Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 256 Recall (Part 2)

As night falls, Suda Village

Romon sat lightning. Goofy above it, looking down.

As night fell, the troops had already been allocated, inspected and inspected, rested and rested, Romon came out on the pretext of inspecting, just now flew to the place where the demon corpses were piled up, turned them all into fertilizer, and now he is inspecting Su Dalin again.

The most precious thing in Suda Village is a forest, which is on the north bank of the Xiaohe River. This forest was originally a natural Suda forest, and the area was not very large. Now there are very few natural ones, and most of them are planted Suda trees.

Due to the territory, the forest has become very narrow and long, extending from the north to the southeast, enclosing Suda Village.

This kind of Sudam in Suda Village actually has high requirements for the growing environment. Of course, the space in Shennongjiao can fully meet their requirements.

Romon came down and let Lightning find food on his own. He was just below and started digging.

This is hard work, Romon thought to himself while digging desperately.

If it wasn't for the presence of Luo Li in the Shennongjiao space, it would save half the effort. It would be no easy task for Romon to transplant a large number of trees into it.

Even now, it is not an easy life.

While working, Romon pondered.

I am already at the sixth level, and at the seventh level there is a fourth-level magic spell called low-level natural protection.

This low-level natural guard is to use trees or freshly cut wood to transform into guards that obey the master. Most of these guards are temporary and can last for a few hours. They are usually used as guards. In fact, they can also work. At the seventh level, there should be four to five fourth-level spells a day, which can summon four or five low-level nature guards. At that time, just order it to do it.

Think here. Romon couldn't help but be full of expectations. If he reached the ninth level, he would have a medium natural protection, at the eleventh level he would have a high-level natural protection, and at the thirteenth level, he would have a permanent natural protection.

At level 15 or above, you can also wake up the tree man, or give life to the natural guardian (provided that the natural guardian's material is alive)

Hehehehe, with such thoughts in mind, Romon worked desperately.

Most of the diggings were small trees that were easy to dig. Of course, some natural big trees, which seemed to be hundreds of years old, were dug desperately and moved into the space.

Gradually, the moon kept moving, and when Luo Meng was so tired that he couldn't move and lay on the ground, the sky had already dimmed.

It was obvious that there were pits dug one after another, and Romon was panting. After digging hundreds of trees overnight, he felt very powerful!

These should be enough. Looking at the woods where there was a large open space, Romon decided to stop. After all, the space in my Shennong Corner is limited, and if it is too obvious, it is easy to expose my secret.

With his eyes closed, Romon began to enter the Shennongjiao space.

The surrounding suddenly lit up, and Romon came inside, and the fireball in the sky illuminated the space.

Romon squinted his eyes, felt for a while, and found that the fireball had completely recovered from the wound it was attacked by the angel last time, and became even stronger.

The entire space, two hundred and fifty acres, is shrouded in a beautiful halo. It is a vague mist with a fresh fragrance. Under this atmosphere, all plants grow extremely luxuriantly.

Romon looked at it, and was surprised to find that Luo Li had already planted all the plants.

Ten acres of sudarlin, one acre of golden-leaf grass and blue shrubs each, have been planted. Now Luo Li is even casting a spell. I can see a large amount of river water floating out of thin air and turning into thin raindrops on the twelve acres. Down, looking at Romon dumbfounded.

When did Luo Li have this ability?

Following the query, a translucent data box automatically appears. The data frame floated in his field of vision with a faint sense of light, and a large amount of data emerged in front of Romon's eyes.

Name: Luo Li

Life Race: Dryad

Attributes: Strength 10(10), Dexterity 12(10), Constitution 10(10), Intelligence 15(10), Perception 15(10), Charisma 16(10)

Occupation: Level 1 Space Servant

Servant of space? Romon couldn't help but look carefully, only to realize that the meaning of the servant of space is the meaning of the words, and he is the servant of space, so he gained some power

This power is mainly necessary to take care of the space, for example, the rain and clouds just now, and the watering of plants.

Of course, it also has a certain degree of defense, and even has a little magic, which is very similar to the magic of a priest, with three magics of healing minor injuries, creating holy water, and plant health.

Moreover, Luo Meng noticed that when Luo Li was moving, green light appeared outside her body, and the whole space also rippled in circles, and the two were almost in harmony.

While Romon was stunned, he became more and more looking forward to it.

Now the space has roughly 150 mu planted, and there is another 100 mu temporarily planted with wheat crops and the like. These spaces must be utilized quickly to enhance the growth of the space.

Seeing that Luo Li was busy, Romon didn't bother and withdrew.

After saying hello, there was an eagle's cry above his head. Romon raised his head, and saw lightning flying freely above the blue sky, and then rushed down.

Lightning, let's go back! Romon called softly, after a gust of wind. The lightning that fell from the sky landed beside him, causing Romon to get on his horse and head towards Suda Village.

When flying over the village, dawn has come, the sun has risen from the east, smoke clouds are filling the hills and fields, and the soldiers have already got up and are doing early exercise.

What pleased Romon the most was that Haiwawei had returned with the cavalry, and several cavalrymen were carrying heavy packages on their horses.

The lightning rushed straight down, and the sharp momentum immediately shocked the surrounding horses back several steps.

Romon turned over and went down, and then, after muttering to Lightning for a while, the big eagle, who was connected with him, nodded his head to express his understanding, and then flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Romon looked away, only to find that the surrounding horses were still trembling, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

Although Romon would usually attack while sitting on a lightning bolt during battle, but in normal times, he could only travel on horseback.

As a magically strengthened bird of prey, Lightning is only suitable for flying in the sky, but it is difficult for it to walk on the ground, and its breath will make ordinary war horses feel terrified.

My lord, when are we going to Rika Town? Hewawi was not the one who came over first. Since he was the Knight of Sangbo, Romon was still quite polite to this guy.

Romon replied: Well, the soldiers fought hard yesterday. Although the healers have been healed, they are all a little tired. I plan to rest for a while. I will march to Rika Town in the afternoon. And I am still planning to wait for the legal fee. Come back, and march to Rika town tomorrow at the latest.

Sangbo thought about it, so he stopped urging, nodded, and walked aside.

My lord, it's a pity that Master Jaffa has gone back! At this moment, Haiwawei walked to Romon's side and said, We now have a spell caster and a healer.

Master Jaffa is a traditional druid. Fighting is not suitable for him. I met him yesterday, so I will help us. I have no choice. People seek safety, but he is different, since the battle is over, he will go back. Romon replied.

After a pause, Romon asked, Have you finished your work?

It's done, my lord. It's not too far from the territory, and we all ride horses, so it won't waste too much time to go back and forth. The wounded have been arranged in the small mining village, and the letter has been delivered. Here it is, this is what Master Nick gave you. Haiwawei pointed to the horses behind, and each horse had a bag hanging on it.

When I opened it, there were a lot of meat and other food inside. When I opened a small package, I found that there were no gold coins in it, only a stack of paperwork. When I took it out, Romon nodded with a smile and said, Take Reverend Pachinla, who accompanied the army, called.

Yes! Naturally, someone called out immediately, and after a while, Pastor Pajinla came.

Priest Pakinla participated in the battle with the army, and he is now at the second level. Romon is a little numb. According to Priest Pakinla, because he participated in beheading the little devil, his holy power level continued to rise in the battle yesterday. It is God's grace for merit, and it is very close to breaking through to the third pole.

Regarding his words, Romon had only one thought: Could it be that the disaster is a scene where priests and paladins fight monsters and level up? It is said that Knight Sanger has participated in many battles and is about to break through to level six.

It's no wonder that after every catastrophe, the church still gets the most benefit.

Suppressing this thought, Romon clapped his hands and motioned for everyone to come over.

Everyone, this is the bounty I promised to everyone. I keep my word, and I will cash it out immediately after every battle! Saying this, he asked Pastor Pakina to take out the stack of documents and prepare to read them one by one. with.

All the soldiers looked at it, and some of them had already guessed what it was, and their eyes lit up immediately.

Ekada, kill six demons and reward six gold coins. Your wife has already obtained it and signed the document! Pastor Pakinla read, and gave a document to the soldier who stood up. When I saw it, I saw a fingerprint on it, and I laughed immediately.

Okay, Monby, next, kill five little devils... Pastor Pakinla read, and began to distribute documents representing gold coins to the soldiers one by one.

Sangbo, who was standing aside, watched, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Rewards and punishments can be repaid, the key is not to give soldiers cash, which can easily turn soldiers into mercenaries, and they will not fight without money.

Although the current method is crude, it does not have this disadvantage.

After receiving the rewards one by one, Romon said with a smile: Today at noon, I will eat stewed meat!

Not only the dried meat sent, but also the dead horses. Although the wounded horses were sent back to be studs, the dead horses should not be wasted.

He said to Haiwawei again: You have been running all night, you have worked hard, go to rest, and we will talk about it at noon.

Haiwawei did not refuse, saying: Yes!

He went down to rest, he is a knight, naturally someone has already cleared out a room that has been cleaned, and gave him a rest.

At this moment, all the soldiers had finished receiving their bounties and went to rest.

Knight Sangbo said again: My lord, shall we conduct a reconnaissance of the situation in Rika Town?

Romon looked up at the direction where Lightning was flying, and saw that it hadn't come back, so he said comfortingly: Don't worry, I've already thought about it, I sent Lightning to scout the situation, and when it comes back, I can Once the information is obtained, there is no need for the cavalry to conduct reconnaissance, which takes a long time and is laborious.”

Lightning? It's your eagle! Knight Sangbo sighed enviously: Having such a magic pet, you are really enviable.

After all, this kind of cliff eagle, which has obviously evolved, can carry people, scout, and communicate, is not something ordinary people can own. Of course, nobles like the baron still have a chance to own one, but what they get is only ordinary cliff eagles. Eagle, unable to communicate, and no one would dare to sit on it easily, let alone reconnaissance.

Romon is just a lord, and it is indeed enviable to have such a magic pet. Recalling the important role played by lightning in several battles, and the heroic appearance of Romon riding lightning in the air, Sanger Knight Bo was also a little jealous.

Knight Sangbo, the glorious knight who is said to have made great achievements, still has a chance to get a griffin, which is much better than my cliff eagle.

Speaking of this, Knight Sangbo could only smile and said, I hope so.

The Griffin is a monster with the head of a lion and a body with wings on its back. Its body is larger than that of a lion, its wings are larger than two eagles, it has long ears, a leopard mouth, and claws as big as horns on its feet. .

As a representative of air power, griffins have been valued by the royal family, and are basically only in the hands of the royal family and dukes. Of course, a few earls have also received this honor.

Moreover, the Griffin has been favored by many gods, including the Lord of Radiance, the God of War, and the God of Order.

The lion is the king on the ground because it has the ability to control and great strength. The eagle is the king in the sky because it can fly in the sky to dominate. The griffin combining the two is the symbol of kingship and divine power.

Knight Sangbo still remembered this sentence, and actually thought about it in his heart, becoming a Paladin of Glory Griffin, but to become a Paladin of Griffin, he needs to reach level eleven and make great achievements. far away.

Seeing that Knight Sangbo was a little silent, Romon stopped talking. In fact, in Romon's opinion, all Griffin Knights and Griffon Paladins are completely scum!

The Griffin itself possesses powerful hand-to-hand combat power, why bother adding a knight?

A knight charging on horseback is king, but worthless in the air.

The powerful hand-to-hand combat power of the Griffin, combined with flying and reconnaissance, is only worthy of a magician. Among other things, if a mage with a large number of scrolls such as fireballs stands on the Griffin and bombs down, a hundred The Griffin Rider is no match, it is simply a large-scale bomber.

Gryphon rider? Fighting in the air with a spear, only the fools of this world can use it like this, Romon couldn't help doubting the wisdom of the king and god of this world. (!)

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