Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 242 Rescue (Part 2)

The arch-demon is a monster with a high IQ. Seeing the toughness shown by Romon, the big demon didn't intend to tangle with him anymore, but turned around and flew towards his army.

Romon was worried about Sir Demerkar's situation, so he didn't chase after him, but let the lightning slowly land within the wall.

Sir Demerkar, I'm sorry, I'm late. After getting off Lightning, Romon saw several corpses lying beside him, and said apologetically to Ser Demerkar who came over.

No, no, Romon, look at what you said! If it weren't for you, my territory would have been captured by these demons. I want to thank you, really, thank you for my people! Demoka Jazz said, giving Romon a big hug.

What's the situation in the territory now? How long can it last? Romon asked afterward.

The demon army came three days ago. We have already used up half of our arrows. Even if we rely on stones, we can last for another three days at most. The weapons are almost exhausted. Sir Demerkar said with a sigh.

At this time, the demon army also stopped attacking, giving the people on the wall a chance to breathe, so Sir Demerkar had time to talk to Romond about this.

In fact, I really want to thank you. If it wasn't for your hint last time, I might not even have these preparations. The territory must have been over long ago. Although I knew there would be a disaster, who would have thought that the demon army would have Such a strong combat power, a mistake, alas!

Sir Demercar, as long as we persist for a while longer, our army will arrive. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Romon said comfortingly.

It's not good! The demon army is attacking again! The sudden exclamation made both Romon and Sir Demerkar's hearts sink. They both hurried to the edge of the wall and looked down.

It's not an attack, it's a riot! Romon knew at a glance that the demon army had rested and was about to set up camp, but at this moment, a cavalry charged forward with flying dust.

Leading the charge were none other than Farfer and Hewawi, behind them. Fifty strong cavalry rushed into the rear of the demon army, their momentum was like wolves into a herd of sheep.

Fafel! Haiwawei! Romon snapped a lightning bolt and said, Go find them!

Lightning's IQ was no worse than that of children under the age of ten, so he naturally understood what Romon meant, and as soon as he leaned his body, he rushed towards Farfell and the others.

With the sound of a great wind, Lightning brought Romon up to the horses of Farfell and Hiwawi,

The horses of the two men stepped back in shock.

I'll lure that big demon away! I'll leave this to you! Romon said while sitting on Lightning.

Okay! Don't worry! Leave it to us! Faffel said.

Romon nodded, and then, Lightning quickly took him to the sky.

Get ready to fight, get ready to open the drawbridge! Although he was a little disappointed that there were only 50 people coming to help, Sir Demerkar finished his sentence with a calm face, picked up a bow next to him, and shot down.

Speaking of which, members of Sir Demercar's family have good fighting strength, although years of pampering and pampering have made them no longer have the demeanor of a knight. However, the accuracy of the bow and arrow is still good.

Go to hell! Romon threw another fireball and threw it down.

The fireball fell into the demon's army and exploded, causing a commotion immediately. This path happened to be the direction the cavalry was heading.

The great demon who had been in command of the army raised his head at this time, looking at the man and the eagle flying in the sky, his eyes were full of hatred, but there was also a trace of guard.

Damn the big devil! Romon looked anxiously at the big devil who commanded the army to intercept the cavalry frequently. He naturally understands the principle of capturing the thief first, but at this moment, he clearly knows how difficult it is to repel this demon army with his own strength.

I'd like to see how calm you are! Flying in the sky, looking at the great demon below who continued to command, Romon sneered, and fired another fireball to bombard the place below.

Since it is necessary to concentrate forces to intercept the cavalry, of course it must be concentrated, and this concentration has become a target again.

Boom! Another twenty or so little demons were blown up. No matter who they were, they would only be beaten and unable to fight back, and their morale would plummet. As the big demon in command, he clearly felt this.

Watching it screaming from below being stimulated by its own attack technique. The corners of Romon's lips are getting bigger and bigger. After three fireball shots, I still have five lightning shots!

Finally, after Romon's second lightning spell destroyed more than a dozen little demons, the big demon who was waiting for Romon to run out of spells finally couldn't stand it any longer. With a loud cry, it flapped its wings and flew up. .

When Romon successfully lured the big demon away, the demon army below immediately became leaderless. Haiwawei and Farfell naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Brothers, go! Kill these little devils! Haiwawei was the first to bear the brunt, and rushed up as soon as he urged the horse.

Teammates! Go! Farfell was no exception. After shouting, he greeted the soldiers and rushed towards the enemy's rear.

Like sharp knives, the two plunged straight into the enemy's army and headed for the gate.

Those little demons originally looked down on the humans on the ground. After all, they have killed countless people along the way since they came out, and it is rare to see the human army that defeated them.

However, the initial contempt soon paid a heavy price for these little devils, two people, Farfell and Haiwawei. After hundreds of battles, they are good at dealing with little devils and beheading them.

It wasn't until this time that these demons realized that it was the wolves that came in, and they were the lambs to be slaughtered!

Despicable human beings! Above the sky, the big demon soon realized that he had been fooled. Seeing the demon army below begin to crumble, the big demon was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames.

But whenever it was about to rush down, Romon would intercept it very skillfully. Because Lightning was responsible for the flying task, Romon was able to focus 100% on how to attack the opponent.

In this way, the big demon obviously suffered a lot, and it was so angry that it screamed.

Am I despicable? I think you are despicable. Sitting on the lightning, Romon said leisurely.

This appearance made the big devil furious: You lowly human! I want to eat you!

As he spoke, he flapped his wings and flew towards Romon.

Lightning flashed very cleverly, and by the way, it swung its wings in a strong wind, almost turning the big demon around.

Haha! Come here if you have the ability! Romon smiled, and casually threw a crossbow, and with a poof, it pierced into the shoulder of the big devil. Although it didn't go deep, it still hurt.

The great demon was furious and rushed towards Romon.

Romon's spiritual eyes have been opened, observing the aura of this great demon at any time, and patiently tempering the temper of this great demon. The one who holds his breath is more likely to suffer.

While they were entangled in the sky, under the city, Haiwawei and Farfer led the tried and tested troops, and they were quickly passing through the army of little demons.

Although they are smaller in number than the demon army, all of them are people who have fought fiercely. When it comes to killing demons, they are experienced.

Quick! Reinforcements are coming! Put down the drawbridge! Sir Dymerkar gave an order, and the drawbridge was lowered, and the soldiers in the city rushed out to respond.

All of a sudden, the little devils were beheaded one after another, and Romon felt a little distressed. This is good fertilizer, but under the watchful eyes of everyone. He wouldn't be so stupid as to reveal his secret.

After a while, the cavalry entered the suspension bridge, and with a cry, the suspension bridge rose again.

At this time, Luo Meng was inspecting the little devils, and swooped down twice, and dedicated the second lightning spell to the little devils below, and the little devils who exploded fell to the ground one after another.

With only one shot left, Romon retreated to the city wall, turning over and hitting the lightning.

You came in time! After getting off Lightning, Romon came to the horses of Fafer and Haiwawi and said. Just now, I noticed that only two cavalrymen were killed.

The two also got off their horses and walked up to Romon. Just as they were about to say something, their expressions suddenly changed.

What's wrong with you? Romon noticed their strangeness and asked hastily.

The two looked at each other, and seemed to realize that the other had the same feeling as themselves. Before the two could speak, they saw fire burning on their bodies at the same time.

This kind of fire was transparent and so powerful that even Romon had to take a few steps back to restrain the same killing intent from his body.

It's vindictiveness! It's the fighting spirit that can only be seen before becoming a knight!

Romon was startled at first, and then, ecstasy appeared in his eyes: My territory finally has knights! Moreover, there are two knights at a time!

Sir Demercar was no stranger to this situation, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment before saying, Romon, congratulations.

Captain Shabid, who was not far away, was even more ashamed. He had a level 4 level. He had been at level 4 for a long time, but he was still unable to break through level 5. In the end, he needed help.

Romon laughed and whispered to Lightning, and saw Lightning fly up and go away in a blink of an eye.

Is this? Ser Demercar asked.

I let it carry the armor, and the two sets of armor take turns. Hehe, a knight must have armor in order to have strong combat power! Romon said.

Half of the combat power of a knight lies in the armor. Only with the protection of the armor can they run rampant, almost like tanks on the earth.

With two knights and a sixth-level druid himself, the hundreds of little devils and one big devil below are not impossible to deal with. (!)

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