Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 202 Battle (Part 2)

The second line of defense in the mining area

Because no one has repaired it for a long time. The corridor was severely damaged, and there were many places where water accumulated, and there was a clear dripping sound from time to time.

Romon and Haiwawei stood panting, looked at the deep tunnel silently, then looked at each other, and smiled wryly. Although the demon didn't pursue them just now, the aftermath had already exhausted them.

The corridor here is very narrow and long, and it can only accommodate two to three people passing side by side at the same time... Well, we are still quite safe. After all, Haiwawei is an experienced captain, looked at it, and said with a smile.

In this abandoned mining area, except for the location of the crack, the other areas are relatively small, which will have a very large impact on the party with a large number of people.

This is also the reason why Romon chose to set up seven lines of defense in the mine tunnel. Because the mine tunnel is narrow and the opponent's strength cannot be brought into play, so Romon can take advantage of it.

En. That's right, they seem to have stopped, look. Romon led his men, and together with Farfell's group, ambushed in the first line of defense, watching the situation on the other side of the crack.

Because there is a long distance in the middle, it seems that the other party is also resting, so for a while, the mining area that was still fighting just now was unexpectedly quiet.

Romon's eyes were fixed on the crack over there, not daring to relax in the slightest, and so was Farfer.

Romon, tell me, these little devils don't stay down well, they always think about running up, bah! Farfell spat hard on the ground, when he retreated just now, he went into battle again, almost He was attacked by a big demon-like flame spell. Fortunately, his body was strong and he quickly jumped to the side, so he was not injured again. However, even so, his hair was still a little burnt. It was quite black and shiny. . Now many of them are scorched, and even his spitting smells like burning charcoal.

Therefore, when Farfell saw the big demon resting not far away, he became very resentful.

Romon turned his head and looked at his good friend's appearance. He also felt a little embarrassed. He took out a small handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Farfell: Wipe your face first, it's so dark that you can't see your facial features clearly.

Fortunately, I hid in time just now, otherwise... Farfell muttered, taking the handkerchief from Romon's hand. Looking at the white handkerchief, he raised his head and looked at Luo Meng's handsome face, and suddenly smiled: Romon, if I remember correctly, this handkerchief was given to you by Bell, last time I gave it to you. I saw you holding it, and you still hold it in this situation today, it's really affectionate, hehe.

Luo Meng gave him a white look: What nonsense are you talking about.

In fact, since the bell came. Bell is taking care of his basic necessities, food, and housing, and the handkerchiefs and clothes are all washed and prepared by Bell himself. Therefore, it is normal to have a handkerchief prepared by Bell around him!

Probably also felt that the reason for such a joke was a bit far-fetched, Farfell laughed a few words, and took the handkerchief to wipe the ashes on his face.

Although it's time to fight, Romon suddenly had a thought as he watched Fafeier carefully wipe it aside: Fafeier should be eighteen years old this year. After the battle in the mining area is over, I have to take good care of his life, and I have to leave descendants.

Thinking of this, Romon's eyes on Farfell became too bright.

After wiping his face, Pharfell wanted to hand the handkerchief back to Romon, but when he looked up, he immediately saw Romon's enthusiastic gaze, and goose bumps fell all over the floor.

What, is my face still dirty? Farfell hurriedly touched his face a few more times after being stared at by Romon uncomfortablely, and then asked a little depressed.

Luo Meng hurriedly smiled to cover up: It's okay, it's okay.

Re-focused on the outside of the defense line. Under everyone's vigilant eyes, the three great demons still had no plans to attack. They seem to have wisdom not weaker than humans. When they found that the current situation was not conducive to their own side, they chose to stop.

There were 300 little devils and a few monsters, and they stood still around the big devil, because they were a little far away. Therefore, the crossbow arrows from Romon's side couldn't hit them at all, and their spells and attacks couldn't affect Romon's side. The two parties actually confronted each other in a very strange mining area.

These guys, what are they trying to do? They don't rush, and they don't return. It seems that they want to quarrel with us. Farfell glanced over there, and then said.

Romon's eyesight was better than others, and he could see farther and more clearly. He looked carefully at the demons, and saw that the three big demons were surrounded by a group of little demons, and they seemed to be planning something.

Don't worry, this is a good thing, we humans need to fix it! Romon said with some regret: Just now, how many little devils do you think you killed?

There must be hundreds of them, and we only lost two of them. Farfell replied.

At this moment, the lantern had already been lit at the back, and looking forward, he saw a slightly larger stone room in the distance. Just right for rest and eating.

Romon nodded and said, It seems that they are preparing for the next attack.

Suddenly there was a groan beside him, and when Romon turned his head, he saw a soldier lying on the ground, with black blood continuously flowing from the wound, and Priest Fogel was busy with his work. Judging from the current situation, This pastor with a good reputation is still a little embarrassed about this situation.

As a fourth-level priest, Priest Fogel's healing spells are naturally no problem. However, the most annoying thing is that there is more or less a strange toxin on the devil, which is difficult to remove.

My lord, do you still have the antidote? Priest Fogel raised his head and said to Romon.

Romon walked to the side of the soldier, checked his wounds, and asked Priest Fogel, Are there many people who were poisoned?

He was poisoned, and the wound was torn apart by the monster's claws. I have taken care of the wounds of the others. Pastor Fogel replied from the side.

Romon nodded, and started a simple wound treatment for the wounded man, cutting off the rotten pieces of flesh directly. While doing the treatment, he shared some of his experiences with Pastor Fogel.

The purpose of Romon's doing this is very simple. It is to allow Pastor Fogel to deal with the wounded by himself next time, so that he will not hesitate when encountering such a problem.

After all, after the catastrophe broke out, there would still be poisoning caused by monsters biting and scratching. If Romon hadn't had time to treat them or was not on the spot, then the poisoned person might have died. And these people under Romon's subordinates, almost the worst are second-level fighters, they are all good seedlings in Romon's eyes, he is reluctant to let them die in vain.

In contrast, some healing experience is not so important. Romon comes from the earth, where medical knowledge is spread openly, so his mentality is completely different from that of the druids here. And his approach obviously moved Pastor Fogel a little.

After a short rest, the battle soon started again.

The first to attack is the demon side, and they seem to know that in the narrow mine tunnel, their superiority in numbers cannot be truly displayed. Therefore, the first ones sent out were underground monsters one by one, and the demons seemed to use them to clear the way.

Shoot! Looking at the underground monsters that were getting closer, Romon gave an order, and a row of fast-trained crossbowmen specially shot at the weak points of these monsters.

Not long after, the passage was filled with dead monsters. It was like this once or twice, and on the third time, the big demons finally couldn't bear it anymore, and under their roar, the little devils and monsters all rushed over together. Because the passage in the mining area is narrow, no matter how many opponents have, it is difficult to spread them all at once.

They all became living targets for Romon and the crossbowman beside him. Each crossbow arrow seemed to have eyes, and they all went towards them, nailing them to the ground one by one.

Let them pass! Romon observed the situation and said.

If they can't make it through, maybe these great demons will come up with other methods. After all, there may be many strange ways in the Great Demon Abyss. At that time, Romon may suffer a big loss.

Only by giving them some hope can they be brilliant!

In the gambling field, it is impossible to let you lose all the time. Only if you let you taste some sunshine and gain some hope, people will continue to play.

As soon as he mentioned this idea, Haiwawei hesitated, and Fafer raised his hand to support it.

Okay, let's do it like this. I'll fine-tune the defense. Romon said, and indeed adjusted the shooter and fortifications. Fortunately, the adjustment was not large, and it only took a while: Note, only small devils are allowed, and monsters and fortifications are not allowed. The big devil comes in.

Sure enough, after a few times of charging at any cost, some little devils rushed over, and the crossbow was useless during the melee combat. Romon gave the order, and the melee combat began!

A group of people continued to shoot and kill the corridor, and a group of people drew out their long swords and fought with the little devils who were allowed to enter. Although there are many little devils, the height and width of the mine tunnel are limited, so it will not cause too much trouble to everyone.

Kill! A bloodstain splashed on the nearby stone wall, and Romon cut down a little devil with a sword.

Almost at the same time, Farfell and Haiwawei also directly killed several of them.

Surrounded by figures fighting, those little devils are not weaker than three-level fighters, and Romon's men are basically at the level of three-level fighters, even if there is an occasional two-level fighter Warrior, there will be others to fight with him.

Although the opponent had a lot of troops, they couldn't come at the same time for a while, which gave Romon's side a great advantage and carried out the division and encirclement.

The two parties started a new round of tug-of-war in this narrow mine tunnel. As the intensity of the battle gradually intensified, more people and imps were injured on both sides.

There is no effective treatment for the demon side. Anyway, if a batch dies, another batch will come up. As for Romon's side, whenever there was an injured person, they were dragged down by his companions for treatment, and Priest Fogel continued to take care of the injured.

Romon glanced at the darkness deep in the cave, thinking: If this is the case, it's fine!

As soon as this idea came up, there was a burst of roaring from the opposite side, and then three big demons came to kill them together. Although these big demons could not fly, they moved extremely fast.

Because of his dark vision, Romon noticed it very early, and sneered: Entanglement!

Although the tunnel is made of stones, there are water and rocks, and it also belongs to the ground. Under the stimulation of natural forces, countless plants stretch out around the tunnel, like tentacles, entangle the enemy.

Of course, these plants can't stop the big demon for a long time, but it's enough.

Natural heresy, the creature in front of me is the enemy of nature! Romon secretly activated the natural heresy technique. Although this natural heresy technique exists at the first level, it will continue to strengthen as the level increases.

It's a pity that now, it can only be used once a day, and only one life can be targeted at a time, but it is enough for now.

Fireball! The burning fireball accurately hit the center of the three big demons.

With a sound of Boom!, a huge flame exploded in the middle of the big demon, and the billowing heat wave swept out around the center of the explosion point, even forcing the adventurers near the entrance of the cave back a few steps.

The magic flame didn't need fuel, it burned blazingly in the tunnel, and a large number of little demons screamed in it. Of course, the explosion flame lasted for a short time. After a few seconds, the tunnel was quiet.

Sure enough, the big demons have certain fire immunity characteristics. Unfortunately, this is the fire of natural heresy. Hehe, you have suffered a big loss! Romon looked up, and saw the three big demons screaming repeatedly, and their bodies were blown up. Bloody and bloody, although he didn't die, he was seriously injured.

The three big demons are all intelligent beings. Seeing that the situation is not good, they insisted on rushing forward, fearing that they would die in front, they roared and retreated.

The battle ended quickly, and the two sides began a temporary truce.

Romon, your method is really good. We killed at least one hundred and fifty little devils, and our death rate is very low. Only one died just now. The rest can be cured. Farfell came here excitedly.

Yes, my lord, you have killed two hundred little devils, and I will report this feat to the church. Pastor Fogel also came up and said.

Oh? Romon and Farfell looked at each other.

You don't know, do you? According to the rules of evil disasters in the past, there are meritorious deeds for killing little devils and demons. These are recorded by the chaplain and prayed to God, so don't worry about the deeds being obliterated. If you can establish a huge deed If you do, you will not only get the secular title and land, but also the grace of the gods! Pastor Fogel said happily: I never thought, my lord, you are quite proficient in tactics, and you have this result on the first day!

This is everyone's hard work! Romon said a few words modestly, then sighed again: Judging from today's situation, we still lack a knight!

There is a lack of a knight who can sharply block the great demon.

Hearing this, Fafer and Haiwawei felt a little ashamed.

It doesn't matter, my lord's paladin, Knight Sangerbo, should arrive tomorrow morning. Pastor Fogel said happily. In such a battle, not only will Romon win merit as the lord, but priests and paladins It will be counted even more.

This is undoubtedly a smooth path to promotion. (!)

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