Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 648 Amnesty (Part 2)

Really? That's really a good thing. I went to their house last time.··

Yes, his son is not too young. He is about to get married. I heard that he already has a girl he likes. If his father doesn't come back quickly within two years, I'm afraid that his son will get married. He couldn’t even see it with his own eyes.”

Hehe, the amnesty is really timely. If he can go back now, he will be able to catch up with his son's wedding, and he will have less regrets. I said, two people, since there is such a good thing, then let's go back this time and tell him as soon as possible. His family, right? Let them prepare well, they haven't been home for so long, why don't they celebrate when he returns? Among the three, one suggested.

You're right. Although we don't know where he is now, once the news comes out, he will definitely go home. The family can finally be reunited. It's not easy! One person was also full of joy.

It can be seen that the person they are talking about has a good relationship with all three of them.

However, the person sitting opposite them immediately raised objections, and the reasons were quite good.

However, is this true? You didn't say it just now. These are just hearsay, and no specific news has been announced. If it is just a guess, or even if it was implemented before, it will not be implemented this time. What? It’s just an empty rejoicing, isn’t it even more uncomfortable? 7 Anyway, six years have passed, and we don’t have to worry about whether it will be a few days earlier or later. Why don’t we inquire more, get accurate information, and then send Bring the news back to them?

Well, what you said makes sense! Hearing this, the two people who were very excited just now calmed down immediately. It's also been six years, and I don't care if it's a day or two. To be on the safe side, I can only wait until I have definite news. Otherwise, I have done a bad thing with good intentions.

That's the only way to go, come on, let's not talk about this, drink...

Okay, let's drink, let's say, this wine is quite famous in the neighborhood! The people at the table changed the subject.

Romon, who was sitting by the window, was so dazed by the sudden news that the wine glass he had raised unconsciously stopped in mid-air, with a contemplative expression on his face.

Amnesty for the United Church of the Great Kingdoms? Romon's hand holding the cup stopped in mid-air, and after a long time, he started to move again, and drank the nine in the cup.

After that, he exhaled lightly, as if expelling all the air in his chest muscles.

So, I can go home now? He muttered to himself, and suddenly his wife Alini, Bell, and the child's face appeared.

He didn't even hear what the three said later. For him, a sudden hope had already filled his heart.

At this time, there was another burst of cheers outside, and the sound was louder than louder.

Romon took another breath, feeling that there was something heavy in his chest, which made him a little out of breath.

In order to relieve this stuffy feeling, he poked his head to look outside again, and saw another team of jugglers passed by on the street below. The jugglers were very skilled.

As for the onlookers, they all watched with fear, and their cheerful appearance was just like celebrating the new year.

At this time, Romon seemed to have grass growing in his heart, and he didn't want to look at it after a few glances.

Now, his whole mind is on that news.

go home!

At this moment, countless scenes flashed through my mind.

Calm down! He closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then calmed down the eagerness.

At any rate, Romon finished the meal, paid the money, and was about to go downstairs in a hurry.

It was a coincidence that as soon as he went downstairs, several people happened to be walking up from the bottom of the stairs, and they faced each other twice, and someone immediately shouted.

It's you? It turned out to be several ladies who came up. There were tall servants protecting them in front of and behind them. The woman walking in the front was very beautiful. Her figure is absolutely considered to be superior, and her slightly older age has added a bit of mature charm to her.

And her pair of beautiful eyes, at this moment, are staring at Romon shyly and angrily.

Isn't it? Romon really couldn't bear it this time, he couldn't help touching his nose, and thought to himself: Isn't this a coincidence?

It turned out that the group of people he met at this time was none other than the group of people he met just now, and the beautiful woman who was staring at him had just been grabbed by him not long ago.

It's really... the road to the enemy is narrow!

If the enmity is due to other reasons, Romon is really not afraid, but this reason is a bit...

Ma'am, do you know me? So, Romon decided to act stupid, on the surface, with a calm face.

Why, you forgot what happened just now? Huh, you forgot, but I haven't! Seeing him pretending to be stupid, the beautiful woman gave him a sideways glance and couldn't help but hum. Did you admit it wrong? If I have seen a beautiful woman like you, how could I not remember it? Romon twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to evade it.

...Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore, and I won't pursue what happened just now, but you have to express it anyway? This woman didn't delve into what happened just now. She touched her Hair, looked at Romon, and made such a suggestion.

Show? Romon wanted to smile more and more.

By the way, you haven't said your name yet! the woman said with a smile.

I'm Romon, a Druid! Romon said helplessly, his eyes fell on the woman's face, this woman was indeed beautiful, but Romon was still not used to it.

At this time, at the stairs, several Ms came down from the top, seeing the situation, they all cast ambiguous eyes on Romon.

Romon? Suddenly, the lady's complexion changed, and she became dignified all of a sudden. She looked at Romon up and down. Romon was looked a little depressed, and it was true that she had gone too far just now. , Just about to say something, the woman brought a gust of wind and walked towards him.

Viscount Romontateshaw? The woman looked around, noticed Romon's druid robe, and asked.

Romon was startled, but this expression immediately gave the woman an answer.

Distinguished guest of the Pilgrimage Chamber of Commerce, we can go up and have a talk. When he was beside him, he blew a blue breath, accompanied by a sentence that was almost inaudible.

Pilgrimage Chamber of Commerce? When Luo Meng turned around and looked up, he saw the woman who had passed him to the third floor and looked back at him with a smile.

This woman is actually a member of the Pilgrimage Chamber of Commerce!

And she knows herself!

As soon as this cognition surfaced, Romon's expression froze.

The reason why he suddenly turned back to molesting the other party just now was because he always thought that the other party was a boring lady who made fun of him. Looking at it now, the other party's molesting just now was just a joke, and he was really trying to catch him. up.

Clenched with his right hand, the soft feeling seemed to be flowing through his fingertips. Romon coughed dryly, straightened his expression, and followed.

You all wait outside! Going all the way to the innermost, there was an exquisite small room in the innermost part of the third floor. The woman actually pushed the door and went straight in, and said to the left and right people.

Afterwards, Romon walked in, and the woman closed the door with a smile, and said very gently: Please sit down, this restaurant is actually owned by the Pilgrimage Chamber of Commerce. Your Excellency, Romon, I never expected to see you here today!

Oh, why is it so strange? Romon smiled and sat opposite to the female h.

The complicated thing stared at Romon for a while, and the woman suddenly said with a smile: You may not know, since last December, after you disappeared, there are three forces looking for you!


One is the Queen of Shawego Kingdom, she seems to care about you!

Hmph, I see. Speaking of this, Luo Meng narrowed his eyes, revealing a gleam of coldness.

This queen was so daring, she framed and used him, and was still looking for traces of him after the accident.

However, don't worry. There was a tsunami in October that killed and injured 30,000 people. The Queen was in a state of distress. I also heard that the Shaweigo Kingdom and the Ice and Snow Church were condemned by the Radiance Church, which caused international controversy. A series of changes and impacts.

Romon smiled wryly and said, What else?

Also, the Church of the God of Protection also secretly contacted us, looking for traces of you in secret. I never imagined that you have such a close relationship with the Church of the God of Protection. The woman said admiringly. ... This Romon also felt strange, he thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, and asked again: What else?

Also, it's your wife. She seems very disturbed after losing contact with her for half a year! the woman said.

As soon as these words came out, Romon felt a little sad.

Also, Her Excellency Memimi, the sixth-level bishop of the Goddess of Commerce, the successor of the Faith Kingdom's branch, seems to have added a share to the bonus you are looking for in the name of a private person! She stroked her chest and looked at Romon with a smile. She seemed to be very gossip about this relationship.


Romon smiled wryly. In fact, he and her had just gone through an adventure and cooperated several times, but he never thought that the person looking for him would be her!

It was a coincidence and luck that I met you this time. The tripartite joint search order has allowed members of chambers of commerce and trade unions from all over the country to find your whereabouts. It has been half a year, and your whereabouts have always been a mystery. Who could have imagined that in Today, let me meet you?

The reward is 8,000 gold coins. Sorry, I got it. Speaking of this, the woman smiled again, with a bit of charm: By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Kaxiona , is the inspector of the Pilgrimage Chamber of Commerce,... I guess you haven't heard of it!

So I'm calling you, I've already ordered you to immediately hang up the magic message transmission report, I believe that after an hour, my bonus will be realized, and, with this time, I can also get a lot of meritorious service within the chamber of commerce, promote The position is not far away, you are really my lucky star, it is not wronged to be touched by you once! Madam said with a chuckle.

This allows. Romon smiled wryly for the third time.

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