Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 288 Gap (Part 2)

Moments later, thousands of humans. All had been eaten by a large group of demons, and nothing was left. Only the colorful blood on the square proved the tragedy.

Although the big devils were almost full, they couldn't hide their dissatisfaction.

If the failure of attacking Arpus City last time was Savinciu's first failure, then this time it was the second failure.

If the little devil can absorb only 5% of the energy from eating a person, then the big devil can absorb 10%, and the abyss baron can only absorb 20%, and there is a daily upper limit for detoxification.

This is exactly the same as people can only eat a certain amount of food per meal.

However, the demon god can digest 90% of the body from the body to the soul, so she can return up to 50% of the energy after being sacrificed.

The only thing is that the scale is too small to attract the attention of the demon god, but now there are a thousand people here, which is enough.

It's just that if there is a sacrifice, the demon god may choose the second big demon to bestow power, or evenly distribute it to the big demons present, but this may make the big demons different. Promoted to the second Baron of the Abyss.

Because of this, Savinqiu would rather adopt this backward method of eating directly than sacrifice blood to the demon god.

However, because of this, some great demons exchanged glances, revealing a trace of weirdness.

There is no doubt that Savinchu's behavior means alienation from the Demon God, and the consequences are determined by the Demon God himself, but if this continues - the Baron of the Abyss will also lose the favor of the Abyss, and he will not be far from death .

In a blink of an eye, it is dawn, Aps City

What? Baron Moham's territory has been completely taken over by demons? So soon? In the Viscount's mansion, a nobleman was frowning, listening to his subordinate's report.

This aristocrat is of moderate stature, a bit older, his temple hair is already a little gray, and there are clear wrinkles on his forehead. However, the white hair and wrinkles will not damage his chic demeanor at all. On the contrary, the clothes Dressed in well-fitting clothes, he exudes an elegant temperament from the inside out. His long-term experience as a superior person has made his aristocratic temperament melt into his bones.

This person is the Viscount Edel of Arps City. He was thinking about it while listening to his subordinates report the news about the Barony of Moham.

what can we do about it? These damned demons. It’s true that the wildfires are endless, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. I thought that after they receded,

After living in Hui'an for a while, I didn't expect that such a catastrophe would really happen!

This is how to do? Although he did have a reason for not rescuing the Barony of Mobham at that time, it would also lead to serious problems, and the problem lies in the power of demons.

There are tens of thousands of people in a barony. According to information, more than half of them have been transferred in advance, and some are distributed in the vast territory and in the castle.

The death light in the castle has already strengthened the strength of the devil. If another Abyss Baron is born, it will be terrible.

Besides, there are also 10,000 people scattered in various villages in Baron Moham's territory. Thinking of the tragic situation these people will face, Viscount Edel feels somewhat unbearable. But soon, his thoughts turned to this group of people.

Tens of thousands of humans. If all of them are caught, it will be a catastrophe, and the power of the demons will grow tremendously, so action must be taken.

Besides, this is also accountable to the church and the kingdom.

As a nobleman, he has long been used to using human life as a chess piece. If he is too soft-hearted, he will not be able to be the lord of the whole place, let alone the viscount who controls the fate of many people.

...Someone found Baron Moham in the city... Although Viscount Edel didn't seem to be listening carefully, the subordinate still reported seriously.

What did you say? Say it again? Viscount Edel, who was thinking, suddenly heard the words of Baron Moham, and suddenly came back to his senses, narrowing his eyes slightly, and asked.

Returning to my lord, someone found the traces of Baron Moham in the city. It is said that he looked very embarrassed at that time, and he hurried into the city with only a dozen people. He is now in his villa in the city. Up to now, there has been no trace of him. Come out. The man quickly repeated what he had just said.

Moham, Moham, are you still alive? Rubbing his chin with his hands, Viscount Edel showed a smile on his face.

What about the situation in other territories? A stone in his heart fell to the ground, and Viscount Edel, who finally found a way, suddenly relaxed. situation in other territories.

He narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the news that Galle Land was occupied by Romon and the castle was renamed Blue Castle. Dazed for a moment, noticing his abnormality, the subordinate who reported immediately paused.

It's okay, you can continue talking.

This is really a lucky and cunning guy! Viscount Edel thought about it, but after a moment, he waved his hand and let the report continue.

Although Romon's actions surprised him, but since Romon has successfully taken over the castle, obtained the king's will and canonization, and became a legitimate baron, this has become an objective fact.

The man continued to introduce the situation of other territories. After hearing this, Viscount Edel thought for a while and let the man go down. Then, he came to the desk, picked up the pen, pulled out a piece of official paper, and quickly wrote on it.

A letter with densely packed small characters was packed, Viscount Edel stood up, went outside, called the servant who raised the pigeons, and brought a best pigeon. Tie the letter to the pigeon's leg, and then order someone to let it fly.

This carrier pigeon was specially used to go back and forth between King City and Apus City. Although the journey was long, the flying speed was very fast, so letters could arrive at a faster speed than sending letters on horseback.

At this moment, before the Viscount consulted the Earl and the Kingdom, he issued an order: Because Baron Moham is negligent, he cannot protect the people. In order to protect the people, protect the believers of the gods, and prevent a large number of human beings from becoming demons. To increase the strength of the demon side, any nobleman can send troops to enter the Barony of Moham, and can forcefully relocate the people, and if they encounter resistance, they can be killed.

As soon as this order was issued, there was an uproar among the nobles, and many nobles protested.

After all, although this did not directly infringe on the nobles' territory, it did infringe on the citizens, which is also a very serious matter.

In such an atmosphere, all the nobles waited and watched for a while.

The only one who sent troops immediately was Romon. He immediately attacked and began to forcibly relocate the leaders of nearby villages.

Soon, after a few days, the king's order came to the city.

Because Baron Moham's castle was breached, and Baron Moham's shameful escape, he was given the most severe punishment according to the oracle and the laws of the kingdom.

However, because he had established meritorious deeds, and the breach of the castle was really justifiable, so his title was not completely deprived, but only degraded to a lord.

Moreover, the legality of the viscount's order was ratified, but a serious warning was given that the local nobles were not allowed to issue this order in private. If there is such an order, it must be reported to the king for approval before it can be implemented, because it will easily shake the foundation of the nobility.

Even so, this matter, for Baron Mobham. Still a heavy blow. Although he was not expelled from the circle of nobles, he changed from a baron with a vast land and thousands of people to a lord with nothing in an instant. This huge change made him extremely depressed.

That night, he developed a high fever. Although this serious illness did not kill him, it made him lose a lot of weight. When he came out again, his body was even thinner, his eyes were dull, and his whole body exuded a decadent aura. The once high-spirited Baron , probably never coming back.

Compared with other people, his current situation is already very good.

Demons are also rampant in some territories adjacent to the Barony of Moham. There are lords who keep losing their lands and titles. They are not as lucky as Baron Moham. Once those lords who wandered on the fringes of the aristocratic circle were deprived of their titles, they became completely commoners. They are even more miserable!

And in Baron Moham's castle, the demons are still having a carnival.

This is a carnival that belongs to demons, and at the same time, it is also a disaster that belongs to human beings. A series of screams continued to ring out in the castle, mixed with howls of pain and roars of despair!

A piece of human skin was peeled off from the human body alive, and there was still heat, and the blood did not gushes out from the naked flesh for a while, even, the too intense pain had already made that person numb, and his expression was distorted He was also sluggish, as if he had forgotten the pain.

Ah! However, even such a short moment of forgetting the pain, the demons seemed not to allow it. They immediately used their sharp claws to tear the human man, and carried the painful torture to the end.

If you look at it with your spiritual eyes, the pain and anger turned into evil black energy radiated in the banquet, and all the demons present breathed comfortably, growing their evil power little by little.

Son! My son! An old woman on the side who was also tied to the wall hissed. She yelled her son's baby name, and desperately wanted to pounce on the skinned man, but she was helpless. , The rope tied her too tightly, and the rope even sank into her somewhat emaciated body.

In her eyes, her son was still under her gaze, struggling in pain. Her pain also turned into a strong evil force, even no worse than the skinned man, and it also became the nourishment of the devil.

The human body has limits, so does pain. Gradually, the man's screams became weaker. At this moment, a little devil stepped forward, tore open his chest, and took out a heart that was still beating. , dedicated to a great demon.

At the last moment, those eyes full of pain and helplessness were still looking at her. It seems that he is worried about whether the pain in his body will also fall on his old mother.

Then, the little devil serving below jumped up and devoured the dead man.

At this time, another little devil stepped forward ferociously.

This time, the object was a girl.

This girl, who looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, immediately cried out when she saw the devil approaching, struggling desperately, because she was bound, the rope was tied too tightly, her skin was torn apart, and her thighs and arms were bright red.

But he didn't even care about the pain, crying out with blood and tears, calling out to his relatives, calling out to God.

Behind him, another family member cried.

When the girl's chest was peeled off, the hall was full of cries, and the big devil was enjoying his breath.

The power of the demon god can make the people inside enjoy the ultimate bliss and die without being forced at all, but they only have pain and torture to gain power. Of course, there is a big difference in this level.

When the girl's skin was peeled off and she was groaning before she died, the great demon finally asked: Savinqiu, recently the human army has been continuously compressed and the people in the village have been moved. The food we can get is getting less and less. What are you going to do? ?”

Indeed, there are only dozens of people in the hall now, and it is becoming more and more difficult for the little devil to find human food. There are fewer and fewer living people, and there are fewer and fewer human skins and hearts on the table. This situation is obvious.

The demon army, competing with the human army, began to enter the stage of confrontation.

The human army is active in its own territory, and the demons have become relatively conservative, only entrenched in the human land they have already occupied. The two sides occasionally have small frictions, and occasionally have one or two small battles. Casualties are not counted. Too big, obviously, it will take some time for both sides to recover their strength, so big battles will obviously not happen again.

However, this is not good for the demon in the long run.

Savinchu snorted, swallowed the girl's blood and heart, and then said: On the territory called by humans, there are two abyss barons. If they can successfully break the , we have the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to develop, otherwise, it doesn’t matter, when it’s critical, abandon the little devil, we can move to other regions at any time, or simply retreat.”

The big demons present looked at each other in blank dismay. Although as the blood feeding continued, the number of big demons gradually recovered from more than 50 to about 60. This is a powerful force. Unable to develop.

The little devils are inconspicuous, but they are the source of the demon army. Even if they withdraw to other areas, it is difficult to control the little devils in other areas, unless there are sporadic little devils.

Demons have a strong concept of territory, and they are assigned in advance. When going to other areas, they must submit to the management of other abyss nobles.

The big devil still doesn't matter, it sounds the same to everyone, but when Savinchu goes, he changes from a lord to a subordinate, so don't look at what it says, anyone who proposes to go to another area is courting death.

As for retreating to the abyss, you, Savinchu, are already the baron of the abyss, and you can make enough money to go back, but we are still great demons, this once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity, just go back like this?

How can this be?

Following this thought, the big devil silently devoured people's hearts and drank human blood, without making a sound.

It was a silent protest, an atmosphere like dead iron, spreading in the hall of demons. (!)

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