Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 195: Gluttony (Part 1)

When he went back, Romon felt as if a big stone had been crushed in his heart. It made him a little out of breath. After some difficulty, he crawled out from the gap, then sat down on the open space deep in the mining area, and became dazed.

While resting, he was recalling the scene he had just seen.

There were 1,500 little devils, and this number was still increasing. The information he saw with his spiritual eyes also told him that the strength of these little devils had increased a lot compared to before, and his side , although they are also training desperately, but, on the one hand, their own efforts cannot compete with the results of magic; on the other hand, in terms of numbers, they are much smaller than those little devils. Once these monsters attack above. A bloody battle was inevitable.

The more he thought about this, the more worried Romon became.

After resting, he patted the dust off his body and left the mining area.

When he came back, he wasn't even interested in skiing back by himself, he just called Lightning and rode back on it, but when he was almost at the village, he landed and slid back.

At this time, the sky was almost dark, and Romon, who had been tossing all night, was now full of tiredness. Fortunately, the robe of nature has the ability to clean itself, just patted it, and there was no trace of crawling underground up.

This made Romon feel a little relieved. In the current situation where he can't tell the truth, if he leaked something, he would not only get into trouble, but would inevitably make his friends worry. Why bother?

Stopping in front of the Forest House's villa, Romon was untying the skateboard. A Lori leaned out from the window and saw that Romon had returned. Suddenly, it quickly disappeared from the window.

Afterwards, the door was slammed open, and five Lolita rushed out happily, the leader being Bell.

My lord, your skateboard is really fun, let us slide! Five big Lolita jumped up.

Looking at them, Romon forced a smile: Is that so? I have already ordered you to make a few more. You can slip on the roads in the village first, just be careful not to fall.

My lord, what's the matter with you? Hearing Romon's voice a little dry, the sensitive bell quickly raised his head and looked at Romon's face carefully: Your face is so ugly, are you tired from the journey? Go in quickly Rest, I will prepare hot water for you!

Bell said distressedly, and immediately threw the skateboard aside.

Well, prepare more water, I'll just take a shower.

Romon said.

Okay, my lord, go to the room and wait for a while. The hot water will be delivered right away. Although it was a little strange, since it was Romon's order, the bell has always been unconditional, so she ran to prepare hot water without asking anything. went.

The bell went to prepare hot water, and Romon pushed open the door of his room.

The room was spotlessly clean, whether it was on the table or on the floor, it must be the four Luo Li, who would come to his room to clean it every day!

Recalling the shy and expectant gazes of the four Lolitas without dodging or flinching, the corners of Romon's mouth couldn't help but twitched upwards. A fire was burning in his heart. He suddenly felt tired. Morality, don't want to abide by it anymore.

My lord... My lord! There was a soft call, and when I opened my eyes, a Luo Li was standing in front of me, with a pair of big eyes, watching him: My lord, after taking a bath, I finished eating. Go to bed after dinner, it will be more comfortable.

Romon nodded: Okay!

A big bucket of hot water was brought in by two Lolita, and the bell seemed to be going to handle the dinner.

My lord, I'll pinch your back for you. A Luo Li whispered.

Originally, Romon would refuse, but at this moment, seeing her shy appearance, and thinking of the first time he ate the bell, he felt hot in his heart, and said, Okay, both of you come here.

The two Lolitas suddenly showed surprise and shy expressions, and came over, working carefully with four hands.

On this day, Romon slept until noon tomorrow. After that, Romon continued to work hard on the perception and spells of the fifth-level druid.

On the third day, when the rough embryo of the natural altar was completed, Romon continued to work. Finally, a week later, the natural altar was completed, and the basement became a natural greenhouse worthy of the name.

And Fudi is also diligently busy.

Nick, did you hoard a lot of food last year? During a small chat with Nick, Farfell asked: The more you train, the more you eat.

Nick opened the thick account book in his hand. After looking at it for a while, I gave this answer: I can say that in these surrounding territories, there is no more grain hoarded in our territory than ours. Excluding the grain grown by ourselves in our territory, only the food on the ground That batch of the first large-scale purchase is enough to feed us for a year.

Having said that, Nick closed the account book, and then looked at Farfell with a complicated expression: Don't you think that Romon has been working hard recently? It seems to be very busy.

Romon is very busy these days, comprehending and stabilizing the power of the druid. Sitting on Lightning, he flew back to the small village from the air to check the defense and training situation there.

Moreover, in terms of personnel training and the defense of the territory, it is also very tight.

Although neither Nick nor Farfell knew the truth of the matter, they were as smart as they were, but they could feel Romon's anxiety, and knew that there might be certain things that they couldn't tell. However, they also vaguely guessed something.

I've noticed a long time ago that something was wrong with Romon when he came back from the city, and he didn't even mention anything about the gap, so I've already sensed something was wrong. Farfell said.

I think there must be something wrong with that gap. Some time ago, I heard that there were soldiers patrolling there to prevent idlers from waiting in. Nick remembered the news he had learned from others.

Soldiers patrol? Isn't that our territory? The guards didn't send anyone there. Farfell asked strangely.

Nick saw that there was no one else in the room, and then whispered: They are members of the Church of the Lord of Radiance. I heard that during this period of time, they have arrested many people in various places, and they have hardly returned...

You mean, those people who took Romon away last time? Thinking of those arrogant people, Farfell felt angry.

Yes, so, I think that Romon's abnormal behavior after returning must have something to do with the Church of the Lord of Glory. Nick said, There must be some problems down here.

Farfell looked out the window, and it was snowing outside again, this was already the fifth snowfall since the beginning of winter.

Yeah, but since Romon doesn't want to say what happened there, we can't force him to say... the new year is over. Spring is almost here, Nick, there are already little green shoots growing Come out...don't worry, he will say it when he wants to say it, we are friends, just help him complete his plan. Seeing a little bit of green outside, Farfell said softly.

It can only be like this. Nick also sighed.

Farfell, the forecast of the weather, failed. Before the lunch was over, the snow became heavier, and with strong winds, it turned into a blizzard.

The wind howled, snowflakes slapped on the windows, and everything was shrouded in pure white.

In the villa, fires were not lit everywhere, and the bell looked out. The road was already empty, and the heavy snow and cold wind sealed most people inside the house.

It can be seen that the hotel is full of people, and Ling Ding also knows that it must be the most crowded in front of the fireplace of the hotel.

In the room of the villa, the fireplace was burning brightly, and the five Loli were studying and warming up to the fire here.

These days, Bell is obviously a little depressed. Of course, she has discovered the relationship between the other two Loli and Romon. Although she has prepared for it, it still brings her depression. It seems that something broke her heart.

It's so cold. Fortunately, we are here. If we were at home, it would be so cold! a Loli Sally said while warming up to the fire, and became Romon's woman. Their treatment has also improved a lot, not to mention the comparison. at home.

Yeah, at home, there's no fire at all, and I'm numb from the cold. The second Lori, Fleury, said, occupying a place near the fireplace, reading a book while warming herself by the fire.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the stairs, and the five Lolita hurriedly looked up.

As soon as Luo Meng walked into the living room, he took off his snow-covered coat and threw it aside casually. Behind him was old Lu Lun.

I'm afraid this snow will last for another two or three days. I'm worried that it will also have some impact on the winter wheat. Romon frowned and said, Such heavy snow rarely falls here, and the climate is quite different!

Walking to the fireplace to warm up the fire, the old man Lu Lun also said: There is some contrast, but this is normal... As for the winter wheat, fortunately, there is no spring now, so the impact is not big.

A Luo Li obediently held the sofa for the two of them, and brought a blanket to the old man Lu Lun, covering his knees.

When the snow stops, it will take at least three days before we can enter the city. After all, such a heavy snow may pile up and make it impossible for vehicles and horses to pass. Maybe there are people in the city who come out to shovel the snow. It is impossible to go to the countryside. Luo Meng sighed. With a sigh of relief, he has not yet been to the city to prove the fifth level.

If you really want to go, you can take a sled. Of course, if you are alone, your snowboard is very good. This is simply a miniature version of the sled! Old Lulun said calmly. At this time, a Luo Li served hot coffee.

The old man Lu Lun took it over with great satisfaction. He was very treated here, and he was paid 50 silver coins a month. Moreover, in the last transaction, as an intermediary, he earned more than 5,000 silver coins and sent it to his home.

At this time, Bell came over and brought milk tea made of tea bricks to Luo Meng. Luo Meng smiled, touched her cold hand lightly, and said, That's true. I still have to go to the city once. Lots of things to do!

Turning around, he said seriously: You all come here.

The five Loli didn't know why, so they all came over. Romon said, New Year's is over, how about it, you each bring some food, cloth, and silver coins back home, so that the family can have a good New Year.

Luo Meng is planning for a rainy day, to fight for a chance of life for their family in the future.

The four Luoli immediately smiled happily, and the bell also smiled, and her mood suddenly became much brighter. (!)

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