Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 279 Sacrifice (Part 1)

Arpus City, the night is coming to an end. killing continues

Boom the burning fireball smashed into the dense battle formation, and immediately dozens of little demons flew up. No matter how strong the fighting will and desire were, they couldn't resist the force of the explosion, blood and internal organs splashed everywhere.

The big devil didn't even bat an eye, ten big devils were enough to suppress a thousand little devils, one big devil descended and killed it with a long sword of hellfire, and the heads of five or six little devils flew into the sky.

The little devil, who was in a state of disarray, had no choice but to give a cry, and returned to rush at the human soldiers.

The sound of killing was loud, and the number of human soldiers on the front line continued to decrease.

And at this moment, among the human beings, another group of crossbowmen came out, layer upon layer, waiting for orders.

With a magical command, the entire position resounded: The crossbow team is ready, launch!

For a split second, the entire sky was darkened, and Yayu roared through the void. Under the bombardment, countless blood splashed.

In the entire open space, one tenth of the human soldiers who were still fighting, together with five to ten times as many little demons, were shot and killed on the spot.

Boom! Another fireball technique smashed into the demon team, and a large number of little demons flew out.

The battle has been going on all night, and the soldiers on both sides are so ruthless, almost in tacit order, consuming the lives of each other's soldiers and even the knights (big demons).

However, knights have some privileges after all. After all, they are not items that can be consumed at will. Farfer and Haiwawei retreated and fought more than a dozen consecutive nights. Even the knights were exhausted.

After returning to the formation, it was time to rest. The charging horses were led down to eat water and grass, and the new horses were already waiting.

Eleven! someone yelled.

Farfer trembled, and pieces of devil's flesh kept falling from the armor, but at this moment, he was already numb. Someone handed him the energy recovery potion, and Farfer drank it in one gulp, only to feel exhausted. Got some energy back.

Another fierce battle, both sides lost a lot of men and horses, and the soldiers who fought in rounds. The cavalry and knights in particular got a temporary rest. Naturally, some people are always paying attention to the little devil's actions. These cavalry and knights can take a rest.

In the back camp, more than half of the cavalry has been reduced, and they all fell to the ground to rest. The cavalry teams were divided into thirteen large groups according to their respective knight camps.

Sitting in a dense circle, their faces were not so much calm as expressions that did not think at all.

Look, that is the Holy Sword Knights of the Lord of Radiance, charging for the thirteenth time.

At a glance, Farfer saw Sangerbo, who was also covered in blood. Farfer looked at it for a moment, and then looked around. The camp of the Knights of the Holy Sword was obviously shrunk by more than half. Two-thirds were lost, most of the knight attendants were killed, and each knight had only two or three knight attendants to follow.

Sangbo felt the gaze, he drank the recovery potion, looked over panting, saw that it was Farfer, snorted, and didn't say anything.

As a member of the Holy Sword Knights, from the moment he decided to participate in the battle, Sangebo knew that the battle would be extremely fierce. He and hundreds of comrades in arms might die on the battlefield, and his A cavity of blood was sprinkled on this land.

However, the purpose of the holy sword knights is absolute obedience. They obey the command of the church. If they are asked to kill the enemy, they must not retreat. That will only corrupt the reputation of the holy sword knights.

The holy sword knights who are resting are also working hard, their faces are deeply tired, but they don't show fear and panic. Their armor may no longer be bright, and it is covered with the blood of enemies and comrades-in-arms, but their The momentum is still sharp, and their murderous intent is still strong.

The war horses who communicated with their master leaned on the master's side one by one, or lay down temporarily, or stepped on the ground lightly with some anxiety. However, they only have their own masters in their eyes. Although countless companions died with their masters, these well-trained horses with the blood of the earth dragon will never betray their masters.

In the last battle, the Knights of the Holy Sword charged several times, relying on the maneuverability of the horses, and killed many demons. However, when the horses were exhausted and the speed was obviously weakened, the power of the knights could not be released. up. Many cavalry soldiers are taking advantage of the rest time to discuss with their captains how to improve the efficiency of combat in the next battle. After all, the cavalry's own ability to fight on flat ground is not weak. In hand, it is too depressing.

Feed the recovery potion to all the horses! The head of the Knights of the Holy Sword issued an order. There are not many horses of the ground dragon blood, and the rotation has reached the limit. have been used.

Leader! Several knights shouted, horses don't have the restorative ability of humans, so they will be useless.

For the glory of the Lord of Radiance, we still have to charge. Everyone is ready and obeys orders! The head of the Holy Sword Knights said coldly. Lost two-thirds, the next still have to continue.

The equipment of the Knights of the Holy Sword can be said to be the best in the vicinity, with high-quality armor, long swords, and long spears. Nature has the greatest effect, it doesn't matter if the horse is dead, he wants to fight for the lives of his knights!

Following orders, the remaining crew finally fed the horses, which neighed and evoke life force.

The devil is attacking again, the reserve is ready! A hoarse order came from afar.

Fafer shook habitually, looked up, and saw the criss-crossed fronts in the distance, collided violently again with a bang, the roaring little devil ran ferociously, and his sight was filled with blood.

The two teams collided fiercely, setting off blood spurts all over the sky, the sound of swords, screams, and fireworks.

I can't take it anymore. Haiwawei bit the bread hard, ate food and water, and the energy potion could not supplement this kind of nutrition.

I can't take it anymore. No one thought that this battle is so fierce. Up to now, everyone has lost more than half of it. Farfell said.

Then why do you fight so hard? Haiwawei asked.

For demons, it is flesh and soul. Both flesh and soul must be obtained after the war. For us, a large number of wounded can be recovered as long as they are not dead. Farfell said: So , whoever wins this battle will have the master control.

On the battlefield, among the piles of dead bodies, at least one-third of them were wounded.

Look at the faces of those people, they are all ashen.

The two looked up, and sure enough, on the high platform, the Viscount. Barons, lords, and bishops all looked livid.

Viscount Edel is no exception. He has completely lost his composure. The battle has now become a war of attrition. No one would have thought that a little devil like a plate of loose sand would be so cohesive after having the Baron of the Abyss.

Another wave of killing sounds gradually subsided, and the sky suddenly darkened at some point.

Your Excellency the Archbishop, it is the darkest hour before dawn, and it is also the time when the demon power is strongest. Viscount Edel turned his head and said to the Archbishop of the Lord of Radiance.

At this moment, a fierce battle had just ended, and in order to prepare for the next slaughter, the two parties had a tacit understanding to suspend the fighting.

The moon was tightly wrapped by a large group of dark clouds, and could no longer spread its warmth to the world.

At this time, the human world, while losing the light of the moon, was shrouded in darkness and bright red.

The blood kept flowing on the ground, converging into small winding rivers, soaking in the rivers, there were bright red corpses, fiery red hearts, and the internal organs of human beings and little devils trampled into mud.

Who said that the wisdom of the big devil is lower than that of humans? The Great Demon also commands the battle formation.

During the battle, the little devils were also driven one by one, fighting to the death. Although the small little devils were at a disadvantage when dealing with human cavalry, they used their height to shuttle under the horse's belly during the battle, Although a lot of people were trampled to death, they still went on and on. Once they found the right opportunity, they would kill the cavalry horses, or cut off the legs of the horses, or cut open the stomachs of the horses, and pulled out their internal organs. Once the painful horses Fallen or frenzied, the human cavalry riding on it will become the victim of the imp's knife.

However, in comparison, the human cavalry still had the advantage. If the horseshoes were dense, the imps could be trampled to death. In this case, the weak imps became the trophies frequently harvested by the swords in the hands of human knights.

Faced with such a situation, the archbishop with two silver stars, which is the mark of a twelfth-level priest, nodded. At this time, behind him, there were two knights in armor standing neatly.

The battle armor and weapons of these two knights are exactly the same. The breastplate is marked with the flame mark of the Lord of Radiance, and there is a sword underneath-the mark of the Holy Sword Knights.

The archbishop said: As long as we pass through the darkness before dawn, my lord's divine protection will be strengthened tenfold, and victory will definitely belong to us! You follow the Holy Sword Knights to charge!

Yes, Archbishop! The two senior knights echoed, For the glory of our Lord!

After speaking, the two immediately retreated.

The bishops of other churches also issued their own orders and sent all the remaining troops up.

You also join the Edel Knights! Viscount Edel said to the two high-ranking knights behind him. After speaking, he glanced coldly at the nobleman and asked, Now is the most critical moment. Let's fight with all our strength!

As soon as the voice fell, the nobles fell silent for a while.

After a while, a nobleman said: Master Viscount, of course, as long as the knights who have not passed by ten times, all will be dispatched!

As he spoke, he dispatched the knights and soldiers behind him to fight.

The bishops of the Radiant Lord Church who stood aside smiled faintly. The appearance of this kind of priests is as holy and bright as their robes, but in fact, who can achieve such a high position and high power? Neither is a fuel-efficient lamp.

They just stood on the high platform to watch the battle, sometimes bless the knights with divine spells, and rarely participated in the debates of these nobles, but this was the privilege of priests.

The battle will begin again. The archbishop looked at the battlefield a little far away, with a slight worry on his face.

Both parties have re-formed their teams.

This is the final battle.

With the sound of the horn, the exhausted holy sword knights suddenly injected strength.

The head of the Holy Sword Knights, got on his horse.

In these thirteen battles, he was at the forefront every time. Although he was a ninth-level knight, he was already exhausted.

But at this time, he turned on his horse calmly, held a spear in his hand, and rode steadily on the horse.

With such a bearing, nine knights also followed behind him, and behind them were sparse knight attendants, slowly passing through the army, and three knights had already died in battle.

The face of the leader of the Knights was completely hidden in the full plume helmet, and no expression could be seen, but halfway, they suddenly sang in unison.

My lord, my lord, you are above all

above everything in the world

Whenever, to protect and defend

for the spread and glory

we will always stand together

The Sangerbe knight who followed trembled fiercely. If this hymn was sung during the battle, it meant that the captain thought it was time to die.

Has the situation reached such a critical time?

However, the thoughts in his heart were suddenly filled with long-term training and the will to pray. In an instant, countless past events floated by. Knight Sangbo sang without hesitation, and took over the leader's hymn with a calm and firm voice , like a knife like a sword.

Khadra Six Thousand

60,000 Pizza

From Eckas to Chateau, it's six million

My lord, my lord, meditate on your name

Those who died for you have filled the straits and leveled the mountains

At this time, not only the nine knights, but all the knight attendants behind were singing in unison. They slapped their shields one after another. Although there were only two hundred people, they carried the momentum of a thousand troops

My lord, my lord, you are above all

above everything in the world

Who can challenge your glory

We must wield the sword with the spirit of the past, the present, and the future forever

Protect, Disseminate and Honor

we will always stand together

Take the spear of the victim

Raise the banner of heroic glory

Let us work together for this goal

On the high platform, the archbishop and the bishops all looked straight ahead, only the archbishop showed that kind of smile.

It is self-confidence, it is pride, it is awe-inspiring, it is everything under control

With such a warrior, who can reverse the position of the Lord of Radiance?

Viscount Edel couldn't help but change slightly.

At this moment, Haiwawei was about to stand up suddenly, but felt his body tense, and turned his head to see that it was Farfer.

Farfell's eyes were strange, admiring, and like a blade, he only said a few words: Let them go!

My lord, my lord, you are above all

above everything in the world

If I fall today

Someone must drink my blood and take my sword

Inherit the will of me and all my ancestors

My Lord, may your light be on earth as it is in heaven

Our Belonging Is Sacrifice

At this time, the Knights of the Holy Sword had already stood at the forefront, singing loudly, and golden-red flames lit up on them. Although there were only two hundred people, they had overwhelming voices.

The chant stopped, the holy light was awe-inspiring, and the head of the Holy Sword Knights drew out his long sword fiercely: Holy Sword Knights, charge!

Two hundred long swords were pulled out fiercely, a holy light flashed, and then they charged.

The demon side also closely observed the actions of the human side. Seeing that the human side made a move, a big demon with the head raised its head and howled. Immediately, the little demons who received the order also rushed towards the human side.

If you look down from the sky at this time, you will see a very spectacular war scene, a very magnificent epic scene, an exciting and huge scene.

On one side is a cavalry of a thousand men, with thousands of horses galloping, no one roaring, but with the momentum of destroying everything, followed by about 2,000 soldiers.

On the other side, fifty big demons riding giant black spider monsters, leading five thousand little demons, also launched a charge.

In an instant, the two teams collided fiercely like a rushing stream of iron.

The sword light rises and falls, and countless blood splashes are sprayed out.

The blood burst and the screams continued, and the flowing blood river had more supplies, and the number of corpses and internal organs wandering in it continued to increase.

The killing sound was so loud that even the nobles and bishops on the high platform were moved by it.

A few cowardly and weak nobles from business or other fields almost fainted, but the bishops and viscounts of various churches just changed their colors. They are the people in charge of this city. Whoever falls them You can't fall down easily. Sometimes, it's true that with as much power as you have, comes with as much responsibility.

The battle was very intense and brutal.

A large number of soldiers died on the battlefield. The low-level fighters suffered the most at this time. They acted as cannon fodder without hesitation. Following the command of the general, someone in front died, and the people behind urged their horses to step on their corpses and continued to move forward. Continue to kill the enemy, no one chooses to escape, knowing that what awaits them is death, they still go forward.

Undead warriors kept falling from their horses, some injured their legs and crawled on the ground, or they wanted to return to their horses, or they wanted to temporarily find a safe place.

However, war is cruel. If there is no one to save them, these wounded will either be trampled into flesh by the horses of their companions, or be torn to pieces by the cruel little devil.

However, although the screams continued, there was no sound of begging for mercy, neither from either side. This incident may have occurred because of a language barrier, but more because of non-my race, their hearts must be different. Either side clearly understands that there is no other way to fight a foreign race except to fight to the death.

The Knights of the Holy Sword, which rushed to the forefront, were quickly submerged in this battle area.

Sangbo beheaded with a wave of his hand, several spears broke, flew out, and the long sword passed by, screaming.

The armor on his body was shaking everywhere. He knew that this was a sign of being attacked. If it wasn't for the armor, he would have died long ago.

Sangbo needs a chance to do meritorious service. He wants to get rid of the current situation. He needs to use the blood of the enemy to take responsibility for his knightly honor.

But at this time, he didn't have any thoughts at all, only life and death struggle.

Come on! Let me show you how powerful the Knight of the Holy Sword is! Knight Sangbo roared and continued to charge forward.

At this moment, a sharp spear pierced through the gap in the broken armor on his back.

Huge pain filled his whole body in the next moment. Knight Sangbo roared, a holy light flashed on his long sword, and a dozen or so little demons behind him were all killed in one blow.

This is the seventh-level mark, but after this blow, countless little devils rushed forward.

A few seconds later, when the Sangbo Knight fell from his horse.

The moment it fell, countless images floated by.

My lord, I will shake up the glory of the family. It was a white-haired woman.

Booth, I will come back with my territory. It was a mother with a child.


When he fell to the ground, he woke up abruptly, and what he saw was the knights behind continuing to charge. Although at this time, the Holy Sword Knights had only thirty knights, but they still carried the indomitable spirit with the holy light all over their bodies. Suddenly, he smiled without any resistance. He lay on the ground and whispered calmly, welcoming the charge of his companions.

My lord, my lord, you are above all

If I fall today...

Before he finished speaking, the horse's hooves of the charge stepped down, and the head of the Sangerbo knight suddenly collapsed, blood and brains splashed, and amidst the splashes, the knight continued to charge towards the demon formation full of spears.

The Knights of the Holy Sword are charging.

Never stop.


Although it is still 5,000 words, but I wrote it with my heart, dizzy, there is no excuse, only tomorrow and tomorrow. (!)

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