Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 253 Annihilation (Part 1)

Despicable human beings! Go to hell! roared the big devil chasing after him. And the little devil, once driven away by the angry big devil, the speed of marching will be faster.

Master Jiefa, what should we do, they are too fast! They are about to catch up! A soldier looked back, and he was surprised to find that the speed of these little demons was very fast, and the distance between them was gradually shortened.

It's no wonder that both the big devil and the little devil have wings. Although the little devil can't fly and fight like the big devil, there is no problem flapping its wings at low altitude and speeding up its march.

Although the speed of the horse is similar to that, the distance between them is indeed constantly shortening when the other party is furious.

Jiefa also looked back at this time, then frowned, and said to the left and right: The ambush site is coming soon, everyone, hurry up, and don't let these guys catch up!

Not that they couldn't fight back. Only in this way, the attack plan was delayed again. Jiefa is a strict person, and he absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening to him.

Yes! Master Jaffa! The soldier responded, and the cavalry speeded up again. However, even so, the distance between the demon army and them was still shrinking.

After a while, a big demon smiled ferociously, ready to attack the cavalry who was close at hand.

At this moment, there was a loud eagle cry from the sky.

Without any warning, a crossbow shot towards the big demon flying in the front. The big demon couldn't help but pause.

Sitting on Lightning's body, Romon smiled and looked at the furious demons below, and his mood suddenly changed: I'll give you another lightning spell!

As he said that, a large piece of lightning landed on the head of the little devil in an instant.

Raising his head, the people below saw Romon riding lightning in the sky. Jiefa had to admit that although he also had lightning spells, the effect of using this kind of mass destruction spells in the air could almost be improved. double.

You despicable humans! You will use this kind of trick! Another big devil roared angrily, and Romon was originally above the village. After being entangled for a while, he immediately ran away, leading the one behind to catch up.

With Romon disrupting the situation, the distance between the demon army and Jaffa's team has once again been widened. The distance between the two parties is not too far, but if they want to cause substantial damage to this team,

However, the distance needs to be shortened.

Romon's prestige is really not weak! Jaffa sighed in his heart as he galloped forward with the team on horseback. He had already realized Romon's status in everyone's hearts just from his reaction just now.

Seeing Romon's appearance, the flustered cavalry immediately regained their composure, and their morale was greatly shaken.

Quick! The ambush site is coming soon! Jaffa said to the people around him, looking at the clearing in the woods that was close at hand.

Seeing that the ambush site was approaching soon, everyone cheered up and urged their horses to gallop forward.

In the woods, 200 cavalrymen were lying in ambush, waiting for the leader's order, they would charge out and fight the demon together.

Master Jiefa has brought people back! The demons behind are following closely! Standing on the high slope. Farfell, Haiwawi, and Sangerbo stood together, watching the situation in the distance.

Yeah, if it wasn't for Romon's attention, I think we would have been spotted by the Great Demon. The Great Demon can fly and has a keen sense.

Everyone saw that Romon in the sky was constantly provoking the two big demons with crossbows and magic spells. The two big demons became a little crazy and gathered together to besiege Romon.

Well, Romon has attracted the attention of the Great Demon, let's get ready! Farfell saw it clearly, and issued an order. Immediately, all the cavalry were ready for a battle charge.

In front of a cavalry squadron, Shabid has become more and more anxious.

As a fighter who has already reached the fourth level, but has not broken through for a long time, he feels very ashamed.

Especially when he saw Farfell, Haiwawei, Sangebo and others chatting and laughing, calm and confident, he had an indescribable feeling that filled every corner of Shabid's heart, a kind of flame, gradually burning stand up.

Therefore, when he heard the order, Shabid felt a little relieved.

Archery!! Farfell let out a roar, which suddenly cut through the disturbing tranquility, and then all the cavalry shot a crossbow at the little devil below.

A sharp whistling sound came, and the rain of arrows rushed into the unprepared group of little devils. Instantly, a splash of blood splashed.

Charge!! Farfell let out a second roar.

Immediately, all the cavalry dropped their crossbows on the ground, which could be recovered after the battle, and charged towards the little devil below.

The horses neighed loudly, screaming to kill, the horseshoes kicked up the dirt on the hillside, and the sound of three hundred cavalry and twelve hundred horseshoes charging together shook the entire valley.

First of all, there are three knights. They wear heavy armor, hold long spears, dotted with grudges, permeate the surroundings, and charge downward fearlessly-this is the knight charge in this world. If there are enough numbers, it is even enough to smash everything. .

The first batch of little demons didn't even have time to resist, and were trampled down by the charging horses amidst the screams. The moment of the impact, there was a continuous muffled sound, mixed with the crisp sound of bones breaking.

Hundreds of little devils disappeared under the horseshoes of the cavalry in an instant. The little devil's body was repeatedly trampled by horseshoes on the ground, turning it into a piece of rotten meat repeatedly beaten.

Kill! Shabid's spear pierced a little devil in an instant.

The horse continued to charge, and the spear moved forward with a strong momentum. Another little devil was pierced through, pushing the body of the previous little devil until it hit the end of the spear.

Shabid saw the little devil's face with horror, roared in his heart, and continued to stab another little devil, blood spattering. It poured down from the spear like a spring, and the devil's blood was slightly poisonous, irritating his skin.

This is life and death. At this moment, Shabid suddenly realized that this is the way of warriors and knights. Although he practiced diligently, he was not as good as ordinary adventurers—they were always on the verge of life and death!

Three hundred cavalry passed through the demon, and after rushing over, everyone was completely unrecognizable, blood and corpse fragments stained them red.

Snap, with a loud crack, Shabid's spear ended its mission.

This kind of long spear was carefully crafted by craftsmen, but in such a high-intensity charge, breaking it was inevitable and normal. Shabid dropped the long spear and drew out the long sword that had been placed in the side pocket.

Just charging like this, two hundred little devils fell into one piece.

All the cavalry dropped their spears, and they drew their long swords. There were only three knights, made of fine steel, and there were mithril spears inside, which were extremely tough and undamaged.

The bodies of the three knights were covered with fragments of corpses.

Turning around, Farfell continued to issue orders: Turn to... cavalry, charge!

For the second charge, the sound of horseshoes resounded.

Shabid continued to charge, accelerated several hundred meters, the wind was blowing by his side, the long sword came out, and a light was drawn in the air, with a strong momentum, coupled with the condescending advantage, the little devil was cut. Immediately split in half.


The second attack caused the little demons to collapse much faster than Romon had imagined. After the second charge, all the little demons collapsed.

Soon the battle turned into a one-sided massacre, and the imps howled and ran for their lives.

Shabid was attacking desperately, the blood and blood made him feel red in front of his eyes.

The little devil in front of him dropped his weapon and shield, and fled in all directions without any resistance.

Romon was also quite surprised by this. It was the first time he really saw cavalry charging led by knights, and there were only three in front of him. If it was the same as the Holy Sword Knights of the Lord of Glory Church, ten cavalry had one knight, so charge up. , What dire consequences will it bring?

Lightning, charge up and fight head-on! Romon ordered.

Lightning blared loudly, and rushed straight up. Romon was riding on his back, muttering silently, and a light ball lit up in his hand.

The brilliance of the fireball technique illuminated Romon's face, and before he knew it, his eyes were also icy cold.


A large flame exploded in the air, and a big demon fell down with a scream.

But at this time, five hundred little devils were already dead and wounded. Jiefa looked up to the sky, saw the flames exploding in the sky, and couldn't help but tighten his eyes suddenly.

There is also a big demon, when the situation has changed to this point, it turns around and flies towards the outside.

Want to run? Romon squinted his eyes, and said coldly, without even looking at the big demon that fell down. If Jefa below can't even do this, it would be a waste of his sixth-level virtue. Ruy is gone.

Romon patted Lightning, which was also shaken by the explosion just now, and ordered: Lightning, hurry up, catch up to it!

Lightning blew, trying to balance, and chased very quickly.

This damned human! Looking back, seeing Romon chasing him, the big demon suddenly became angry.

In the devil's impression, human beings are slaughtered and harvested by themselves, and the human beings it encountered before are indeed like this. Who knows, they encountered such a situation today, which made the big devil very angry, but it did not look back , continue to fly forward.

One after the other, the two went away.

At this moment, the big demon that fell roared and stood up. Its wings were severely damaged by flames, but this stimulated its blood.

It rushed forward fiercely, and with a slash of the long sword, a cavalryman was cut in half by it, and blood spattered.

Following the voice, Faffel saw the big demon, tore it off with his left hand, pulled out the heart of a cavalryman, and swallowed it with his mouth open, bleeding everywhere.

Death to the devil! Sangbo rode his horse and ran straight towards the big devil.

Entanglement! The person who cast this spell was the fifth-level druid Jafa, and countless grasses also climbed up.

At this moment, in the same scene, Sangbo and Farfer, burning with grudges, crossed their spears.

With a sound of Boom!, the big demon exploded, and the horses of Sangebo and Farfell fell to the ground. Several nearby cavalrymen were also killed and fell to the ground.

Self-explosion? Is this the magic that this big demon got? Jaffa couldn't help being very surprised. His horses fell, and several nearby cavalrymen were also killed and fell to the ground.

Self-explosion? Is this the magic that this big demon got? Jaffa couldn't help being very surprised.

At this moment, Sangerbo and Farfell got up in a panic. Although this kind of big demon exploded, its power was not bad, but they were all experienced fighters. When they saw something bad, they pulled their horses Stand up, resist the blast wave, and have armor and fighting spirit, and you can't die.

Of course, the two horses were so dead that they couldn't die any more. The Sangbo warhorse, which was close to the big devil, even had half of its head blown off.

However, there is no need for two knights to fight, the cavalry has almost killed all the sporadic little devils.

Farfell pushed the helmet back with a bah, and the senior knight's armor was really good, basically undamaged. He looked at the battle situation and shouted: Gather all the wounded and give the little devil a sword. ,quick!

The afternoon sun was shining, and the breeze was gentle, bringing a hint of the fragrance of vegetation, but this fragrance, in this land, made the thick air even more disgusting.

The hillside has been dyed eye-catching red with blood, the battle is over, but the killing is not over.

There are looming groans and screams one after another, as well as footsteps back and forth, accompanied by the sound of blades piercing the chest from time to time, which is the sound of the army making up their swords.

Jaffa took a deep breath and looked away in disgust.

This kind of behavior made him disgusted, but he couldn't object. He just opened his eyes and found that the wounded cavalry and horses were being taken care of in a farther land.

This became a temporary camp after the war, and it was placed on the other side of the hillside. This distance is very short, which is convenient for the wounded who cannot move, and more importantly, there are no unpleasant corpses and blood.

Jaffa moved there, just behind, followed by Farfer, who was wearing heavy armor and still followed, which is the prerogative of a knight.

You're not hurt, are you? Jaffa said.

No, but some soldiers were injured. Although they were carrying potions, some serious injuries still need your treatment. We will pay for it at home! Farfell said, Forget about the horses, there is no need to treat them.

Are you going to kill the wounded horse? Jefa frowned in displeasure.

Of course not, but we must treat people in advance. These wounded horses will be brought back. Even if they can't fight, they can also serve as stallions. Our racecourse is very important to them! Farfell said.

After hearing this, Jiefa had nothing to say. When he came to a wounded person, he looked around and selected serious injuries for treatment. After treating one, he suddenly said, Aren't you worried about him?

Farfell was stunned, then smiled: You said Romon, I'm not worried about dealing with a big demon!

Words are full of trust.

Sure enough, a moment later, there was another cry of an eagle in the sky. This was Romon's triumphant return. (!)

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