Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 846 Small Promotion (Part 2)

In December, it snowed heavily and kept falling.

the whole sky. They are all covered by this vast snow color. When people raise their heads, they will only see a piece of clear color, except for the clear color, basically they can't see anything.

In the space between the sky and the ground, there are pure white snowflakes flying all over the sky.

These snowflakes are constantly fluttering in the air, dancing, interlacing and pushing each other, like goose feathers, densely packed, gently fluttering, and falling continuously.

Tetashaw has seen several snowfalls this winter, but it is rare for this heavy snowfall to last for a week.

It's snowing again. At this moment, a few young men in thick clothes were walking hard on the road, looking at the snowy sky, they all looked distressed. One of them let out a helpless sigh.

They need to work, and they need to go back and forth on the road every day. This kind of snow day is really a trouble for them.

How long will it take for this heavy snow to stop? One of the young people asked his companions as he walked forward.

His occupation is a baker, and he has to go to work in a restaurant a few streets away from his home every day, and the occupations of several others are roughly the same, because walking in the snow makes his feet feel very strenuous, and every day It was very difficult to take a single step. These people muttered depressingly as they walked.

They were walking in the snow, feeling very depressed. The children who were playing on the side of the road loved the weather very much, and bursts of happy laughter were constantly coming from the side of the road.

These children are happily playing snowball fights, playing snowballs, and making snowmen, all of them are smiling and very happy.

Who knows when this snow will stop. Another baker glanced at the children playing next to him depressedly, and then, with a sigh, said, However, I really envy these little guys. Look, we Going out early and returning late every day like this is not free at all, and only they can be so happy in this kind of weather, right?

Hehe, when we were their age, we weren't so happy! Another person continued: At that time, life at home was difficult, so how could we have the heart to play?

Yeah, when I was young, I was terrified of this kind of weather because I didn't have food and clothes. Now that I think about it, it's really... Sigh!

You don't have to be depressed, our children are now like them, it is already very happy.


Our lives have improved since Romon became lord.

In a blink of an eye, Romon has been the lord of Tertashaw for twelve years.

Twelve years. Whether it is long or short, according to the standards of the earth, it is enough to make the people in the territory change from poverty to food and clothing.

This is already a very great virtue.

Thinking of the current situation, everyone's depression was immediately relieved, and they all started talking about their current life in a hurry.

The snow in the sky is no longer disgusted by them, and the snow on the ground is no longer an obstacle to them.

As they went away, their footprints were more or less deeply imprinted on the snow, heading into the distance, winding until they could no longer be seen.

In a certain bar on the side, a group of adventurers are sitting together, talking about the various adventures they have experienced during this year.

This winter seems to be colder than any other winter.

Since the first snowfall, the climate has become colder. In front of these people, there are no longer cold dishes or ordinary hot dishes, but pots of steaming meals.

This kind of food has never appeared on this continent before. It is said that this food was invented by Lord Romon, the lord of this place, and its name is: hot pot.

Not to mention. Although usually, there are not many people who eat this kind of meal, but in this cold season, this kind of meal has been widely welcomed immediately.

No matter men, women, old or young, they all love to eat such a hot mouthful in this cold season, and it will immediately warm their hearts and stomachs.

Looking out from the bar, there are two worlds. Inside the window, it is steaming, but outside the window, it is snowing heavily.

Pedestrians walking on the road were all wearing thick clothes and hats specially made in this world, and surrounded themselves very tightly. Even so, it was still difficult to resist the invasion of this cold weather.

Inspired by the aroma of the food, many passers-by pushed open the wooden door of the bar and walked in from the outside.

...I once killed a snow leopard with my bare hands, do you believe it? A burly mercenary came after nine o'clock in the morning. Sitting at a table by the window, telling the people around him about his harvest this year.

Snow Leopard? Isn't that a magical beast that only exists in the Ice and Snow Kingdom? What are you kidding? His statement was a little too mysterious, and when the others heard it, they immediately expressed disbelief.

Hey, what I said is all true, it's all true, didn't I disappear for a while in the first half of this year? The burly man before said with a mysterious expression: Hey, let me tell you, in fact, I During that time, I went hunting snow leopards!



There was a lot of questioning, and some even said questioningly: Could it be that you still ran to the Ice and Snow Kingdom by yourself?

You are really right, I really went to the Ice and Snow Kingdom! The burly man said, If you don't believe me, you can go to the Brave Hunt to find out. I participated in their organization activities in the first half of the year. The Ice and Snow Kingdom by boat! There, I hunted and killed a snow leopard with my own hands!

Seeing that what he said was affirmative, everyone gradually believed it.

Are you really alone and killed a snow leopard? Snow leopards are not ordinary monsters. Are you sure you killed them with bare hands? New doubts appeared again.

Hey, actually, it can't be regarded as absolutely bare-handed. Maybe you don't know the situation at that time. We went there in the first half of the year. At that time, the ice and snow kingdom was still warm, and the snow leopard was sleeping, so... Said At this point, the mercenary laughed.

Really, I didn't say it earlier! Seeing that the mercenary had solved the mystery, everyone laughed.

However, some people were curious about the Ice and Snow Kingdom, so they asked him: Isn't the Ice and Snow Kingdom snowing all year round? How can it still be warm?

Hey, from the question you asked, I know that you don't know much about the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Ice and Snow is divided into two parts, the north and the south. The south has a mild climate and can grow wheat. Although the north is very cold, it is mostly a land of ice and snow, connected to the ice ocean, but there are many volcanoes and hot springs. It is more accurate to call it the land of ice and fire. , not blindly cold.

Even in the north, in summer, there are lush forests and grasslands. Countless horses, cattle and sheep can be raised.

Of course, the farthest polar region is said to be covered with ice and snow all year round, and basically there is no human habitation. Only the most powerful warriors go there.

While people were discussing, a man walked slowly on the road outside the window. It was a very thin old man, wearing a gray robe with only three silver lines marked on it.

His appearance and temperament looked very ordinary, no different from ordinary mages.

He was walking slowly in the snow, this sage of ice and snow, his eyes fell on both sides of the road from time to time.

This old man is obviously the Ice and Snow Sage.

This place is actually so prosperous. This Earl of Tetashaw has the talent of a lord. The Ice and Snow Sage walked on the road, looking at the extremely prosperous scene on both sides of the road, his eyes were slightly surprised.

As a legend, the Ice and Snow Sage certainly understands that wealth alone cannot make such a large territory rich.

Although the intelligence personnel regard the prosperity of the territory as the reason for obtaining the elf palace, they do not know that it is impossible after counting the time. It can be achieved in a year.

The Ice Sage didn't come by boat.

Advanced teleportation is a seventh-level spell that can teleport 100 kilometers. According to his legendary level, it only takes three times to teleport from the Ice and Snow Kingdom to the local area.

Mage is the most powerful profession among all legal professions, and it is inseparable from these.

Hey, don't run, stop, I don't catch you!

Come on, catch me! Hey, you can't catch me!

Quick, grab him and let him be our horse!

Suddenly there was a cheerful conversation from behind, and soon, a child passed by the ice and snow sage, and ran over very quickly.

After he ran over, not long after, a group of children chased after him, all boys, shouting one by one, and chased after him.

Not far ahead, the previous child had been caught, and a group of children wrestled together, laughing and playing, looking very happy.

Wait, wait for me! Behind the ice and snow sage, there was another childish voice who was panting.

The kid who ran last was weak and was left far behind by his companions.

The Ice and Snow Sage heard the voice, turned his head and took a look, and found that this was a boy with blond hair and handsome facial features. He was not very old, and his small face was flushed because of running.

Because he was too focused on running, when he passed by the ice and snow sage, he suddenly slipped and staggered, and he was about to fall.

I didn't see how this ice and snow sage moved. The next moment, his hand had already grabbed the child's arm, and with a light lift, he firmly supported the child's body.

Grandpa, thank you. The child was about six or seven years old. After being supported by the ice and snow sage, he immediately thanked the ice and snow sage politely.

Seeing his cute and polite appearance, the Ice and Snow Sage had a rare smile on his face.

Children, don't run in such a hurry, the road is slippery, be careful. The ice and snow sage even reached out and touched the child's head, saying.

I see, grandpa, you have to go slowly, I'll go first, thank you. The child said very politely.

Kary, come here quickly! A child in front was calling to him.

I'll go first. The child waved to the Ice and Snow Sage, and then ran away.

Watching the backs of the group of children going away, the ice and snow sage showed a pensive look on his face.

He continued to walk forward, and the scenes along the way were all in his eyes.

Yuanfan Port City is now a very large city. The outer city can accommodate nearly 50,000 people, and there are many workshops and shopping malls. The inner city has a very prosperous business district.

At this time, the ice and snow sage was walking on the avenue of the outer city, and there were also some shops and restaurants on both sides of the road.

These are all built for the convenience of the nearby citizens.

Large-scale commerce is generally carried out in the commercial district of the inner city, and the daily consumption of daily necessities by the citizens is based on the principle of proximity.

In this regard, Romon made a series of overall arrangements.

Because it is in the outer city area, besides passers-by on foot, there are also some carts pulling goods on the road, which seems very busy.

Most of the carts on the road are merchants and nobles.

When Romon established the city, he consciously absorbed some nobles who had been ruined by the evil disaster to settle in the city.

When these nobles arrived in this city, although they lost their noble titles, they still retained their noble blood, education, and wealth.

When factories and workshops were set up in the city, these shabby nobles participated one after another. Now most of the workshop owners are these nobles and big businessmen. Although these shabby nobles lost their titles of nobility, they can still use their previous badges.

There are also some big businessmen who have also established their own business associations and have their own business association marks. Therefore, basically, the bodies of these large cars bear various obvious marks.

The ice and snow sage continued to walk, and not far from a bar, a large cart suddenly lost control. Although the coachman tried his best to maintain it, the horses pulling the cart gradually returned to normal.

During the rush just now, there was still some wind and snow on the side of the road. This carriage brushed past the ice and snow sage, which made the ice and snow sage stop immediately.

Although he didn't say anything, it could be seen that he was somewhat dissatisfied with the situation just now.

Mr. Mage, are you okay? The carriage stopped, and a man asked about the situation. Since he only had the mark of three poles, the person on the carriage only called him Mr.

Well, it's okay. The ice and snow sage shook his head and said.

Mr. Mage, our carriage is a bit out of control. We are extremely sorry for the shock it caused you. Although the Ice and Snow Sage said nothing was wrong, this person still sincerely apologized to him before getting into the carriage. He drove the carriage away.

It's a very good territorial atmosphere! The ice and snow sage frowned and thought.

As a legend, he is not unscrupulous.

The legend does degenerate the mortal body to some extent, but this is more of a quality. In terms of absolute power, it is not as strong as imagined.

Twenty-three legends, only two to three legendary spells can be obtained. (!)

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