Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 72 God Statue (Part 2)

It's a mutated vampire bat! As soon as the group of bats flew out of the gap, they began to attack the team members.

Because of their distinctive appearances and attacking methods, they were called out by a player's name as soon as they appeared.

bloodsucking bat. As the name suggests, it is an animal that feeds on blood. They are a veritable blood-eating group and a unique blood-sucking species among mammals.

Ordinary vampire bats often live in some damp and dark places such as forests and plains. They are small in size, and the largest weight does not exceed 30 grams. The upper incisors are extra large, and the upper canines are knife-shaped, with unusually sharp knife edges. The molars are small and obviously useless. Vampire bats have long and strong thumbs and powerful hind limbs. They can run quickly on the ground and even jump short distances. Strong flying ability. Tailless, with nasal leaves. The eyes are larger than those of other bats, but are useless in dark caves. They have a keen sense of smell and hearing, and have echo detectors like other bats. They emit high-frequency sound waves that exceed the ability of human hearing. And like other bats, vampire bats have sharp hook-like claws that can cling tightly to cracks in rocks or rough edges.

While most bats are helpless on the ground, vampire bats have slender legs and forearms, which allow them to move effortlessly on the ground. Vampire bats are gregarious animals, living in groups on the top wall of caves in valleys, seeming to share the joy of mutual company, and live a striking group life. Vampire bats inhabit almost total darkness, and their hiding places give off a strong ammonia odor from stagnant digested blood. Lurking in caves during the day, they only start to move after dark, looking for food regularly every night. White-winged and hairy-legged vampires feed on the blood of birds, while vampires feed on the blood of mammals. They land on the ground near hosts such as cattle, horses, and deer, and then climb up their forelimbs to the shoulders or necks. Using their upper incisors and canines, they can cut a few millimeters thick skin and lick the blood that flows out with their tongues.

Occasionally, they also suck blood on the feet of domestic animals, which can jump quickly from time to time to avoid damage caused by the defensive actions of the host's feet. Due to the anticoagulant in the saliva of vampire bats, it can slow down the coagulation of blood and suck blood quite smoothly. Each bat sucks more than half its body weight in blood every night. Vampire bats drink so much blood that they hamper livestock growth in some areas and because they spread rabies and other diseases, they are a nuisance. Vampire bats also occasionally drink human blood.

These are the information that Romon read from the book. However, judging from the bats in front of them, which are obviously bigger than imagined, these vampire bats are afraid that if they are full, the victims will definitely die from lack of blood.

Mutations. Sure enough, it's really perverted and heresy enough. God knows, how long they have lived in this thorny forest, sucking the blood of monsters for a long time, the toxins they carry in their bodies must be even more terrifying. Being sucked by this mutated vampire bat, I'm afraid two lives are not enough to play with.

Romon swung a sword frantically, beheading the vampire bats that were circling in mid-air and attacking him, while secretly depressed. Now he finally knew why there were so many human bones. He probably died here because he was attacked by vampire bats. Although he still has a lot of healing spells that are useless, but he doesn't know what will happen next. He doesn't want to waste precious healing spells on entanglement with vampire bats.

Thinking of this, he swung the sword even more frantically. The number of vampire bats cut off by his sword gradually increased, and the corpses fell on the ground with a stench. They were trampled and trampled by the people who were fighting with their heads up, and many of them turned into pulp.

At this time, because of killing the vampire bat, Romon had already retreated to a place far away from Haiwawei and the others.

He was raising his head to drive away the nasty vampire bats, when suddenly, a killing intent hit him.

Romon reacted immediately. He turned his head quickly, but saw that not far away from him, Lan Cassie was also entangled with the vampire bat. His expression was very calm, as if the one who was watching Romon just now was not him. .

However, Romon still felt the killing intent from him that he could not withdraw in the future.

Seeing that the opponent deliberately turned his head away, Romon twitched the corners of his mouth, pretending not to notice, and continued to fight the vampire bat in the air.

Romon, are you okay? Although there were a lot of vampire bats, with the joint efforts of nine people, they were still quickly cleared up. Haiwawei was worried that Romon's combat power was weak and he would be injured by vampire bats, so he leaned over while fighting. However, when he came to Romon's side, the battle on Romon's side was over.

In the meantime, everyone has pretty much ended their entanglements with vampire bats. It has to be said that although the vampire bats are powerful, they will not take advantage of them at all under the premise that a few first-level or second-level fighters have long been vigilant. It can also be seen from this that the people who died here were either because their own strength was not strong enough, or because they had no vigilance against this place, or because of other reasons that caused them to lose their fighting power. So many people died under the attack of vampire bats.

At this moment, looking at the corpses of bats on the ground, let alone Zhu Mali, this time, even Lusha showed a disgusted expression on his face. It seems that snakes, vampire bats and other animals are always listed as disgusting objects by women.

Therefore, the remaining seven men can only give full play to their gentlemanly demeanor. In the next cleaning process, they are mainly responsible for cleaning up vampire bats, bones and other things. The two women arranged the task of continuing to search for clues.

However, the final result was that the secret passage was not found, and the other room was accidentally discovered during cleaning.

The person who found the room this time was Zhu Mali. Because she and Lusha hated those corpses, they were mainly responsible for continuing to search for clues in the cleaned place.

Because her body was torn to pieces by vampire bats, Zhu Mali was not in a good mood, and she was not very attentive when looking for clues. But after she kicked away a wooden cabinet blocking the wall, a low door opened. The door appeared in front of her like this.

When everyone rushed over, because of the lessons learned from the previous few times, Captain Haiwawei was the first to bear the brunt and kicked the door open first. After waiting for a while, nothing came out, and then walked in cautiously.

This is a prayer room. Romon knew the purpose of this room with just one glance. The reason is very simple. The furnishings here are almost the same as the prayer rooms he saw in the Temple of the Goddess of the Earth. Apart from a few soft cushions on the ground, there is also a table in this room with a small statue of the Goddess on the table. , in front of the statue, are various small objects used for prayer.

The first time he saw the little goddess statue, Romon had a feeling of deja vu. This is a very ordinary wooden statue with peeling paint. After years of devastation, the appearance of the statue itself can no longer be seen. It can only be vaguely seen from the general facial outline of the statue that it is smiling.

This kind of smile made Romon feel very familiar. Thinking about it again, isn't this kind of smile similar to the smile of the stone statue on the wall? Even their clothes are very similar, and the more Romon looks at them, the more he feels that they are the same goddess.

Moreover, maybe other people can't see it, but, as a second-level druid, Romon only took a look and found that although it seems that no one has cleaned it for a long time and it has been abandoned, but this little statue There is still a hint of aura on it. This kind of aura, either, is due to the powerful power contained in the statue itself, or it can only be produced because it is often enshrined by people and often senses people's prayers and admiration. Obviously, judging from the situation here, the second possibility will not exist.

Seeing that other people were searching the walls for mechanisms, but no one noticed the little goddess statue, Romon immediately walked towards the table. Then, he put his hand on the small statue, wanting to pick it up and look at it carefully.

As a result, at this moment, a very strange thing happened.

When Romon's fingers came into contact with it, Romon felt something inside his body, and it shook violently.

It's just a matter of an instant.

At this moment, he seemed to be isolated from the world. All the people and voices around seemed to have nothing to do with him.

His body is still standing here, but his soul seems to have flown to another dimension. On the surface, he didn't seem to have changed at all, but inside his body, it seemed like a big storm had blown up on the ground.

At this moment, a voice suddenly entered his ears, and with the sound of this voice, everything around him returned to normal.

Romon, what's the matter? The person who made the voice was Haiwawei. Seeing that Romon was standing still in front of the table, he was a little worried, so he stepped forward and asked.

Romon suddenly broke away from this strange feeling. Seeing that it was Haiwawei, he smiled and said, It's okay, I was just thinking about something.

It's not safe here, be careful. Haiwawei nodded, then patted him on the shoulder and walked to the side.

At this time, Romon took his hand away from the statue, and then looked around pretending not to care. Fortunately, no one noticed his abnormality. Staring at the little goddess statue again, Romon's heart once again had a big wave.

Unfortunately, the current situation does not allow me to investigate, let's talk about it later. Romon sighed in his heart.

Then, he quickly put the little goddess statue into his arms.

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