Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 786 Encounter (Part 2)

My lord, are we really going to do this? Looking at the group of merchant ships passing by. The other person standing beside the young man withdrew his gaze, turned his face, and asked the young man.

This person was dressed in the uniform of a naval governor, which was completely different from the previous young nobleman's attire.

One has an elegant temperament, graceful and calm, and the other, although he is fifty years old, has a neat military uniform and is heroic and resolute.

When they were talking, there was no one else within ten steps of them. People standing in the distance looked at them respectfully, not daring to eavesdrop.

Shakat, you have to know that if we don't do this, there may be even greater troubles in the future. The young man before, that is, Romon, the lord of Tetaxiu, stood on the deck, looking into the distance, calmly He said: You are now a lord. You have to consider more long-term issues.

More trouble? My lord, are you referring to... Shakat was somewhat puzzled when he heard Romon's words for the first time. After thinking for a while, he frowned and said, You mean His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

Well, you guessed half right. What I mean is not only His Royal Highness, but also the entire group represented behind him. Luo Mengyuan looked at the ocean: Our Fifth Fleet is already quite good. Ten warships.

With such a powerful fleet, no one will give up easily. The future jihad will give many people a suitable excuse to swallow our newly formed fleet, but they cannot refuse it. Said, we can only choose who to sell to, not whether to sell or not.

Therefore, I must now find a suitable home for it in advance. This is something I must do.

But, is it a good idea to hand it over to the church's command? Shakat saw that there was no one else nearby, so he put forward his opinion in a low voice.

My lord, many people know how much effort you have devoted to this fleet. Are you really willing to hand over the fleet you built with your own hands to others to command? Anyway, I am very unwilling, My lord, I'm really not reconciled.

It was difficult for Shakat to accept the handing over of the Fifth Fleet, both emotionally and in terms of his own interests.

Not only Romon's hard work, but even his hard work has been poured into the Fifth Fleet these years. For this fleet, he has paid more emotions than Romon. He cannot accept this Decide.

There is no way around this. Luo Meng said with a sigh: It takes time for Tetashaw to develop. The strength of the Fifth Fleet has already attracted the attention of many people.

If you don't do it now,

Don't find a nominal belonging for it temporarily, one day, it will really belong to someone else. At that time, it will be more difficult for you and me to accept.

Actually, handing over the Fifth Fleet to the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture is a very good choice. Don't you think so?

My lord, forgive me for being stupid... Obviously, Shakat still couldn't figure it out.

The current size of the Fifth Fleet has reached the level of a medium fleet. Under such circumstances, it is a very unwise behavior to continue to let the command of the fleet be placed in my hands. Our focus is on developing the territory. In fact, if the royal family becomes suspicious because of this fleet, the loss outweighs the gain.

Actually, it doesn't matter if the royal family suspects it or not. It's just that we haven't suppressed its strength. Besides, it's in the name of the Kingdom's Fifth Fleet, which is really an excuse.

However, just handing over the fleet to the royal family is not what I want to see. This will not only greatly enhance the strength of the royal family, but I can guarantee that none of the soldiers of our fleet will come back alive.

Besides, I'm already an earl now, and I've reached the limit of the kingdom system. No matter how I try to build a good relationship with the royal family, it won't help.

Actually. After I became the earl and Prince Xiu Senya became the crown prince, there is very little room for cooperation between us. Even if the Fifth Fleet is handed over to him, his position on us will not be fundamental. sexual change.

In other words, the Kingdom of Esk and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince are already tasteless to us. It is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard them. Of course, in turn, we have gradually become the key targets of the Kingdom of Esk and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. We only have Only by establishing real strength can we stand firm like other real princes!

After thinking about it, I think it is the best choice to hand over the Fifth Fleet to the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture.

First of all, I am a druid, and the god the druids believe in is the goddess of agriculture. Handing over the fleet to the church of the goddess of agriculture will not make it difficult for outsiders to accept.

Secondly, my Lady Eleni is the seventh-level bishop of the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture. Handing over the Fifth Fleet to the temple she governs will not only gain the appreciation of the Church of the Goddess of Agriculture, but also win many rights. It is beneficial to Alini's status and future in the church.

Romon knew that Shakat had always been the deputy commander of the Fifth Fleet, and he had a lot of affection for this fleet, even more than him. After all, he has the Tertashaw collar, while Shakat only has the Fifth Fleet.

Therefore, he enlightened Shakat from the most fundamental place and said: The most important thing is that the Church of the Goddess of Agriculture has plenty of people, and they don't mind if we withdraw a group of elite navies, as long as we hand over the fleet to them. Now is the time when the jihad is about to break out, and the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture needs more troops, and our decision will win their tacit approval.

I'm not going to care about the whereabouts of this Fifth Fleet, but I want to build a new navy, a navy that belongs entirely to us.

This holy war, in my opinion, is a meaningless war. Even if we win the elves, what can we gain? A distant island? Not to mention, judging from the current situation, even if we win, It is also a tragic victory, and I don’t know how many people will never come back.”

The reason why I explicitly ordered you to retire after becoming a lord is to prevent you from being involved. However, from the outside world, donating a medium fleet in one fell swoop, I am also the top three nobles who support the jihad besides the royal family, right? Even if no one can say I am wrong!

My lord, do you want to build a new fleet? Hearing this, Shakat didn't care about anything else, but he asked in surprise after hearing this sentence.

Romon said with a smile: Of course, have you noticed the warships that are already being built in the shipyard? Don't worry, as soon as the holy war is over, a new fleet that belongs entirely to us will be built, and at that time, we will It already has enough strength to be qualified to own such a fleet.

In Romon's view, things like elite soldiers and fleets are the most sensitive.

In a system, there are hidden rules as to who can own how many elite soldiers.

Back then, Qi Jiguang established the Qi Family Army, which was extremely elite and swept all directions, but if you read history and study carefully, you will know that the size of the Qi Family Army has never exceeded 4,000.

Even if Qi Jiguang was appointed Prime Minister of Jizhou, Changping, Liaodong, and Baoding, it would be the same.

And after Qi Jiguang's death, the rest of Qi's army was annihilated and completely disappeared into the military system of the Ming Dynasty.

There's a lot of fun in this.

If someone has a low-ranking official and has elite soldiers, they may be recruited (and it is a specially fabricated net), or they will only end up dying.

It is also because of this that Romon has been cautiously controlling the troops in the territory, and the number of knights is not many. Now if someone talks about this, Romon will definitely answer: The first rule of survival for traversers is not to be a big one. Do not train elite soldiers!

In other words, if when you are in a humble position, even if you are training soldiers, you must control the number and influence. No matter what world, there are more people who want to pick peaches than imagined!

At this moment, after hearing Romon's assurance, Shakat was really relieved.

As the captain of the fleet, he put all his credit and ambitions on the fleet. It is really hard for him to accept that the Fifth Fleet is handed over to others. However, if there is a new fleet for him to create and command, it is still difficult can endure.

The quality of the fleet's sea patrol this time is not bad, so we can go back. I will rush to the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture tomorrow morning to settle this matter first. Romon looked at the rising sun, and it was almost here. It was noon, so I said to Shakat: You take out the real backbone and wait for the people from the Agricultural Church to receive it.

Yes, my lord. At this time, Shakat no longer objected or obstructed.

Facing the sea breeze, the ships of the Fifth Fleet gradually returned to Yuanfan Port.

After boarding the port, looking at the bleak surroundings, Romon's expression was very calm, and his mood was even more peaceful.

Although the deep autumn has come, this autumn also represents maturity and harvest. He will not be like those poets, who will be sad for spring and autumn when he is free, and belong to him all year round.

He stretched out his hand to catch a flying leaf, looking at the red leaf with clear veins in his hand, Romon thought for a while, and put it in his pocket casually.

My lord, what are you... Shakat, who was following him, looked at Romon's actions curiously, somewhat confused.

Hehe, my daughter likes collecting these specimens very much, and I plan to give them to her. Romon explained with a smile.

I saw your young lady last time. She is really cute. Shakat said enviously.

Haha, in a blink of an eye, she is also eight years old, how time flies! Romon laughed and said with emotion.

The laughter has been spread far, far.

That night, Romon and his wife Alini talked about their decision. Alini seemed very happy and immediately agreed.

The next day, Romon and his wife came to the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture, and dedicated the command of the Fifth Fleet to the Goddess of Agriculture as a gift.

This matter made the members of the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture attach great importance to it.

Romon, this is Archbishop Puluo who came from the headquarters of the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture. He is very happy and relieved about the decision you made before. This time he came from the headquarters just to meet you. In the main hall of the branch temple set up by the Temple of the Goddess of Agriculture in Tertashaw, Alini introduced an archbishop from the headquarters to Romon.

Romon had a cordial conversation with him, and the conversation was very pleasant.

Earl Tetashaw, you donated an entire fleet this time, which is really a model of pious believers. You are the patron of our Lord, and I will not hide from you. Although our church agreed to participate in the war, because of our side, we have not It is too involved in the ocean, so it is really not easy to find a fleet, and you have solved a great difficulty for the church this time.

Archbishop Puluo has gone to the port to inspect the fleet just now.

The ten complete battleships are not made up of small boats. In terms of value alone, they are worth more than 300,000 gold coins, which shows Earl Tetashaw's sincerity and piety.

However, the church will not take your warship for nothing. On behalf of the church, I promise you that we will give you corresponding compensation after the war regardless of the outcome. Archbishop Puluo promised Romon very sincerely.

Also, the church will soon give you a reward. Tertashaw will be under the protection of the church. As long as you don't violate the Goddess of Agriculture's decree or profanity in the future, your family will be taken care of by the church. Pu Archbishop Luo's promise has a lot of gold in it.

The church is long-standing, and this care may last for hundreds of years.

Hearing such a promise, Romon secretly rejoiced in his heart. After all, it is the goddess church that is neutral and biased towards kindness. If it is not for his specialness, he will believe in it even more devoutly!

Thank the goddess, thank the church, and may the glory be with us. Romon said devoutly.

The matter was settled in this way, and the archbishop came happily, and left even more happily.

However, when this incident was reported, some people were not happy.

What the hell is Earl Tetashaw doing? Just hand over your own fleet? Prince Xiu Senya on Lantu Island was very unhappy after hearing the news.

He originally wanted to reorganize the Fifth Fleet into his own team in the future, but in this case, it is impossible.

Therefore, he looked very annoyed.

Sir Georgida, tell me, did we leak the news? Prince Xiu Senya said with a gloomy face.

It's possible, but maybe it's Earl Tetasio who smelled something. Giorchida, the confidant counselor who has followed the prince and was knighted, said so.

However, I really underestimated him, and handed over the fleet I worked so hard to build! Prince Xiu Senya walked back and forth in his room with a gloomy expression on his face: This Teta Earl Shaw, what courage!

It's true, we've got the bottom line. Now we have no excuse to let him fight, or reorganize his fleet. With such a great contribution, no one can force him to fight. Sir Georgida made it clear: Your Highness, now The only chance is that the Fifth Fleet is still the establishment of the Kingdom, if you use this excuse...

...For Earl Tetasio, this excuse is good, but now that the fleet has fallen into the hands of the Church of Agriculture, and it is a fleet for holy wars, it is no longer possible. Prince Xiu Senya hesitated for a while, and finally vetoed it.

Earl Tetashaw, it's really not simple. You can't look at it from the perspective of a pure druid! Prince Xiu Senya turned around a few times and sighed: You said, is he really so pious?

Romon is a level 16 druid, and the god the druid believes in is the goddess of agriculture. For this situation, people on the mainland will think it is Romon's piety.

Perhaps, he is at least Exhidis' patron.

Another prominent term was mentioned, and Prince Xiu Senya fell silent. After a while, he finally said: It seems that the matter of Earl Tetasio is not too serious.

Your Highness, this is a wise choice. Sir Georgida said with a bow. (!)

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