Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 250 Partial Teacher (Part 2)

Suda Village

Located in a relatively remote area within Rocas Territory. It was originally owned by a gentleman named Keweian, who is said to be a distant relative of Baron Rocas.

A kind of tree called Sudam is abundant here. This kind of tree has a hard texture and smells a faint fragrance. It can be made into tables, chairs and beds. Furniture made of this material is very popular in the market.

And this also makes this village unique, that is, remoteness and prosperity coexist.

The geography of Suda Village is very remote, far away from the road. The road next to the village has only been newly built in recent years. It takes at least one day’s journey from this road to the city, and it takes at least one day to go to Rika Town. It also takes at least two hours.

It is a miracle that such a village with inconvenient roads has a prosperity second only to the small town of Rika.

Suda Village is not small, with a radius of ten square kilometers. However, more than 80% of the space is planted with trees. In the village of only one square kilometer, there are no more than one hundred households scattered here and there.

Because the villagers here are relatively rich. Therefore, they are not very willing to deal with the people in the surrounding villages and towns, which also causes the information of the people here to be relatively blocked.

As early as the early stage of the outbreak of the evil disaster, because Rocas Territory was not the front line of the evil disaster, after hearing about the situation of the evil disaster, people in many surrounding villages and towns ran to escape, or fled to a more defensive area. The strict town of Rika may have fled to the city, but the people here don't think the evil disaster is so terrible.

There is a relatively high wall around their village, relying on this wall, they continue to live in a leisurely manner.

It wasn't until some small groups of demons began to flow here that the villagers knew what the danger of demon disasters was. However, it was too late. Half a month ago, a small force with only a hundred little demons captured this place. village.

These demons killed and ate all the people in the village. It is said that here, the army that originally had only one big demon gave birth to another big demon from the little demons.

It was Romon who passed by here half a month ago, and accidentally discovered this demon power, and also discovered the tragedy here. If he hadn't been looking down from the sky, he happened to see that little demon evolve. I'm afraid that not many outsiders know about the destruction and development of Suda Village.

In the village, there were bones everywhere, and bloodstains everywhere. At that time, Romon found that the demons enjoyed life here very much. They used this village built by humans as their own playground and vacation place. This made Romon Pause to kill.


Two big demons and two hundred little demons were far beyond Romon's ability, so they didn't attack. Unexpectedly, the number of little demons here expanded to 500 within half a month.

Romon, do you smell something? Romon was recalling when a question suddenly sounded in his ear.

He turned his head and saw Farfell sniffling and asking on the horse.

Seeing Farfell's question at this time, Romon also sniffed and sniffed: Are you asking about this kind of smell like a flower?

That's right. That's the scent. What's the smell? Farfell looked around strangely.

It's autumn now, and the flowers and plants have withered long ago. Look at the surrounding trees. In this case, what plants can emit such a fresh fragrance?

This is the smell of Sudam. Seeing Farfell's confused expression, Romon explained, It's a special product here, and it's also one of several materials for expensive furniture.

Sudam? Hearing the name, Farfell was startled at first, and then suddenly realized: I said, why the more you walk, the more fragrant it is, this kind of tree is a special product of Suda Village, right? I have only heard of it before. I haven’t been here before, well, the smell is really good.”

Farfell couldn't stop admiring and talking.

Sudam wood is not the best material in terms of material, but it is a very popular tree in the furniture sales of the whole county because of its constant fragrance. , selling very well in the furniture market.

It is because of its appearance that it changed the backwardness of Suda Village. In order to thank this kind of tree for the richness brought to people, a village chief once changed the name of the village to Suda Village. Since then, the name of Suda Village It was used down.

As for the name of Suda Village and where this tree came from, no one has paid attention to it for a long time. People are concerned about the economic benefits brought by this tree. That is, how much money it brings in for the people who grow it.

The growth period of Sudam is also very long. Because there were a batch of wild Sudam here, but at that time the village head cut down a batch and planted another batch. After the old ones were cut down, new ones grew up again. be circulated.

Fortunately, the texture of this kind of tree is only considered good. Apart from the fragrance, there is nothing more peculiar, and everyone is in peace.

And with the passage of time, this kind of tree with a fresh fragrance is even more loved by the surrounding druids.

The reason why Romon knew this kind of tree was because he had seen this wooden table and chair in Jaffa's wooden house. The elegant fragrance was good for Druids' practice. impression.

This kind of trees should have grown in a clean and peaceful place. This is the most suitable place for them to grow. But now, there has been a demonic disaster! Romon sighed and said, Since Sudam has appeared here, It means that we have entered the boundary of Suda Village, everyone be careful, we are about to usher in a fierce battle!

Well, it should be! Farfell nodded in agreement, and then ordered the cavalry to be vigilant.

At this time, Haiwawei suddenly urged his horse to come to the side of Romon in front: My lord, I have sent a few scouts to scout the surrounding situation again, before we learn more. Just wait here for a while!

You did a good job! Romon nodded, and then ordered that the team temporarily stop here, and at the same time, the soldiers who were tired for a long time can also take a rest.

Before waiting for the reconnaissance results to come back, Romon sat on the horse, closed his eyes, and felt the breath of the surrounding trees. This kind of rare freshness made him, a sixth-level druid, unable to help being intoxicated by it. In a breath.

I was thinking in my heart that I have newly increased 250 acres, of which 150 acres are new fields, and now I have planted poisonous herbs and other plants, and only 30 acres have been used, and the rest are planted with wheat , in the space of Shennongjiao, a batch of wheat can be harvested in three months, and there are still more than a month left. When the harvest is over, can these souda trees be moved to your own space?

Of course, choosing those Suda woods that have been around for some years, this is the precious wealth of Suda Village. Every one is taken care of and cleaned up. It can't be hidden, but now, the people in Suda Village are all dead. .

Just thinking of this, Luo Meng opened his slightly closed eyes, then turned his head and looked towards the forest on the right.

The woods are very lush, although it is September, the leaves on the trees have not fallen, and the depths of the woods are still not visible from the roadside, but that feeling...

Romon, what's the matter with you? Noticing the strangeness of Romon, Farfell held the hilt of the sword with his hand vigilantly, and looked left and right at the same time. Finally, his eyes turned to the direction Romon was looking at.

There, in the depths of the woods, after a while, there was a figure shaking.

Farfell's conditioned reflex was to take the bow and nock the arrow, but Romon stopped him.

It's Jaffa Druid. Romon said with a strange expression.

Master Jaffa? Fafer's expression suddenly became strange when he heard the name: Is it really him?

That's right, it's him. Romon nodded. Look, it's already out.

While the two were talking, the figure had indeed come out. He was dressed in a green robe, and was a middle-aged man with an indifferent expression. He was Jaffa Druid, Romon's former teacher.

At this moment, Jayfa also saw them. He was startled for a moment, and then he came towards them.

Master Jaffa...

Mr. Jaffa...

Seeing him approaching, Farfell and Romon got off their horses and greeted Jaffa Druid, especially Romon. Although he didn't care about it anymore, he still had to be polite to his former teacher. have.

It's you? It seemed that he didn't expect that the people he met here were Romon and Farfer, and Jayfar's expression was also a little stunned, but his stunned quickly disappeared. After greeting, the Druid, who had cut off contact with Romon, stared closely at Romon.

I heard that you are already a sixth-level druid? After a while, Jiefa looked away, hiding the shock in his eyes, and asked lightly.

Romon also nodded indifferently: Yes, Mr. Jaffa!

Romon could also tell that Jayfa was already a level 6 druid and was also making progress.

Well, congratulations, this time, are you here to encircle and suppress the demons who occupied Suda Village? Jiefa restrained his mind and asked calmly and seriously.

Romon looked at him in surprise, but in the eyes of the other party, he saw the anger towards the devil.

Thank you for your celebration. Yes, I came here this time to catch all the demons who have occupied Suda Village and kill them all! So Romon was relieved, and when he said this, he waved his hand and rolled his eyes. Suddenly, there was a forest of killing intent.

This killing intent was the courage that Romon possessed only when he commanded the army and fought in person, and killed two thousand demons. It naturally emerged. The majesty of this kind of killing decision made Jiefa startled.

Under the bright blue sky, two druids stood in front of the crowd, looking at each other. The older druid looked ordinary and had a leisurely temperament, while the young druid was handsome with a cold expression and a murderous look .

At this time, Romon's murderous aura and majesty had completely surpassed that of Jaffa, which was condensed by the killings he had done with his status, power, and majesty.

That's good, I'm here for this too. Jayfa nodded and said.

The two looked at each other without too many thoughts in their eyes, but the simple conversation just now was enough for them to understand a fact.

That is, the things that both of them cared about very much, even if they can't disappear, but in front of them, it's not the time to care about them. (!)

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