Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 642 Obliteration (Part 2)

While Romon was looking at the surrounding situation. The surroundings are still constantly changing, the space seems to be twisting, and even the boulders on the ground are trembling.

Romon couldn't really go out. The entrance to the outside had been sealed. He tried, but he couldn't open it at all, and he didn't find any mechanism to enter or exit in other places.

At this moment, he either had to find out the source of the mutation, or he had to resign himself to fate.

Even Romon, who has a quiet mind, couldn't help but feel a little depressed about this change.

When the change was large enough to be sensed directly, Romon finally understood that this kind of vibration represented something special!

Some kind of ban was opened.

A powerful force that seems to be able to bring infinite pressure to people. start to condense...

People are afraid of the unknown, and this is what Romon is like now. He was not afraid at first, but when such things make it difficult for him to see clearly, the fear in human hearts will sprout.

Such a powerful destructive power? The power of evil and darkness, what's going on? It's somewhat similar to the divine vampire just now? Or is it a source? Romon thought hard, but the memory he absorbed just now was messed up. Like hemp, there is no valuable information to be found at all.

Hahahaha! A burst of crazy laughter suddenly came from the front when Romon was frightened and angry.

Who are you? At this moment, Romon saw a man, a man covered in blood, stumbled out from the corner.

This person's body, face, and hands were covered with blood, but he was still laughing crazily.

This kind of resentful gaze stared at Romon in a daze. With the hatred in his eyes, even Romon couldn't help frowning.

Haha! It's over, it's over, the man said with a miserable smile, You are no exception. Everyone in the underground passage will die!


Don't think that you can avoid death because you are a believer in Yenika. Hehe, this underground passage has its origin. Anyone who enters will die! He was seriously injured, I'm afraid, even if he didn't die at this time, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

If Romon realizes something,

Could this man be the eldest son of the earl's eldest son?

At this time, the eldest son of the earl, although he was seriously injured, the expression on his face was extremely crazy.

This kind of madness wants to destroy everything he sees!

It's you? What did you do? At this moment, Romon could feel the changes around him more and more. At this moment, he could already clearly feel that the entire underground passage was shaking violently in the air. A destructive force is about to move.

Haha! You will know soon! Go to hell, you don't want to get what I can't get! Go to hell with me! Haha! The terrible smile, the expression of the eldest son of the earl, was distorted at this time To a certain extent, resentment, ferocity and a kind of excitement are all displayed on his face at the same time at this moment!

Just as he was laughing, a strange look suddenly flashed across Romon's frightened and angry face.

After a while, seeing the earl's eldest son still laughing wildly, Romon stood there, observing the surrounding situation, and said coldly: You activated the destruction system, didn't you?

Haha! That's right! I activated the destruction system. Here, there are countless treasures and the source of power. If you want it, it's it, right?

Unfortunately, you can't get them! No one can get them! They're mine! They're mine! You bastards! I want you to be buried with me! What I can't get! You can't get them either !” the Earl’s eldest son yelled.

However, Romon, who stood in front of him, had a compassionate expression on his face. After being reminded by this person, Romon finally obtained relevant information from his memory.

What kind of eyes are you looking at? Are you not afraid of death? Let me tell you! The entrances and exits of the underground passages have been sealed. Neither you nor I can get out! No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape! It seems to be stimulated by Romon's expression. The earl's eldest son said loudly.

My lord, didn't you notice it? The restriction you opened was stopped just now. Romon said lightly.

At first, when he knew that the Earl's eldest son had activated such a mechanism of destruction, he was indeed a little shocked, but when the Earl's eldest son was speaking, Romon was keenly aware of another change. That kind of power is transmitted from above, with a stronger and more domineering nature than this kind of destructive power.

The organ that was opened by the eldest son of the earl at first, enough to destroy the entire underground passage, just like that, suddenly failed.

It's not like being stopped by someone on purpose, but it seems that the power that can support this kind of destruction spell is suddenly taken away by someone.

Losing the driving force, the changes naturally began to slow down until they completely calmed down.

No! Impossible! At this time, the eldest son of the earl was spurting blood. He stared at Romon in disbelief, and frantically touched the left and right. When he found that the things in front of him were no longer shaking, he His eyes widened to the maximum, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth. The body fell back straight and straight, and at the same time as it hit the ground, there was a bang.

Romon didn't even bother to pay attention to him. After obtaining this memory, he ran forward desperately.

After a while, we arrived at the lobby.

Immediately, he was attracted by the altar in the middle of the temple.

When he first saw the altar, he already felt that it was very strange. It was obviously an altar, but he couldn't detect any power fluctuations.

Now, his brain is filled with a stream of extremely profound knowledge.

Even things about here that he didn't know before. At this time, he also understood.

...This world is generous. Almost every area has a mysterious altar. As long as you sacrifice enough, you can gain knowledge and power.

The altar is the essence of each area. Through this, many people can obtain unimaginable power, even enough to condense the power of divinity, and gods are born from this.

...Altars can be used as mysterious doors to connect territories. Only the gods cannot leave. Unless they conquer other regions, they cannot leave the territory.

This knowledge flashed through his brain, and his experience in the main world made Romon laugh.

This is a god? It's better to say it's a prisoner. Besides, according to the definition of the main world, these are false gods, right?

However, the god Yenika above cannot be allowed to continue to gain power now.

According to memory, one-third of the divinity has been digested by my space. Yenijia has only obtained one-third of the divinity that he had previously reserved, but he has not regained the status of false god here—— It must come down again to obtain this altar!

Hey, divine vampire, you can't leave, you can't destroy this altar, but I have no problem.

As long as all the power of the altar is ignited, I can return to the main world. Although the price is the explosion of this altar, and this area loses the patron saint, and it is impossible to have it again in hundreds of years, but this has nothing to do with me. what relationship?

Romon understands now, the old man above. It was the god Yenijia three hundred years ago. He suffered a great loss of divine power after a battle of gods.

The vampire mage took the opportunity to seize the altar and made his descendants count.

Yenijia had no choice but to lie in wait for the opportunity.

This time, Romon was used.

Of course, this is also an opportunity. Romon now knows that if he wants to leave this exiled world, he must have the power of a god. Now, to return to the main world, he only needs to use this altar to use the sealed divine power to open that Portal.

Only through this portal can he return to the previous continent.

And Yenijia has gained strength, at this time, there is no time to delay, and he must act immediately!

Romon's gaze stayed on the altar for a moment, then he took a step and walked over.

According to memory, Romon quickly recited the hymn-like prayer.

This prayer is very long, but it doesn't consume much energy. There are six paragraphs in total.

After reading a paragraph, a horn on the altar suddenly ignited a pale golden flame, and the moment the flame lit up, there was a loud roar from above.

Luo Meng didn't hesitate. According to his memory, the underground palace is now closed. Even Yenijia would need a long time to think about it.

Remembering that this was originally closed by Yenika, Romon sneered slightly. Is this considered to be a bondage?

Continue to read, and then, one after another pale golden flames ignited.

When all five flames were ignited at the same time, Romon began to spit out the coordinates of the main world according to his memory, and the altar began to flash brilliantly, and the frequency became faster and faster.

At this moment, the altar was filled with a pool of blood, and the surface of the blood was obviously sinking.

This is consuming the power of the altar.

At this time, there was another roar from above, and the whole palace shook.

It takes a moment to find the main world and establish a stable portal, but the energy of this altar is enough to last for half an hour, which is enough time. Romon thought.

By the way, according to my memory, there are many good things stored in the hall here. These are not gold or the like, but good things that vampires have collected for hundreds of years. Romon suddenly thought of this.

Now, there is still time. Although Romon digested one-third of his divinity this time, not only did he not gain much, but he lost a lot.

The space has been repaired, perhaps stronger than before, but the energy used to upgrade has been exhausted.

Although most forests are not dead, it takes a lot of time to re-germinate, spit out leaves, and grow. Perhaps, this year will be wasted.

Whenever he thought of this, Romon felt very depressed, although it was only then that Romon realized that it was easy to get here, but difficult to go back—this happened to be an opportunity.

But I am still depressed. Since I am depressed, I have to vent it in other ways.

As a result, in the gorgeous hall, one piece of movable objects disappeared continuously, even the black jade throne in the center of the hall disappeared out of thin air.

Let's use these to make up for it! Romon thought so, and did the same. (!)

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