Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 171 Treant (Part 1)

Taking another closer look, I was sure it was an ordinary-looking cave. It was indeed as it showed, it was indeed very ordinary, and after there was no need to investigate further, Romon walked out.

Looking at the long path behind him, Romon stopped.

He didn't continue to walk, but took out a special pen for drawing maps from the space, and then, beside the cave he walked out of, wrote down an Arabic numeral one.

Looking at this mark that is not very obvious to outsiders, but he can see it quickly, Romon nodded, and then took another look at the long tunnel he walked through, turned around, and faced the front Keep going.

The tunnel is very long, but it doesn't necessarily go straight. He once walked through several caves, and then continued down a tunnel.

Along the way, he carefully marked, and then. Carefully observe the surrounding.

No danger has been found for the time being, and no signs of life have been found. This cave stretches for at least several miles. Romon walked through many tunnels and passed through several caves, but he still hasn't seen the head of this cave.

After walking for a while, a cave appeared again in front of it. This cave seemed to be formed by sedimentary rock. Romon walked in cautiously, looked up, and was immediately shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

I saw that this cave is not small, at least bigger than the ones seen before. There are many hanging stalactites on the top of it. The color is very beautiful, like milky long strips, growing downwards, very beautiful . Below them, stalagmites grow upwards. The highest stalagmite has a maximum height of almost 30 meters, like a stone tower growing out of flat ground. Romon looked at it in surprise, sighing in his heart the wonder of nature.

In fact, when he was on earth, he had visited some caves, but the feeling at that time was completely different from the feeling now. At that time, he was looking at it purely as a tourist, but now, he is exploring the underground terrain as the lord of this place. Seeing such a scene under his own territory, the first reaction in Romon's mind was that it would be great if this crack could be turned into a scenic spot for people to visit.

Soon, his unrealistic idea was wiped out by his reason.

Thinking of this, Romon continued to cheer up and observe the cave, hoping to see if he could find something useful. As a result, nothing was found.

After getting out of this hole, I continued to walk forward, and walked a long way, and saw many caves. The further you go in, the more these caves are, and they are all about the same size and height.

Basically, there is nothing but stones inside, although I saw those beautiful cave landforms at first. Such as stalagmites or stalactites, or feel very beautiful. However, the more I look at it, the more boring I feel.

It has been more than four hours since he got down. No matter how strong Romon’s physical strength is, he was a little tired. This time he entered a relatively safe cave, and then sat down on a rock. down.

At this time, a gurgling sound came from his stomach.

Romon sank his mind into the space, and took out a bag of milk and some dried meat.

After walking for so long, he didn't find any clean drinking water here, let alone something to eat. In the caves he's seen, there are only stones, and stalagmites are stalagmites. Although it looks really good-looking, but good-looking can't be eaten as food. As for the dripping water, you can drink it when it's really difficult, but it's all for now.

Putting a piece of jerky into his mouth and chewing slowly, Romon began to think about what to do next.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally decided to move on. If you walk for another two hours and haven't seen anything of value, turn back.

All monsters need to be consumed. If Romon doesn't believe in underground monsters, he shouldn't eat.

If there are no valuable water sources or underground life caves within such a long distance, then your own territory will be very safe.

Due to the exhaustion of physical strength, Luo Meng ate a small bag of jerky before giving up. Then, he drank a few mouthfuls of milk until he felt full, and then put the rest of the food back into the Shennongjiao space.

Next, he leaned against the stone wall and rested for a while. This period of time is not very short, and then he has to walk a long way, and if he encounters any danger, he needs to fight back, so, Physical recovery is important.

When he got up again, it was still dark all around. Quiet, a little scary.

He stood up and rearranged his clothes. After everything was tidied up, he left the cave where he was resting and continued to walk forward.

While walking, Romon stopped suddenly and sniffled.

There's moisture in the wind? He murmured to himself, then, looking in the direction ahead, he showed a pensive expression.

There is water vapor in the wind, so there must be a large source of water not far from here. There are large expanses of water. Then, it is very likely that there will be plants.

Luo Meng didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow in his heart, and he immediately went in the direction of the water vapor.

After a while, turning to one place, Romon stopped in his tracks.

Ten or so meters across, there is a huge cave with water in it, which even forms a huge pond.

The water was very clear and seemed to be very clean, but Romon would not be foolish enough to test whether the water was poisonous by himself.

With a quick glance, there are actually many plants growing around this huge pond.

Some of these plants are very ordinary, resembling certain plants on the ground. However, if you look closely, you will find that there are some differences between them. Obviously, these are some new species.

And some plants simply grow exaggeratedly, or grow like a stone, or grow like a villain, and some are colorful, which look extremely dazzling.

As a druid, there is no greater joy than discovering new species.

But as a lord, Romon is very depressed. This is a huge supplementary base. It should be said that the proportion of monsters is much higher.

Just as he was about to step forward, Romon suddenly took a step back, using the skills he had just learned, and hid beside a stalagmite.

After a while, he poked his head out again, looking at a plant in the cave here.

One has a human form. A creature with obvious signs of plants was at the water's edge, and the Druid's instinct told him that it was very dangerous.

what is this?

Romon surveyed the cave.

Underground passages often have compartments, and strictly speaking, so does this cave.

Below are ponds and rivers of groundwater. The stones are covered with moss, and water flows of moderate size meander through them. Further up, these tree-like things emit faint light.

Underground fire tree, Romon suddenly remembered.

It is said that it is a dark fire tree, but it is actually composed of a fungus. After all, plants need to absorb inorganic substances and sunlight to obtain energy. However, since most plants in the Underdark cannot access sunlight, only fungi can survive. Therefore, in the Underdark Most plant life consists of some sort of gigantic fungus.

In this world, fungi are plants, and druids can communicate and use them.

It's just that, just like the treant on the surface, only the Youhuo tree, which has lasted for thousands of years, can develop its own wisdom and become the same form as the treant.

But this also means a very high risk. Anyone who can become a tree person has an instinctive power that is at least equivalent to a profession above level eleven. The knowledge that they are now in a very vulnerable situation, they can only use their instincts to fight.

And this enlightenment happens to be the greatest power a Druid possesses.

Do you want to go forward and use the druid power to communicate? If successful, you will gain a group of powerful allies.

Romon hesitated.

At this moment, a tree man seemed to feel something, and looked over here.

Surprised in Romon's heart, he stepped out without pretending to think, and he scolded himself as soon as he took a step. It turned out that the tree man just scanned here unconsciously, which made him think that he had been exposed.

But now that he has stood up, the situation is completely different.

The six Youhuo Treemen looked over together, powerful natural forces were circulating on them, and Romon was immediately too scared to move, both of them were stunned.

Moments later, a tree with the largest size stood in front of Romon.

Romon didn't make any moves, he knew that as long as he made a slight move, it might cause a fight.

The biggest tree man stared at him, seemingly confused.

For a moment, a ball of green light was spit out to him.

Romon hesitated, but accepted it.

It's strange, it smells familiar, but it's not. The tree man's thoughts reached Romon's heart through the telepathic connection generated by natural forces.

I'm a Druid. Romon replied quickly in his heart.

I know, but you're weird! The treant leader repeated with a stronger tone: It smells familiar, but it's not.

Romon didn't know what to say.

After a while, through the telepathic connection, another question came over: Are you a traitor?

When asked this sentence, Romon clearly felt that the other five tree people were nervous.

Romon knew that as long as the answer was wrong, it would be an attack immediately, which meant death.

At this moment, Romon had a flash of inspiration and suddenly understood, he immediately replied: No, I am not, I am the Druid of Fire, a descendant of elves!

In an instant, he understood that, to the tree people, the agricultural druids of humans were traitors.

Only the sons of nature can awaken them and protect them. Therefore, their position is always on the side of elves. In their eyes, human beings are traitors who betray nature and enemies who drive them away.

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