Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 801 Expansion (Part 1)

After these years of development. With the expansion of the territory and the prosperity of the economy, Nick's town hall has become more and more perfect.

On this day, Romon's carriage headed for the city hall.

In just a few years, a bustling city gradually took shape.

On the broad street, there are many shops and crowds.

Romon was in the carriage, looking around: Hey, the Mage Union is moving very quickly. The chain stores of the Mage's House have all been opened.

The shops of the Mage Guild are all called Mage's House. They are located on Plaza Avenue. From the outside, you can see that the mark is the mark of the staff and the scroll.

However, Romon knew that in fact, he not only deals in various magic scrolls and materials, but also deals in exquisite and beautiful jewelry and jewellery-these jewelry with magic are often made of scraps of magic materials, but But very delicate and gorgeous. Makes many women fall for it.

After the Lulun scholar became a lord, he returned to the fief and used his own skills to manage the territory.

His grandson, Debiru, presided over the mage tower. He was successfully promoted to the sixth-level mage a while ago, and officially entered the ranks of intermediate mages. He has a golden thread.

The low-level mages who followed him also gained something, and a small mage organization gradually formed.

The goods of the mage's house here are also convenient for them.

Across the street, a stone bridge spans the open creek.

Across the water, it is the administrative area.

Romon's plan is like this, the aristocratic area is the residence of people with titles, the lowest is knights, and the mansion is also in it, at the core.

The administrative area is the living area of ​​retinues and ruined nobles, professionals, wealthy businessmen, and officials above the director level in the territory, and the city hall is also in it.

These days, a large area of ​​residential land has been sold in the administrative area, and many houses have been built, all with uneven eaves.

As for the business district, it is the business center.

Now there is also the dock area.

A burst of praise came with the wind, and Romon glanced at it. This is a square building.

The Temple of the God of Order! Romon narrowed his eyes slightly,

Converge your sharp eyes.

In his spiritual eyes, a huge and inviolable force hovered above the temple. It should be thought about. The God of Order is the belief of many nobles and the protector of the regime. It is normal to have it here.

In the corner of the square, there are also bards, holding a harp, playing a few epic poems.

Romon shook his head and smiled.

The carriage arrived at the square of the city hall. There was a fountain in the middle of the square. People in twos and threes gathered nearby, either taking a leisurely walk or chatting under the shade of trees. They were all well dressed and had a leisurely attitude. The guards were always patrolling.

Salute! The guard of the city hall saluted immediately as the carriage with the lord's badge passed by.

As soon as the carriage stopped, officials stepped forward to greet him respectfully.

Go to the municipal building!

This is a five-story building that Romon ordered to build at one time. It didn't need to be so big, but now, with the expansion of the territory, especially the development of the city itself, it shows wisdom.

Various departments have been established like bamboo shoots after rain, and the establishment has been expanding.

Even the cleaners have a small establishment, managed by a steward, who keeps the city clean.

With that said, Romon passed through the noisy crowd and walked towards the stairs.

Nick is on the top floor, and there is no elevator here. It must be a kind of exercise to go up and down every day, Romon couldn't help thinking.

When we reached the fifth floor, in the small living room outside, there were two people, one was an old man and the other was a well-dressed gentleman, sitting quietly on the sofa in the small living room.

Suddenly, the closed door opened, and Nick greeted him personally: My lord, why are you here, why didn't you notify me?

This obviously surprised the two of them, and they immediately understood Romon's identity.

At this moment, when we got inside, the clerk immediately served refreshments. On the sofa, the two superiors were drinking tea and talking leisurely.

Tell me, you always come to the door for everything, what do you want to order? Nick said with a smile when the clerk retreated.

There are two things. Romon didn't mind Nick's relaxed attitude at all.

Romon didn't like to pretend to be close to his servants. To most people, he was quite serious, but to a few friends, he never did.

Anyway, Nick is smart enough to never be unscrupulous because of it.

The first thing is the second expansion of the city. The construction has officially started. It will expand another five kilometers outside the previous city wall to form a new urban area to accommodate more citizens and workshops.

According to the previous budget, it costs 100,000 gold coins. Nick immediately said the data.

One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand. How is the current trade situation? Romon asked.

The merchant ships are decreasing, and they have decreased by 40% now, but the number of ships related to the army has increased. The supply business is very busy, and it has not actually decreased much. Nick said.

Well, even if we fight against the elves, we need to fight for at least a year... We can make a lot of money during this time. Romon nodded and said, That's why I want to expand the city. There are many workshops, and the city can no longer accommodate them. .”

Workers, there are still enough people in the territory, just raw materials, such as vegetables... Nick said with a frown.

Don't worry about that. Ten vegetable bases have been built, all of which are greenhouses. They are enough for canned food, and they don't need to be eliminated in the future. They can also be used to make canned fruit and meat!

Nick nodded: Okay, then I will issue an order to officially start the second city expansion, anyway there are plans.

One more thing, I want to formally reform.

What do you want? Nick opened his eyes wide.

It's nothing, just call the city officially.

City? Nick frowned. This is not newly created by Romon. There are also some commercial cities in this world, which are also called city.

Well, it's officially upgraded to a city. The official name of Yuanfan Port is Yuanfan City. You are the first mayor. From now on, the departments under your direct jurisdiction will be the department.

Learn from Wangdu? Nick asked, this is what Wangdu is doing.

Well, yes, these formalizations are better, and officials have also made some adjustments to meet the needs of urban development. You can figure out how to do it.

You, the mayor, not only manage the city, but also the territory. Below the city is the town, and below the town is the village.

Understood, let's change the name, right? Nick said with some disapproval. In his opinion, he was already in charge of the entire internal affairs system, so this was just a change of name.

The name is also very important. Romon said with a smile, and didn't say much, as long as Nick did the same.

The city is divided into districts, and each district is divided into streets. It is the same as the capital, with house numbers. Districts also have a steward, which is equivalent to towns. Streets are equivalent to villages.

This will increase a lot of manpower. Nick reminded: The expenses will increase a lot.

Of course, but there are still considerable benefits for controlling the city... Don't save this little money. There are also many run-down nobles in the city. You should be cautious in promoting and using them.

Understood, I will follow through. Nick said, his greatest advantage was that he would complete whatever Romon ordered without any compromise.

Romon nodded, he was very fortunate to have such a friend and subordinate.

By the way, is there anything else? Romon asked casually.

Princess Qiannia borrowed 10,000 gold coins from the Temple of the Goddess of Commerce, and purchased a medium-sized rough pottery processing workshop and a medium-sized vegetable canning processing workshop. These two workshops are respectively managed by her attendants.

Let her go, what's the question?

My lord, members of the royal family have some rights... about taxes?

There is no tax exemption right, all of them will be dealt with uniformly. Romon waved his hand and said, But other aspects can be favored, such as orders and other material channels.

Now you need to establish a sound internal affairs system, and you need to set up a tax office to deal with it. If someone resists the tax, you can directly use the city guards to deal with it.

Believe me, my current status and strength are enough for me to have this privilege. If there are a few more years, even the king must pay me taxes if he wants to do business in my territory.

Nick nodded, and as Romon continued to move forward, he had clearly felt the difference.

His orders are getting smoother and smoother, no matter how the businessmen with backgrounds show humility to him.

He had no doubts about Romon's words.

By the way, I heard that you gave birth to another daughter? Romon asked inquiringly.

Yes, it was born the day before yesterday.

Nick, you are really good at this point. Three sons and one daughter. If you reproduce, the family will grow stronger. Romon said with a laugh: Fafeer also gave birth to two sons and a daughter ... I will wrap a big red envelope for you, and then come to our mansion with it in my arms.

No problem, it's so close, I will come. Nick said, now his residence is very close to the Lord's Mansion.

Romon chatted for a while, took his leave, and Nick sent it to the door, but didn't continue to send it, watching Romon go away.

After Romon had left, he returned to the office and rang the bell.

My lord, what are your orders? Someone stepped forward and said.

Let me tell you that Mr. Convigo, Mr. Galiyu, and Mr. Setasi come here and bring the No. 56 drawing from the archive room. Nick said.

Yes, my lord! The order was conveyed immediately.

Nick picked up the documents to review again, and only one was reviewed, and there was a knock on the door.

Nick is very satisfied. Since the city hall handles the process centrally, it is much easier to find someone now. In the past, it took half a day to wait.

Gentlemen, please sit down. You are all architectural experts. If you expand according to Drawing No. 56, do you have any specific plans? Nick asked.

He is very familiar with these things now. (!)

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