Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 203 Prologue (Part 1)

Romon, long time no see. At this moment. The hostess who has been busy all the time, Mrs. Jazz came from the side.

Romon quickly stood up and saluted: Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. During this time, I have been busy with things in the territory, and I didn't have time to visit you. I am very happy to see you again, beautiful lady.

Hehe, are you satisfied with today's banquet? The lady smiled, I heard that you have been successfully promoted to a fifth-level druid. This is a great thing. Congratulations.

Romon came here today, and he has already been congratulated by countless people. Although this also shows the change in status after the fifth level, he had no choice but to stand up again and respond: Thank you, madam.

Why, my dear, have you finished your discussion? Seeing Sir Demerkar sitting aside, it seemed that the discussion was over. Madam Sir asked curiously.

Sir Demercar nodded: We've talked about it just now... Well, today's wine is good, come on, Romon, drink some more, ma'am, isn't Owenna going out, why haven't you come down yet, you go upstairs and have a look Look.

Well, all right, drink slowly. The lady said with a smile, and then walked upstairs slowly.

Sir Demerkar immediately picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Romon again, and drank it with a complicated expression. Obviously, in the trial just now, Romon gave him relevant hints, but this made Sir Demercar's mood even heavier.

Romon looked at the other party's appearance, and knew that the other party's question just now must have guessed something in advance, and the hint he gave confirmed the other party's guess, so Sir Demercar must be very upset at this time. It's as complicated as when I knew the truth about the outbreak of the evil disaster.

By the way, Sir Demerkar. How is the winter wheat in your territory? Romon recalled that the thousand acres of land he saw when he came here seemed to be fully planted, and he didn't look carefully when he came, so there is this ask.

When Sir Demerka heard this, he suddenly showed a smile again: It's not bad, my two thousand acres of land are all planted with winter wheat, but the seeds I got from you, the wheat seedlings grown out are better than the other Those planted on a thousand acres of land are much better, and the seedlings are stronger. Having said this, Sir Demerkar laughed. It is estimated that many people who didn't grow at that time will regret it now, haha!

Then, the two talked about some crops.

Father. At this moment, Owenna came down from upstairs after having changed her clothes: I want to go out for a walk.

Well, okay, by the way, take Romon to our fields, he is now a level five druid.

Some crop problems, please ask him, so that there will be less trouble in the future. said Ser Dymercar.

Owenna said with a smile: I know father.

Then, look at Romon.

Let's go, Romon... druid. She laughed.

Romon felt a little unnatural, but he still stood up, bid farewell to Ser Demercar, and followed Owenna out.

A gust of wind blew past, gently blowing the hair on Owenna's forehead. Her current attire was quite different from the lady's attire at the banquet. The tight-fitting knight outfit, worn on the girl, made her figure more and more uneven. The blonde hair was tied up with a ribbon, revealing her white neck. She looked very sexy and charming.

How about, before you go to the field, go for a ride with me? Owenna looked back at Romon and said with a smile.

Luo Meng rubbed his nose: How dare I refuse your request.

Hehe. Owenna smiled. At this moment, someone had brought Romon and her horse over. The two got on their horses, gave a simultaneous ride, and rushed out.

Honey, look at the two of them, is there any possibility of development? At this time. The jazz couple had already appeared at the door, looking at their backs, the lady jazz asked curiously.

Sir Demercar stroked his beard: Let them go, we just need to create opportunities. Whether there is a possibility of development depends on whether they are suitable.

That child, Romon, is not bad. At such a young age, he is already a level five druid, and his future is boundless. Madam Jazz said with some hope.

Sir Demerka laughed: My family's Owenna is not bad either, she is beautiful, knowledgeable, and a three-pole warrior, with good cultivation and a sense of family responsibility, as the wife of any nobleman, she is absolutely fine.

It's just that if that kind of disaster really happens... Madam Sir suddenly became worried when she thought of this.

Sir Demercar was also a little worried, and the hint he got from Romon still made his heart heavy: Hey, don't think about it, with the strength of our family, it is better to take defensive measures before things happen. Urgent. As for Romon, you haven't noticed. Has a high wall been built in his territory long ago? That child is not a simple person.

I hope so, my ladyship sighed.

Leaving aside their discussions, let's just talk about the other side. After racing for a while, Romon and Owenna reined in, dismounted, and the two started on foot.

Romon, I heard what you said to my father just now. Owenna said suddenly.

Romon turned to look at her. See Owenna continue to say: Although I practice the knight profession, I still hope that this world can continue to be peaceful like this, without killing or aggression. Isn't it good to live like this?

Of course this kind of life is very good. Knowing that this smart woman should have guessed something, he couldn't say it clearly, let alone reveal the truth, he could only sigh helplessly: But, you have to understand, sometimes , not only human beings, but also any species, there will be many contradictions, some of which are acquired, and some are caused by the innate environment. In order to compete for more and better living environments among various species, Therefore, killing each other is also a natural law.

Do we have to kill each other? Owenna looked at the field, and the wind blew past her, gently raising her scattered golden hair back: Romon, you are a druid, and druids in this natural world So, tell me, is this contradiction really irreconcilable?

All kinds of frost compete for freedom. Romon murmured.

What? Owenna heard a strange sentence, turned around, a little puzzled.

Oh, I said, maybe one day there will be harmony. Romon laughed and said, The divine power of harmony.

After hearing this, Owenna was very satisfied, but said: Unfortunately, there is no God of Harmony in our world, but I believe in you, there will be such a day.

What I said before was a bit ironic, but I believe in you suddenly moved Romon. He looked at Owenna and said, Thank you.

Okay, it's time for me to go back, and you have to go back too. If it's later, it will be dark, and the road will not be safe. Owenna looked at the sky and said with some regret.

At this time, Luo Meng looked up and found that time would pass so quickly, and it was time to go back so soon. It seemed that being with a beautiful woman would indeed have a dull sense of the passage of time.

Because it was already a little far away from the Jazz Villa, Romon bid farewell to her here, and then directly urged the horse to return to his territory.

After returning to his territory, within a few days, Romon heard the news that Sir Demercar had started to build a wall around his territory. It was said that it was because monsters appeared one after another near Sir Demercar. Therefore, in order to protect the people and property in the territory from harm, Sir Demeka decided to build a tall wall.

Also started construction, and there are several companies that have always been on good terms with Sir Demercar. Afterwards, people from the Church of the Lord of Radiance also sent people over to inquire about the situation, and after confirming that what Sir Demerka said was true, and that there was no other news, they did not take any other actions.

After the wall of Sir Demerkar's territory was built, Romon was invited to visit it. Although the construction level was not as good as Romon's, it was still a few meters high, which was better than nothing. Outside the wall, they also dug more. After entering the ditch, the ditch is very wide, and people and horses can pass through it. The suspension bridge needs to be lowered in advance, and the water flow inside is very fast. Romon nodded secretly when he saw it. This level of protection should be able to have a certain degree of defense after the arrival of the evil disaster. .

During the visit, Romon made some veiled comments. As a result, some offensive weapons, such as crossbows, were quickly equipped by Sir Dymerkar.

Spring went to summer, and it was May in a blink of an eye. In the past few months, there have been more and more abnormal situations in various places.

In just a few territories close to Romon's territory, monsters have appeared many times. It can be seen that there is not only one mining area, but also other places that can be accessed.

Of course, because of the protection of the tall city walls and ditches, the personnel and property in Romon's territory did not suffer any loss.

And because the fence was also built for protection, the people in Sir Demercar's territory were not harmed. However, the fence was only built around the village where they were, and did not include the fields.

Romon, have you heard? On this day, Fafer suddenly ran into Romon's office, and said with a serious face as soon as he saw the door.

Luo Meng hurriedly asked: What's the matter? What happened?

Faffel said: I heard that notices have been posted in the city. Starting tomorrow, all roads in the surrounding area will be blocked and will be guarded by heavy troops. Random traffic between various large territories will not be allowed. You say, Is that about to start? (!)

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