Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 653: Route (Part 1)

The vast ocean. The blue waves splash and the boat rocks.

Kasirer, are you okay? I told you a long time ago that you will get seasick by boat, but you still insist on following me, hum, when your father finds out that you sneak out again, he will definitely scold you to death. Captain Sadan stood On the deck, he was talking about teaching someone a lesson.

In his opinion, the guy in front of him is definitely a self-made type. It would be great to live a leisurely life at home. If he has to run out to see the world, that's good. He hasn't seen the world yet, so let's talk about it first.

Oh... oh... In front of him, a young man was lying on the railing of the ship, vomiting heavily with a pale face. In fact, he had already reached the point where he had nothing to vomit, but that disgusting feeling There was no relief at all, he could only continue to retch.

Hee hee, little guy. When we were young, didn't we yearn for the wonderful world outside? At this time, the first officer passed by on the deck and said with a smile.

Yes, you are right. When I was young, I also yearned to leave my hometown and go to the outside world to take a good look and take a look around. I thought the outside world must be infinitely wonderful, but when I went outside , After drifting for several years, I realized that the fact is not the case at all. The outside world is wonderful enough, but this wonderfulness has nothing to do with us! People are happiest when they are at home, that’s how it is Only the little guy yearns for the outside world. Upon hearing this, the captain Sadang also sighed.

Uncle, since you don't like the outside world, why do you always run outside? Isn't it good to come back? Didn't you say that home is the best? The young man managed to stop vomiting, and straightened his body while leaning on the railing of the boat. .

Because he was not very happy to be taught by a group of people, he turned his head and refuted to his uncle.

Kasirer, the Captain's house has been built outside, he won't go out. He can't see his wife and son! Several older sailors came out from the inside, seeing the young man getting angry, they were full of anger. Said with a funny look.

The first mate who spoke sighed softly: In our line of work, we need to travel all over the world. Now, it's not because of interest, but to support our family. Just like your uncle, he and your father It was raised on the same land, but his new home was built in a distant country, and now even if he wants to go home, it is difficult to go back. After all, for many reasons, his roots in his new home are already very deep. It’s getting deeper, even if you want to come back now, it’s impossible.”

Yeah, I miss you, I can only come back every time I sail to see you, my home. I have already settled in another place, and I want to come back, but I can't come back. Speaking of sad In this place, the captain Sadang couldn't help but sigh.

Actually, Uncle is doing very well now,

I heard that my uncle found two aunts and three younger brothers and sisters for me. There is also a big house at home, and the house at home is also two stories high... These are all after my uncle joined the business association. earned it? The young Cassirer said enviously at first, and then asked curiously.

Hehe, why... Could it be that you, a little guy, are starting to want to marry a wife, right? Captain Sa Dang came over, patted his head, and joked.

There was no direct answer to the question raised by the young man just now. The business association has rules of the business association. Workers like them don't easily discuss matters in the business association.

That's not it, I'm not young anymore. Cassirer stomped his feet unhappily, and then quickly added: I didn't even start thinking about marrying a wife! That's your adults' business, I don't want it!

Yo, our little one is shy!

Haha, the little guy is blushing!

Cassirer was laughed by everyone. I couldn't help but opened my mouth to retort: ​​It's not... wow!

Just as he was talking, a big wave suddenly hit, and the ship shook violently a few times, and the nauseating feeling came back immediately, Cassirer had to lie on the rail of the ship again, and continued to retch.

Come on, drink it. Seeing the boy vomit repeatedly in such pain, the captain Sadan shook his head and went back to the cabin. When he came out again, there was an extra small porcelain bottle in his hand, and he patted Cassie Earl's shoulder and handed it over.

This, what is this? Cassirer turned his head in pain, looked at the bottle in his uncle's hand, and asked weakly.

It's anti-nausea. Drinking it will make you feel better. Captain Sadang said helplessly.

Why didn't you take it out earlier? Uncle? Hearing this, the little guy couldn't wait to take the bottle, unplugged it, and poured it all into his mouth. After drinking, he looked at his uncle with some depression.

Don't you want to let you exercise? Its effects won't last long, and it's expensive. If you rely on it, you can't be a real sailor. Captain Sadan explained.

Huh? It's really much better. Is this potion so effective? After drinking the potion, the extremely disgusting feeling in his chest disappeared completely. Cassirer moved his limbs and felt his limbs I feel comfortable, my head doesn't hurt anymore, my eyes don't feel blurred, and I don't want to vomit anymore, and my mental state is better than that on land!

See Cassirer looking happy. Captain Sa Dang said with a smile: I don't even look at who made it. The giant eagle druid I told you about two days ago, don't you admire him very much? He is the one who made this potion!

Really? Cassirer firmly grasped the bottle in his hand: Then uncle, leave this bottle to me!

Look at your prowess. The captain Sadan laughed at him: What a kid! To tell you the truth, this time, our cargo ship is going to a country, and that country is the hometown of the giant eagle druid. Now, you The big man we admire is on our ship!

Really? He, he's on our ship? Cassirer was stunned by the news.

He originally sold fruit at home with his father. He was the youngest of three brothers in his family. He watched his father and brothers work and live since he was a child. He was very confused about his future.

A few days ago, my uncle who had gone out to beg for a living since he was a child suddenly found them. Today's uncle is actually the captain of an overseas cargo ship of a business association!

Uncle's experience, and the stories he told him, made a window suddenly open before his eyes!

He felt that his future could be extraordinary, and the boy's heart flew out all of a sudden, and he didn't want to stay in his hometown anymore.

After spending a long time at home, my uncle agreed to take him out.

Among the stories that inspired him, he was most interested in the story of the giant eagle druid. An ordinary boy, relying on his own hard work and extraordinary talent, made a leap from a small boy to a great leap within a few years. Became the young High Druid and the most legendary Viscount!

Such a person, now someone tells him that he is staying on this ship like him, how can he not be very excited!

Yes, he is on our boat. However, since he got on the boat, he has entered the cabin by himself. Even I only saw him once. You should stop thinking about it. Now that you don't get seasick, Let someone teach you how to read a few words, I will replace the deputy captain to operate the ship in a while, don’t run around, you know?” Seeing his excited face, the captain Sadang had to warn him solemnly.

Oh, okay, uncle. Seeing his uncle's serious expression, Cassirer had no choice but to agree regretfully.

However, in his heart, he kept fantasizing about the appearance of that druid. For some reason, the appearance of the young druid who had met him before gradually flashed in his mind.

What am I thinking? Uncle said that the Giant Eagle Druid is a big man. People like us can't climb high. How could such a noble man take my car? Shaking his head, Cassirer entered into the captain's workshop.

And when they were talking about the giant eagle druid, the character they were talking about was lying flat on the bed with his eyes slightly closed, and his consciousness entered the space of Shennongjiao.

In the space of Shennongjiao, a large fireball is hanging in the air, emitting huge heat and light energy. The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, grass and trees, and the smell of water.

At this time, the Shennongjiao space was roughly divided into two large blocks. land and rivers.

Leaving aside the land, let’s talk about the river first. Since the Shennongjiao space experienced the last upgrade, the width of the river has also expanded with the increase of the space area. At this time, the river has formed a majestic momentum.

Standing on the shore to watch, you can see a different kind of scenery in the sound of the golden waves shaking and the wind and waves.

The opposite of the river is the land.

The land is not without water, and the springs are widely distributed. With them, the growth of plants is more luxuriant.

Romon's consciousness wandered around on the land, and found that the trees he had transplanted before had grown new leaves, and they were all lush now.

Not seen for a month, the space has returned to lush.

Master! Several dryads were playing, and when they suddenly saw him appear, they all surrounded him.

Where's Luo Li? Romon asked.

Lord Luo Li is training other seniors, do you want me to inform you? A dryad blinked and said, they are all young dryads.

There are already more than a dozen dryads in the space, and the number is still expanding.

Training? Romon looked at them. Then you will inform me later that I request a variety of wheat, and I will leave it to you to maintain the wheat field later.

Okay, master, we will talk. The dryads said again and again.

Only then did Romon move his body, teleported and inspected for a while, seeing that everything in the space was normal, and then withdrew his consciousness.

This is a VIP cabin, but even a VIP cabin is very small.

During these days, Romon is actually still experiencing and digesting the wealth he gained last time.

However, after a week of sailing, it was a bit boring, so Romon decided to go to the deck to get some air, and as soon as he thought about it, Romon got up and pushed open the door. (!)

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