Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 48 Names (Part 2)

While he was thinking wildly, several people walked in from the outside with a smile on their faces. As soon as they entered the door, one of them said loudly: Romon, the new potion from last time really works. Is there any more? I want ten bottles. !

It was the adventurer who was the first to get the free potion who spoke. He came to Romon as he spoke, and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a shallow scar on his arm.

That medicine is quite effective. It is much better than the medicine I bought from you last time. Thanks to it, my wound can heal faster.

Really? That's really great. Romon smiled.

As if it was an appointment, on the same day, seven or eight people who had taken the new potion came to buy it after using it. And those who have never used it, and under the introduction of their companions, soon knew the good effect of this new medicine.

Sure enough, it's better than that potion. The adventurers said after using it. All of a sudden, adventurers came to buy this medicine one after another.

And the Romon Pharmacy, which had been neglected for a long time, was revitalized by the popularity of this new medicine.

Romon's new potion has been welcomed by many adventurers. This month, with the continuous sales of Romon's new medicines, his pharmacy has reached the point where it is making a lot of money every day.

Those silver coins that kept piling up kept piling up in his space, so that every time he went to check the space, he couldn't help but take a look.

However, he was not dazzled by money, but still fulfilled his original idea.

Before the pharmacy opened, he had already thought about the distribution of profits in the future. According to his idea, 20% of the pharmacy's monthly net profit would go to Nick, 20% to Farfell, and the rest This is his income.

After all, as the manager of the pharmacy, Nick has always worked very hard and is very responsible in his work. It is absolutely right to take 20% of the profit.

Although Fafer didn't come here many times, he and Romon are brothers who have experienced life-and-death battles. This is the time when Fafer needs money, so it is necessary to give him 20% of the income.

And Nick, when he first heard that he could get 20% of the profit, he was shocked and overjoyed.

After all, in the town of Rika, except for those nobles, no one is really rich. A sum of money may change a person's fate. So, sometimes, money really matters.

Nick is not a hypocritical person. After knowing that Romon gave him such a high salary, he didn't shirk it, but devoted himself to his work with a hundredfold enthusiasm.

Since he became the manager of the pharmacy, he has a lot of silver coins to take home every month, and 20% of the profit, so the current situation of Nick's family has been greatly improved, the house has been repaired, and the savings are also there.

Nick even spent his own money to buy a lot of arithmetic books and read them in his spare time. Speaking of this, I have to mention that, unlike the earth, in this world, any books are very expensive.

Knowledge represents wealth. A child from a poor family wants to be literate, and the hardship and price he has to pay are beyond the imagination of a child from an aristocratic family.

And the price of a book is almost equivalent to the price of a sheep. And a sheep, in the eyes of ordinary farmers, is a great fortune.

No one will spend so much money to buy books when they are so poor that they have to worry about every meal. Therefore, most children from poor families are illiterate. Even if you learn something from others, it is very little.

And Romon had a really good harvest in the Thieves Guild last time. Not only did he get a lot of coins, but he also got some books collected by the thieves.

Those books are of all kinds and types. Even the most expensive magic books have been found in the hands of the Thieves Guild. Although they are only the most basic entry-level books, they are also difficult for ordinary people to buy.

In addition, Romon has really made a lot of money recently, so he bought some simple law books and books on financial arithmetic and put them in the store.

Everyone in the store can read the books here for free.

Although Nick knew some words before and barely read a few law books, but in the case of insufficient knowledge, he had only a half-knowledge of many things.

This also caused him to fail in several confrontations with tax officials. In order to make Romon's pharmacy run better, as the store manager, Nick felt the lack of knowledge, so since reading books were put in the store, he began to study eagerly. However, books on finance were lacking in the store, so he actually spent a lot of money to buy them to study by himself.

And because of the spoils he got from the thieves, Fafer's life has also been greatly improved recently, and he has already started to have money to learn martial arts. And he, who has always dreamed of becoming a powerful fighter, practiced uninterruptedly even in the coldest winter.

Romon would often practice with him in the forest clearing in his free time. However, even Romon had to admit that in the practice of martial arts, Fafer, who had been a mercenary in his ancestors, was indeed much harder than him.

It is now February, the weather is getting warmer, winter is coming to an end, and spring is coming.

Hard work pays off. After five months of continuous training, Luo Meng's martial arts became more refined, and the data in Shennongjiao began to move closer to the third-level swordsmanship and third-level footwork.

Of course, just three-level swordsmanship and three-level footwork are not equivalent to a third-level fighter, but with practice again and again, he gradually began to develop the sense of rhythm of a fighter, which is clearly reflected when he reaches a certain level of fighter.

However, in order to officially obtain the strength equivalent to that of a formal fighter, one has to wait until this state stabilizes. However, Farfell's practice results were more remarkable than Romon's because of his harder training.

Romon even had an illusion that this young man who had never had the opportunity to get in touch with orthodox martial arts before, maybe, when spring came, it would not be impossible to become a second-level fighter.

Romon, I suddenly realized that you are getting more and more handsome. It doesn't make sense that you are still so fair in the wind and sun. Is it true that all druids are like this? On this day, after practicing martial arts, the two The good friends took a bath together in the small lake in the forest. Looking at each other's body that was getting stronger and stronger, Farfell actually showed a rather jealous look.

Originally, it didn't matter if his body was straight and strong, but he could still maintain a quiet and elegant appearance, and his temperament became more and more calm and unrestrained. This kind of change made his friend a little appreciative.

Luo Meng laughed: No way, haven't you always considered yourself brave and extraordinary, why are you envious of others? While talking, he got up and went ashore, and got dressed.

Isn't it because of Miss Alini? I heard that even Miss Alini likes you. I'm really envious. When will a girl like me? Farfell made an exaggerated expression on purpose, Said with a smile.

I heard? Romon frowned slightly: Who did you hear?

At this time, Farfell also crawled out of the lake, and said with a smile: Many people are talking about it. I heard it from a soldier who taught me. They said, because Miss Alini likes you, so, It is very likely that you will become the son-in-law of the lord in the future, and now they are desperately getting close to me, hoping to make friends with the lord's son-in-law in advance.

Luo Meng's brows frowned even deeper. Why did everyone know about this nonsense?

Why, don't you like Miss Alini? Farfell put on his clothes, saw that the other party was still in a daze, and clapped with a smile.

You also believe what they said nonsense? Romon said thoughtfully.

Hey! It's still daylight, are you going back now? Seeing Romon turn around and walk out of the forest, Farfell hurriedly followed. All the way without talking, at the entrance of the town, when a townsman met Romon, he suddenly showed a clear expression.

Romon, someone is looking for you, go back quickly. Saying that, he smiled and ran away with a ambiguous expression.

What are you doing? Romon looked at the other party leaving strangely, and then, he walked even faster.

Finally, when he returned to the pharmacy, he saw some townspeople poking their heads curiously outside the shop. Romon couldn't help but feel ominous in his heart.

Something happened to the pharmacy?

Walking quickly into the store, I saw a girl whispering something to Nick. Hearing footsteps, the girl turned around lightly.

Miss Alini? Not only Romon, but even Farfell, who came back with Romon, was taken aback. The beautiful girl standing in front of her was the second daughter of the lord of Rika Town, the second-level priest, Ms. Alini.

You must know that priests of the goddess of the earth are mostly guarding the temple. As a second-level priest, Ai Lini gives a feeling of calmness in front of people. Unless it is something big, Miss Alini, as a pastor, is rarely seen in the town.

Romon, I see you still deny it. Farfell slandered secretly. After giving Romon a warm look, he greeted Alini first, and then, with a very interesting look, he pulled Nick to the side.

On this side, only Romon and Alini were left standing face to face.

Romon, I didn't expect your business to be so good, and you didn't invite me to visit. Alini was the first to break the deadlock and looked at the crowds in the store. Why, don't you ask me to go around?

Hehe. Romon smirked, but he was thinking in his heart, how could he have any office space?

However, Romon also felt that it was inappropriate to do such a thing while standing and talking, so he hurriedly gave Alini to a small single room in the store that was set aside as a reading room.

There is a table and a few chairs inside, and the two sit facing each other.

Alini looked around with a smile, flipped through a magic book on the table, and asked curiously: You guys still have a magic book here? Who is reading it?

Romon looked at the book and was also a little curious. However, considering that Rolek has often drilled here recently, it must be him.

Hearing his explanation, Alini shook her head and said: If you don't have magical talent, then reading the book won't be of much use. I didn't expect you to be willing to spend money on such an expensive magic primer. It really surprised me.

Romon chuckled, he got these books for free, so he was willing to part with them, but unfortunately, he couldn't tell Eleni these words.

The two gossiped for a while, and Ai Lini finally revealed the purpose of coming this time.

It turned out that she was actually attracted by Romon's new potion. As a priest, she also needs to learn the preparation of potions, and she is also very interested in these. When she heard that Romon's new potion has better effects than the old potion, she was immediately attracted to it.

Naturally, Romon couldn't tell Alini the secret of the new potion, but the two of them exchanged and discussed the preparation of the potion.

Not only did Romon, a half-toned druid, benefit a lot, but some of the knowledge Romon gained from other sources also broadened Alini's horizons.

The two chatted happily.

Opposite the Romon Pharmacy, a tense atmosphere is permeating the manager's studio.

Well, I didn't lie to you, did I? the tax officer sneered.

Opposite him, a teenage girl was staring at the opposite side of the window, where a teenager was sending Alini away with a smile on his face.

I didn't expect that Romon was such a despicable person! the girl said viciously, withdrawing her gaze.

The tax officer added angrily: Yeah, how could a girl as innocent as Miss Ai Lini see through his face? It's pitiful. She's being used now, and she doesn't know yet.

Let me just say it! He is a second-level druid, how could he research any new potion, it turned out to be cheated from Alini, this... this is simply too despicable! Take the potion formula of the predecessors, Treat it as your own achievement! It's too despicable!

That's right, with Master Jiefa's strength, he couldn't develop a new potion, but Romon developed it. Anyone who reads it will think that Master Jiefa is inferior to him... But, Miss Wei Wei, in fact, Luo Meng has developed it. Your talent is indeed very high, and you can be promoted to a second-level druid so quickly without the guidance of Master Jaffa, tsk tsk, what a genius, Miss Wei Wei, you are only a first-level druid now, right? the tax officer laughed. Hehe said.

Wei Wei said angrily, It's just a liar, what's the big deal!

But, you know, I know, others don't know. The tax official said, I think that in the near future, Romon's store will definitely become the largest pharmacy in Rika Town, Miss Weiwei... ...

Seeing the girl angrily turning around to tinker with potions, the tax official smiled.

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