Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 240: The Letter (Part 2)

The street has been repaired, according to the previous plan. Planted trees.

The people pushing carts and carrying soil on the road, as well as the new houses springing up like mushrooms, all of these made Luo Meng's eyes shine.

It seems that during the month he left, there have been quite a few changes in the territory.

Welcome home. Ah, Romon, you've reached level six, so fast! A big hug, this is Farfell.

Romon, are you really level six? At this moment, Nick also noticed.

This month's time has made Romon more calm, while Farfell has become more energetic, and Nick has lost a lot of weight due to his recent busy schedule.

Looking at the two good friends, Romon felt a lot of emotion. However, looking at the people around him, he felt that this is not the place to talk. Moreover, he was really tired: Let's go. Let's talk when we go back upstairs.

Okay, I heard that you are back, the bell has already been prepared for you, go back quickly! In the evening, we will hold a dinner party to celebrate your reaching level six, how about it, it will be at your villa, so, you can first Go rest, we will call you before the banquet begins! Seeing that Romon's face was full of tiredness, Nick and Farfell looked at each other, and then Nick said.

As soon as Nick mentioned the bell, a girl immediately appeared in Romon's mind, and a smile appeared on his face: Okay, entertain Mr. Barn for me, and we'll talk about it in detail after I rest.

As for the dinner at night, it will be held at his residence anyway, so there is still time to wake him up.

However, don't be too tired, you still mainly rest now. Before leaving, Nick suddenly winked at Romon.

Romon didn't understand what it meant for a while, and when he realized it, those two guys had already walked away, but. I can still hear their laughter, as if they were talking about something interesting.

These two guys! Thinking of Nick's eyes, Romon was rather dumbfounded.

Shaking his head, he did feel a little hungry. After eating dry food and roast chicken for a month, Romon was a little tired. He really missed the craftsmanship of the bell, so Romon walked quickly to the villa.

They were walking and talking with Nick. He was already very close to the villa, and Romon could already see the gate of the villa.

At this time, a young girl had already run out of the villa and rushed straight to him: My lord! You are back!

those eyes,

With excitement and joy, following her crisp call, her soft body immediately threw herself into Romon's arms. Smelling the fragrance of the girl's hair, Romon's heart softened accordingly.

My lord, I have prepared hot water for you. Would you like to eat something first, or take a bath first? Bell asked thoughtfully.

Romon was indeed a little hungry, so he thought about it. He said, Let's eat first.

Okay, I've already prepared everything for you! Bell smiled and pulled Romon into the villa. In the dining room, she asked Romon to sit down and wait a while. with.

There is a very good saying, when is the happiest moment for a man? It was when he returned home when he was tired, and saw the considerate woman, the delicious food and the comfortable home, this point, at this moment, was deeply recognized by Romon.

The food was quickly served by the bell. There were not many styles, only a pot of vegetable stew, a plate of fragrant meat pie, a plate of cold dishes, and a small pot of vegetable soup, but the aroma was overflowing. When people see it, they will move their index fingers.

Romon ate very appetizingly. Some time ago, because he was busy fighting guerrilla warfare, he often used the food stored in the Shennongjiao space to satisfy his hunger. Although the food was also exquisitely made and tasted very good, but compared The hot meals made by the bell still lack some flavor.

After eating, Romon returned to his room. Then, the bell like a bee busily prepared hot water for him.

Then after watching him soak in the hot bath, she carefully rubbed his back and massaged him. The strength in his hands was neither light nor heavy, which made Romon's fatigue a lot less, but sleepiness also followed.

After taking a bath, he didn't have the slightest thought of going to bed with Bell. He was so tired that he felt exhausted. Romon kissed Bell's forehead, then went to bed and fell asleep. He slept from morning to night. Four or five in the afternoon.

My lord, it's time... my lord... The sweet voice seemed to be calling him. Romon's body was gently shaken, and after a while, he finally woke up, opened his eyes and saw that it was the bell calling him.

My lord, you still have to attend the dinner later. Ling Dang said softly.

Romon looked at the sky outside. It is estimated that the dinner party will start in a while. Presumably the bell woke him up, and Nick and the others ordered it.

So, he didn't stay in bed anymore. Sitting up and stretching, this sleep was really sound, and the whole body was comfortable.

My lord, how would you like to wear this? Bell had already thoughtfully prepared a clean robe, shoes and socks, and Romon saw that the style of the clothes was very good, and he nodded in satisfaction: Just take this one.

My lord, you stand up, and I will help you put it on. Bell said.

Romon has long been used to her delicacy and thoughtfulness, so he stood up naturally. Let the bell help you get dressed.

Okay! Bell tugged the hem of the robe for Romon again, and then stepped back a few steps before nodding in satisfaction: My lord looks handsome in anything!

Naturally, Luo Meng liked to hear his woman's compliments to him. He walked over and pinched Bell's little face with his hands: True or false?

It was just a joke, but Ling Dang hurriedly explained: Of course it is the truth! My lord, how can you not believe in Ling Dang!

Seeing Bell's face flushed red, Romon couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed: Ling Dang, you are so cute!

grown ups……

Don't worry, I absolutely believe what Bell said, because my lord is already handsome, so I can look handsome in anything I wear! Luo Meng couldn't help laughing.

My lord, you are bullying him... Ling Dang said aggrievedly.

Luo Meng smiled, wrapped his arms around the other person's waist, and pulled him into his arms, and said softly, Come over at night, do you hear me?

After saying a word, looking at Ling Dang's face again, the blush that had disappeared suddenly surged up again.

After flirting with the bell in the room for a while, Romon came out refreshed. According to the bell, the address of the dinner party was on the first floor. When Romon came down from the second floor, there were already many people below. .

In addition to Farfell, Sangbo, Nick, Sukar, Haiwawei, Lulun, and Baaner, there are some representatives of adventurers and villagers, among them Dekas is also there, and Romon greets them in turn. .

Before the banquet started, according to the usual practice, everyone exchanged opinions and achievements, and then, the dinner began.

The scale of the dinner is not small, it adopts a buffet style, everyone can choose what they want to eat, and the main event after the banquet. It's still a ball.

There were quite a few ladies who came to the banquet. In addition to the relatives of the adventurers, there were also family members of Nick, Farfer and others. Everyone had a great time.

Romon, how are you resting? Nick asked. After greeting the others, Nick, Faffel, and Romon sat together. Seeing the three of them chatting, the others tactfully did not bother.

Barn came over and talked to Bell, anyway, they were relatives, so naturally they had something to say.

Not bad, let's talk about the things in the territory. Romon eagerly wanted to know what happened recently.

Let's put it this way, the population of the territory has doubled compared to before. Presumably you have seen such a big change. The newly built houses are filled with refugees who escaped. They are all from Tetashaw now. People. Nick then told Romon in detail what happened in the past month.

Romon was also very happy after hearing this. After all, in this world, the size of territory and population is a direct reflection of the strength of a nobleman. Of course he hopes that his territory can develop faster and better, but it is impossible to have land without people. Although this disaster has brought devastating disasters to many places, it has allowed his territory to gain A lot of benefits.

At this time, Haiwawei just walked by with a glass of wine, and was stopped by Farfer.

Captain Haiwawei, come and have a meeting. Romon also greeted.

Haiwawei just sat down.

After learning about the internal affairs, Romon also wanted to know the strength of the armed forces in the territory recently.

Faffel first said: Because many adventurers came to defect, the strength of the territory increased greatly. Moreover, because of the strong walls, many refugees fled and brought many young and middle-aged people to the territory. , We have already obtained the weapons that you asked someone to bring back last time, and they have been distributed to the guards. Everyone is very happy, and the fighting spirit is very high. In addition, the rewards given to the fighters by the kingdom and the church also made everyone feel I'm very happy, so if I go to fight the monster now, the result will only be better than last time, not worse than last time.

Furthermore, both Faffel and I feel that we are only one step away from breaking through to the fifth level. It is very likely that we will all break through to the fifth level within this year. Captain Haiwawei added.

This made Romon overjoyed. After all, it was an exciting thing to have two fighters who had reached the fifth-level fighter level in one territory.

However, there is good news and there is bad news.

Romon soon knew that the tranquility around the territory had been broken. Two demon armies of different sizes began to move out of the original area and attack the new territory after sweeping their range. Therefore, Baron Galle and The territory of Baron Rocas has been attacked by demons. Now, he is asking for the rescue of the Church of the Lord of Light and the army. Of course, he has also sent a call for help to the surrounding lords.

These two news are not bad for Romon. As expected, it just proves that the magic disaster has changed from the initial independent operation to a more difficult stage of joint operations. Of course, to his surprise, Sir Demerkar's side was also attacked by demons, and he also issued a call for help.

Romon, what are you going to do? After saying this, several people looked at Romon.

After thinking about it again, Romon said, Aid Sir Demerkar first.

After the banquet, a group of people went to the study above.

Farfell, Nick, Sukar, and Lulun are now the confidantes of the confidants.

Romon, why did you aid Sir Demercar first? Do you like Owenna more than Alini? Nick said exaggeratedly.

Hmph, nonsense, I have three judgments on this matter. Romon glanced at him and said to everyone.

Scholar Lu Lun nodded, and he said, My lord, the first point is the distance, right?

That's right, Sir Demerkar is not far from my home. If it falls, it will directly threaten my home, and this demon will gather the demons in the mining area to form a bigger force. It will be difficult for us to spare our hands to help Baron Rocas! As Meng said, he unfolded the map and spoke pointingly.

Everyone, whether guerrilla warfare, or scholars, or internal affairs officials, who have some understanding of the terrain, all nodded.

What about the second point?

The second point is that we are not strong enough, defensive enough, aggressive enough, and prestige is not enough. If we need to assist Baron Rocas, then we need stronger power, but how do we get it? I think it's a big deal. problem. Romon said frankly and implicitly.

Scholar Lu Lun nodded, he already understood that now, those who have been attacked have spread, and the surviving territories and villages will also be severely tested.

In the initial stage of the war, even the lords, after hundreds of years, it is difficult to correctly estimate the extent of the evil disaster, so it is impossible to propose alliance at this time, or to pay a certain price for alliance.

However, it has been about two months since the evil disaster, and the demons have proved their horror and cruelty with blood, corpses, and the destruction of countless villages.

Under such circumstances, it is also possible to pay a certain price to ensure safety.

Only under such circumstances can Romon's military strength be resolved, or even expanded. Thinking of Romon's tireless efforts, he has been fighting continuously for a month, and his reputation has spread to the whole county. Scholar Lulun uses a new method He looked at Romon.

Romon didn't care, and continued: Sir Demercar is very prestigious. It is said that many nearby gentlemen's families moved to the walls of his territory. If we can help them, maybe we can form a coalition to fight against demons together. If you help Baron Rocas directly, not only will we have fewer soldiers and will not be effective, but it will also make Sir Demercar encounter great difficulties.

This is very clear, and everyone nodded.

Then how to weave it? Farfell said.

According to the information, there are not many demons besieging Sir Demeka, only a thousand. Add a big demon, and each of you will dispatch an elite soldier, about forty riders. Haiwawei will command you, Knight Sangber Stay. Romon said in a deep voice.

At this juncture, the knights of the Lord of Radiance cannot take the credit.

Romon thought for a while, then asked again: What do you think of Dekas?

Not bad, very loyal and capable, but the level is a little lower. Farfell said.

He's still young, so it doesn't matter if his level is lower. If he can be trained, he can be trained. We will need more backbones in our territory in the future. Romon waved his hand and said so. (!)

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