Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 199 Report (Part 1)

Cracks in underground mines

Five people gasped at the mouth of the crack.

After Farfell climbed onto the crack. Romon was next, followed by Knight Sangbo and two warriors. The last warrior was killed by the swarming demon spells just as he was crawling.

The first-level spell of Palm of Flame quickly burned the rope, but it was obvious that this gap had been discovered by the devil.

Romon couldn't help but look gloomy.

Priest Fogel stood up and treated the warrior.

It's okay, the little devil can't fly up. Although the big devil has wings, he dare not come up alone. Romon glanced down and said.

Pastor Fogel nodded, and checked the other three people. The healing spell had been used, but there were still black marks on the wound. He turned around and said, Lord Tattershaw, do you have an antidote? My divine spell It's been used up.

As we all know, priests, mages, and druids actually have spell restrictions every day, and there are differences according to different talents and magic levels. But no matter what, it won't exceed a lot. A fourth-level priest basically only has about three second-level spells, which can be easily used up.

In fact, even if it is not used up, a level four priest can only cast level two magic spells, which only have magic spells that relieve poison.

Neutralize the poison and remove the toxins inside and outside. This is a three-pole magical technique. Romon shrugged and took out a bottle of antidote potion and said, I only have one bottle with me. You should drink it first, and then drink it in my villa. Bar!

Actually, we have the antidote, but we lost it down below. Priest Fogel nodded, and continued, there are treasures such as space bags in this world, but space bags are only gifted by gods, or legend magic. You can do it only if you have a job, and it is impossible for people at the current level to do it.

Coupled with the fact that the priest's physique is weaker, it is natural that the soldier carried the medicine on his back, and died in battle and lost in the ground.

Pastor Fogel got the potion and gave it to Knight Sangerbo. He took it without delay and took a sip, which was about four-tenths of the sip. Handed over to two soldiers.

The two soldiers each drank the remaining half, and the antidote was still somewhat effective.

Immediately, the group of people retreated immediately. Romon was already familiar with the mining area, so they walked directly to the nearest road. The dark corridor continued to rise, and within a moment, they were outside.

There's a herd of horses outside,

When they came, there were ten people, but now there are only five people. When they got on their horses, the faces of all the people present were a little ugly. They rushed to the small mining village in Romon's territory, and then went straight to the front of the villa.

The villas in the small mining village may not look magnificent at first glance, but there are still oak trees planted behind the gate and on the left and right sides of the path. There is also a wide garden, although the garden is now withered because of winter.

Seeing the master coming in, the servants inside also came up to greet him. They just gave some instructions, and they led the horses to the stables, and another group of people went to work in the kitchen.

The group of people went to the study room. Under the large French windows, there were three rows of bookshelves. The faint sunlight slanted on the books and the room. After a few orders from Romon, a servant started to light the fireplace. Half of the matches were burned, so in a few minutes, the fire in the fireplace started to burn, warming the inside of the house.

Another servant brought wine glasses, all of which were glass glasses. Under the sunlight and flames, the wine in the glasses revealed a gorgeous rose-like red.

In front of the three soldiers, there was a small bottle of antidote.

Knight Sangbo didn't drink alcohol, gulped down the antidote, waited for a while, looked at the wound, and found that the blackness hadn't faded, but just condensed there.

Everyone took a breath. Pastor Fogel took a sip of the wine and sighed slightly: Unexpectedly, the underground is so full of demons... The abyssal poison contained in the little demon is very thin, but it is very annoying, and the antidote can only be suppressed, or after several times A treatment...Maybe you have to wait to go back to get rid of this.

Romon tilted his head, nodded in agreement and said, It's true, this kind of toxicity is not strong, but if you don't pay attention, it can be fatal after a long time, but if the three of you are willing, I can treat it for you. .”

Oh, if that's the case, my lord, I'm sorry to trouble you. Paladin Sangbo inspected the other two wounded, frowning. Their injuries were more serious.

So Romon walked over and looked at the two wounded who were sitting on the sofa, and found that the wounds had not healed for a long time. The wounds were very exclusive, and their lips and faces were very ugly.

Romon. Are those demons poisonous? Farfell stood by and watched, then asked. He touched his wound, and it seemed that there was no serious problem...

Yes, the devil is poisonous. These toxins are a kind of corrosive toxin. If you treat them immediately, the antidote can solve them. If you delay for a while, you can only suppress them. Romon carefully looked at the faces of the two people. The wound, because the healing spell was cast. The rest of the wound has already healed. However, there was a small wound that could not be completely healed. It was black, but there was a rotten and dark aura coming out of the wound. Romon frowned after smelling it.

I need to perform an operation on them. Romon stood up and said to Pastor Fogel and Sangerber.

Now? Sanger asked.

Romon nodded, and said: Yes, it's now. If you delay it for a while, for example, rush to the city, the poison will spread throughout the body. If that's the case, it may be very troublesome.

Upon hearing this, Pastor Fogel and Sangerbo immediately changed their expressions slightly, and immediately said: Then ask Your Excellency to operate on them!

Okay, then I'll operate on them. Romon said, ordering the servant to immediately bring a box, boil water, and high-concentration alcohol, and take out some necessary tools for surgery, as well as various medicines, and then, Start the operation.

Speaking of initiating surgery, in fact, it is to use anesthesia first, then use a knife to clean out the suppressed piece of flesh and blood, cut it off, apply your own special antidote, and then use druid healing spells Giving treatment is basically such a step.

Cut off this piece of flesh and blood. As soon as it was put on the plate, the piece of meat began to rot and gave off a stench. However, the person improved a lot immediately. After drinking a bottle of antidote to clean up the remaining poison, the person basically recovered.

Pastor Fogel and Sangerber have been standing by and watching, and they feel a little novel about some simple surgical movements that Romon is using now.

The previous method was to use the three-level magic to resolve the poison, but the price of the three-level magic is of course very high.

However, this method is very simple, just a problem of thinking.

Can you do this kind of surgery? Sangerber asked Pastor Fogel softly.

The pastor nodded: Although this kind of operation is relatively new, after seeing it, I can certainly do it. However, this method of removing carrion, I don't think ordinary people can bear this kind of pain!

Well, yes, but, when he was doing it, the wounded were not very serious. Can you see what method he used? Sangberg asked.

Pastor Fogel thought for a moment: I seem to have seen him use a kind of potion, and put the potion on the wound first, and then cut it off.

It seems that there are still many secrets about him that we don't know. Sangbo said suddenly with emotion.

They were whispering on one side, while on the other side, Romon had already finished the operation neatly.

After the green mist rising from his palm was cast on the wounds of the two wounded, Romon re-bandaged their wounds and stood up.

Are you done, Lord Tuttershaw? asked Sangerberg, coming up.

Romon took the clean handkerchief that Farfell handed over, wiped his hands, and said, That's right, the surgery is over.

They are really good, you can cut this piece of meat for me too... Sangbo looked at the two wounded, and found that their faces had returned to their ruddy state, and it seemed that they were indeed much better.

Romon leaned down. Sangerbo is a fifth-level paladin. In fact, God's grace has improved his physique. The situation is much better than that of the two warriors. Even if he doesn't need to do this, he can slowly eliminate it. It doesn't matter once.

This process was very fast, and it took five minutes to solve it. Pastor Fogel watched carefully.

When things were done, Romon put away all the tools one by one, and then said: You should be able to recover soon, but the residual poison has not been completely cleaned up, and you can't do strenuous exercise for the time being. I suggest that you rest here first. Let's continue on our way after at least an hour. Romon suggested, Also, in this hour, I can also draw the path I explored, so that I can reply to the Bishop.

After listening to Romon's suggestion, Pastor Fogel agreed, so everyone rested on the sofa, and some servants brought up simple food. Everyone devoured it, and Romon drew a map according to his memory in the study. .

Romon's memory is very good, and he has done map drawing before, so it went smoothly, and it was completed after half an hour.

After an hour's rest, Sangerber again offered to go back, and this time, no one objected.

And the two fighters have almost recovered during this period of time.

Originally, Romon and Farfell didn't want to enter the city, but, thinking that this task was directly named by Bishop Ebike, Romon had no choice but to go back to the city with this group of people.

Ever since he heard what happened to Romon in the Church of the Lord of Radiance, Farfell was very worried about going to the Church of the Lord of Radiance alone, so he wanted to follow Romon back to the city.

So, the group of people got on their horses again, followed the way they came, and headed towards the small mining village. Although the speed was slower than when they came, they didn't encounter any danger along the way, and they left the small mining village smoothly. Follow the road to the city.

Without saying a word all the way, the group went straight into the city and arrived in front of the church. It was the first time for Farfell to come here, and he was immediately attracted by the beautiful and beautiful architectural style here, and secretly sighed in his heart.

Lord Tattershaw, when we came, Bishop Epic once told us that if we go back, let us go directly to him and come with me! Pastor Fogel said to Romon under the steps of the temple. .

Romon nodded: Okay!

Romon, Farfell, and Sangbo directly followed Pastor Fogel, and the group went up to the second floor, while the two temple warriors did not follow, but went back to their own camp.

In front of the same room as last time, Pastor Fogel stopped, then knocked on the door: My lord bishop.

It's you who are back? Come in! Pastor Fogel's voice was heard, and this time, Bishop Ebike was inside, so he let them in directly.

Priest Fogel opened the door first and walked in, followed by Sangerbe, and then Romon and Farfer.

How is the task completed this time? After Romon entered, Bishop Ebike, who was working, put down the documents in his hand and looked up at him.

My lord bishop, we have successfully drawn a map. We have encountered two battles in the underground space. Pastor Fogel simply reported the situation of the battle and the deaths and injuries to Bishop Ebike. After hearing this, Bishop Epic looked at Sangbo and Romon again.

Both of them affirmed what Pastor Fogel said, and Pastor Fogel took out a roll of maps from his arms, stepped forward respectfully, and put the map in front of Bishop Epic: Bishop My lord, this is the map drawn, please watch it.

Well, very good, you have done a good job! Bishop Ebike nodded while looking at the map. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the completion of their mission.

After that, they asked a few questions about the cause and process of the two battles, and Romon, Sangerberg, and Pastor Fogel answered them in turn.

...For those who died, we should give some compensation to his family according to the church's practice. As for the injured, we should also reward them according to the church's regulations. After listening to everyone's narration, Bishop Ebike said, They focused on rewarding the dead and wounded, and other people who participated in this mission also received more or less rewards.

This is the procedure. Although it is about compensation and rewards, in fact, Romon can see that the five dead soldiers did not move Bishop Ebike at all.

This is the superior.

Are you Pharfell? Bishop Epic asked kindly, looking at the young man behind Romon after finishing all the rewards for his internal staff.

Fafeier hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, and replied respectfully: Yes, my lord bishop, I am Fafeier.

Are you already a fourth-level fighter? Bishop Ebike smiled slightly: Yes, very promising, keep working hard!

Thank you, Bishop, for your compliment. Fafer replied respectfully.

Well, not bad! Nodding slightly, Bishop Ebike looked at Romon again: Well, in order to reward you for completing the mission well this time, I will give you 300 gold coins, and I will follow the priest down to collect them later!

In fact, if you use an adventurer, 300 silver coins are enough, but the problem is that Romon is a fifth-level druid and a lord after all, and the rewards for the same thing are different, which is a matter of course.

Romon and Farfell quickly thanked him, and when they saw that he was fine, they withdrew. (!)

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