Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 822: Plan (Part 2)

War, why is there a tug-of-war with humans now? Hope Island. On a high hill not far from the port, Aiweixi was standing there silently, watching everything that happened in the port.

Standing there, she was tall and tall, with her long hair hanging down to her feet naturally. When the wind blows, countless strands of hair formed a beautiful arc.

In the human world, Avesy's appearance is definitely considered a beauty, with exquisite facial features and a perfect match, people can't help but look at it when they see it.

In the world of elves, her appearance can only be regarded as upper middle class.

However, standing on the hillside, Aiweixi gives people a feeling of being one with nature.

An eleventh-level druid, a silver star shone in the sun.

Why is there a tug-of-war with humans now? If this continues, even if humans bleed twice or even twice as much blood, they can still drain our blood. What kind of result do the elders and the royal court want? At this time, Ivy Xi looked very unhappy, she sighed slightly. His eyes fell on the mountain again, the road leading directly to the military base.

The carts transporting the wounded were passing by the road below one by one. As soon as her eyes fell on those carts, she became a little sad.

With her current probing skills, she can clearly sense who are sitting and lying in those big cars.

These are all her clan members. They are all injured and need help and treatment.

Although magic can solve their pain, the pain is inevitable. Besides, the elves died in battle one by one. Although the loss is not too great, how many elves are there?

One death means one less, and the number of human beings can fully support such a war.

Should I...should I go down? Ai Weixi hesitated.

Although there is an eleventh-level druid with intermediate-level healing spells, since His Royal Highness Annion has only appeared for a few years, most priests only have intermediate-level intermediate-level healing spells. With her, she can increase their strength.

However, she didn't know whether she should take the initiative to integrate into them.

Since the last time she opposed war with humans. Many elves therefore think that she is a pro-human faction, and that she has been assimilated after dealing with humans all the year round.

Many of the same race have already begun to have a different attitude towards her.

She didn't like that kind of look very much, she didn't like that kind of atmosphere.

But... Although the royal court and the elders forbid her to participate in the jihad, she still feels very sad to see her kind die one by one.

She is an elf, which cannot be changed in any way.

Thinking of this, Ai Weixi suddenly made up her mind.

Look, who's the person up there? She's been watching us. In the cart below, there were some priests who were stronger, and they suddenly noticed that someone was paying attention to them, so someone raised their head and looked up. .

Let me see...it's the Avisidruid, why is she here? An elf priest had sharp eyes and recognized the woman above at a glance: It is said that she is already at the eleventh level.

Avesy? Why does this name sound so familiar! Another priest who was riding beside him looked at his companion in confusion, and asked, Strange, why didn't I see her during the exercise?

Hope that the number of elves on the island is only 60,000. With such a small number, it is quite normal that there are many elves who do not know each other.

However, since they are eleventh-level druids, it's strange that they don't know each other.

I've heard of her name. She is a very talented druid. Among us elves, her talent is very high. She reached the eleventh level at a very young age, and because she has the ability to hide her breath freely Many years ago, she was sent to carry out missions, trade with those humble humans, and learn human knowledge. Therefore, her knowledge is wider than us. She has been to many places and seen Many people, if she can do good work for our elves, it will definitely benefit our people.

Unfortunately, I heard that she is full of compassion for human beings. Just this one, I can't be entrusted with important tasks. The pastor said: The royal court forbids her to participate in jihad, and she has been busy with the outside world before. , Many mages and priests don't know her very well, but some elders are very familiar with her.

No wonder I haven't seen her much before, that's how it is. The latter said thoughtfully. Another glance up.

Eh? It's gone.

I guess I'm going back, don't worry about her, let's go back quickly, and we have to treat the wounded after we go back. The pastor said: In this moment of life and death, there is still mercy for human beings. Against war, no matter how high she is, she is not a good elf.

That's right! The latter no longer thought about what happened just now, and urged the horse to speed up.

When they returned to the base, the rooms for the wounded were all prepared, and the wounded were sent in one by one, and the rooms were arranged according to the severity of the injury.

Priests began to heal them.

Because there are too many people, the pastor here seems a little busy.

At this time, someone came to report that it was Miss Avesey who offered to come and heal the wounded.

Hearing this news, the Great Elder who was checking the wounded was startled.

Avesy? Did she ask to come over to help? The elder touched his chin, thought for a while, and said to the soldier who sent the order: Tell her that there was an order from the royal court that she is not allowed to participate in the jihad. This It also includes treating the wounded, let her go back.

Yes. The elf immediately responded.

Poor guy, why are you opposing the war before the war? Although I know what you mean, you are worried about the war of attrition and the outcome of the war, not sympathizing with mankind, but if you oppose it at this time, you are wrong. The great elder said to himself, then shook his head again, not thinking about it anymore.

There at the gate of the base. Ai Weixi was standing silently, waiting for a result.

After a while, an elf soldier came out and said to her expressionlessly: The Great Elder said that the royal court had an order before that you are not allowed to participate in the jihad, which also includes treating the wounded. You Let's go back!

Sure enough, is it still the case?

Sadness flashed across Aiweixi's eyes, she stopped staying, turned and left.

In the Great Elder's office, several elf elders and some middle and high-level managers gathered together to discuss things. When the soldiers reported that Aiweixi had left, these people all looked at the Great Elder.

Great elder, did Aiweixi come here just now?

Why is she here?

These elders are very familiar with Ai Weixi.

Facing the inquiries of several elders, the first elder shook his head and smiled: She came here just now and said she wanted to help treat those wounded.

Treat the wounded? Several elf elders looked at each other, and one elder suggested, If she really wants to help, it's actually not a bad thing.

She is a rare druid training genius in our elf clan. If she can be used by the clan, at least she will increase her strength.

We all know she doesn't really sympathize with humans.

Hearing his words, the Great Elder touched his chin, thought for a while, sighed and said, Why don't I think so, but this has been ordered by the royal court, and we must not openly disobey the royal court's will. Right? Especially now.

Queen Tahise of the Royal Court has confirmed that she is pregnant. Her child would be the next princess, the next queen, and this child would be the descendant of Anion.

This undoubtedly reaffirmed the sacred legitimacy of the royal court.

At this time, the elves cannot split, and the legitimacy of the royal court must continue to be maintained.

That's right, the will of Her Majesty the Queen herself cannot be disobeyed. Several elders sighed, regretting that Aiweixi could not be used by their side.

Her matter, after the war is over, there will naturally be a conclusion. Now is not the time to think about her. Let's talk about your views on the war we have fought with the human coalition so far. The Great Elder said, looking at all Elf Elders.

None of the elders spoke, not because they didn't want to speak, but because they didn't know how to speak.

What else can you think about the current situation?

In addition to continuing to fight according to the plan, is it recommended to stop?

In the current situation, they can only fight and cannot stop. Even if their side wants to stop, the human side will never stop. Either you die or I live. This is a desperate struggle.

However, the fact that the elders did not speak did not mean that other elves did not speak.

Some middle-level managers were a little worried, and one of the elves suddenly stood up and reported to the elder: Although we have gained a little advantage in every battle now, the population of elves is now reduced to several thousand. If we can afford to lose, we cannot afford to lose!

Well, even the middle and lower classes have gradually realized this, this is the problem.

The Great Elder smiled, thought for a while, and said, We already know about this matter, and we have made our own arrangements. What do you understand about the specific tactics?

Seeing what the Great Elder said, everyone remained silent, commented on some battles, and discussed the battles that followed.

Then carry out according to the plan, the fleet retreats to the second ring, and let the human fleet follow up! The meeting ended, and the Great Elder finally concluded.

Yes, Great Elder! Someone answered immediately.

After the meeting dissipated, the Great Elder returned to the core temple.

At the very core, he saluted respectfully: His Royal Highness Lufaya, His Royal Highness Emerta, His Royal Highness Haimixi, His Royal Highness Luerte, and His Royal Highness Puffalo.

These five demigods were sitting on the throne in the temple with their eyes closed.

After a while, Puffalo's pupils opened, and as soon as the pupils opened, the entire temple lit up!

The pure pale golden light rippled in the temple like water waves.

How's the situation? Puffalo said lightly.

All the demigods experienced the knowledge imparted by His Royal Highness Anion in the temple. The knowledge was so vast that even demigods would need a period of time to digest it.

This is also to deal with the incarnations of the gods that appear during the decisive battle.

It's just that according to the plan, Puffalo himself is the last conferred god, so now he can have time to open his eyes and listen to the words of the Great Elder.

Your Highness Puffalo, the second plan has been implemented, and we will retreat to the second ring to fight. The elder said, paused, and said: Now there are six thousand one hundred and forty elves killed in battle. one.

Well, very good. The news about the magic crystal cannon must not be leaked. We can only equip all the cannons at one time and wipe out the main force of the human navy in one fell swoop, and the sea elves will also attack in one fell swoop. All human beings who entered the ocean will be killed, absolutely no human elite can go back alive, and the main force of the human navy will be wiped out to the greatest extent.

The number of sea elves is very small, and they must play their biggest role at this time.

At that time, the four mother goddesses of the four elements will also block the perception of the gods. The time is nineteen hours. At this point, Puffalo smiled.

The mother goddess finally made a move. Although this kind of interference is not too big, it is very effective. The previous fog, storm, and others were all made by the four goddesses.

As the cornerstone of the world, they have such a natural power to produce miracles.

Moreover, nineteen hours is actually impossible, because the gods are paying close attention to the fleet, and as long as the fleet loses news for three hours, it is estimated that something is wrong.

This requires the demigod present to intercept it.

In order to avoid the suspicion of human beings, we can only carry out such a war of attrition. I order you, the war in the second ring sea area must last for one year, reaching the summer of July next year, and then we can really retreat to the island, and lose the battle on the island. Within the lock range, the final decisive battle will take place!

In this way, after the decisive battle is won, the throne of His Royal Highness Anion will be lifted up to the sky. The timing must be coordinated, and no matter how much sacrifice is made, we must persist. Puffalo said.

He didn't say some things, and there was no need to say them. A war of attrition is not only necessary to paralyze the opponent, but also a necessity for Anion to gain time to sleep.

It can even be said that the sacrificed elves are also the needs of the Kingdom of God. Only when a large number of elves and heroic souls ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven can they attract more force and even become warriors of the Kingdom of God.

The indicator set by Anion is the sacrifice indicator of 20,000 elves, and the maximum cannot exceed 20,000.

Obey! The Great Elder has a high position and authority, but in front of the demigod, he only has to obey!

Also, send someone to protect the child in the queen's womb. I don't want problems in this regard. Puffalo said with a sullen face. Without the descendants of the descendants of the gods, it is difficult to find suitable parasites.

Of course it's not absolute, as long as the number is large enough and the time is long enough, we can always find natural parasites suitable for the possession of gods, but the time is gone.

He didn't want this trouble to happen at this time.

Yes! The Great Elder replied respectfully. (!)

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