Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 600: Magic Robe (Part 2)

Put on this robe. I saw the faint starlight, graceful and luxurious.

Romon looked at himself in the bronze mirror and twitched the corners of his mouth, so the young man inside also smiled.

After turning around and looking again, Romon breathed a sigh of relief: The quality and effect of this robe are good, but it's a bit too eye-catching.

Just looking at it, the stars are actually the gems dotted on the clothes, there are 30 gems in total, with a very superb technique, the embellishment is just right, wearing it is like being among the stars.

On the whole, it looks gorgeous and noble, worthy of being a treasure from the palace.

This druid robe is worth at least 10,000 gold coins. Even if I save someone, even if you find out my identity, there is no need to give such a heavy gift, right?

Roman thought. He is not a fool, in a blink of an eye, he understood the key: Is it for that sea dragon, or something else?

Let's go and see, what is the strength of the sea thorn dragon? Romon thought, he opened the door, and with a call, the lightning rushed down.

Jumping on the lightning, Romon quickly flew away.

At this time, the underground dark place

An octospider was moving forward swiftly in a corridor. Suddenly, it smelled the smell of fresh flesh and blood in the air, which immediately caught its attention. It didn't need much thinking, and it quickly Slide the eight legs and crawl towards the food.

Just arrived at a place, and immediately witnessed a bloody massacre.

This massacre was coming to an end, a group of orcs were fighting desperately, but bows and arrows, spells, were constantly tearing their bodies apart, and blood spattered on stalagmites and rock walls.

The octospider felt a bit uneasy and trembling, it hesitated for a moment, and quickly ran back.

At this moment, a silent detonation shook from behind. The last orc fell.

Rolek panted fiercely, he just glanced at it, he didn't have any intention of chasing and killing the octospider, he had already consumed most of his mana just now.

Rolek, thank you. Ai Weixi's voice came from behind, causing Rolek's body to vibrate slightly, and Rolek glanced at the underground elf hidden in the haze.

Miss Avesey,

Any progress?

No, although we fought together to make the underground elves accept our existence, but it is not easy to convince them. Aiweixi said.

Think about it too, what did I see? Rollek thought secretly.

All kinds of terrible magic, all kinds of monsters, and the strong demonic atmosphere.

During the tens of thousands of years of underground life, the underground elves may have been contaminated with demonic breath in a large proportion.

However, this is no longer our business, it is our Lord's business. Ai Weixi showed a relaxed smile: My Lord has conveyed the oracle, and it will personally come to purify any underground water it finds. Spirits, let them return to their original form.

tattershaw collar

There was also some thin snow, this day. sunny day after snow

Alini sat quietly in the carriage, looking out the window in a daze, the scenery flew by, she felt something in her heart, and some faint memories floated between her brows.

Winter is here again, and in a blink of an eye, another year has passed... Elini said emotionally, and stretched out her hand to open a gap in the window, a gust of cold air poured in, but it was fresh and refreshing. Into the heart and spleen.

The carriage drove unhurriedly on the avenue, the wheels crushed the road surface, the road was smooth and paved with gravel.

Opposite, is Owenna, she is also sitting.

In the past two years, her breath became much deeper. After hearing this, she smiled slightly and said, The road has been repaired, and the road in the territory is indeed much easier to travel. However, is it worth the cost?

This year, after the spring wheat harvest was bumper, Ai Lini issued a notice to the whole county that each household can contract ten meters of roads. Use solid soil and pave it with gravel. The reward is grain and a little currency. After the completion and acceptance, the next section can be contracted.

At the beginning of this announcement, many people hesitated, but as the process proved the matter, countless people flocked in.

Although it is said that the evil disaster is over, many territories are in dire straits, and food is in short supply. If there is such a thing, someone will naturally do it.

Paying for labor, contracting work, is also a way for many people to survive, isn't it? Alini replied, if it hadn't been for three years of bumper harvests and another bumper harvest this year, she would not have dared to implement this plan.

Every time the road advances for a short distance, the carriage bumps and shakes regularly.

Looking around, the road is straight and the surrounding fields are endless. There is a soft sound in my ear, undulating and lingering, it is a natural sound.

That's right, this move has won the approval of several temples. Owenna smiled slightly.

Before the first snowfall, all the roads in the whole territory had been built.

This is not the 21st century on earth, where roads cost billions of dollars to build, with soil, solid, and gravel, as simple as that.

Romon said in the plan. If you want to be rich, you must first build roads. Now you can't see if you want to be rich, but the caravans passing through the territory are indeed several percent more, and the tariff alone is 20% more. Ai Lini said: According to Romon, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the caravans come and go more, and they will consume in the territory, and the hotels in the villages along the way will have customers.

Besides, caravans are not afraid of meager profits. Since they have chosen the trade route here, in order to earn even one more copper coin, shops in each village along the way will be established, and the goods are complete, which is also convenient for the leaders. You know, Owen Na, originally each village had to go to the town or city to purchase goods, which not only takes time, but is also expensive, of course, according to Romon’s intention, we should try to let the locals drive.”

You're right, but even if the store is full of goods, the citizens don't have much money to spend. Owenna was fully mature and said.

You're right, but this time the Lord's Mansion is building roads, paying a lot of food and a little currency, half of which is earned by the local people. If there is enough food and money left, it is considered a Poor citizens. It will also make the family have a good year, won't it?

At noon, you smell the aroma of the villages along the way, look at their expressions, and the expressions of the children, and you will know that they will also spend money to improve their lives. Alini said.

But, it's impossible for the Lord's Mansion to build roads every year, right?

It's impossible, but there are more business routes, and some people can be supported by themselves. At least there will be demand for food.

No matter how stingy a businessman is, the guards he invites also need sufficient food. If a warrior lacks enough food, his combat effectiveness will drop. No guard is willing to accept this fate.

Fruit wine, fish and shrimp, snacks, chicken and eggs are all cheap, but they are also the focus of consumption. Fishermen in the territory can sell more fish and shrimp, even at a higher price than before.

Ordinary families can also raise chickens and geese, and sell them to customers who come and go.

Women and children can also carry out this work. This will not help them get rid of poverty, but at least it will allow them to survive. Every little bit of depth will give them a little bit of hope. This is the duty of a lord.

If Romon believes in the God of Order, then you can gain divine grace! Hearing this, Owenna couldn't help leaning forward, with longing and admiration in her eyes, and was deeply moved by these words.

Even if you are not a believer in the God of Order, you can still get divine grace. Owenna's slightly offensive words did not arouse Alini's disgust: What I admire most is the idea of ​​natural agriculture.

Properly cutting branches and leaves can make trees grow better, and the same is true for nature. How to properly ask for and return from nature? This is a topic that Romon has not yet completed. Eleni said: Of course, now The ecological agriculture is already very good.”

Do you want to implement it in the territory?

Yes, I will implement, for example, a circular ecology of fishing, forestry, and agriculture in the territory. I feel that once it succeeds, a new road will be opened. Alini said with a serious expression.

Owenna nodded involuntarily, obviously she also had thoughts, but she stuck her head out of the car window and shouted to the front: How far is it to reach Yuanfan Town?

The coachman looked up at the sky, and immediately replied: It will be soon, before noon, you will be able to reach Yuanfan Town.

That's good! Owenna turned her head and looked back, and the two carriages were closely following behind.

There is also a group of fully armed cavalry behind her. She is very familiar with this cavalry, and they are members of her knight order.

Retracting her body, Owenna closed the car window, leaned back on the comfortable chair, and felt relieved.

After Owenna came back, she immediately obtained a knight collar as a fief.

Of course, this fiefdom cannot support a team of 300 soldiers no matter what, and they are accompanied by nearly a thousand family members.

Immediately according to the standards of free people, Eleni gave ordinary soldiers a small piece of land, arranged wooden houses, and obtained the posts of members of the town and village guards.

Warriors above the third level are given preferential treatment. Not only can they go to towns and ports according to requirements, but those who are willing to stay become official members of the Rose Knights.

Although the Rose Knights have now shrunk from 300 to 100 members, they are all elites.

With sufficient supplies and equipment, the combat effectiveness has risen to a higher level.

Such a result satisfied Owenna, and also made the warriors who followed her feel relieved.

At this moment, Yuanfan Town appeared in front of him, and the noisy and noisy voice spread from afar.

After two years of construction, Yuanfan Town has changed a lot.

In the harbor surrounded by high walls, there is an endless stream of carriages coming in and out, and the people checking at the checkpoint are like ants.

The port is now full of residents, and it is said that it is difficult to enter now.

The warehouse built according to strict specifications is very approved by the merchants, and the goods are piled up into hills...

Merchants, sailors, and adventurers from all over the world communicate in various languages.

It is really a source of wealth, even the daily income of the port is also an enviable wealth.

All the results are so beautiful, whenever she thinks of Romon, her interest is inexplicably low.

Seeing Alini with bright eyes and full of fighting spirit, Owenna smiled wryly. (!)

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