Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 232 Killing (Part 2)

The long sword cut straight, those little devils who were paralyzed by lightning and could not move. Everyone died, and after death, wherever Romon went, they all disappeared suddenly.

At this moment, Lightning rushed straight down, and as soon as its sharp claws grabbed it, it quickly broke away and went up.

Romon rushed into a house, the door was open, and he could see clearly from the outside. What he grabbed was the head of the little devil.

Luo Meng couldn't help shaking his head. The reason why the little devil has the strength of level two to level three is mainly due to its demonic physique. In comparison, whether it is skill or wisdom, it is far inferior to human warriors of level two or three.

Pfft! Amidst the sound of the crossbow, a little devil jumped at the door and fell down, dripping with blood.

There were several little devils in the room, and they were pounced on the ground and eating people. Looking back, his mouth was still bloody.

Pfft! Romon remained unmoved, pulled the trigger of the crossbow, and another arrow shot out, and the little devil was immediately nailed to the ground like a rabbit or a sheep.

The little devil made a sharp sound, but Romon didn't understand the language of the devil. Romon rushed forward at a lightning speed, and with a flash of the long sword, a little devil on the left fell silently with its neck parted.

A little devil on the side rushed towards Romon, holding the long fork that is most common for little devils. Romon only took a step, and then dodged. Just as the little devil rushed past him, Romon shot again The sword, the imp, split in half.

Secondary and tertiary?

Romon shook his head. The little devil possesses many characteristics. Basically, it is equivalent to the second and third poles at birth, but it has rarely received strict training. This is very interesting.

At this moment, this place has almost turned into a dead zone. Romon walked in the house, but he couldn't hear other sounds except his own footsteps.

click. It seems that something is stepped on under the foot. There was a sudden crisp sound, and Romon's heart skipped a beat. He hurriedly looked down, but saw that only a piece of wood had been broken by his own stepping on it.

He shook his head and walked on.

This house looks good, with two floors, each room is silent, some doors are open, some doors are closed, but judging from the blood stains on the wall and on the ground, I am afraid that the owner inside are gone.

Except for the whining of the wind, there seemed to be no other sound to be heard in this place. This feeling made Romon very uncomfortable.

in this house,

The little devil is gone? Except for the three little devils that he killed just now, Romon didn't see any trace of other little devils along the way.

Romon thought like this, but he didn't dare to relax a bit. After all, the little devils just broke through this place, so it is impossible to go so fast, perhaps, they are in a corner...

A shrill cry suddenly came from not far in front, and the direction seemed to be the corner of the building farther away.

There is a situation! The voice attracted all his attention.

Without thinking too much, Luo Meng rushed over with his long sword in hand. He went downstairs first, and then rushed up. His speed was very fast. When he arrived, the person who made the cry was still alive.

I saw a huge black spider monster holding a person in its mouth and shaking it crazily. That feeling made Romon feel like watching an alien movie.

It's just that he is also in this movie now, and he has become a bystander.

Although Romon and Farfell worked together to kill the black spider monster, they had never seen the eating scene of the black spider monster. Looking at it now, it was really terrifying.

Help... ah... The black spider monster kept chewing. Although the man seemed to be dying, he kept making miserable screams.

Black spider monster? Go to hell! Although Romon was not a person who flaunted justice, seeing this scene, he still frowned and started to use natural magic.

At this time, around the black spider monster. Dozens of little devils noticed something strange and rushed forward.

To be honest, druids' spells tend to focus on healing and camouflage, and there are not many offensive spells. Druids don't have lightning spells until level 5. Romon's fireball spells are magic spells produced in the fire domain. In fact, it does not belong to the general druid system.

Right now, Romon can only use the tripolar spell three times a day. Naturally, in comparison, the lightning spell is more cost-effective. Although he can summon the ferocious leopard with the tripolar natural summoning spell, the three-minute limit may not be cost-effective.

Therefore, the summoning this time was still a second-level spell, and five alien wolves appeared after hearing the sound of Peng.

Five, this is the limit of summoning, Romon was overjoyed and pointed: Kill!

The five alien wolves understood the meaning. Pounced on the little devil.

In fact, it didn't take much time from the appearance of Romon to the attack. When the black spider monster found Romon, the second-level burning fire technique in the fire domain had already been cast, and a ball of flames flew out. Although there was no fireball technique It was so domineering, but when it fell on it, the flames immediately burned.

The black spider monster immediately felt the pain, and it flung the person in its mouth. He hissed and rushed towards Romon. There was still fire burning on it.

The long sword in Romon's hand swung horizontally, and a flame shot out, beautiful and gorgeous, this was the combined power of the fire domain and the fire enchantment on the sword.

Come on! Romon said coldly, raising his sword and leaving.

The black spider monster also hissed, and its eyes were full of fierce light. Looking at this little human, it knew that the pain on its body was all caused by Romon. Eat him in one bite, and chew this little human many times to relieve your anger.

Seeing Romon approaching with a sword in hand, the black spider monster was not only not afraid, but rather ferociously rushed towards Romon. The adult black spider monster has a certain amount of wisdom, and also has its own set of methods to distinguish the opponent's strength. From its point of view, Romon is just a little mage of human beings, and his combat effectiveness is definitely not too strong, while mage's strength is almost zero in close combat.

When the long sword was cut down, the spider's legs had almost no defensive effect. In a flash of fire, the two spider's legs fell to the ground and burned. The black spider screamed in pain, and finally realized that something was wrong. This little human doesn't look as weak as it thinks!

When it found severe pain in its body, the black spider monster was already frightened, and it quickly retreated.

Want to run? Romon could easily see the opponent's intention, he sneered, and blocked the way of the black spider monster.

The black spider monster saw that its intention was discovered by the other party, and immediately, the fierce light in its eyes became more intense, and it screamed loudly. He frantically attacked Romon.

But its madness exposed its weakness even more. Romon saw the opportunity, and when it opened its teeth and claws, a long sword pierced into its heart.

Although the defense of the black spider monster can be compared to leather armor, for the flame sword combined with the fire domain, it is no different from piercing a piece of paper, and the power of the flame can destroy everything inside in an instant.

The moment Romon pierced into its chest, the black spider monster's eyes dimmed, and then Romon quickly pulled out the long sword, and then leaped backwards.

boom! The huge corpse crashed down.

Seeing that it was indeed dead, Romon let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, the five alien wolves had already killed three or five little demons, but under the siege of dozens of little demons, they were already bruised.

Almost at the same time, Romon started to activate the three-pole spell in the fire domain. When the five alien wolves disappeared out of thin air after two minutes, the fireball spell had already been activated, and a ball of fire fell in the center of the little devil. .

With a sound of Boom!, a fireball exploded here, and immediately, the little devil let out a horrific scream, was blasted into the air, and then fell to the streets and houses.

The dozens of little devils in the center were all bloody and bloody, and the bloody flesh was everywhere, torn into bloody pieces.

The other dozen or so little devils were all shocked by the powerful explosive force, causing their ears to bleed, and those affected were even injured.

This is the power of magic. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Romon cast another spell at a very fast speed. After hearing a sound of Peng, five alien wolves appeared again.

Five, or five, Romon thought in surprise, now, he is sure that he has some kind of extreme effect in summoning spells.

Kill! Romon issued another order. This time, he could cooperate with the fight. Romon swung the flame sword and attacked together with the pack of wolves. The tactics were very simple. As long as the pack of wolves bit the little devil, Romon would strike with his sword.

The long sword with flames passed through the demon's body, and the blood on the sword evaporated.

Originally there were about thirty little devils on the field, five or six were killed by wolves before, and a fireball technique killed another dozen. The remaining ten little devils fell down one after another under the tactics of the pack of wolves. , this place is clean.

At this time, Romon stepped forward, only to realize that the person who was thrown off by the black spider monster was already dead, and he had no time to sigh for him. After all, there were too many people who died in the evil disaster.

Romon began to throw a large number of demon corpses into the space one by one. With this little time now, it will not dissipate. It is high-quality fertilizer. After picking all of them, he walked to the black spider monster again, just like last time, Send the body of the black spider monster into the space.

It seems that you have to be more careful! Since meeting the black spider monster, Romon has become more careful, and he continued to walk towards the village while checking left and right.

After walking for a while, a strong breath suddenly rushed towards him.

Little devil! And there are still a large number of little devils! Sensing this, Romon raised his eyebrows, raised his long sword, and walked carefully in that direction.

Passing that corner, and turning another corner, it seems that the breath in front is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that this is the place.

Romon held the long sword, walked lightly, and looked inside from the corner.

It really is a little devil...

On the other side of the corner, there was a large open space, on which nearly a hundred little devils were resting. They seemed to be tired and folded their wings.

Romon made a rough estimate, and it was indeed close to a hundred, that's right, it must be all the demons in the village.

After thinking about it, he still decided to kill the hundreds of little devils, and besides those little devils, there seemed to be some weapons, including knives, swords, shields, spears, and even some shining Jewelry and weapons seem to be the kind that can only be deployed by human armies, probably these little devils got it by killing those people along the way.

If those weapons are equipped, they can definitely equip an army of one or two hundred people, which makes Romon very excited. After all, building a weapon is definitely not a matter of saving money.

When Romon thought of this, the fireball technique in his hand was brewing, and then he suddenly threw it towards the place where there were many little devils.

Boom! The flames exploded in the square, and more than a dozen little devils exploded into the sky.

Lightning! Romon yelled, instead of casting a lightning spell, he yelled, and sure enough, the Lightning Eagle jumped down, and with a jump, Romon turned over on his back and flew up.

At a height of more than twenty meters, facing the little devils below, Romon sneered.

Lightning technique! While reciting the spell silently, a large piece of lightning fell out of thin air, killing and wounding the little devils below. The little devils panicked, and some stupid little devils flapped their wings and flew up, but they could only flap three times at most. The five-meter-long little devil, who was as clumsy as a duck, was shot and killed by Romon one by one.

The hands of the little devil are claws. At the stage of the little devil, he can't draw a bow or hold a crossbow. This means that he has no resistance against the 20-meter-tall Romon. This is a bomber!

Lightning spell! Romon proudly placed the lightning spell on the Lightning Eagle's back, watching another group of demons fall down in embarrassment.

It can be said that this is the benefit of Romon's choice of the Cliff Eagle that can carry people, and it is fully displayed at this time.

Even with a fifth-level spell, under the siege of hundreds of little devils, it would be difficult to please, and they would die on the spot, but with the Lightning Eagle, the little devils have no resistance.

When the last bolt of lightning struck, and when the gunpowder smoke cleared, half of the hundreds of little demons in the square were dead, and only forty or so remained.

The Lightning Eagle was patrolling, and Romon used his crossbow to shoot in the air one by one.

Just now it was a machine gun, now it is a machine gun, Romon thought triumphantly, this reminded him of the smell of planes shooting down the crowd below in the 20th century.

The little devil who had been shot repeatedly finally collapsed and scattered in all directions. At this moment, Romon pounced down again, jumped to the ground, and chased them down one by one. Sometimes, the little devil who was being chased turned fiercely towards him. Romon charged.

However, these little demons that have been dispersed into a small number, Romon is not afraid, and uses his own assassination and combat skills, relying on his very good magic long sword, to kill them one by one .

No matter where the little devils fled, they were all spotted by Lightning, the supervisor in the sky, and led them to kill them one by one. Some fled outside the village, and were killed by Lightning himself.

Natural induction and lightning inspection, basically no one saw all of this, so Romon didn't worry about his secret being discovered. Since he entered this village, he kept putting the little devils he killed into his own space The hundreds of little devils that were killed were no exception, and they were all thrown in by Romon one after another.

After one battle, Romon killed hundreds of little demons with his own strength, and obtained a large number of weapons and wealth from them, which made Romon very happy.

Half an hour later, the entire village was silent. After sweeping the battlefield, Romon walked around the village again, and after making sure that there was no sign of the little devil, he prepared to leave.

Just at this moment, he passed by a dilapidated house, and suddenly heard a faint cry of a child coming from inside.

Is there someone? Romon stood still and looked inside.

However, after that sound, the crying seemed to be covered by someone, and Luo Meng listened for a while, with a pensive expression on his face.

There were only two dilapidated wooden doors at the entrance of the house, and Romon didn't have to push them at all. When a gust of wind blew, the doors creaked and were pushed open.

The yard looked dilapidated, with weeds everywhere, and when I smelled it, there was a musty smell.

Romon frowned, but, thinking about the cry just now, he still walked in after all.

Walking in the yard, the sound of clicking, clicking, constantly came from under his feet.

Romon didn't need to look down to know that it was the sound of dry and cracked branches.

The house is not big, there are only three rooms facing the door. However, Romon keenly noticed that the crying just now did not come from the house.

Relying on the feeling just now, he came to a corner of the yard, where there were a lot of sundries.

Romon released his spiritual power, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face. It's here.

He moved one of the dilapidated cabinets to the side, and suddenly, the floor tiles were exposed. Romon knocked on the tile with his hand, and said loudly: Come out, I have killed all the little devils!

There was no movement inside.

Luo Meng raised his eyebrows: You really won't come out? Then I won't be polite. Seal the exit here, and you will never come out.

As soon as these words came out, there was finally a reaction inside.

It seemed that someone was discussing something, and then, when the brick moved, a hole appeared in front of Romon. It turned out that this place was actually a cellar.

Romon stood outside the cellar and watched the people inside come out one after another. These people were terrified, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw that the people standing outside were really human beings.

Seeing that most of the people here are men, and there are also a few women, Romon's heart was moved, and after asking about the situation, he said: This place is very dangerous, you go to my territory first, of course, you can also go to the city.

Then, explain the route in detail.

My lord, you are Lord Tetashaw? Thank you very much for your rescue. An old man came forward and said.

It's okay, it's only fifty miles to my territory, you go now, you can reach my territory before night, go! Romon said impatiently: It's night, I won't guarantee your safety gone.

Yes, my lord! The old man replied, he looked at the burning village, sighed, took people and some food, and left.

Luo Meng just watched them leave. As for whether these people will go or not, Luo Meng is too lazy to care. Most of the corpses of women and children on the road just now made him feel disgusted with these fleeing people. Heart.


The total number of updates is 16,000 words, and now there are 5,000 more, and there are 11,000(!)

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