Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 174 Discovery (Part 2)

Tick, tick!

Water droplets are constantly falling from the top of the cave. It fell to the ground and made a crisp and pleasant sound.

Pat, clack, this is the sound of the little devil's footsteps just passing by, very soft, but still audible.

Luo Meng hid his body in the crevices of the stone, his breath was deeply restrained, and he didn't dare to be careless, so he looked up.

This is the entrance of a cave with traces of artificial carvings. Bright light continuously spreads from the cave. This kind of light even illuminates a large area outside.

On the rock wall outside the cave, there are several bright stones hanging on each, which look very bright against the light inside. And the entrance of this cave was carved into the shape of a square door that looks smooth on all sides.

There were constantly noisy voices coming from the cave, accompanied by chaotic voices, and there were bursts of low panting sounds of beasts, and crackling sounds.

Occasionally, there is a wind blowing out of the cave, which will bring out a breath.

This breath. It has the power to make ordinary people aware of danger, and as a Druid, Romon's sensitivity is even greater. He frowned, and keenly discovered that this strange aura was exactly the one he had sensed at the top, that is, at the edge of the crack. It seems that he has already found the abnormal source of the gap.

At this time, Romon was wearing a piece of clothing obtained from the Thieves Guild. This clothing had the ability to freely change its color according to the environment like a lizard, because the position he was leaning on at this time was a rock wall of one color. Therefore, this dress also completely disguised him as a raised rock, and the color blended with the surrounding environment, making it hard to find at a glance.

And not far from Romon, near the cave entrance, a creature about the size of a five or six-year-old child was walking upright. It looks exactly like a human being, with well-proportioned proportions, and it has both hands and feet. However, there are two flesh-colored wings that are the size of a baby's arms on the back, which humans will never have.

It looks like a five or six-year-old child, and it looks cute, but it has two sharp teeth bared. But it sticks to the lower lip in a weird way, protruding downward. There is not much hair on the top of his head, only a layer of white, somewhat resembling a human body, and in the middle of his thin white hair, two things that resemble sheep's horns are very obvious.

This weird little creature just passed in front of Romon, and in front of it came another little thing of the same shape and size. After the two little monsters met, they stopped and muttered in a low voice. For a while, although Romon was not too far away from them, he could definitely hear what they were saying with his ears.

But the problem is,

I heard it, but I can't understand it!

Romon squinted his eyes, looking at the little monster that just passed by. No, to be more precise, it should be a little devil. The shock in my heart has not dissipated until now.

And after a brief astonishment, he had sorted out the simple information about this legendary creature stored in his mind.

This was the last time he accidentally saw it when he was looking for other information in the mage library. In that book, it was recorded like this, saying that this is the lowest level of monsters in the demon world, they are small in size, they are only about half the height of a human, but they have very strong fighting power. It has two wings, can fly, and is good at sneak attacks. It looks cute on the outside, but in fact, it is extremely ferocious and cannibalistic. It is very aggressive. Occasionally, a few of them will be exhaled by mages in the human world to serve as messengers or scouts. member.

Most of the little devils live in groups in the deep demon world, and occasionally because of the gap in time and space, they will climb to the outside world because of their own nature.

I didn't expect there to be little devils here... Romon couldn't tell what kind of feeling he was feeling at this moment. Although he understood the hidden danger in the crack, he became more and more confused. At this moment, he finally knew what a demon disaster was.

After hesitating for a while, Romon began to observe with his spiritual eyes.

To know. In terms of power, the spiritual eye is also a kind of energy, which will be detected by keen beings, but now, it can't be taken care of.

For a moment, a red light appeared on the two little devils, which was an evil aura.

Last time, the spiritual eye had integrated the effect of detecting aura, so, for a moment, the strongest aura appeared, and after a while, another symbol appeared in the little devil's body and mind.

This symbol was complicated and dark. When Romon saw it, he was taken aback and withdrew his aura. Although he didn't understand what this symbol meant, he knew it was not a good thing.

However, the aura just now was the strongest. also emerged.

First to second level professional strength?

It turns out that the power of the little devil is only this little?

There is not much essential difference from human beings!

Instead, Romon felt relieved.

Hearing the continuous noise coming from the cave, Romon took a deep breath, and slipped cautiously into the cave while the little devils patrolling at the door criss-crossed.

After entering, I found that outside the cave where the sound came out, there was actually an aisle-like space. There were some stalagmites growing in this space, all of which were very tall, thick and staggered. Romon walked through it carefully.

And from time to time there are little devils, walking back and forth in this space, some seem to be patrolling. Their actions made Romon more and more curious. He was eager to know what was going on in the cave inside.

The stalagmites are next to each other until they reach the edge of the entrance of the cave. There are two sides, and they are all facing each other. This kind of scene reminds Romon of the fruit trees he planted. It seems that these stalagmites must have undergone special treatment, otherwise, it would not be possible to arrange them so neatly by such a coincidence.

His figure is very agile, although there are little devils patrolling the aisle space, they have not found his trace.

Almost lurking, he walked through the doorway that was almost more neatly and perfectly sculpted than the previous one, and then, Romon's eyes suddenly opened up.

Only then did he discover that the space inside was very large, unimaginably large. If the cave he saw just now could be described as a palace, then the cave at this time is only It can be described as a dungeon. Big, very big, so big that Romon didn't even dare to imagine it. It's really surprising that a cave can be so big.

However, not everything here is empty. On the contrary, in the middle and on both sides of the cave, there are many stalagmites that are so tall that they can only be described as stone towers.

Near the door, there are several stalagmites arranged in a staggered manner. Romon saw it when he probed just now, so after sneaking in, he quickly hid behind the stalagmites. The clothes that could change color at any time successfully covered his figure immediately.

And his heart was beating violently at this moment. It turned out that the moment he came in, with just a glance, the scene in the cave had already fallen into his eyes.

The scene that he couldn't even imagine in his dreams is now being staged in front of him.

A large group of small demons with horns on their heads, short bodies and wings on their backs were busy just like the outside. There are probably thousands of them, or they are in groups of three or four, or they are gathered together in a large pile, and they are all busy.

On this side, with bursts of cheers, stalactites were smashed down one after another and fell to the ground, making a bang bang sound, while on the other side, many little devils were hard at work carving the stone wall.

It is unbelievable that these little guys who look much shorter than humans are much better than humans in terms of carving skills. I saw groups of them standing below, or holding tools in their hands, hanging in mid-air with flapping wings, and the patterns they sculpted were all beautiful.

Romon narrowed his eyes, wanting to see what they were sculpting, but soon, his attention was attracted by a tall and magnificent platform.

This platform is probably a few hundred meters away from his position, which is very far away, but even so, he can still feel the magnificence of this stone platform.

The stone platform is about 20 meters high and 200 meters wide, and the height and width are still increasing. The materials used for the stone platform are all square-ground stones, which are carried up by groups of little devils two by two. In the center of the stone platform, there is a stone step about ten meters wide extending from top to bottom. It is built very flat and looks extremely formal and serious.

And on the already built stone wall of more than 20 meters high and more than 200 meters wide, a group of flying little devils, holding tools in their hands, are hard at work carving something. Romon looked carefully, and they have already been carved. There are many strange-looking graphics.

What are they doing here?

Seeing this, Romon was quite puzzled.

It wasn't until he saw a large black skull head carved out by little demons that Romon suddenly realized.

This is... the altar of darkness? A word popped out of my mind suddenly.

The appearance of this altar is very similar to the one Jacob once arranged, but it is much larger and more strange and complicated.

Jacob's one is just a pile of stones, with some sacrifices placed on it, and some simple skull figures are drawn, but this altar is being built on a very large scale. Not only is the overall construction of the altar very serious, even the patterns on it are definitely at the level of a master.

Suddenly, a familiar-sounding cry sounded from the side of the altar. Romon frowned and turned to look over. I saw a few big devils that looked much bigger than those little devils, holding whips and patrolling around.

And under their feet, what they stepped on turned out to be a monster that Romon could never have imagined - the black spider monster.

These black spider monsters who once ran into Romon's territory to be monsters, at this moment, actually carried demons that were much smaller than them, and walked around.

Judging from their appearance, they didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting. Even if they walked a little unsteadily, they would provoke a whip, and when they were hit by the whip, they didn't even dare to move. On the ground, pitifully let these big demons whip.

At this moment, Romon really felt speechless. This legendary, extremely fierce monster was actually tamed by the demons and used as a mount?

At this moment, he held his breath, did not dare to move, and even turned his eyes back.

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