Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 190 Prices (Part 2)

The sun is still on the balcony. The meeting continues.

I've also inquired about it. Many commercial firms have received orders from mysterious people. They want food and weapons. Because the prices they give are high and the quantity they want is also very large, so they directly sell the supplies on the market. The price has been brought up, fortunately we bought the weapon before, otherwise, if we buy it now, we will definitely lose a lot. Speaking of this, the old man Lu Lun is not without regret.

Romon lowered his head, tapped his fingers on the table, thought for a while, and then said, How far have the prices of weapons increased now? Such as bows and arrows, swords, and shields.

This kind, when we bought it last time, almost one gold coin could buy a hundred crossbow arrows of good quality. Now, it seems that there are not even fifty. As for the crossbow, it is even more expensive. There are six times, and the price of swords and shields is more than three times more expensive than before. Even so, there are still people placing orders. In the current market, these weapons are in short supply.

So, what about the food? How far has the price of food increased? Luo Meng asked softly, keeping his eyes on the table.

Food? The old man Lu Lun thought for a while, and said, Right now, the price of grain is rising the fastest in the market, and it is also the most outrageous. It is about 50% more expensive than when we bought grain. Such a high price , I haven’t heard of it in recent decades. It’s really amazing. I’m afraid that those nearby citizens who have no fields and rely on buying food will cry. This is far beyond what they can bear Speaking of this, the old scholar couldn't help sighing again: The disaster, this kind of disaster has not really come yet, it has already begun to affect people's lives. If those underground monsters attack, what impact will it cause? and hazards...

Think of that scene. Lu Lun and Romon felt a chill in their hearts at the same time.

Therefore, we must make sufficient preparations. Now all the guards in the territory have reached at least the second level. Coupled with the weapons and equipment I bought, at least we have some foundation. Romon explained his territory in detail. Tell Lu Lun about the current situation. Also, we have a lot of food reserves. At least in the case of no planting, we can guarantee that there will be no famine within two years. As for other things, we bought a lot of bows and arrows. The number is still sufficient, what's more, we know the situation earlier than others, and we are somewhat prepared in our hearts.

Not only that, but the more important point is that I don't know if you have already noticed something is wrong, or if God really favored you, you actually built the wall before that. This is a very important building. , With it. Basically, the village has some security. If there is no wall, just us, hehe, I’m afraid, a few powerful monsters are enough to destroy the entire territory.” Scholar Lu Lun Some lamented Romon's good luck: So, I really want to sigh, you are really a lucky person!

Being praised by Lu Lun, I couldn't help but smile bitterly,

Romon stood up. If you are really lucky, you won't encounter this kind of thing. Okay, let's go out and look at the deployment around us. When will the evil disaster break out? We are the only insiders here, so we can't relax Be vigilant.

Walking in the village, you can feel the thriving feeling all the time. Although it is already November, no matter whether it is the people in the territory, or the plants and animals in the territory, they are all very tenacious.

Plants are working hard to survive this cold time. Even if the future wind and snow will crush their waists, break their branches and leaves, and beat them to pieces, they will still continue their vitality. The spring of the second year. Once again, the charming flowers bloomed, showing the tender green shoots.

The people in the territory are stubbornly fighting against fate. These people are from poor families, or they are middle-aged, and they don't want to live that kind of wandering life. They try to make their current status through their own efforts. This home is better and warmer.

These people don't know that a catastrophe is about to fall around them. This catastrophe has been concealed by politicians of all ages in history. It has absolute destructive power. Maybe they are still happy as a family today. Sitting together in a heartbeat, and at the moment of the disaster, this warm home is about to perish.

Because of the large amount of money invested, this small village has been built very well, especially the external defense facilities, which are very strong. Perhaps, even a person with a status like a baron, if their castle has not been repaired. After many years, it may not be as strong as here.

Luo Meng led Lu Lun to stand at the wall and looked down. The height of the high wall was comparable to that of the city wall, and its thickness was much inferior to that of the walls of the nearby towns.

Old man Lu Lun became more and more satisfied as he looked at it, and nodded repeatedly: My lord, I have to say that it was a wise decision when you ordered the construction of such a wall.

Yeah. I think so now. Romon looked outside, looking at the field. In the near future, there might no longer be able to grow crops there, and I don't know how many monsters will appear there.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is very blue, with white clouds drifting past. I don’t know if I will still be in the mood to look up at the sky in the near future, I’m afraid, even the sky will reflect the blood on the ground.

I'm afraid, this decision is really the wisest decision I've ever made.

Just as he was talking, suddenly, a large black cloud pressed up from the west, instantly engulfing the white cloud and assimilating it, and the sunlight was also covered by the dark cloud at this moment.

It's going to change. Romon said with a pun.

Then, turn around and go down.

Scholar Lulun standing behind him looked at Romon's somewhat lonely back, as if he was just getting to know him for the first time, he was taken aback for a moment, and then followed.

Not long after I came back, it snowed outside, which also meant that autumn had really passed and winter had arrived.

This was the first snow in winter. Romon stood at the window and looked out. The snowflakes would soon cover the ground with a layer of white, and it was white everywhere. His heart, while looking at the snow, was still hard to calm down. This has been three consecutive days of insomnia for him, since he knew the changes in food and weapons on the market. He already had a premonition that the catastrophe was getting closer and closer step by step.

My lord, I have your letter. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time, someone spoke softly.

Come in. Romon said while turning around.

Yes. The door was gently pushed open, and a male servant walked in with a letter. My lord, this is a letter for you.

Okay, I see, you go down. Romon took the letter, and then said.

Yes. The male servant stepped back slightly, and while exiting the room, he closed the door again.

And Romon sat at the table next to the window, and looked at the envelope of the letter first. It didn't say who the sender was, only that it was received by Luo Meng.

Romon gently tore open the envelope of the letter, and then pulled out the flesh of the letter.

The letter paper was light green, with a faint smell of grass on it. Before Romon read the content, he smiled. He thought, he knew who sent him the letter.

First look at the signature of the letter, sure enough, Ai Weixi.

The content of the letter is not much, roughly saying that she is studying in a distant place now, and through a friend in the city, she learned about the abnormal situation in this area recently, so I specially reminded him to pay close attention to that gap and strengthen Territory defense measures.

The handwriting is very delicate, with a cool and indifferent taste, and sure enough, the characters are like people.

Recalling the things he had lived, studied, and explored with Ai Weixi, the corners of Romon's mouth could not help but twitch upwards.

Thank you, Miss Avesey. He locked the letter in the drawer, then stood back at the window, and said softly towards the distance.

The other party didn't leave him an address, so he couldn't reply to the other party's letter, and under the current situation, even if he replied to the letter, it might not be able to be delivered to the other party smoothly. If it caused trouble for the other party, it would be bad. Therefore, Romon could only say thank you softly to the distance.

The sky outside is gray, just like his future, there is no bright sunshine in sight. Since he came to this world, in fact, Romon has been quite smooth. Even if he encountered some setbacks, it eventually became a stepping stone for him to climb up. Therefore, some time ago, he was really proud and carried away. And the arrival of this catastrophe just gave him a blow in the face.

Romon wasn't strong enough, and his strength wasn't enough to make him feel complacent. Therefore, he had to let go of those glitz and return to the path of serious cultivation.

In front of the window, I stretched out my hand, just for a moment, there were green light spots continuously, turning into light green mist, coming towards him, as if seeking warmth.

The green mist was finally absorbed by his body, turned into power, and entered his body.

I don't know why, but the current speed of cultivation is more than 30% faster than before. If we continue to practice at this speed, maybe, before the disaster comes, we can really break through the fourth-level boundary and reach the fifth-level druid.

If that was the case, his chances of surviving in future disasters would be greatly increased.

Just as he was thinking this way, Romon suddenly opened his eyes.

The sudden huge movement in the space of Shennong's corner in his body caught his attention. (!)

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