Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 206 Trouble (Part 2)

When I woke up, the sun had already set.

Wake him up. It was Bell and Sally.

Arriving home around noon, taking a shower and eating, he immediately fell asleep on the bed. From noon to dusk, Romon felt refreshed. After all, his body was only eighteen years old, young enough.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the only cook left was busy, and the smell of food wafted in the air. On the table were bread, butter, cheese, and soup made from shelled seafood, which were scooped into bowls for consumption.

When Romon saw the golden-roasted chicken, he was very satisfied and enjoyed it contentedly.

After dinner, I went to the study on the second floor to rest for a while. At this moment, the door of the study opened, and Bell and Sally walked into the study.

To the boy's surprise, the two girls were only wearing tulle, which could be seen in the setting sun. They wore nothing underneath.

My lord (master)!

Looking at their expectant and sad eyes, Romon felt as if he was about to melt. Demonic disasters can easily change people. Thinking of this, Romon couldn't help showing a wry smile.

An hour later, it was already dark, and Romon finally came out.

When catching up to the mountain, Romon was full of thoughts and just walked silently. He really had an indescribable feeling in his heart. He really didn't know how it would evolve in the future.

Now Romon has walked to a small path on the hill, and the ground gradually rises.

Although the sun was setting, the moon was shining brightly, the scenery in front of me became more magnificent, and the scenery of the woods became more and more elegant. When passing through a bay of streams, looking out from the gaps in the woods, you can see various places in the valley The scenery, and the vast plain under the moonlight.

It would be a beautiful home if there were no wars.

But at this time, it was already close to the mining area, Romon withdrew his thoughts, walked forward silently, and rushed to the mining area.

After entering, I realized that it was the end of a battle. There are wounded soldiers everywhere, and Pastor Pakinla is treating them.

Romon was a little uneasy, passed through a small path, saw Fafer at a glance, and called him over.

How's the situation? Romon asked this immediately.

After the morning battle,

The demons seem to be recuperating too. There was no battle in the afternoon. There was a battle just now, but not many people died. So far, in the past three days, we have only killed six people. Fafell knew what he was worried about and said.

Well, we counted all of them. There are only one hundred and twenty soldiers. One dies and one less, so we can't be killed easily. Romon nodded and said with a sigh of relief.

I know, everyone has enough experience now, and under normal circumstances they won't die. Farfell said, However, the priest needs to keep up with the treatment.

Don't worry. I'll bring a batch of healing potions this time, and give each person another bottle. Romon put down the package behind his back, and there were jingling potions inside, all of which were potion bottles.

Okay, as long as there is a potion, hey, the devil is attacking again. Farfell turned his head vigilantly, and saw the depths of the tunnel, and there was movement again.

Romon, do you want to command?

No, this time let's see how the Sangerbo knight is commanding. Romon waved his hand and watched from behind.

In a moment, the battle started.

Obviously, depending on the situation, after a short rest, the demon side replenished a large number of troops from the underground space.

Under the command of the big devil, the group of black spider monster larvae that appeared once attacked the second line of defense with agility and a not-so-small body.

These guys! It was the first time Sangebo saw such crazy guys, because there were so many of them, and they were running from a distance to attack, so this time, Sangebo, the paladin, and the ten The temple warriors did not go out to fight immediately, but imitated Romon's side and attacked them with a long-range offensive.

Under the strafing of crossbow arrows, many black spider monster larvae fell to the ground one after another, and their attacks began to retreat after half an hour. And Romon and others chased them all the way in the process of retreating, causing them to drop a lot of corpses, and only a few black spider monster larvae successfully retreated.

This time the attack ended with Romon's victory. Due to the adequate preparations before the battle, coupled with sufficient military support and supply of fire weapons, on the premise that the opponent did not form a breakthrough and could not use air power support, Romon's side achieved the following. A small number of casualties killed a large number of opponents' targets.

However, everyone knows that this round of attack is still just a pathfinder, and the real battle is yet to come.

After a short rest of more than ten minutes, another round of attack was launched again. The main force of this attack became a new species. It was a dozen monsters similar to leopards, and there were dozens of rhinos with amazing defense. Beasts also joined the sequence of attacks.

Knight Sangbo, as an experienced combatant, he issued a series of orders, first ordering everyone not to engage in close combat when it is not necessary, after all, facing these huge monsters, with the weak defense of human beings force, it is inevitable that some unnecessary casualties will occur.

At the same time, he ordered everyone to bring up two more crossbows prepared by the rear line of defense, and divided them into three lines, left, right, and middle, to attack the monsters. At the same time, the shooters are also divided into several pairs and replaced in turn. One row shoots, the next row prepares, this row loads arrows, and the other row goes forward to launch, to minimize the time in neutral, and strive to cause maximum damage to the opponent.

Facts have also proved that although Sangbo is not very popular with Luo Meng in terms of personality, he has excellent commanding skills and fighting ability when fighting.

For Sangebo's commanding ability, Romon had a lot of confidence after watching it for a while. The speed of training is definitely not comparable to his imaginative school, and he is even more decisive when giving orders. He can't help thinking secretly, it seems that although the staff of the Church of the Lord of Radiance are very arrogant, they do have capital.

Just like this sangerbo paladin, although his usual attitude is not very good, he seems arrogant and indifferent, and he may not be much better than other knights of the same level in individual combat, but in this kind of battle command and In terms of quality, Romon was a little impressed.

People from other churches, such as Pastor Pakinla, may have problems with some special wound treatments, but this pastor has obviously received an extremely orthodox education and is definitely no less knowledgeable than him.

The group of monsters surged up from that side at an extremely fast speed. The ones rushing to the front were still more than a hundred rhinoceros with powerful defenses, and the monsters similar to leopards were behind. Although the traps that Romon had set up between the defense lines It effectively reduced the opponent's speed, but under the fearless attack, the front line was also crumbling.

Following Sangbo's order, the three ballistas launched attacks in turn, and the giant arrows several meters long were fired again and again. However, it is obvious that this kind of attack is of no use to those who rely on numbers to survive Too many roles.

Activate the last weapon! Romon walked over suddenly and said to Sangbo.

Sangbo looked at Romon suspiciously: Your lord, you are here. What is the last weapon?

He obviously didn't know what Romon meant.

Romon didn't have time to say anything, and directly said to the soldiers behind, Push the stone ball out.

Yes. The soldiers nodded.

In fact, this mine tunnel has a characteristic. Because of the mining, the tunnel still has some slopes from the outside to the inside. After Romon gave an order, there were already seven or eight soldiers pushing two things over. The huge sphere was placed on one side of the line of defense by Romon just now, about one-third of the area of ​​the passage, Sangerbo also looked there curiously when he first arrived, but because it was covered with something, so , I thought it was a supply or something, but now I look at it, and I know that it is a huge stone. What is special is that these stones have become round and polished very smooth.

If it was just a stone, then it wouldn't cause too much damage, but now it's a stone ball, it's completely different. Sangebo just thought about it in his head, and he probably understood Romon's intention up.

Let go! Following Romon's order, two huge rolling stones were pushed down by the crowd, rolled down the slope, and rolled directly past the group of monsters.

Although the rhinoceros has amazing defensive power, it is only a body of flesh and blood after all. Facing the oncoming stone ball, which is getting faster and faster, it can only show fear in its eyes. When there is no way to avoid it, it is directly run over by the boulder .

Immediately, blood splattered, and the stone ball continued to roll down without much resistance.

The little demons hiding behind the rhinoceros herd had weaker body defenses, and after the stone rolled over the rhinoceros, they also ran over them.

In the end, the two stones directly hit the altar behind and smashed it, and then it stopped. The destruction of the altar made the big demons depressed again.

On the one hand, they directed the monsters to continue attacking, and on the other hand, they began to urge the little devils to rebuild the altar.

However, even with the stimulation of the dark power of the altar, the fighting spirit of the little devil has melted away. After all, it is an intelligent life, and it is impossible to be truly fearless.

Only those who didn't have much wisdom and escaped the group of monsters attacked by Rolling Stone continued to rush towards Romon's line of defense, but they were naturally shot one by one.

Lord Tetashaw, do you still have the Rolling Stone just now? Seeing this situation, Paladin Sanger turned his expectant eyes to Romon again.

In his opinion, today's behavior of this little nobleman who was born into a nouveau riche also made him a little impressed.

Compared with some nobles who have completely forgotten the glory of their ancestors and are greedy for life and fear of death, this Lord Tetashaw obviously makes him feel much better.

I didn't like Romon before, because in Sangerbo's opinion, I practiced so hard and worked so hard for the Church of the Lord of Glory, but I was still an ordinary knight with no territory or title.

However, this young man can obtain the title of lord and enjoy the preferential treatment of the nobility, which makes Sir Sanger very indignant.

This time, the Church of the Lord of Glory sent a group of paladins and hundreds of temple warriors to support the first-line lords in various places. Before issuing the order, San Gebo had already guessed that he was coming to Romon's territory. After all, he participated in the last time he went into the crack, and after he really knew that he was going to come, he had already guessed the situation of Romon's territory in his heart.

Perhaps, most of Lord Tetashaw's territory is already occupied by monsters.

But when he came to Romon's village, he found out that Romon had personally led people to the mining area. Romon's decisive killing and the defensive preparations made in the village surprised Sangbo greatly.

Reminiscent of Romon's performance during the last crack in the lower tunnel, Sangebo had to admit: This Lord Tetashaw is really not an ordinary new nobleman!

Especially the rolling stone that Romon had prepared just now, its power shocked Sangerbo very much. If there were more of these rolling stones, the battle would be much easier.

However, Romon immediately poured cold water on him: There are a lot of stones, but polishing them takes too much time, and it is too inconvenient to carry. Although there are people grinding day and night in the village, today will definitely It's gone.

In fact, when you think about it, how difficult it is to safely roll this kind of stone into such a small place, thanks to Romon's idea of ​​using this trick.

Hearing that there were no more, San Gebo was a little disappointed, but he also knew that this kind of thing was really not easy, so he had to refocus his attention on the battlefield, and he also picked up the crossbow and started shooting.

At this time, Romon sent another fireball technique in. The attacking location was a place where demons were concentrated. There was only a sound of boom, and more than a dozen little demons exploded, and they were dead.

The demon army, which was in a mess of dead and wounded, finally collapsed and retreated again, and the entire corridor became quiet again.

Romon glanced around and saw the second line of defense. After many battles, the fortifications were dilapidated and crumbling, so he couldn't help but sigh.

Knight Sangbo, we can't defend here anymore, we'd better retreat to the next line of defense! Romon said to Sangbo, but he has the right to issue orders no matter it is a fifth-level druid or a lord.

Sangbo naturally understood this, he nodded: Yes, Lord Tetashaw, you are the lord here, it's up to you to decide!

After the change of opinion, he can't talk about goodwill, but at least he cooperated a lot.

Okay then, everyone, be careful, we'll retreat to the third line immediately. Romon gave the order: No matter who is injured, whether the injury is serious or not, all will be transferred to the village for repairs, and new personnel will come to take care of you. class.

Yes, my lord! After a series of battles, the exhausted soldiers cheered.

Even Haiwawei was no exception. He was a little suspicious at first, thinking that Romon would consume all these old adventurers here, but now, his heart is relieved.

It is still fair to take turns to trim, and some fronts and backs are also normal.

Although looking at the situation, it is difficult for me to get repaired, but Fafer has not been out of the mining area until now! (!)

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