Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 790 Arrangement (Part 2)

Be careful...you two. Don't run, slow down, be careful, the ground is slippery!

Understood, we will be careful!

Mother, go back quickly, we will be back in a while!

Remember to come back early, don't miss lunch...

Got it, mother, we'll be back soon!

The gentle female voice and the pleasant and crisp child's voice collided with each other in the air, playing an incomparably beautiful note.

Snow fell from the sky in pieces. Autumn is gone and cold is coming, and it is another year of winter.

The temperature has gradually cooled down since a while ago. Starting early this morning, the sky that has been gloomy for several days has even seen flakes of snow falling down.

Alini stood at the door of the small building of the lord's villa, on the highest step, watching the two children running out happily.

Her gaze has been following the figures of the two children for a long distance. It was so far away that they turned out of the gate of the villa, and they couldn't even see their blurred figures, so they withdrew their gaze.

The two children were always accompanied by four highly skilled attendants to protect them at any time, and the two children would not run too far, so their safety was guaranteed.

What two mischievous ghosts. She sighed lightly, knowing that the two children would not come back until they had fun, Ai Lini tugged at the corners of her mouth helplessly, decided to leave it alone, and began to concentrate on watching Snow scene is coming.

With a slender figure, she didn't wear a pure white priest's robe today. Women love beauty. When she is at home, she wears more homely clothes.

Because the level of the priest has reached the seventh level, the grace of God is always lingering on her body, and because of her indifferent personality and superior life, she still looks like a beautiful girl today.

In particular, at this time she was wearing a very beautiful and elegant dress. The beige upper skirt stretched from the neck to the ankles. So elegant and noble.

Ai Lini, it's so cold outside, come here. Put on this cloak! At some point, a person suddenly appeared beside Ai Lini, who looked at her with a smile, and gently persuaded her At the same time, a soft cloak that gave people a warm feeling was carefully draped over her shoulders.

Bell really flattered Alini intentionally or unintentionally,

After all, the real hostess is Alini, and her son is the only heir. For her daughter's future dowry, it is necessary to improve the relationship with Alini.

Ling Ding, look, how beautiful it is outside. Without looking, Alini already knew who the person beside her was. Said the bell beside him.

It's really beautiful. I've always liked watching snow scenes. Ling Ding looked at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and her thoughts flew back to many years ago.

Look, Alini, these snowflakes look like they all look the same! I remember that many years ago, it was the same winter, I stayed with several brothers and sisters in a small house , cuddling each other to keep warm, at that time, we really wanted to go out and touch these beautiful snowflakes, but, we were hungry, ran out to play, and would only waste more food when we came back, so we could only stay in the house, watching curiously With the snowflakes outside, no one dares to run out...

Bing Dang, what do you want to do? Now that you are far away from those days, you don't have to worry or worry anymore. You can do whatever you want, really. Eleni said.

Over the years, Ling Dang herself has reached level four druid, but unfortunately she couldn't realize any path, and she still couldn't rise to level five.

Come on, come out. Seeing the anticipation for Xue on Bell's face, Alini tugged lightly, and pulled the bell off.

The two of them came to the open space in front of the villa. Here, snowflakes were dancing on the ground. All that fell was a layer of soft snow.

Come on, step on a few feet, it's fun! Alini smiled.

Ah? Ai Lini's sudden childlike innocence caused Bell to be in a hurry, looking at the snow under his feet, he felt that it was so white that it was not easy to step on it.

Come on, follow me, step on a few feet, wherever it is clean, step on it. Alini said, just like a demonstration, she stepped on the snow.

Seeing that Alini seemed to be having a lot of fun, Bell finally couldn't hold back, and stepped on her footprints carefully.

From being restrained at the beginning to being unrestrained later, the two women who had already become mothers started playing on the snow like young girls.

Joyful laughter resounded in the yard, and two light figures appeared. chasing each other. The white snow, the fluttering snowflakes, two beautiful women, each with a happy expression on their faces.

When Romon came out, what he saw was such a beautiful scene.

This scene really made him hesitate for a few seconds, as if he had noticed something strange, both Alini and Bell gradually stopped and turned their heads to look.


grown ups……

Seeing her husband, she looked at herself with surprise in her eyes. Both little girls blushed.

Alini pulled the bell and walked back to the steps.

you're awake?

Romon arrived very late yesterday for reviewing the documents, and early this morning, no one dared to wake him up and let him get a good night's sleep. Who knows, he actually got up in the morning.

Well, it's enough to sleep for a few hours. Romon said gently, Besides, I felt a strong natural breath just now, and I woke up.

As a result, for a while, no one responded.

Looking at Alini and Ling Dang, he realized that his two wives looked embarrassed now, probably because they felt shy when they saw their little daughter on the other side.

Romon thought it was a little funny, so he got up and brushed the snowflakes off the hair of Alini and Bell, and said, It's cold outside, let's go inside and talk.

En. Alini and Bell nodded, and followed Romon into the room with blushing faces.

The women in this world are actually very strange. Some of them are so bold as to have a private lover, but sometimes, they will show a shy look in front of their closest lover.

Both sides are true, and contradictions coexist harmoniously in this way.

Don't be shy, you looked beautiful just now, really. After sitting down, Romon said with a smile.

Seeing that the two wives were still a little shy, he simply resorted to his trump card: Hey, I've seen you all look more beautiful, and you're afraid that I will see you like this today?

Alini and Bell were stunned for a moment, and they came to their senses almost at the same time. Immediately, he was no longer shy about what happened just now, blushed, and ran away.

Sitting alone in the living room, Romon grinned for a while, when suddenly footsteps came from outside, very hurried, and he immediately looked towards the entrance.

After a while, a servant in charge of ordering came in to report the matter after obtaining Romon's permission.

Tell me, what is it?

My lord, news came from Panshi Town that just half an hour ago, two arch druids successfully advanced.

Oh, there are two arch druids who have successfully advanced... What? What did you say? Say it again? Romon narrowed his eyes slightly, listening to the reports of his subordinates. When the news reached his ears, It took a few seconds for Romon to react, and he hurriedly asked.

The attendant quickly repeated what he said just now.

Two arch druids are promoted at the same time? This is really a big event. Hearing this news, Romon couldn't sit still. Ask someone to prepare a carriage. I'm going to Panshi Town right away... Forget it, I'll take the empty road. There is no need to prepare a carriage.

Because the carriage ride was a bit slow, Romon just decided to take the carriage, but after thinking for a while, he immediately overturned his previous decision.

The attendants retreated, and Romon picked up his coat and began to put it on. Alini came out from inside and asked, Romon, aren't you going to rest this morning? Are you going out?

Yes, Alini, I just got the news that two more Archdruids have successfully advanced. This is a big event. I'm going to Panshi Town to take a look. I won't be back for dinner at noon. You and Bell and the children will eat first, don't wait for me. As Romon said, he put on his coat and walked out.

Romon, are you at home for dinner? Alini chased out, asking at the door.

You don't have to wait for me for dinner, I might be back very late. Romon turned around and said to her.

It was still snowing in the sky. Seeing this situation, Romon didn't care. After making a loud whistle, a huge eagle flew quickly from nowhere and landed in front of Romon. .

When it came down, although it tried its best to restrain its power, it still brought up a strong wind, blowing up all the layer of snow on the ground.

The footprints that Ai Lini and Bell stepped on just now were all covered by the rising and falling snow mist, and the ground once again returned to a piece of pure white.

Master, you called me. Lightning looked at Romon with a pair of big eyes in confusion.

In today's weather, Romon actually wants to travel, and it seems to be a long trip, which makes Lightning somewhat puzzled.

Go to Panshi Town, the school has something to do. Romon explained simply, now Lightning has the wisdom of a ten-year-old human child, and he can understand this (modified, it is determined to be ten years old).

Oh, master, please come up, it's snowing today, please cast a shielding barrier. Lightning reminded.

Romon flew onto Lightning's body, stretched out his palm, and a circle of light appeared on it. The circle of light flew up from the palm of his hand, flying higher and higher, and finally, it expanded to a point that was even bigger than Lightning. are all enveloped in it.

Okay, Lightning, let's go. Romon said.

Yes, master. Lightning felt the shielding enchantment on his body, spread his wings, flew up from the ground, and flew towards the sky.


The earliest galley warships were single-layer oars, which appeared in Egypt, Phoenicia and Greece more than 1200 BC. In 800 BC, single-layer paddle warships began to be equipped with bronze cast bow horns, which were used for ramming battles between warships at sea. In 700 BC, warships with two oars were built in countries such as Phoenicia and Greece. In 550 BC, Greece was the first to build a trireme warship.

Since then, the trireme has become the main force of the naval fleets of the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, and has continued for more than ten centuries.

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