Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 594 Upgrade (Part 2)

November, snow, stop for a while.

From the end of October. The heavy snow started to fall, and the heavy snow came very fast, with occasional pauses in the middle, but there was never a long pause.

Every time the heavy snow stops, the children will run out to play games, playing some simple games such as snowball fights and making snowmen.

When it was snowing heavily, the weather had become extremely cold and it was not suitable for playing anymore.

On the eleventh day of November, the heavy snow stopped again.

This time, when the children came out, they unexpectedly found that the snow on the road had become as thick and lubricated as in previous years. It was a bit boring to play with making snowmen, so the children’s ski game, which was one step ahead of the official ski competition, officially began.

In the beginning, from a few children playing together, to the exhilarating collective children's carnival.

The emergence of this craze actually occurs before every skiing event, and it can be regarded as a kind of warm-up exercise initiated by children.

Some athletes participating in the competition. They also gradually joined the warm-up team. They trained in a small area, and organized some friendly matches while avoiding injuries. For a while, the vicinity of Xuedu was very lively.

November 11th was a rare sunny day after the heavy snowfall.

The sun, which has not officially appeared for a long time, also ran out from the hazy veil that hung in the past, suddenly appeared above the blue sky, looked towards the earth, and at the same time, scattered the bright but not hot sunshine to the earth .

Bright, but does not grow any temperature, which is already a rare generosity.

A few white clouds drifted past it leisurely, and then were quickly blown away by the wind without leaving any traces.

On a sunny day in winter, there is no longer the warmth of spring, the enthusiasm of summer and the bleakness of autumn, but more of a kind of indifference with clear clouds and clear wind.

With a kind of indifference to the world, the sun continued to hang high in the sky, looking down coldly, looking at the land shrouded in white.

Occasionally there is a wind blowing, and in this wind, it has already brought a kind of winter chill, although it is only November. But in the north, it is already cold winter.

But in this icy and snowy time, there are still some animals from the north that come out to look for food and play without fear of the cold.

Just to listen, the noisy calls that belong to them are endless.

At about ten o'clock in the morning of this day, a group of big birds flew over the snow, singing very loudly, and flying very high.

They are a very common bird in the Northland. They are called snowbirds. As the name suggests, the birds are covered in snow white, with red legs and red beaks. It is not that they are all white, because their meat is very delicious, and they are popular in the Northland. Loved by the people.

It's just that this kind of bird flies very high, and ordinary hunters can't shoot it down. They all use some special method to perform n* first, and then hunt them after they fly lower.

These methods are the means for the local hunters to make a living, but they will not let outsiders know.

Therefore, the price of this snowbird is very expensive, and it is not easy to eat its meat.

At this moment, under the sky where they are flying, there is a human man standing on the ground. This man is of course Romon. After the last upgrade, he ran to the ice sea and collected some glacier ecology.

People who usually appear in the wild are all for hunting, but Romon looked up with his hands behind his back, looking at the snowbird, and did not take any action.

A black dot flew quickly in the distance, and a smile appeared on Romon's face.

It's not too late. He said softly.

In such a short period of time, the black spot has moved to the vicinity of the flock of birds at an unbelievable speed. When I flew closer, I saw that the big black spot was actually a huge eagle!

The big eagle swooped over from afar, and at an extremely fast speed, it flew in front of this group of snowbirds. With a few flaps of its wings, it knocked some of the snowbirds down from mid-air.

These snowbirds fell directly to the ground, losing the strength to escape one by one, and passed out.

Lightning. Well done. The person who had been standing on the ground walked over with a smile at this moment, and picked up the fallen snowbirds one by one. At the same time, he raised his head and said appreciatively.

Master, are these little birds enough? The giant eagle flew down from the sky and landed on the ground. When it folded its wings and brought up a puff of snow, it said happily.

Ever since Romon uttered those sentimental words last time, Lightning has been in a very good mood, cheerful all day long. Here, it will still reveal its happy mood from time to time.

Seeing this, Romon felt very relieved.

Although Lightning is his Demon Pet in name, his feelings for Lightning have undergone great changes after continuous growth together, from being used at the beginning to relying on each other now.

Partner, the word. It just shows the relationship between them.

Enough is enough, these snowbirds are enough for cooking. Romon lifted the prey in his hand and said very contentedly: Besides, although druids can hunt, they generally cannot kill them. An animal that cannot be eaten by itself.

The law of the jungle preys on the strong in nature, and it is not impossible for druids to kill animals and plants, but they must be controlled within the required range.

Compared to Lightning, these snowbirds were naturally small and pathetic, but in Romon's hands, there was not one of them. It is also the size of a large goose.

The slap of lightning just now brought down five snowbirds in total. These five snowbirds are enough for Romon and Harvey's family to eat. If it weren't for the druid's restriction, there would even be meat and vegetables for sale to customers. .

Master, I'll go in then, I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you little girl. Lightning said with a chuckle.

This time, it was rare for it not to miss the outside world.

Little girl? Luo Meng frowned reflexively when he heard the name.

Who is it? Isn't the name too frustrating?

It's that new dryad. Master, you don't know. It's mischievous. Not only does that little guy often bully his companions, it even made a big hole in the tree house, and was scolded by its elders. Dog blood sprinkler, haha! Speaking of the tree spirit named Xiaoya, although Lightning couldn't show a joyful expression, he made up for this deficiency with an excited tone, fully expressing his joy to Romon.

Seeing such lightning, Romon suddenly murmured in his heart.

In other words, Lightning is now considered an adult eagle, but it has not shown any interest in other male eagles.

Romon couldn't help squinting at it, this guy is not quite right.

Couldn't it be, this has been with the dryad for a long time, will there be some interracial romance by then?

But the problem is, if there are two different types of birds, there is still some possibility, but a dryad and a big eagle are too much... Besides, they are of the same sex, could it be a lily of a different race?

As Romon's familiar, Lightning, which has followed him since birth, immediately understood the meaning of his glance, and quickly shook its bird's head. Explained: Master, don't think about it, it's mischievous appearance, and I like it, so I get closer to it.

Oh, so that's the case.

Lightning flapped its wings: Anyway, it's very angry with me, master, I'll ask it about this question later, let me go in first!

Okay, let's go in. Romon nodded, and put the lightning into the space of Shennongjiao.

The conscious body entered the space and took a look by the way, and found that the lightning after entering the space was happily flying in the sky, so he was relieved and withdrew the conscious body.

Holding the five fainted snowbirds in his hand, Romon walked towards the city along the way he came.

He came out this time to practice. The icy and snowy environment may be a kind of cold torment for others, but it can be said to be another kind of druid for him who uses natural power to improve his abilities. A kind of practice.

With his current twelfth-level druid level, if he came to the land of ice and snow, sat cross-legged in the snow, and quieted down for a few days, he could gain a kind of power from the snow.

This kind of power is very pure, and it absorbs power faster and more than ordinary winter cultivation.

Staying longer in the natural environment greatly strengthened the power of Romon's twelfth-level druid, especially the stability of the natural grace.

After all, this upgrade completely depends on the Shennong angle, so it is naturally a little unstable, and it must be stabilized for a period of time each time.

The same is true for the natural grace. Originally, the natural grace was bestowed by the world on Druids who gained the favor of natural power. When Romon reached the twelfth level, he had already keenly felt that this divine grace was not given to him directly, but a part of the Shennong corner. This kind of fluctuation is first communicated to the world, and then the world bestows it on him. There is a process.

Romon, who was about to go back, asked Lightning, who had also experienced it, to catch five snowbirds and wanted to take them back so that the owner's daughter could make delicious dishes and have dinner with the owner's family.

Bringing the snowbird, Romon walked back slowly. He was very satisfied with his current life, and he enjoyed the rest for more than a month.

The practice in the snow in winter has benefited him a lot.

At this time, he felt more and more that it was a wise move to come to the Northland to relax.

After walking for a while, it was already close to the city. The small town where Harvey shopkeepers are located is just outside the city. In fact, it is said that it is outside, and you need to walk through an outer gate of the city.

After stepping into the outer door, Romon realized that the atmosphere in the city today seemed not quite right.

Pedestrians on the street were in a hurry, and the rare passers-by also had expressions of panic on their faces.

Strange, what happened today? What happened in the city while I was away? Could it be that the demons attacked again? Apart from this reason, Romon really couldn't think of any other reasons.

After pondering for a moment, Romon smiled dumbly, and carrying the snowbird, he strode towards the Harvey Hotel. (!)

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