Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 782 Redemption (Part 2)

Chailing was very careful when investigating the situation of the island, and was able to find a river that was not very wide and deep. This river was very hidden, with original forests on both sides.

Since this river can lead very close to the main temple, only the core elves know about it.

Rollek was already valued and trusted for being able to go forward on this ship.

Along the way, Rolake remained silent, looking at the scenery along the way, thinking in his heart.

To be honest, Rollek is not very optimistic about the elves, but, like those pirates, he has no way out.

However, no matter how you fight with the elves, you are still a human being, not an elf.

Thinking of this, he felt a little bitter.

I went ashore at one place, and moved in the forest for a while. When I arrived at the destination, it was already evening, and the setting sun was shining on the whole world.

A group of people walked on a cobblestone road, and Rolek heard his footsteps far away, and felt a kind of depression, but he could only keep this depression in his heart. After a while, some elf warriors and mages appeared.

The elf who led the way showed a badge, and the elf who was interrogating Jian looked at Rolek in confusion, hesitated for a moment, and was able to pass.

From this point of view, Rolek is very keenly aware that even the elves have a strong defensive mentality towards humans who share the same belief.

However, the strong sacred atmosphere in front has already permeated, and the elf temple is in front of it. This is a temple built by Annion himself. It is small in size, but has 20 levels of hierarchy. Your Excellency Rolak, please come in, the Archbishop is waiting for you. At this moment, Rolak who was escorting him hesitated for a moment and entered.

Anion's temple is exquisite and grand. The entrance is the prayer hall of the temple. The floor of the prayer hall is made of snow-white marble and is waxed. Twenty marble columns are arranged in a straight line in the hall, and the altar is in the center. On it is the holy emblem of Anion, followed by the statue of the god. In front of the statue, an old elf was praying silently.

Rolek didn't dare to be negligent, and now it happened to be the time for evening prayer, so he also stepped forward and prayed silently.

Time passed by, and when Rolek finished his prayer, he stood up and bowed to the old elf again. You are Rollek?

Yes, I am. Rolake said while bowing his head. Ten years of time had also made him a lot deeper, and he no longer showed his previous rebellious appearance.

Rolek, you have done a lot of merit for our lord and the elves, what reward do you need? the old elf nodded and said. My lord, for my lord and the spirit clan, I should. How dare I accept a reward for my meager contribution? Rolek had a look of joy and humility on his face.

You are right. It is right to fight for our lord and the elves! The old elf said, However, fair rewards are also due. Rolek, are you willing to become my family? My lord, I am already a member of the elves. Rollek said hastily. You will be wrong, who am I, are you willing to become my clan, become an elf Ah! ! Even with the self-cultivation at this time) Rolek is also discolored = Your Well, yes! The old elf said again affirmatively. Rolek lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said, It's my honor. At this point, he couldn't do anything if he didn't agree.

The Elf Elder glanced at Rolek and smiled: Don't promise so quickly, of course I have to explain clearly to you one by one for such an important matter. Rolek showed an appearance of listening respectfully.

The old elf nodded and said, First, it must be your heart and soul, whether you are willing and able to dedicate yourself to a glorious and dangerous cause—becoming an elf and fighting for gods and elves.

He waved his hand and stopped what Rolek wanted to say: This choice is never easy. You should understand that if you agree, you will have to sacrifice everything about human beings in the future, losing the appearance and blood of human beings, as well as the essence of human life. Way. Will I not be able to meet my relatives and friends in the future? Rolek's expression changed, and he asked, Of course not, but elves have a lifespan of three hundred years, you know that, right? yes! Rolek replied. A long lifespan will separate you from your human relatives and friends. The elf old man said meaningfully: And if you promise, my lord left a pot of hatching seeds, you will enter freely, enter at dusk, until dawn, you will wake up together, with an elf identity of.

Your figure and appearance will be transformed according to the standards of elves. Of course, if you have special requirements, you can even change your gender... But I don't think you have this idea, do you? The old elf laughed. A drop of sweat dripped from Rollek's head. You will have all the characteristics of an elf, you may lose some of your physique, and increase your Minlorek. Listen, I feel that I am a relatively strong person, and it doesn't matter if I have a little less physique.

Are you 2s years old now? After you have transformed, you will become a 53-year-old elf, a fully grown elf, and you will have a lifespan of about Kan years in the future—if you are not killed halfway. You will get Unique to elves, some immunity to elves, and the breath of being close to nature, you will automatically acquire the ability to read and write basic elf languages, and the previous languages ​​will not be invalidated. The specific situation is even more subtle. Maybe you will lose many things that belong to humans, but you will also gain everything from elves, and you will gain a new elf identity. Now, are you still willing to be a glorious elf? The elf old man said... I am willing! Rolek said.

……very good! The elf old man pondered for a moment, took out a golden seed, threw it into the soil in the altar, and then threw it in. The seed sprouted quickly, grew, climbed out of the vine, and bloomed quickly, and turned into a golden seed. A huge fruit.

This is the place where my lord gave you to degenerate. When you approach, the fruit will swallow you up. You will sleep in your human form for the last time. When tomorrow's dawn comes, you will become a glorious elf. said the old elf.

After his words were finished, the inner hall fell into silence, and Rorek tasted his words in a low voice. At this moment, the fruit cracked open. Then let's do it like this! Rolek broke his hesitation, stepped forward, and began to take off his clothes. When he reached the fruit, he had already taken off all his clothes. He jumped without hesitation, and the fruit closed. Fruit one. \\Closed, traces of pale golden light flowed on it, and the fruit, like a heart, started beating. At this time, an elf wearing a cloak appeared in the hall out of thin air. Your Highness Puffalo. The elf old man said respectfully.

Puffalo looked at the fruit, and then nodded slightly to the old elf. This old elf is equal to the first pope, but it's not entirely because of his piety, but because he is highly respected and has a great influence on the elves. Member of the Presbyterian Church. Your Highness Puffalo, this kind of fruit... Speaking of which, Puffalo is the ancestor of the Elf Elder, at this time, he asked respectfully.

This kind of fruit is very rare. His Royal Highness Annion produced it at any cost. As far as I know, there are only ten of them now, and they cannot be produced in large quantities. Puffalo knew what the old elf wanted to say, and replied. ... Although the old elf didn't speak, he breathed a sigh of relief. However, he hesitated for a moment and said, Your Highness Puffalo, he may not be very pious. Why? The best and most pious among them will also have this opportunity, and only in this way can some people be given hope. As for this man named Rollek, it is true that he is not very pious, but he is a special one. r, eleven

Puffalo closed his eyes and said nothing, opened his eyes slowly after a long time, and said slowly: The whole world is a river of fate, composed of countless factors, even if it is a god, it is difficult to know how the change of fate will be. .”

But some people are favored by fate, and they bear the mark of fate on their bodies. They are destined to shake the whole world. Most of these people are hidden. Even gods, it is difficult to know their details. However, Rolek may be one of them. One of them? the old elf said in shock.

Your Highness Anion, once told me that Rolek used to have the mark of destiny on him, but it was strange that it was interrupted by some force, maybe it was the rise of our elves that interrupted the mark of his child of destiny ? Your Highness Annion, I can only guess like this.

However, even so, the remaining marks of fate make him still have the favor of fate. As long as he is given time and opportunity, in time, Rolek will still grow into a very important figure, affecting the fate and direction of this world. Rolek may not be very pious, but if he becomes an elf, he can only fight for us. This small investment may be able to get rich returns.

When Puffalo said this, he paused, and said slowly: His Royal Highness Annion's will must be reasonable. Although you are the Great Elder, at this time, you must keep your identity in mind, and you must not have the slightest Negligence and suspicion, otherwise, no one can save you, understand? Yes, I fully understand, Your Highness Puffalo! The old elf replied in fear, and after waiting for him for a while, he raised his head and felt , Pfarro has disappeared. The old elf looked at the fruit with a complicated expression, and said, Come here! Put his name in the name of my family.

Yes, Your Excellency the Archbishop! The two elves who came in response responded. .

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