Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 831 Reclamation (Part 1)

Fishing village, just to think about it. It is a fishing village.

Fokangxi ordered: Did you roughly draw the route of the route just now?

My lord pastor, I have calculated and drawn it. A calculator said.

Since this world is full of fog, calculation and drawing are very important for the safety of traffic, so it has developed instead.

Gradually, the village is getting closer and closer.

Hey, someone! Someone noticed immediately.

Ready to fight! Heckling said, drawing his sword.

In the distance, the fishing village has been seen. The highest point of the fishing village is a lookout post, which must be built along the coast to watch the weather and see if there are any monsters coming from the coast.

On the fishing village, there is a simple wooden pier with a few small fishing boats on it. They fluctuate with the waves that gently beat the pier.

But when we got to the pier, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a caravan, my lord pastor! The caravan clearly bears the mark of God Romon.

It's been three months, is it still going on? Foconci thought.

The boat docked. The other party took a look and saluted: Master Priest!

There are five fighters on the other side, and the others are busy.

At the corner of the pier, at the end of a large group of fishermen's houses, there is a very simple but very spacious building, which is a warehouse.

My lord pastor, it just so happens that two of us were injured, can you help us treat it? a soldier said.

Okay, you are all believers of our lord, I have an obligation to save. Foconci said.

Thank you, Lord Priest!

Under the guidance of one person, he entered the warehouse. There should be sundries in the warehouse, but at this moment, the tempting aroma kept emitting from it.

Several people were resting, and a long wooden table was full of people.

There is a blanket not far away, and two people are lying on the blanket.

In the distance, there is a pot, which is actually cooking and roasting a pig.

Hey, there are pigs here?

My lord pastor, I probably didn't have time to catch it. It's almost turning into a wild boar. The soldier said, It's just taking advantage of us now.

This is our captain—Lu Pomo.

It was a woman in traveling clothes and a cloak who bowed to Fauconci without saying a word.

Foconci smiled, holding the holy emblem. Begin by praying: My Lord, may your grace be on your lamb.

The light flickered... A little bit of power penetrated, and the injuries of the two people healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thank you, my lord. The two said quickly.

The woman took out two gold coins and handed them to the pastor, who accepted them with a nod.

This money must be collected, because the power of God cannot be provided for nothing.

By the way, are you here to check things?

Yes, the previous few times, the valuables have been looted. Now, we are going to demolish the house and transport all the available wood back.

It's more difficult.

There is no way, we must find some work to do, come on, we are lucky this time, we got this pig, let's have dinner together!

Thank you very much. Fauconci said. Although his task is to patrol the sea area, it doesn't matter if he takes a rest now, it will take a long time.

Salant City

Okay, you stay here, tell me about the situation in other territories. The carriage stopped in the inspected village, Bishop Kanrongpa walked slowly on the road outside the village, looking at the barren fields on both sides of the road , with a faint smile on his face.

Because it is already early spring, tender grass began to sprout on both sides of the road. This is near the village, and the sun is still bright. When he walked to a big tree, Bishop Kan Rongpa suddenly stopped and said to him. He kept talking to a knight beside him.

Yes. The paladin of the temple who was following him, when asked by Bishop Kanrongpa, replied cautiously: Thank you for the kindness of our Lord Romon. After leaving the territory, I will investigate the situation in other territories. Everything is going well, and we haven't found any unfavorable rumors in other territories, but my subordinates have discovered that spring plowing has started early in several territories, and the scene is very lively.

Oh? So early? How many territories are there? Bishop Kanrongpa asked seemingly casually.

The Earl of Hartold and the Viscount of Leete are already plowing in spring. The knight replied.

These people. They attach great importance to farming. So, what about other territories? Haven't they moved? What are those lords doing? Bishop Kan Rongpa continued to ask.

The other lords didn't show anything special, but they didn't attach as much importance to farming as those lords did. The knight replied truthfully.

Oh. Bishop Kanrongpa nodded, and fell silent for a while, because he was standing under a tree, and the sun was pouring on his face, making his expression unclear.

The knight didn't dare to speak anymore, let alone walk, just like that, standing beside him, waiting quietly.

Some people are really troublesome... After a while, Bishop Kan Rongpa sighed faintly and spoke again.

The knight didn't know who the bishop was talking about, and he didn't dare to ask, so he continued to act as a sculpture.

Our territory has also started to be busy today, please walk with me for a while. Turning his face away. Bishop Kanrongpa spoke.

Yes, my lord bishop. The knight naturally obeyed.

The two of them were riding horses. Bishop Kanrongpa seemed to be in a good mood. Along the way, he sometimes admired the grass on the side of the road, and sometimes he looked at the sky with a calm expression, and it was hard to see what he was thinking. what.

However, the knight had long been accustomed to Bishop Kanrongpa's appearance, and was not surprised at all. Just follow silently.

From the outside of the city to the outside, gradually, the fog rose a bit, this is because it has reached the periphery.

However, because it is not very far from the city, the fog is not very heavy.

Time passed quickly, and the sun had already risen above their heads from the depths of the mist in the distance. This kind of light also made the thin mist thinner, and it did not cause too much trouble to their walking. influences.

Here we are, Bishop Kanrongpa said suddenly.

Unlike the uninhabited farmland I saw just now, I saw that some figures in the distance could already be seen in this place.

Those figures disappeared in the faint mist, and it could be clearly seen that they were busy cultivating the land.

Although the mist was not thick, the mist gradually moistened people's hair, giving it a cool, slightly chilly feeling.

After the population increases, the fog does not dissipate in a day. There is a process. According to calculations, it will disappear after a certain period of time. Therefore, it does not matter to plant now. After some time, even here will dissipate.

The knight was wearing casual clothes, and his hair was a little damp. He looked at Bishop Kanrongpa aside, but found that his demeanor was still intact.

Do you know what they are doing? Bishop Kanrongpa glanced around slightly, his eyes very serious.

They are reclaiming the land. The knight replied

Yeah, they are reclaiming the land. They are constantly reclaiming the wasteland and helping Viscount Sarante to improve the strength of the territory. Their strength is stronger. Our strength will be stronger. My Lord Romon will definitely Bless us. Bishop Kanrongpa said: My lord Romon is the god of nature and punishment. With his blessing, we will definitely have a bumper harvest, so we don't need to carefully cultivate a small piece of land like before. land.

Praise my lord Romon, his message spread across the vast land. The knight immediately continued respectfully.

Okay, let's go and have a look, the count is here. Looking into the distance, Bishop Kanrongpa said.

Yes, my lord bishop.

The two walked towards the direction where the new land was being reclaimed.

On the ground where the new land was reclaimed, Viscount Sarante (Mage Haboba) and several of his guard knights were watching the sincere scene.

As a lord and a noble mage, it is impossible for him to work in the fields himself. Being able to come here for inspection is already a serious and responsible performance.

...Yes, a lot has been reclaimed this morning. If this continues, it won't take long before the wasteland in my territory will become farmland that can be cultivated. With the blessing of our lord, Romon, I am not afraid that we will not get great land. Good harvest. Master Haboba said happily, looking at the busy scene in front of him.

My lord, what you said is true. With the blessing of our lord Romon, the Sarante Land will definitely become more prosperous. A knight beside him said with a smile.

Did you inform the temple a few days ago about the new land cultivation? Master Haboba asked suddenly thinking of this matter.

A few days ago, the priests in the temple were busy spreading the faith to the 30,000 newcomers, and he was busy preparing for the new land, so he didn't bother.

Don't worry, my lord, the subordinate has already reported it. His guard knight said.

That's good. Master Haboba nodded, feeling relieved.

Because of the tradition of the misty world, the temples and lords in each territory discuss things together. Without the support of the temple, a territory will perish in an instant.

In other words, a temple and a god can only be limited to a territory. In order to survive, they must protect the existence of this territory.

The cooperation between the two has continued since many years ago. Although they cannot be said to trust each other very much, unless they want to be destroyed, there is no possibility of betraying each other.

My lord, the person over there seems to be the Bishop Kanrongpa! A knight suddenly reminded him.

Bishop Kanrongpa? Master Haboba looked over, and sure enough, he saw two figures, which gradually became clearer.

When he looked over, the two were not very far away from them, and he could see very clearly that Bishop Kanrongpa was walking in the front, and Bishop Kanrongpa was following behind Bishop Kanrongpa. Paladin.

Bishop, why are you here? After they approached, Master Haboba asked.

Oh, I heard that new land is being reclaimed in the territory, so come and have a look. Has it started to be reclaimed today? Bishop Kan Rongpa looked at the busy citizens not far away and asked.

Yes, such a piece of land was reclaimed this morning, and the speed is not slow. Master Haboba said very satisfied.

Is this a piece of land? Bishop Kan Rongpa had been looking into the distance. At this moment, he suddenly withdrew his gaze and landed on Master Haboba's face. Still not fast enough.

It's still not fast enough? Master Haboba said in surprise: Just such a piece of land can already allow us to harvest a lot of food...

Food is still not enough... far from enough... Inexplicably, Bishop Kanrongpa said with emotion.

Master Haboba's heart skipped a beat. In fact, he knew that the temple was planning to annex other territories.

If you want to annex other territories, you need to prepare a lot of food. Without enough food, how can you have the strength to develop the territory and then go to war?

Thinking of this, he nodded and agreed with Bishop Kanrongpa.

So what do we do? he asked.

Mobilize all the people who can be mobilized, and all go to reclaim new land. Bishop Kan Rongpa said.

I'm afraid, there must be more than 30,000 people, right? Master Haboba said in surprise, W-Is this, is it too much?

Are you afraid of too much food? Of course, the more the better, time is running out. Bishop Kan Rongpa said: Besides, those 30,000 people have developed shallow faith after a period of time.

When the territory is reclaimed, the people who cannot be accommodated in the city will gradually be distributed in the reclaimed farmland to establish villages. I estimate that our current population can dissipate the fog within 30 miles, which is enough to reclaim 200 people. With a square kilometer of land, this can accommodate fifty villages.

Well, you're right, 30,000 people, it's time... Master Haboba nodded and quickly agreed. Okay, just do as you say.

By the way, when reclaiming new land, there is one thing that must be paid attention to. Suddenly, Bishop Kan Rongpa said with a serious expression.

Oh? Tell me. Master Haboba asked.

Although we need more farmland, there are some forest areas that cannot be touched. This is something that must be paid attention to. You also know that our Lord Ramon is the god of nature and punishment. His way is bestowed on the earth, among which , including the forest, if you touch the forest, you will definitely provoke the wrath of our lord, and at that time, good things will turn into bad things. Bishop Kanrongpa reminded seriously: As for the small forest, it doesn't matter.

Don't worry, we will pay attention. Master Haboba nodded in response.

Even if Bishop Kanrongpa didn't say anything about this matter, they would pay attention to it. This is God's will and way, and no mortal should be allowed to violate it.

So, starting from this day, 30,000 people reclaimed new land, a large amount of farmland was reclaimed, and at the same time, large tracts of forest were also preserved...(!)

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