Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 651 Miracles (Part 1)

Misty Plane. February. Salant Barony

The sun just came out. The bell rang.

The ringing of the bell was continuous and could be heard within ten miles.

It's time to pray! A horse neighed loudly.

Following the sound, people in the nearby wooden houses all got up one after another, as if they were already prepared, and lined up in the temple.

It can be seen that around the town, about 500 meters away, there is no fog. Beyond 500 meters, the fog is like a wall, covering everything.

The main hall of the stone temple was originally dark, but at this time, there was a holy light on the statue and the altar. Although it was faint, it warmed the hearts of everyone standing here.

Kanrongpa, Lexiu, and Fabit are the leaders, followed by five pastors, and then behind. It is the lord of this place, Baron Sarante—Haboba.

After that, there are ordinary believers.

My lord, Romon, is the god of nature and the god of punishment. God maintains nature and the world, and punishes everything that destroys nature. Wind, fire, earth, and water are all within the power of gods.

The believers praised and prayed. After several months, their faith has basically stabilized.

The brilliance of the temple, the magnificence of the palace, and the terrifying dragon all show the power of the gods. Therefore, the belief still has a certain degree of piety.

Along with the prayer, a trace of white spiritual power invisible to the naked eye gathered into a very thin band of light, which was transmitted to a certain space through a certain way.

In the corner of Shennong, the golden light sprinkles everything.

In the 50,000-acre space, the forest is emitting green leaves. The World Tree is 30 meters high, shrouded in a beautiful halo, and a small branch, white light is on the branch. Converging into a spark, the branches absorbed power without hesitation. Almost at the same time, the elemental power of wind, fire, earth, and water was also drawn and condensed here.

Then it transformed into a pale golden light, which is the foundation of divine arts, the holy power, and they went back along certain paths and in a certain direction.

After the prayers were over, ordinary believers withdrew, while priests, lords, and powerful warriors stayed here.

Lord Baron Salant, it's February, spring has come, we are planting autumn wheat,

Some free time before harvest in June. Please direct our actions. Johnson said, as a confidant of the lord, as a fourth-level fighter, he is now the captain of the armed forces of the entire territory.

Lord Baron Sarante, although we have a magnificent town, the population is too small. There is only 500 meters of light-free distance in the dense fog outside. We need to expand our space. Another person said.

Bishop Kanrongpa, what's your opinion? Haboba asked about the temple. Since Kanrongpa is the first priest, he deserves to be the bishop of this place.

You are right, it is the society that spreads the glory of our Lord. Bishop Kanrongpa said with a serious expression.

For the priests of the gods, it is their responsibility to expand the believers, and since this time, the church has already had eight priests, which far exceeds the current needs of 200 people, and it is necessary and possible to expand the believers.

After a pause, he continued, At the beginning of the war, I will lead the priest with the army to heal the believers of my god.

that's enough.

Huboba suddenly laughed and said, Johnson, tell me about the recent situation.

Yes, the most powerful force near us. Undoubtedly, it is the Earl of Bootley, who owns the city and has a long history. However, something seems to have changed recently. The original Earl of Bootley and his eldest son died, and the second son inherited the earl. The position, but the strength is greatly damaged, no matter how specific it is, it is not clear.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, we can attack the three surrounding villages without causing interference.

Tell me about the situation in the three villages.

Yes, Lord Baron, the weakest is Xiaoshi Village, with a population of about 100, followed by Vigan Village, with a population of about 150, and finally Simon Village, which is almost developing into a town, and has the largest population, with 500 people. Good to attack.

Speaking of which. Johnson hesitated.

Why, what else can I say? Haboba immediately observed and frowned.

My lord, in Simon Town, I heard the name of my lord Romon.

Oh, could it be that this town is also our brother (religious member)? Haboba said with some surprise.

No, it doesn't seem to be. What they said seems to be a Druid, or a person who calls himself a Druid. Johnson said: And. I heard a legend about exchanging food for trees.

Johnson, tell me all about your investigation! Bishop Kan Rongpa said seriously.

Yes, my lord bishop! Johnson explained everything about Romon in that village, and pointed out the inexhaustible food.

This must be the coming of our Lord himself to clear the way for us and show miracles! Bishop Kanrongpa immediately shouted: My Lord Baron, if this is the case, we only need to send two priests to the town, and we will be fine. Using miracles to spread faith, in this way, is of great benefit to us in spreading glory and expanding our territory.

However, it is said that there was originally a belief in the town...

This depends on the spread of faith first, and then on your sword. By the way, in the process of preaching, you can attack the other two villages first. Bishop Kan Rongpa said.

Well, yes, we can send priests at the same time to preach in Simon Town, grasp the internal response, and annex the other two villages at this time. Haboba immediately made up his mind.

Xiaoshi Village and Vigan Village, with a combined population of 250, are also easy to attack and digest. After attacking and digesting, it will not be too late to deal with Simon Town.

When will the troops be dispatched? Bishop Kanrongpa asked.

it is tomorrow!

Okay, Phoebe, you take two priests and five soldiers and go to Simon Town to preach. Try to master a batch of internal responses within half a year.

Yes, my lord bishop, in order to spread the glory of God, I will definitely do my best! Phoebe replied loudly.

In the early morning of the next day, Bishop Kanrongpa followed and dispatched troops.

Since the town is protected by a giant dragon, Haboba doesn't worry about the safety of his territory at all. For this mobilization, a team of 100 people has been mobilized, which is the entire force of the town.

The fog is so thick! At this time, the sun came out, and the fog had not dissipated, but it didn't matter if you had the experience of marching in the fog.

After galloping all morning, rested at noon, in the afternoon, after turning a hill, we approached the new territory.

My lord, look, this is Xiaoshi Village! Looking down from the hill, with the still sunlight, the eyes suddenly became flat.

The low hills undulate gently, the flat land below is lush and lush, the farmland is patchwork, the stream is flowing, and the wooden fence forms the wall.

From the hills, looking down, the village is indeed not big.

My lord, how do we fight? Johnson asked. In fact, most of his side were noble children from the original territory. Therefore, they all had ancestral martial arts and knowledge, and it was no problem to deal with Xiaocun.

I'll use the fireball technique to blast open the gate, and then attack it in one fell swoop. Haboba said simply.

This method is simple and effective.

Obey! Johnson responded immediately.

By the way, my lord bishop, the casualties that occurred during the suppression, as well as appeasement...

Lord Baron, we will leave this to us. Bishop Kanrongpa said.

Then, charge! Haboba got on his horse, and then charged straight down from the hill, and then, hundreds of people also charged down at the same time.

Along the way, Haboba had been silently preparing, and when he was 100 meters away from the wooden fence, he pointed sharply.

Boom! A fireball landed on the gate, and immediately, the wooden gate exploded into the sky.

Almost at the same time, the sound of sirens in the village also came out.

Kill it! Next, it's Johnson's business.

A militiaman who was trying to intercept, the long sword has already cut down without hesitation!

Pfft! Blood spattered.

Bang! Another militiaman was directly facing the collision of the horse. When the horse with an instantaneous speed of up to 30 meters per second hit his body, his ribs made a crisp sound, and he flew like a straw. go out.

Those who kneel on the ground will not be killed! Johnson roared, and the horse neighed.

At this time, perhaps a blacksmith in the village, a giant man roared and came out of a house, holding an iron vertebra.

Johnson rode his horse forward without hesitation, with a sound of boom!, the long sword collided with the iron pillar, the man couldn't stand up, rolled on the ground, swung the sword again, saw the fearful eyes of the other party, and then His face split in half, and brains and blood flew into the air.

Whoever dares to stand up will be shot and killed! Johnson shouted, facing a standing man, with another sword, blood spattered, and the head flew out.

Behind, the cavalry swarmed up and galloped quickly through the village.

The suppression was short and bloody, only ten minutes, and the whole village was quiet, except for a dozen corpses in disorder and villagers kneeling and trembling on the ground, only the voices of the cavalry were heard.

Did it go well? By the way, are there any casualties? Haboba was very satisfied with the result of the battle.

Except for one soldier being stabbed by a harpoon, there were no other casualties. Johnson reported that he was also very satisfied with the battle.

Very well, next step is to move all the food and wealth, as well as cattle, sheep, animals, etc., back to our town, and those who disobey will be killed!

Yes, my lord, what about the village?

Burn it to avoid disaster. After burning, even if they want to go back, they can't go back. If they are single or a few, they will die in the mist!

Yes, my lord! Johnson responded immediately, and the next moment, there were cries everywhere, and the village became lively.

Several more people were beheaded, and the villagers who were unwilling to leave their homes finally moved their belongings up there with crying, and then, thick smoke billowed in!

However, by the time the relocation was complete, thick fog had shrouded the area.

Light Spell! The four priests cast this magic spell, and four balls of light floated above the team. This phenomenon immediately made the villagers who were still a little bit agitated completely quiet.

Let's go, we must reach our village before night!

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