Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 777: Seeds (Part 1)

Misty Plane. Flagon Hotel

This is a 5-meter-high hotel built with bricks. There is a small team (five) of hired guards, they patrol around, and their sharp eyes scan the people in the hotel.

The main body of the hotel is a three-story building, the first floor is the bar, and the second and third floors are the guest rooms.

Spring is here, and the trees in the hotel have sprouted, green and tender, which makes people feel happy.

Foconsi is in charge with Haru, checking the goods together.

Steward Haru is a short and fat middle-aged man, he is a close friend of his father, he is handy in management, and he is able to deal with the city's grocers, nearby residents, and middle- and lower-level officials in the city like a fish in water.

Soon, the flagon hotel was established, and because it happened that the Four Sides Business Association also came to investigate the truth, the business was good.

With such achievements, Foconxi is very satisfied with Haru. He has to study this specific business method for ten years before he can catch up. If he wasn't his father's son, he wouldn't be able to manage the hotel.

However, Fu Kangxi also understood that Haru, who worked diligently, was only working for his father. If he disobeyed his father's wishes, he could immediately turn his back on the guest.

At this moment, Haru was holding a list in his hand, and his eyes scanned the goods on the car: This caravan, by the way, beef, salted fish, sausage, ham, cheese...

After checking it again, Haru said, That's right, the list and the amount match, master, the flour can be purchased locally, and there was a bumper harvest last year!

Foconxi nodded and said, Then let's move him to the warehouse!

The two worked together and moved all these goods to the warehouse. This will be the luxury of the hotel for the next month.

After the move, Haru was also very satisfied with Foconxi. Although Foconxi was the master in name, he was studious and hardworking. He never had the habit of standing still and ordering others.

When we got outside, Foconci said: I heard that the city of Sarante has built two more villages outside, sealed off two knights, and raised many cattle and sheep. Maybe by this autumn, we will No need for caravans to bring meat.

Well, it's true, the goods of the caravan at that time may be more expensive things. Haru nodded in agreement: Our hotel can also be self-sufficient.

Came to the ground floor of the hotel,

Foconci looked at it.

The business in the hotel is not bad, there are already five or six merchants and guards inside, and some people from the city, leaning on the wooden chairs, enjoying the wine leisurely by the fireplace.

Although spring is here, it is still chilly, so it is best to sit by the fireplace.

The little boss, Foconci, was very familiar with him as a regular guest in the hotel. As soon as he came, several guests immediately raised their glasses to him. Of course he smiled and nodded in response.

Then just in front of the wine cabinet, bartending, waiting for the guests to come, and listening to them.

Hi! Wen Tahai, the day before yesterday... oh no, the day before yesterday, I heard that you came back, why did you show up now? The person who spoke was a martial artist with high martial arts skills, but he was too old.

Uncle Baka, don't talk about it. I almost died. After I came back, I quickly begged for the grace of my lord. After the treatment, I had to rest for two days before I was able to move. The young man with a pale face said.

Oh, it's so miserable. I heard that you spent three days alone in the wild. Why are you working so hard?

Hey, on the one hand, it's for money, drawing maps is very valuable, and also because I want to become a level five soon! Wen Tahai shook his head and said, Several friends have become knights, and I want to be one too .”

Hey, well said, ambitious, toast to future knights! Uncle Baka said while drinking a big gulp of beer.

Cheers! There was a booing in the hotel.

Let's have a drink, it's free, and I also congratulate you on your early health, and strive for the fifth level! Fukanxi pushed a glass of beer to Wen Tahai with a smile.

Wen Tahai smiled. Nodding his head, he said, Okay, cheers to your health!

Foconsi smiled. Over the past few days, he has formed some small friendships with several middle-level people in this city. These friendships are very meager, but if he can go further...

He stopped thinking and went back to bartending.

After a busy hour, suddenly, the bell rang, it was the preparatory bell.

At this time, everyone stopped talking and prepared to pray silently. Now that everyone has entered the formality, everyone is not required to rush to the temple to worship.

But Fu Kangxi stood up and said to Haru: Haru, I'm going to worship, you watch for me.

Well, you go! Haru said, but he didn't think so in his heart.

Foconxi just prayed along with the public, and went to the temple on time every day to do what, his own shop has completely stood on its feet. It doesn't have to be that way.

However, Foconsi's performance has always been very good, and he is the nominal owner, so it is difficult for him to say anything.

Walking out of the hotel, Foconxi narrowed his eyes slightly. He had seen Haru's expression just now, but he had his own thoughts.

Hey, Foconci! An abrupt greeting interrupted Foconxi's train of thought. When he looked, he saw Paka, and Paka was a soldier. Wearing a cloak.

What's the matter? Paka? Fauconci asked.

Fokangxi, go outside the city with me. We can hunt and earn points. Lord Lord grants land according to the points.

This is actually part of the planning for creating an appropriate middle class after the city is stabilized.

I'm not a soldier, what should I do if I go to the wild? I won't go. Foconxi continued to move forward as he said.

Hey, you don't have to be a warrior, you can buy a secondary crossbow, that's fine too. Paka said.

Sorry, I think my hotel is very busy, and I can't do this. In front, there is the temple, and Foconci stepped forward and said.

At this time, a stone step appeared in front of him, and a magnificent temple appeared in front of him.

The hall, made of white marble, shines brightly in the setting sun.

Foconxi's high acuity made him feel a huge and inviolable force hovering in the temple, which made him feel his soul trembling in his body.

It was both horror and joy.

After climbing up the steps, Paka didn't dare to talk anymore, he stopped at the bottom resentfully.

The temple is a place to shelter believers, but it is also a sacred and majestic place. He still dare not be presumptuous in this place.

There are about ten steps, through the gate, the center is the prayer hall.

The prayer hall, with green decorations, has half of believers kneeling on blankets on the ground, ready to pray.

The pastor, having seen him coming, nodded, signaling him to return to the team immediately.

Foconxi found a seat and knelt down too.

Brothers and sisters, you are welcome to God's dwelling again. This is the place of grace and the release of your soul. Now, let us pray to God!

Great God of Nature, I have made a wish to you, open my heart, and let you witness my piety... The voice of prayer sounded, and as soon as the voice of prayer appeared, Foconxi immediately felt a huge vortex around him, It was dark before his eyes, and the whole person was absorbed by the vortex.

In a trance, Foconxi suddenly felt a bright light, and what emerged was a huge statue of a god.

This statue was pale golden, and its body was more than ten meters long. In front of it, Fu Kangxi was just an insignificant thing, without any words.

Just then, the idol opened its eyes.

Boom! Foconxi only felt a huge shock wave submerge him, and in an instant, he woke up again in the temple.

The moment he woke up, he suddenly felt a kind of power pouring in from the void. The first time the power poured in, it even made him feel dizzy. a small golden symbol.

When he really woke up, he found that in the temple, the believers had left, and the priest was standing beside him and smiling at him.

Foconci, you are doing very well. Welcome to be my lord's servant. The priest obviously admired him very much. Without professional training, he can automatically obtain the qualifications of a priest by relying on piety. Neither talent nor piety is required. Doubt it.

The changes just now cannot be concealed from the pastor.

By the way, tell me which magic spells you have obtained. The priest asked.

My lord pastor, how do you know? Foconci asked puzzled.

Calm down, feel it, and you'll know. The pastor said.

Yes! Foconci closed his eyes and felt it. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said.

Stop bleeding, light spell, detect poison.

Three? The priest asked in surprise. Generally speaking, level 0 priests only have two magic spells, and three, which are only possessed by very high quality.

Yes, three. Foconci replied.

Well, yes, you come with me. The pastor restrained his expression and said.

Square Avenue, in the center of the city, where the city lord, the main shrine, and the nobles’ residences, when they saw a carriage driving in, two soldiers had already surrounded them, with their hands on the hilts of their swords at their waists. with.

The captain asked inside the car: Show your identities.

The window opened, and the priest leaned out, revealing the holy emblem.

It turns out to be the pastor, please come in! The captain waved his hand, signaling the carriage to pass.

Most of the square streets are small villas, and even the styles are similar. After a while, they arrived in front of a villa.

This is a villa with three floors, with flower gardens and lawns inside, and the road leading to the door in the middle is paved with bluestone slabs.

The pastor got out of the carriage respectfully. At this time, a man dressed as a trainee pastor had already stepped forward to open the door.

I want to see His Excellency Bishop Kanrongpa.

Wait a moment. The trainee pastor said, and went back to report.

However, the city has only just been built, the church is not big, and the rules are not very strict. After a while, the trainee pastor came back: Please come in. Your Excellency is waiting for you in the study.

The pastor nodded and led Foconsi in.

The study is on the second floor of the villa. When we reached the door of the study, the pastor knocked on the door.

Come in.

The priest opened the door and went in, and Fauconcy followed into the study.

The study room is spacious, and half of the books are scattered on the bookshelves.

Opposite the desk, sat a middle-aged man wearing a bishop's gown. This middle-aged man was reading a document and said without raising his head, What's the matter?

My lord, when I was praying just now, I found a servant of the Lord.

Oh? Bishop Kanrongpa immediately raised his head and noticed Foconsi: What's going on, tell me about the situation.

Yes, my lord bishop! The pastor repeated what he had just said.

Bishop Kanrongpa listened attentively. After listening, he pondered for a while and said: You said you have three magic spells, you can use the light spell... yes, feel the magic spell in your mind, and use your mind Let it out.

God Fukanxi took a deep breath and concentrated his mind to trigger this divine technique. With just one finger, a book would emit light like a torch.

Very good light art, your name is Fu Kangxi, I remember you, you came to settle in our city last year, you didn't expect it to be so fast, you devoutly believed in the Lord, and got its approval... From now on, you are a reserve Pastor, may God be with you! Bishop Kanrongpa was very happy, and he rang the bell.

My lord bishop, what are your orders? The trainee (preparatory) pastor just now came up.

Give this a trainee pastor's robe. Bishop Kanrongpa ordered.

Yes, my lord bishop! The trainee pastor agreed, but couldn't help but look at Foconxi.

When the man left, Bishop Kanrongpa said, From now on, he will be your deacon. In the next six months, you have to teach him a lot.

Bishop Kanrongpa turned his head and said to Foconsi: You will follow him from now on. You have a lot to learn. It only takes half a year to learn how to be a qualified pastor. After half a year, if you become a first-class priest Pastor, I will send you to preside over a village.

By the way, I remember that you are opening a shop, so don't worry about it. The church will give you a monthly allowance of five gold coins. You need to spend more time studying.

Yes, my lord! agreed the vicar and Fauconcy.

At this time, a novice priest's robe has been delivered.

Foconci put it on on the spot.

That's right, you've all done a good job, let's go down! Bishop Kanrongpa waved his hand and signaled the two to go out.

The pastor saluted respectfully, led the boy out of the study, and closed the door gently.

After walking out the door, Foconxi finally couldn't bear it any longer, showing an expression of ecstasy.

To become a pastor is to open a glorious path.

Whether it's my father, the business association, or other people, I have to weigh it.

Although I can't go back, after all, gods also have geographical restrictions. If you leave your own area, it will be difficult to obtain divine spells.

This is a pity, otherwise I would have returned to my hometown in fine clothes.

Fokangxi was in joy, but also thought with regret. (!)

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