Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 804 Alienation (Part 2)

I hope Brother Xiu Senya will go out this time. Everything will go well. Princess Qiannia looked at the fleet going away, praying softly.

It's not the first time His Royal Highness Xiu Senya has led the navy on an expedition. He has a lot of experience in sea combat. More importantly, in this battle, all the troops are only playing an assisting role. It is the Church of the Lord of Radiance who is really fighting tit-for-tat with the tree spirits, so you don't have to worry too much. Romon said comfortingly.

Although he has an ominous premonition and is unwilling to join this battle, but from the current intelligence analysis, there is absolutely no reason for failure.

Although the Dryad Fleet is quite strong now, due to the limitation of the population, it is an all-powerful army. As long as bloodshed and losses continue, failure is inevitable.

Although the tree spirit has a god, the Lord of Radiance has been the highest god in the world for a long time.

Princess Qiannia looked into the distance, but her thoughts were in a trance. Fly to a long, long time ago.

Romon and Princess Qiannia walked silently on the side of the port. There was a newly built pier, but right now, it was empty and few people came.

Because of the parting just now, the atmosphere was a little silent.

After a while, Princess Qiannia turned her head to stare at Romon, and said actively: Maybe, I'm sentimental, but I always feel a little worried. You should think this is ridiculous, right?

It's nothing, it's normal to worry about my brother. Romon shook his head and said.

Yeah, Brother Xiu Senya is getting stronger and stronger. According to reason, I shouldn't worry. Princess Qiannia showed a self-deprecating smile: Actually, my relationship with Brother Xiu Senya was not very good before. Well, the main reason is that the eldest brother is the eldest son, and I am closer to the eldest brother.

So in brother Xiu Senya's heart, I'm just a woman who is good at speculation! Princess Qiannia said with a wry smile.

If it wasn't for her second brother being really outstanding, I'm afraid that this beautiful princess would not stand in front of Romon. Now she might have a great possibility to control the real power of the royal family.

She is not an ordinary woman, and her ambition is no less than that of any male member of the royal family.

What she wants is actually more. But because of his identity all along, he had to pretend to protect himself.

She still remembers how her father treated her sisters who were not favored by him,

When they grew up, the older sisters were used as political pawns and placed one by one in many places where they were needed.

As for the few nobles who were matched for marriage, whether they were the type of men the sisters loved and wanted, his father seldom paid attention to them.

Or it can also be said that he knows that some princesses are not willing to marry, but the royal family has taken care of and cultivated you since you were born, so that you can enjoy wealth, and then you will pay for your marriage in the end to achieve a stable royal rule. What's wrong with that?

Of course, you can completely abandon the royal family identity, but you will lose the support and cultivation of the royal family. Few people dare say that in this hierarchical society. Can go further?

In the eyes of her father, as long as it is beneficial to their royal family to rule the kingdom, let alone sacrificing a few daughters, even sacrificing a few ineffective sons is fine.

It was the first time that Romon saw the sincere emotion on Princess Sinia's face, which was the most authentic and not fake expression, so he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

After a while, Romon finally said: When you are in the royal family, many things are unavoidable.

Every time he went to war, his father, queen and queen were actually very worried about him. At that time, the second brother was just an ordinary prince. Now, his identity is different from before. He now represents not only the royal family, It is the future of the entire Kingdom of Esk. Princess Qiannia said flatly.

In the sky in the afternoon, there was still some chilly wind on the sea. Below the pier, there was a * wave. Romon listened to the princess's words.

...The responsibility he bears and the injury is a terrible thing for him. Once he is injured, it will cause panic and wild guesses among the nobles in the capital...

The burden on his shoulders now is heavier than mine, heavier than the eldest brother, heavier than the third brother, and heavier than anyone in the royal family's generation.

Sometimes. I really envy him. I envy him that he can represent the royal family and become the most important child of the father, not just the favorite child.

However, compared with him, at least I am still somewhat free now, and from the day he became the crown prince, his life does not belong to him alone.

After finishing speaking, Princess Qiannia sighed faintly, the expression on her face was very complicated. Looking at the fleet going away, her face was full of regret and reluctance, but also a feeling of relief after relief. status.

...Actually, I once wanted to fight for the position of crown prince. Do you think that I am beyond my control? The Kingdom of Esk has never had a tradition of being ruled by a queen!

It's nothing? The queen is also normal. Romon said.

This is indeed from the heart.

Princess Qiannia shook her head and showed a smile: Thank you for your comfort and understanding. In fact, I really let go now, and I realize that you have given me a chance. Every new earl who rises will receive attention. I am here In your city, you can stay away from these matters of the royal family.

Qiannia has been exposed to these things since she was a child, how could she be innocent?

Since she was a child, she knew how to please others, how to make others like her, and how to make her father and queen mother like her.

As long as the father and the queen need it, she will learn it, and she will do it. After a long time, her status. Gradually different from other princesses.

When one day, the father and the queen handed over a guard in the palace to her to command, she knew that her first step was the right one.

She began to be able to freely enter and exit various forbidden places in the palace, and began to meet some people, hoping that one day, she could obtain the status of crown prince.

When she suddenly realized that she was already in an extremely dangerous situation, she stopped resolutely and took another path that would allow her to be free.

She is a very hardworking person, and she also knows that if you want to achieve a certain goal, there is not necessarily only one way to go.

Luo Meng took a deep look at her. Over the past few days, due to his contact with her, he gradually knew the inside story of the royal family.

The mystery has been lifted, the royal family of any country is actually not much different from the aristocratic family. Behind the superficial scenery, what is hidden may be some troubles, or even abjection.

After careful analysis, Romon already knew that his current life was more luxurious and free than that of many real royal family members.

His Royal Highness may bear many responsibilities, but he enjoys it. Since he became the crown prince, don't you think he is full of fighting spirit? Romon looked at the sea.

At this time, the fleet led by Prince Xiu Senya could hardly be seen from here.

Life, a standard for measuring it, may be whether people can freely choose the life they want. As long as the life you choose is what you want, then the path you choose is correct. Whether it is bitter or sweet ahead .It's all your choice.

Yes, you are right. Princess Qiannia nodded slightly, thought for a while, turned her eyes to the distance, suppressed her smile, and said quietly: When a person can choose his own life independently, When she makes a decision for her own thoughts, she has happiness.

By the way, since I want to live in the city for a long time, I hope that you can agree with me to build a shrine to Sisidi in the city. The area will not be too large, and I will consider how high the price is. I think, you When you first met me, you should have known my occupation. Princess Qiannia didn't seem to want to talk about the life of the royal family anymore.

The temple of the goddess of springs and rivers, Sisidi? In my territory, there is no temple of the great Sisidi. I can answer you now, you can build a temple of the goddess of springs and rivers in the city. .” Romon recalled it, but in the end, he didn’t find such a temple in his territory.

The goddess of springs and rivers, Saixidi, is not a powerful goddess, but as the Church of True God, the first temple in its own territory, Romon has to give some support.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is still necessary to maintain a good relationship with the church of the true God.

Really? Thank you so much. Hearing Romon's straightforward reply, even Princess Qiannia couldn't help but smile in surprise.

You are welcome. In the next few days, you can choose a lot and I will sell it to you at half price. In order to express my respect for the goddess of springs and rivers, I will personally donate 5,000 gold coins for the construction of this The temple... Also, if you need craftsmen and designers, I will help you gather some. During the construction of the temple, if you encounter any problems, you can come to me. Regarding the construction of the temple, Romon Appears very generous.

Princess Serenia expressed her gratitude to Romon for his generosity.

The goddess of spring water and rivers is the ancestor god of Princess Qiannia. If the temple can be established in Tertashaw, it will be very easy for Princess Qiannia to become a local bishop at her current level.

After working so many part-time jobs, instead of feeling tired, Princess Qiannia felt extremely fulfilled.

Whether it is opening a processing workshop or managing a temple in the future, for her, it is her own career.

It was here at the port that Princess Qiannia and Romon reached such a consensus.

Princess Qiannia walked a few steps, stared at Romon, and just watched quietly: ...We are very happy to have an in-depth conversation about some things today... In the future, maybe at that time, we can have a more in-depth chat Bar!

Romon narrowed his eyes, and felt that Princess Qiannia had something to say, but he couldn't figure out what she wanted to say. After chatting for a while, they separated.

After getting into the carriage, Romon carefully recalled what he said to Princess Qiannia today, and shook his head for a moment.

Now the good and the bad are confused, and all forces want to infiltrate, but as long as one has the Shennong horn, as long as the level keeps rising, all this is in vain.

To Princess Qiannia, his feeling is faint, if there is nothing. (!)

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