Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 53 Castration (Part 1)

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky of murder and arson.

The town was silent, lights were turned off, and doors were closed. There were only one or two birdsongs, which occasionally rang out over the town.

However, that is also fleeting, and cannot bring about a little fluctuation. The small town at this time is like a deep ancient well, so quiet that it is daunting to look at.

Only the small road leading to the outside of the town could hear the sound of chaotic footsteps. At this time, the footsteps were getting closer, and the three figures became clear in the dim moonlight.

My lord, do you really want to give that kid money? On the night road, a person suddenly asked in a low voice.

The two people who once staged a blackmail scene in front of Luo Meng's shop, now, their clothes and expressions are much more serious. Beside them, the man with a gloomy face is none other than someone who has repeatedly made things difficult for Luo Meng. Mon's tax collector Bacal.

Looking at the situation at this time, the tax official Bakar and these two people actually knew each other, and these two people showed that they were the tax official's subordinates.

If Romon was standing here at this time, he would be secretly satisfied with his original guess. He was really smart to find out the mastermind who made trouble after only seeing a back.

And these two people are now carrying a small bag on their backs, and when they walk, there are clinking sounds behind them. Listening to the sound, it was actually two pockets of coins.

Seemingly dissatisfied with handing over so much money to others, one of them kept muttering along the way, and now even more courageously, he asked Bakar the question in his heart.

But Bakar, a shrewd middle-aged man, smiled coldly and did not answer the question from his subordinates.

And the other man understood, raised his hand, and slapped the person who asked the question heavily on the head. Stupid! How could your lord really give him the money? That kid is blinded by money, are you also blinded?

The person who was beaten seemed to be in a position of being oppressed all the time, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only nod repeatedly.

The tax officer Bakar looked on coldly, with a very calm expression on his face, but he was really annoyed in his heart. However, what annoyed him was not the mischief of his subordinates, but Romon's boldness.

During the day, he learned from the furious Wei Wei that Romon had something to do with him. Although he didn't quite believe it, he still thought about it after fooling Wei Wei with his rhetoric.

Because he has indeed done a lot of shady things in secret, so after thinking about it, although he is not sure whether Romon really has the evidence, Bakal, who has always been cautious, decided to ask Romon for a question. .

Now that Romon has some evidence, Bakar also intends to follow suit. He asked his subordinates to get in touch with Romon on the grounds of seeing a doctor, and secretly said that he was willing to trade evidence for money.

Things were going smoothly. After Romon really knew what he meant, he proposed an astonishing figure and asked Bakar to prepare the money. At eight o'clock tonight, at the edge of the forest outside the town, he would pay with one hand and pay with one hand. Submit evidence.

And the tax officer did bring some money, but he didn't intend to hand it over to Romon. As long as he confirmed that the other party had evidence, he was ready to arrest Romon for questioning—joke, who is he, Officials in the territory, and the greatest role of officials is to be unreasonable when necessary.

As for these evidences, although there is no serious problem, if the lord knows about it, there will be a bad impression, so get it if you can!

He brought two of his men over there, and even asked someone to help him just to guard against Romon. It's just that when he thought that Romon dared to accept money, Bakar was displeased, but he was disdainful.

I thought the other party was an ambitious person, but I didn't expect that he was also blind to money. He really complied with his subordinate's words just now, and was blinded by money.

Perhaps, in response to that sentence, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness, no matter how clever people are, it is inevitable that they will get confused sometimes, hehe, is my money so easy to get? As long as Romon takes the money,

The temple has plenty of ways to classify this crime as extortion and extortion—to be honest, now Bakal is still hoping that Romon will get the money!

Moreover, through Pastor Tennis, he has already contacted the middle-level priest in the city who can perform the confession technique. Moreover, the lord has also taken care of it. Everything is waiting for Romon to be hanged. Thinking of this, he is very happy—— —My skills seem to have improved, and everything is according to plan.

Romon, Bakar really wants to trade criminal evidence with you? Second Miss Ai Lini, who rarely changed into a homely dress, looked around and asked. Apart from her and Romon, Romon's friend Faffel was also present.

Romon risked rumors and the lord's displeasure, and dated Alini just for today. He didn't know that Bakar had gone through the way of the lord, but he had also gone through the way of Alini.

Romon looked around and whispered: I'm sorry, Miss Ai Lini, I asked you to come here so late, but this matter is very important, not only related to my safety, but also to your father's safety, so, now Please hide here with Farfell, stay silent for a while, and you will understand things soon.

Saying that, let the two of them hide behind the tall bushes.

Because of the dim moonlight today, Second Miss Alini's clothes were changed to dark ones again, so she and Farfer hid there without being noticed at all.

Although I don't quite understand what Romon is doing, but the frequent contact during this period has given Alini a certain degree of trust in Romon, otherwise, at night, it is impossible for her to be a girl with just one letter. just run over.

Seeing that the two were hiding, Romon stood on the side of the road, looking towards the other side of the road. Soon, three figures appeared from the other side of the road, and then became clearer and clearer.

It wasn't until they got closer that Romon could see the appearance of the person coming.

Mr. Bakar, thank you for coming here on time, otherwise, I would have handed in the evidence. Romon stood in the middle of the road, arms crossed, and said with a smile.

Boy, what are you talking about, you haven't handed over the evidence yet? Before the tax official could speak, one of his subordinates had already stepped out and grabbed the hilt of his sword.

A look of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared on Romon's face: Mr. Bakar, if I remember correctly, I asked you to come here alone? Why, I brought thugs, do you want to grab it? If I say, I didn't put the evidence on me, will you be disappointed?

You... The man was furious.

However, he was frightened away by Bakar's cold snort. Bakar laughed and said, Brother Romon, you misunderstood. I asked them to come without any malice...

He asked his subordinates to put their pockets on the ground, and he explained: You have also seen, Brother Romon, I can't carry all the money you have asked for, so I asked them to come purely to save money. strength.

In that case, let them all leave now. Romon said coldly.

Bakar waved his hand, and the two immediately backed away. However, according to their preparations in advance, these two people did not really leave, but hid not far away, and rushed out after hearing the signal.

After watching them leave, Romon smiled and said, It's not too bad.

Then, let's talk about serious business. Bakar narrowed his eyes and said.

Of course. Romon looked at the two pockets on the ground, and couldn't help sighing: However, everyone said that I am rich, but looking at your handwriting, Mr. Bakar, you have secretly deducted a lot of taxes.

Bakar's expression suddenly sank. What are you talking about, where is the evidence, give it to me.

Haha! What's the hurry! I can't run away. I'm just curious. It stands to reason that you are also from a noble family, and you belong to the same family as the lord. You don't need money, right? Isn't it good to be a noble noble? Why do you have to go? Doing those obscene things? These things are really not worthy of your noble status! Luo Meng laughed, but what he said was the most taboo thing for a nobleman.

As cautious as Bakar, he couldn't help but retort: ​​What do you know! You are a commoner, how do you know the hardships of our branches? How can their direct descendants be able to call the wind and rain from birth? Those of us who are also noble, But you want to do such a lowly thing and deal with untouchables like you? Why? Moreover, I collected all the money, and I deserve it! I deserve it!

Under the moonlight, when he suddenly saw the teasing and smiling eyes in Romon's eyes, Bakar couldn't help but get angry, then suppressed his anger, and said with a sneer: I've already put the money here, where is the evidence in your hand? Give me .”

Oh, what's the rush? Romon shook his head, took out a stack of letter paper from his pocket, and then walked up to Bacal. However, I have to check first to see if the money is real. Open your pocket and let me take a look.

Bacal held back his breath and opened the two pockets one by one. Sure enough, there were two bags of shiny silver coins. Can you give me the letterhead?

Okay, here you are. Romon handed the letter to Bakar with a face that was easy to negotiate with money. He turned around and wanted to take the silver coins and leave, but was stopped by Bakar. Wait, I have to verify the authenticity of the thing.

Okay, it's up to you. Romon put down his pockets with a helpless expression, and walked back to Bacal. I saw Bakar tore open the envelope of a letter a few times, and then, it seemed, the more he looked, the more he frowned. Because of the darkness, despite the moonlight, he kept the letter very close to his eyes. While he was reading the letter, Romon suddenly whispered something to him.

Then, Bakar suddenly raised his head, pulled out his sword with a look of shock and anger, and stabbed at Romon. And Romon didn't have time to dodge, he was stabbed in the shoulder by the opponent's sword, and fell to the ground, and Bacal also leaned forward because of the sword force.

The moment the two people hiding behind the bushes screamed and rushed out. The two people who were torn together had reached the point of life and death.

Because Romon kept his back to them, and Romon's voice was extremely low just now, in the eyes of the second lady, the scene just now became like this: Romon was stopped by the other party, and then Bakar suddenly drew his sword Just stab.

From her point of view, the matter was already very clear. The tax officer had secretly done something bad to her father, and Romon happened to have the evidence in his hands, because physical evidence alone was not enough, so Romon set up this bureau to let the tax officer He took the initiative to admit his crime, and also made himself a witness of the incident, making the evidence more convincing. Although he had selfish intentions, it was still clear

However, Bakar, the tax official, planned to kill people and completely destroy the evidence. As a result, Romon fought with him...

No matter how you look at it, Second Miss Alini must stand up and stop the situation from getting worse, so she shouted: Stop!

Hearing a scream, Bakar, who was stabbing downward with his sword viciously, fell down, while Romon, who was covered in blood, got up from the ground, and then, facing the second lady who ran over: Sorry, but, I It was in self-defense, but...

The two people who ran over followed his gaze. A dagger was stabbing into Bakar's lower body. Bakar wailed in pain with his pants crotch folded, rolling on the ground, a large amount of blood with a certain stench Sprinkle on the ground.

When Alini saw it, she couldn't help being dumbfounded. After a while, she came to her senses and hesitated for a while before going up for treatment.

Alini is a second-level priest, who can only heal minor injuries. The memory magic was cast two times, and the blood was barely stopped. Alini hesitated, and said: I understand, Romon, I understand what happened just now. I have seen it all, thank you for everything you have done for the town, don’t worry, in the law, self-defense will not be punished, and I will testify for you when the time comes.”

With the guarantee from the second lady, Romon's heart that had been hanging on finally fell down. He took the stack of letters from Bakar, and asked Fafer to take out a few letters from his arms, put them together, and hand them over to him. Gave it to the second lady.

The evidence shown to Bakar just now is indeed true, but I put some of it with Fafer, and now I will give it all to you.

Alini nodded.

At this moment, Bakar stopped wailing, gasping for breath, with endless regret in his eyes, he said: I really regret... It was almost...

Having said that, she fainted. Alini thought he regretted not being stabbed just now, and frowned, showing a trace of disgust.

At this time, although Romon looked shocked and flustered on the surface, his heart was very relaxed. He glanced at the now unconscious Bakar. Just now, the dagger was very long and stabbed inside. Not only was he castrated, but also , smashed the kidneys and the like inside, this kind of injury can only be treated by a priest of level seven or above, and it must be treated immediately--in this situation, even if Priest Tennis arrives, there is only a dead end

Bakar's relationship with the lord is important, the contacts accumulated in the town for decades, and his class and circle consciousness are important. This is something that Romon can't catch up with no matter what, so no matter what evidence, it may not be true. Being able to kill him, protecting each other with relatives, and protecting each other with officials and officials, this is not just a joke. Once he is relieved, what he faces is not these tricks.

Only by using this as a bait to destroy his body is the decision to kill, to cut the bottom of the pot at once, to cut the root - finally eunuch the person who should be killed.

Romon secretly smiled and exhaled.

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