Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 222 Support (Part 2)

When Pastor Fogel arrived at the mining area with a large amount of goods. A battle had just ended in the mining area, and Romon and the others had retreated to the fifth line of defense, not very far from the entrance.

Hearing that he came back with something, Romon and the others were very happy. Farfell and the others were particularly interested in those weapons, and when they heard that they were dialed for free, the smiles on their faces grew even wider.

Pastor Fogel, thank you. If you hadn't come to support us, we would have had to retreat again and again. Romon said.

Why, there were a lot of casualties?

The casualties are not too great, but the arrows are almost used up. Romon said with a wry smile: We can't organize an effective attack, so we have to retreat again and again.

Ah, that's it! Pastor Fogel did notice that the density of the crossbow firing had decreased significantly, and he understood immediately.

So, you are really sending charcoal in a timely manner. Romon said gratefully, and said that in reality, if he didn't send it, he was going to retreat to the small mining village.

At this time, a large number of weapons and crossbow bolts were fired, and immediately organized stronger firepower than before, and everyone's morale was greatly shaken.

Pastor Fogel! Pastor Pakinla stepped forward and saluted. Although it is not a church, the low-ranking ones basically have to salute the high-ranking priests.

Pastor Pakinla, you have worked hard, you can go back and rest, and leave the matter here to me. Pastor Fogel said kindly, with an unquestionable tone.

Pastor Pakinla lowered his head, unable to see his expression under the dim light, and said, ...Yes!

If we don't talk about grades, but if we talk about the aid materials this time, Pastor Pakinla will be hard to compete with. Although he is not a genius, he is also a smart person. At this time, there is no point in arguing.

Watching Pastor Pakinla leave, Pastor Fogel sneered and turned to check the situation.

The fifth line of defense is actually the second line of defense in the mine. It is about 200 meters away from the entrance of the mine. It is also piled up with stones. Romon and others are doing their final work here. hold fast.

The sixth line of defense is the entrance to the mine, and the seventh line of defense is the entrance to the mine trail.

The fortifications made of stones and all the weapons gathered here will definitely be difficult to break through in a short period of time only by the impact of monsters. However, once a powerful big demon joins the attack, I am afraid that Romon and others will be killed in the sixth mine road. The defense time will be greatly shortened.

at this very moment,

The wounded in the last battle have been replaced. Today's battlefield is dominated by the territorial troops led by Romon and Farfer and the adventurers led by Haiwawei. The rest of these people are the kind of people with good martial arts skills and rich experience. In the last battle, they killed many little demons and monsters. Unfortunately, under the pressure of two big demons, they I had to retreat a few lines of defense, and now I am about to withdraw from the line of defense in the mine tunnel.

Romon lay on the inside of the defense line, while observing the situation outside, he opened the stopper of the water bag and drank several sips of water.

Romon. Farfell came over at this time, with a strange expression on his face. When he walked up to Romon, he also sat down and said, I won.

What did you win? Romon looked at him puzzled.

Pfeiffer proudly threw a heavy pouch into Romon's hand: Sangberg and I bet whoever kills the most monsters, I win.

Romon opened the pocket and saw that there were about a dozen gold coins in it. He tied the pocket again and threw it back to Farfell. Romon shook his head and said, You two. At this moment, you actually ran to bet.

Farfell laughed and said, I can't help it. That guy insisted on provocation. If I don't fight, wouldn't I be afraid of him? Hehe, in the end, he lost all his savings, haha! The feeling of being poor will definitely make him unforgettable for life!

Then, Farfell explained how he agreed to Sangbo's challenge, and how the two of them compared the number of enemies killed in the battle just now. As a result, Fafeel killed two more little devils than Sangbo , How to win each other's things said again.

After hearing this, Romon really couldn't laugh or cry. This Farfell actually ran to agree to the challenge of others, and then turned his head to look at Sangbo who was resting on the other side. As a result, Sangbo also looked up at this time. Their eyes lightly collided with each other. Sangbo should also know that Farfer told Romon about his loss, and turned his face away with a sneer.

Of course, this is mainly because Farfell is a half-master, and all mercenaries and soldiers cooperate with him.

Seeing this, Romon found it even more amused. In fact, since the last time he discovered the serious and responsible side of the Paladin Sanger, Romon's impression of him has changed a lot.

Okay, drink some water, there will definitely be a tough battle later! Romon said, handing the water bag to Farfell. At the same time, he brought the crossbow that he often used to his eyes, and wiped it gently with a clean cloth.

Although his fireball and lightning techniques are very powerful in battle, there are only a few shots every day, which are used to turn the situation around at critical times and cannot be wasted.

More battles still rely on crossbows and long swords. However, the role of crossbows cannot be underestimated. This weapon is a good helper on the battlefield, and every soldier will cherish it.

In the back, Pastor Fogel had already performed the duties of a pastor and began to inspect the wounded.

In the early morning... another battle began.

This time, the battle took place during the vigil between Romon and Farfell. Fortunately, Romon and the others were also very serious about the vigil, and they discovered the change of the demon side in time. One side dropped dozens of corpses of little devils and withdrew.

However, the number of wounded on Romon's side has also increased by more than 20 people, because Priest Fogel has rushed back. Therefore, the task of treatment fell on him again.

And Pastor Fogel is also willing to do these jobs. The bright future makes his mood clearer. In the process of treating the wounded, his attitude is obviously more gentle and enthusiastic than before.

Okay, rest for a while, your injury will heal, don't worry. After treating the last wounded person, he was arranged to lie down and rest. Pastor Fogel stood up and wiped his hands with a handkerchief. Only then did he have time to look at the surrounding situation. What made him a little curious was that many soldiers were moving things out.

Excuse me, what are you doing here? Priest Fogel stopped a soldier and asked.

Oh, my lord pastor, that's it. Lord Romon decided to withdraw from the mine, so let's transport some materials out first so that we don't leave too many things behind when we retreat, the soldier explained.

Retreat? Priest Fogel looked at Romon on the other side of the line of defense, and said to himself, This is already the last second line of defense in the mine, so why not retreat to the village?

Thinking of this, he decided to ask Romon.

At this time, Romon was instructing everyone to re-strengthen the defense line. Seeing Priest Fogel walking towards him, he asked, How about those wounded?

Don't worry, Romon, I have already treated the wounds of those wounded, and they will heal after a short rest, Pastor Fogel said.

Romon thanked: Pastor Fogel, thank you very much. Thanks to your participation in the battles these days, the wounded were able to return to the battlefield so quickly and fight against the monsters. I represent everyone in the territory , thank you.

No, don't say that, Romon, this is what I should do. Pastor Fogel was busy.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Pastor Fogel suddenly asked: The soldiers told me just now that we are going to withdraw?

Oh, yes, I was just about to tell you about this. This is a decision made after discussion between me, Farfell and Sangerber. However, we will have to wait for Nick to come and build a multiplex outside. Arrow Tower. We will withdraw. Romon said.

Multiple arrow towers? Pastor Fogel looked back at the entrance outside: You mean, outside the entrance?

Yes, in fact, the entrance of the mining area is the place to shoot and kill demons to the greatest extent. The entrance is very narrow, and not many demons can come out at once, but the field outside the mining area is very large, and seven or eight arrow towers can be built. Shooting, there is no dead angle, under such circumstances, it can deal a heavy blow to the devil, I have already sent a message to Nick and the others, asking them to come here with people and materials, and they should arrive soon. Romon said.

The so-called multi-arrow tower is actually a tall building similar to a bunker not far from the entrance with stones. People can attack downwards with absolute advantages on it.

Romon! At this moment, Nick had already entered from the outside of the mine tunnel and walked towards Romon.

Hey, how's it going, is everything ready? Romon asked.

Nick smiled and said, Of course it's ready, and the construction has started now. Would you like to take a look?

Alright, just wait for me. Romon said.

Because Romon is the designer of this arrow tower, he still has to go out to see the progress.

Romon greeted Farfell and Haiwawi, telling them to be on guard against the attack from the demon side, and then went out with Nick. Since Priest Fogel was a non-combatant, the two sides were in a truce. So, he followed out out of curiosity.

It was already bright outside, facing the sun, a large group of people had already started to work.

Just in response to the saying that more people are more powerful, soon, several connected arrow towers were slowly built up in front of Romon's eyes.

The people pushing the stone carts and the people who are sweating profusely in the construction constitute a beautiful scene. Everyone is working hard. In order to protect their homeland, they dedicate their labor without complaint or regret.

Romon, what do you think? This is what you want, right? Nick turned his face and asked Romon.

Romon nodded: Well, that's how it is. On each arrow tower, at least five archers can be ambushed, and crossbows and archers can be interspersed in ambushes. In this condescending situation, it can be said that there is a big difference. Advantage.

Nick now admires Romon very much. He is also a human being and grew up in the same place, but no matter how he learns, he can't keep up with Romon's ideas. This makes Nick somewhat depressed, but more More is proud. Because, this smart and brave young nobleman is his good friend, and in the future, he will be the person he will assist.

It will take about two hours to fully build the multiple arrow towers, so you still have at least two more hours to contain those monsters inside. Nick reminded.

Romon is the designer, how could he not understand this, he nodded. Don't worry, we will hold on for two hours. You can supervise the work here. When will the crossbow and bow team led by Sukar arrive?

It should be over in an hour. They will definitely be here before the multiple arrow towers are built. Nick replied.

That's good. I'll trouble you here. I'll go see what's going on at the defense line. With that said, Romon handed the place over to Nick, and returned to the mine tunnel with Priest Fogel.

Not long after their return, yet another battle began.

The monsters charged forward, because they were ordered to hold out for at least two hours, so they absolutely couldn't let these monsters occupy the sixth line of defense, at least not now.

Kill! Kill! Kill! There was a lot of shouting and killing.

First, he shot and killed a group of monsters and little devils with crossbows and bows. Seeing some little devils flying over, Romon was the first to bear the brunt. He went out with his sword in hand, and fought with those little devils.

Because Romon had already put on the magic robe with defensive ability at this time, and the sword was replaced with the sword of fire, so during the close combat, Romon also killed many little demons.

Influenced by him, the greatly encouraged soldiers fought the enemy bravely.

Although there were quite a few injured people, but because everyone on Romon's side was very strong, there were not many people who died. Finally, with their efforts, two hours passed quickly.

We won, the whole army retreated! Romon said after the first wave was over.

After a day and two nights of fighting, the second batch of people who came up were already exhausted and scarred. Hearing this, they all cheered.

A group of people retreated in an orderly manner, and anything that was not needed and could not be moved was smashed to pieces.

Twenty minutes later, the entire mining area became quiet. At this time, there was no longer the sound of soldiers patrolling. After being stunned for a moment, Romon shook his head with a smile on his lips. He turned around and was surprised to find that Sukar had arrived. .

Huh? Are you all ready? Romon asked.

Yes, my lord, everything is ready. Seven multi-layered arrow towers can arrange fifty archers and crossbowmen to attack at the same time. It is guaranteed that even the big devil will have difficulty breaking through. Sukar said seriously: My lord, don't worry , At this time, it is time for us professional archers to play a role.

Okay, I'll leave this place to you. After another day and two nights, Romon also felt tired, nodded, and then quietly looked down at the place where he had struggled for five days and nights. Hundreds of battles!

After a while, he walked out of the mining area slowly. When he got out of the mining area, the sun shone up. Under the sun, the dust slowly rose and fell. Romon sighed, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart. He raised his head, Said: Pastor Fogel, do you want to go down and rest?

No, I will stay here. Pastor Fogel replied.

Okay, then let's watch the last shift! Romon said, looking at the sun, the morning sun is still shining gently on this land, and a new day will start here again...

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I feel good, waiting for everyone inside


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