Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 61 Awakening (Part 1)

In spring, everything revives, the sun shines, the whole thorn forest is under the sun, here is a dense bush. It was quiet around the bush.

Because there was just a light rain, the ground was a bit damp, and the air was filled with a smell of mud and rotting plants. Several small insects flapped their wings and flew around among the vegetation. Suddenly, a small insect stopped on a plant curiously.

But the plant suddenly moved, and the little insect flew up in fright, and fled to the distance. It turned out that there were actually two people hiding in the bushes. Not only here, but not far from this bush, there are people hiding in almost every place that can hide their bodies.

Romon, I can't get on my stomach anymore. Let's just lie on our stomachs. How long will it take? In the bushes, Farfell leaned against a clump of grass and whispered bitterly.

Beside him, Romon was buried in the long grass at half a person's height, lying on his stomach quietly. Seeing him whining, he couldn't help but glared.

Pharfell was complaining because he was active by nature, ambushed here, and got bored. It wasn't because he couldn't hold it physically. When he saw Romon staring at him, he shrugged and continued. Lie down to exercise.

But at this moment, a foul smell suddenly came, and while the two of them held their breath, a group of violent rhinoceros suddenly strolled over from a distance, and then, when everyone was carefully concealing their bodies, those violent animals did not They were not found.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that they had left that Romon exhaled lightly. At the same time, Farfer beside him also showed a happy expression.

Okay, they've passed, everyone can come out. A man jumped out of a tree not far from their hiding place. He had a big beard, a burly figure, and a smiling face.

It was Haiwawei, the captain of the team, who called everyone to come out while putting away his bow and arrows.

Captain, how do you know these guys will show up at this time? Romon asked curiously when he saw him approaching.

It turned out that at this time, the members of this team had been marching deep into the forest for almost a month, and the road in the forest became more and more difficult day by day, and the dangers became more and more. However, relying on Captain Haiwawei's rich experience, many times, they were able to save themselves from danger. For example, this time, they were walking, and the captain suddenly asked them to hide their bodies on the spot. At first they were surprised by the captain's approach, but when the group of violent rhinoceros passed by, they had to sigh, How competent Haiwawei is as a captain.

Especially made Romon feel ashamed, he is a Druid, and he hasn't found out yet!

Violent rhinoceros, this kind of animal is very similar to the rhinoceros on the earth, with rough skin and thick flesh, infinite strength, it is difficult for ordinary weapons to cause fatal damage, and this kind of animal has a very violent temper, so they often The moment you see an enemy, fight immediately. With the number of this group of violent rhinoceros, if they really match up with them, they will probably suffer heavy casualties.

What's more, their task this time is to continue to catch a silver fox. This kind of animal is not to be killed, but to become a mage's magic pet, which can increase the magic clear effect for the mage, so it is very valuable.

The completion time of the task is only three months, and the last time because of the accidental injury of the captain Haiwawei, nearly half a month has been wasted. For this reason, this forest operation can only succeed, not fail. Otherwise, not only will money be lost, but the reputation of the team will also be damaged.

Actually, it's very simple, because the violent rhinoceros is a very territorial animal. Once they have established their territory, they will not leave easily. The same is true of other monsters. So, as long as you walk through it once, you will know about it. Whichever animal is there, the next time you go, you will naturally make preparations in advance. If you are easy to deal with, you will deal with it directly. If you are not easy to deal with, of course you have to avoid it. Romon, you are very good, this time On the road, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask, and if you have any phenomenon, you can observe it.

This habit is very good, if you continue to maintain it, you may become a great adventurer in the future, it is unknown, haha. Haiwawei laughed and patted Romon on the shoulder, seeming to appreciate his seriousness very much.

Romon smiled embarrassedly: Actually, I only asked those questions in order to draw a better map. My combat skills are good if I can protect myself. How can I become a great adventurer?

Hey, you are too humble. Although you are just a druid, with your hard work and seriousness, as long as you really want to practice, you can definitely improve your combat skills. Captain Haiwawei said seriously. Then, I suddenly thought of something and asked: By the way, how is your map drawing?

I haven't started drawing yet. However, I have recorded the route and situation along the way. I plan to draw together after a while. Romon replied.

Well, that's right, well, when we pass through the territory of the Rhinoceros, you should go and have a good rest. After all, unlike us, who are used to the life of walking in the forest, this is the first time you have entered the deep forest. Is it right? Looking into the distance, Captain Haiwawi said to himself. After two days of walking, we should reach the area where the silver foxes are infested.

Then there is the team integration and continue on the road. Although they temporarily escaped the Rhinoceros, if they don't go out of their territory for a while, they can't be considered truly safe for a while.

One month after Haiwawei's team entered the World of Warcraft Forest, Romon finally saw the legendary silver fox. Originally, according to Captain Haiwawei's memory, they should have arrived at Silver Fox's territory half a month ago. However, because the silver fox is suspicious by nature, they hovered in this area for nearly half a month, and then saw a silver fox in an accident.

Silver fox, a non-social animal, is withdrawn and cunning by nature, and likes to be alone. This time, they were lucky enough to see this silver fox because of Romon's discovery.

Because the circling for nearly half a month was fruitless, the team members were very discouraged. As a person who came here as a companion, Romon didn't have any burden in his heart, so when everyone was in a bad mood, he took the initiative to pick up firewood and make a fire. By the way, check the terrain and prepare for map drawing.

This afternoon, when he left the camp to pick up wood, suddenly, a mess of footprints caught his attention. Those were two different footprints, both of which were small, and seemed to be left by two animals biting each other, and there was faint blood in the middle.

Judging by the appearance of the small footprints, it was quite like the footprints of the silver fox that the captain said. Although Romon wasn't sure, he went back and told everyone the news.

Captain Haiwawei was overjoyed when he saw it: It's the silver fox! It shouldn't have gone far, so chase after it!

Following the footprints, I saw an unexpected scene. A fight between a pack of back mountain wolves and a silver fox. Seeing the appearance of the crowd, the group of back mountain wolves turned around and attacked humans.

Back mountain wolves have similar habits to wolves on Earth. They are also ferocious and carnivorous animals. However, their combat effectiveness is twice as high as that of Earth wolves. In addition, most of them live in groups and gather together. People have a headache.

Romon had read about the mountain wolf's information in a book, and when he saw one of them pounced towards him, he quickly drew his sword to meet it. Although he was not strong enough, at the critical moment, he thought of the assassination skills he had learned, made a slight wrong step, and with a fierce blow, he pierced the heart of the back mountain wolf neatly.

Not bad, good job! Seeing that Romon was at a disadvantage and could kill a back mountain wolf cleanly, Captain Haiwawei, who had been watching him all the time, immediately showed admiration. However, soon, he turned his attention to the back mountain wolf that was rushing towards him. And Romon, also side by side with Farfell, dealt with the next mountain wolf that charged.

It has to be said that this one and a half months of training has had a great impact on Romon's combat skills. He has made rapid progress, and the things he has learned before have been gradually enriched and integrated through continuous application. The same is true for Farfer. After a month and a half of training, his strength is about to break through the third level.

Although, in the eyes of others, most of the time they are just acting as backup logistics personnel, but they themselves know how much this experience has affected them.

Romon, be careful! At this moment, a back mountain wolf suddenly rushed from behind Romon, and Farfell hurried up to block it, but at this moment, a silver light suddenly ran towards Romon. Behind it, several team members were closely chasing. From the beginning of the battle, everyone divided the work, half of the team members went to deal with the back mountain wolf, and half of the team members went to catch the silver fox.

Because it was necessary to capture it alive, even if half of the team members were sent, they could not catch it in such a long time, and let it see the opportunity and rushed out of the encirclement.

Don't let it run away! Captain Haiwawei yelled immediately after he discovered the situation after killing a mountain wolf.

Romon stabbed with the sword almost reflexively, and the people behind hurriedly shouted: Don't hurt it!

In a daze, the silver fox had already run past him. Seeing that there is a large area of ​​bushes behind, and entering there, with the speed of the silver fox, it is almost impossible to catch the silver fox again, and the team members all stood there disappointed. It seems that if you want to catch it, you have to set up another game.

However, after being dazed, Romon chased after him.

Captain... A team member wanted to stop Romon, but Captain Haiwawei stopped him and shook his head. Everyone was waiting, and after half an hour, Romon came back.

Captain, I'm back! Romon walked out of the bushes with a smile on his back, holding a writhing silver fox upside down. After his explanation, it turned out that the druid has two abilities, the first is the pursuit of the breath of wild animals, and the second is the fusion of natural breath.

As soon as Romon entered the bushes, he released a magical spell of tracking and eliminating breath. Because this silver fox was in its infancy, the difficulty of catching it was only in terms of cunning and speed, so Ben suffered a lot. The wounded Silver Fox slowed down after finding out that there was no danger, and was grabbed by him even without noticing Romon's breath.

Immediately, everyone was overjoyed and praised repeatedly, but Romon was a little annoyed. He found that after this incident, his natural aura had changed subtly, and he seemed to be a little further away from nature. This alienation was very weak, but because of the small Romon, who paid special attention to the cattle incident, still noticed it.

It turned out that this matter really can't be done, it doesn't matter now, if there are a few more, I'm afraid it will all depend on the natural power provided by the Shennongjiao space, and Luo Meng couldn't help showing a little bit of vigilance.

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