capture the girl's heart!

There are food and meat piled up in the car, which are the best gifts when visiting others.

After being busy in the morning, they drove the ox cart and came out of the house, and they were walking on this winding path at this time.

Because the population in the entire territory is very dense, the villages are rarely surrounded by dense fog. When the fog clears, what appears is a clear sky and a spacious wilderness.

It was the time when the flowers were blooming in the warm spring, and I always met familiar people on the road. Peter had a bold personality, and he kept saying hello and chatting with them on the road.

I said, Peter, what are you doing here? Suddenly there was a bullock cart behind, carrying goods, and rushed up.

The driver was Ha Ben from the same village.

Hi. Isn't my eldest son getting married? I'll take him to the woman's house as a guest to discuss the wedding date! Peter said with a smile. revealed his joy.

Hey, you want your son to get married? That's great. On the wedding day, you have to buy me a few drinks! Ha Ben said happily after hearing this.

Sure, how could such a thing forget you? Thanks to God's grace, now the people who lead people get married don't need to pay marriage tax, which saves a lot of money. When the time comes, we brothers will never go home without getting drunk! Peter He said with a smile.

Hey, little John, I've watched you grow up. When the time comes, why don't you buy me a few drinks! After Ha Ben said a few words to Peter, he set his sights on Peter's eldest son, John. body.

Okay, old man, when the time comes, I will buy you a few drinks. Although he is shy. However, John still understands basic politeness.

Good boy! Ha Ben was very happy, and after chatting a few more words, he drove the carriage and left first.

Hey, brother, I don't know how that girl is. Have you seen it? On the side, Peter's youngest son saw that his brother's handsome face was a little red, so he reached out and poked him. Said maliciously.

Sure enough, after saying this, John's face turned redder.

Son, don't be nervous. Getting married is not about going to war. Don't be shy or nervous. Besides, it's far from getting married. I just went to meet you today! Peter turned his head and saw the eldest son sitting there very nervously. Zhang blushed and seemed very shy and nervous, so he spoke loudly and angrily.

While driving the ox cart, the leader Peter turned his head to look at the two children sitting beside him. The eldest son is eighteen years old now, and the youngest son is thirteen years old. In fact, they are still young.

The spring sowing has ended, and the cultivated land exists in the form of strips.

One is spring plowing, the other is winter plowing, and the other is planted with soybeans and the like.

Barley is the main food of the people, so it is grown in a large proportion, although it is not very tasty.

Wheat is expensive, and it is grown mainly to supply lords and cities.

Beans have the function of fixing nitrogen, which can improve the fertility of the land, and the increase in the cultivation of beans has led to more fodder for livestock, which is the instruction of the church.

So, all sorts of things, so their mother was doing the housework at home, and they didn't follow this time.

Many of the presents in the car were prepared by their mothers themselves. One can imagine the expectations for the future daughter-in-law.

That's what Peter said. Peter's eldest son became more and more embarrassed, he scratched his head: Father, I, I still feel nervous...

Seeing his appearance, Peter sighed and decided not to pay attention to him anymore. Then he looked at the youngest son next to him. Thinking that he would have to marry a wife for this youngest son in the future, he probably would have to worry about this one more time. It hurts a little.

Simply, I focused on driving and stopped talking to my two sons.

The bullock cart was driving on the road at a moderate speed, and Peter's thoughts also flew far away.

He remembered the scene when his parents married him when he was young. At that time, because there were not many connections between the villages, usually if he married a wife, he would come to the same village to find him. Much narrower.

Unlike now, the territory is constantly expanding, and the choices are getting wider and wider.

Sing to you, my lord Romon... A burst of singing suddenly came from a distance.

This burst of singing attracted the attention of John and his younger brother. They all looked into the distance curiously, and saw a few people standing in the depths of a farmland that had just been reclaimed, all wearing priest's clothes, Those people seemed to be praying for something. The singing just now came from them.

Father, after God Romon came, our time is much better. John's younger brother said suddenly.

God Romon is the true God, the God of nature and judgment, and his brilliance walks on the earth. Peter, who hadn't spoken for a while, suddenly spoke.

Yes, true God! Hearing this, the family all smiled.

The implementation of the three-field system is not just now. It has been implemented in the past few years, and the effect has already come out. It increases productivity by 50%. efficiency.

It planted different crops to prepare different food resources for people, and the planting of oats provided more fodder for horses, which made it possible for horses to be widely used.

As for the planting of beans, the fertility of the land is enhanced, and at the same time, the productivity of the land is increased. Under the three-field system, the fertilization is more precise, which can maintain the fertility of the soil and prevent premature exhaustion.

Of course, this required a lot of fields, and the design of the estates now has a lot of land.

In fact, this is more about planning, so that the population is concentrated without being crowded, so more fog is dispersed and a sunny area is formed.

But these common people couldn't understand this point. In their view, after believing in God Romon, the mist cleared day by day, and more and more fields were allocated, and life was getting better and better. more devout faith.

Even the people who originally belonged to the High Forest Territory gradually believed in God Romon after half a year, and the digestion work of the entire territory will be basically completed after this year's bumper harvest.

At that time, there will be 10,000 people in the city and 40,000 people outside the city.

How wonderful it would be if I could see this god with my own eyes? John muttered in a low voice, and Peter hit him on the head immediately.

That's the real God, can the real God just let us people see it casually? Peter rebuked him and said, Thinking about it all day long, why don't you work hard under the inspiration of God!

Hearing his father's words, John could only nod aggrievedly: Yes, father, I understand.

The longing for this great true god has never disappeared in his heart.

His eyes fell on the distance, the group of priests were singing, and at this moment, there was another field, the reclamation had been completed, and the farmland was bathed in the sun, showing a dazzling color. (!)

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