Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 628 Response (Part 2)

In the corner of Shennong, the golden light sprinkles everything. The sphere of light is still hanging high.

The 50,000 acres are covered in a beautiful halo, a vague mist, with a fresh fragrance, surrounds the entire space, nourishing the plants, and the plants grow extremely lush.

On the hill, there is a tall world tree, which is about 20 meters high, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

The only thing that seemed a little strange was that there was a big difference between that little bit of white light and the green aura in the forest.

When these white lights came to this space, they seemed to be very uncomfortable, and they automatically gathered together.

All the plants refuse them to approach, the space neither destroys them nor accepts them, these white lights. Floating in the space, a voice was continuously issued: God Romon, God Romon!

However, the space is still indifferent.

However, recently, the situation has changed. The World Tree suddenly moved, showing a golden light instead of a green light. With the golden light, the forest also rippled in circles, stretching the stems and leaves, swaying, A little bit of green light floated out.

A breeze blew slowly, and the forest made a rustling sound.

The World Tree shook a little again, and it could be seen that a small branch began to sway, and that trace of white light, as if summoned, slowly flowed into the branches and leaves of the World Tree.

For a moment, all the white light was absorbed.

After a while, the white light completely turned into pale golden light, and under the light, two hundred tiny threads were born from the void.

The pale golden power was quickly returned.

Almost at the same time. The newly established God-given City

When the loud bell rang, most of the townspeople gathered in the small square.

Lord Haboba! A short time before presiding over the prayer, a former pastor said anxiously with uneasy feelings in his arms.

The temple was completed two and a half months ago, and after that, according to Lord Haboba's order, everything was built in an orderly manner.

A wheat field has been opened up, planted with winter wheat, looking forward to the harvest in June next year, although there are not many people, but with horse plowing, the opened wheat field can feed 2,000 people!

Lots of weeds are harvested,

Dry and store away.

It even took half a month to find a quarry and transport back a huge piece of marble.

There is a special group for carving, which is exactly the same as the appearance of God Romon in the palace.

It took a month to complete the engraving.

I remember that after the completion, the ceremony of blooming was held, but there was no response.

It was a bit disappointing though. But I didn't mind too much, after all, the number of people was small, and the faith was not enough.

With this in mind, Haboba issued a special order to pray three times in the morning, noon and evening.

But as time goes by, there is still no response, and it doesn't matter to ordinary people that they would not have been able to get a response, but as a pastor, of course, now a former pastor, it is a very serious thing serious matter.

As former pastors, they deeply understand how to be pious, let go of their hearts, and guide the spiritual power of believers. If they can't get a response, there will be some...

Hmph, I think it's because you are not pious that the gods didn't respond. I have seen it with the eyes of arcana. There is indeed a god's power in the palace, and it is very powerful. Haboba said slightly angrily. talking.

However, in fact, he was also beating drums in his heart.

Anyway, continue to pray, or go to the palace tomorrow. Try again?

When the time came, two hundred people, both men and women, entered the temple.

In the center of the temple stands the statue of Romon.

All the former pastors stood in a row, and Kanrongpa, who was originally a three-pole pastor, was also among them.

The ceremony begins.

Praise you, great God Romon!

At the same time, everyone chanted the poems praising Romon loudly. Because they didn't know the power of Romon, the praising poems were very empty, but they undoubtedly showed piety.

Kanrongpa also stood aside, folded his hands on his chest, and chanted along with him.

The orderly voice echoed in the wide temple, but this time it just started. Suddenly, the altar and the statue lit up suddenly, a golden light flashed, and the sacred atmosphere filled the hall.

Kanrongpa was reciting prayers aloud with high concentration.

Suddenly he felt a slight dizziness, and the next moment, a force poured into his body through an invisible channel. Filled with every blood vessel and muscle.

He felt a long-lost familiarity, and his heart burst out with ecstasy.

This is the holy power. After staying away, he obtained the holy power again, and this is not the end. In the next moment, some information came.

It wasn't him alone, there were two priests, and they trembled accordingly. Almost at the same time, even ordinary townspeople can feel a warm current flowing through their bodies, feel that their whole body is full of strength, and their mood becomes calm and stable.

Praise my lord! All the townspeople knelt down on the ground, and a few townspeople even burst into tears with excitement.

Haboba also felt this power, and his eyes lit up immediately.

After praying for three months, God finally responded, and God Romon seemed to be stricter than the original God Du Kelun.

After praying, Haboba held back his excitement and asked all the believers to disperse first without disturbing them. At this time, only the former priests were left in the temple.

Of the eight ex-pastors, only three obviously got a response, and the other five were embarrassing.

However, since God responded, the seeds of confusion and doubt no longer exist. The five ex-pastors secretly rejoiced that it would not take much time for them to receive a response.

After a while, the three priests finally opened their eyes.

My Lord Romon is the God of Nature and the God of Punishment. Kan Rongpa said decisively. He felt the realm of God just now.

That's right, that's it. God maintains nature and the world, and punishes everything that destroys nature.

The wind, fire, earth, and water are all within the power of God.

The three priests spoke one sentence at a time, and they had already told about the revelation they had received.

Congratulations, Kanrongpa, Lexiu, and Fabit! A middle-aged ex-pastor said, and several ex-pastors around him also showed envious expressions.

People's hearts are so strange, it's obvious that they doubt it, so they can't get the first response. But seeing other people get it, I still can't help being jealous.

But Kanrongpa ignored their thoughts at this time, and he smiled reservedly: This is all dedicated to God, working for God under the light of God's glory.

In the response just now, only he directly became the third-level priest, Lexiu was the second-level, and Feibit was the first-level.

As soon as this order came out, as the first priest of God Romon, he would naturally obtain the status of pope, unless God personally appointed him, so he now has the highest status.

Kanrongpa changed the subject: Since the god has responded and explained the priesthood and doctrine, we must quickly write appropriate scriptures and rituals.

Of course! The other ex-pastors all said one after another.

Kan Rongpa saluted Haboba again: Lord Haboba, tomorrow we will crown you and make you the official lord of this place. What title do you think is better?

Haboba just now was joyful, regretful, and uneasy. Now that he saw Kanrongpa going on the road like this, he suddenly smiled. He thought for a while and said: I hope to be awarded the title of Baron Sarante, everyone, here This is the beginning of our glory, and in the second year, I will raise an army, conquer the nearby villages, and move the population here.

The plains here are enough to develop hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land. We will definitely reach the city limit of 100,000 people and turn them all into believers of our Lord!

A city like this is a real god-given city!

Haboba was impassioned, and Kanrongpa nodded again and again.

As the night darkened, Haboba finally took his leave and left, and everyone else went to rest. Only Kanrongpa, Lexiu, and Fabit remained in the temple, and they looked at the interior of the temple again.

The interior space of the temple is very large. Although the surroundings and the ground are all marble, there is no decoration. At this time, there is a faint holy light flowing on the altar and the statue.

If there are priests from the main world, they will find that the holy light is too dim.

But from the perspective of priests in this world, this holy light is already very strong. You must know that the god Du Kelun who was enshrined in the past will only show the holy light in the grandest ceremony.

Instead of maintaining it all the time now, this proves that God Romon is a greater god than God Du Kelun.

You two, tell me what we should do? Kan Rongpa said.

The bishop, I think, facing the altar, an aisle should be built, leading directly to the gate of the temple. Benches should be placed on both sides of the aisle to accommodate believers.

Of course, the distance between each row of benches should be quite wide, so that when praying, people in the seats can kneel in front of their respective seats.

My lord, there should be a small wooden podium beside the altar, that's where we will stand when we preach in the future.

Kanrongpa listened and nodded.

The first person to get a response from God will become the manager of this temple.

He couldn't help but look around like a noble looking at his own territory.

After listening to the comments, Kanrongpa smiled and said, Yes, this must be done, and these marbles and floors need to be polished to glorify God.

My lord, but the population is so small now!

Don't worry, you still don't understand Haboba? He is an ambitious man. He will fight everywhere to expand his territory and people, which means expanding our believers.

At this moment, the entire plane was filled with mist and darkness, and there was a little commotion.

Another existence with divinity? Hmph, in my world, you don't even want to really ignite the fire, no matter how much divinity you accumulate!

I have made rules so that you can give divine spells in advance, but I will charge part of their power. This world belongs to me alone, Warnico... Oh, no, this damn curse!

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