Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 164: First Battle (Part 2)

That night, Romon slept soundly.

wake up in the morning. Standing on the balcony of the small building, there is an endless plain in front of you.

The weather is very good, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, the wind gently blows the robe that Luo Meng put on, take a deep breath, feel the fragrance, this is the natural taste...

Bell silently served breakfast.

Your Excellency, you must be careful. Romon was eating, and suddenly stopped when he heard such a sentence.

Romon nodded and replied gently: Thank you.

With that said, I finished my breakfast.

As soon as he went out, he saw Farfell and Sukar, and there were still oil tanks on the horses. Seeing this, Romon nodded and said, Let's go!

Get on the horse and run straight out.

The hilly road is not easy to walk, fortunately it is not very high, and Romon is the first one. Farfell and Sukar followed closely behind.

Lightning flew into the air, patrolling vigilantly.

Because of the lightning, Romon and the other three didn't need to take precautions, so they were very fast. When they reached the outside of the mining area, the three got off their horses. After a few instructions from Romon, he released the reins and let them graze nearby. Drink water and wait.

Druids have this advantage, but the three big tanks of oil are held by Farfell and Sukar.

Going further inside is the entrance to the mining area. After walking for a while, Romon kicked the scattered copper ore on the ground and said.

Sukar followed behind him. He looked at the ore with some regret, and said as he walked: When you go back, you must take all these stones with you. It's a pity to expose them to the ground like this. If you take them back Territory, you can also forge some tools.

Romon chuckled, Nick is like this, Sukar is like this, but they are all very delicate.

Yeah, take some when you go back, maybe it will come in handy in the future. Sukar, in fact, many people will be confused by your appearance when they see you for the first time. When it comes to being the head of the family, the people in the territory , besides Nick is you. Hearing what Romon said, Sukar smiled.

Farfell was at the end, looking around vigilantly at this moment, and when he heard Romon's teasing, he showed a rare smile: That's right, Nick must still be worried about us now,

We must end the battle quickly this time.

However, don't be too eager for quick success. Those black spider monsters are not that easy to deal with. When the time comes, the three of us must cooperate well. Romon said in front.

Don't worry, I'll be careful. Knowing that Romon was worried about him, Faffel quickly promised.

The three of them continued to walk in, although they were talking on the way. However, the three of them looked around vigilantly, for fear that a monster would pop out from somewhere, but luckily nothing happened along the way.

Finally, at the end of the path, an entrance with a width of about two people and a height of one person appeared in front of the three of them.

Romon saw that the discarded tools and broken stones he had seen last time were still piled there, and his current self, no matter in terms of status or other aspects, had changed too much from the self at that time. I feel a little sad in my heart.

However, now is not the time to be emotional: Okay, you can go in now, be careful, it is very likely that those black spider monsters are inside, don't let your guard down, remember, follow me!

Understood. Both Farfell and Sukar nodded at him.

Due to the absence of people for a long time, the underground passage is dark and has no popularity, which makes people creepy.

Attention, the passages in these mining areas are very narrow, so I thought of a way, that is, oil tanks. Once traces of the black spider monster are found, the best way is to burn them with oil and fire first. Shoot and kill Sukar, Farfer You block it hard. I will cast a spell from behind. Romon nervously ordered again.

This was agreed a long time ago, and the two nodded quickly.

Romon ignited the wick in the lantern he was carrying, and the light flickered in the corridor. At a critical moment, one must not waste natural mana for the light technique.

The three people passed through the passage, which was narrow and could only accommodate one person. In order to prevent emergencies, Farfell acted as the forward, holding a small wooden shield in his hand.

The speed of advancement was not fast, and Luo Meng's eyes were dim, and he had already activated his spiritual eyes.

This is a new type of spiritual eye combined with the zero-level spell Scout Aura. When concentrating, it can notice the aura of magic and life within 30 meters, but it requires concentration, which means spending Romon's power.

The mining area is very quiet, except for the sound of dripping water on the stone wall, even the sound of their footsteps seems to be a solo here. This kind of oppressive silence makes people feel depressing.

Because it wasn't too long since the last time, the marks that Romon made last time on the side road are still there. So, according to these marks, they checked them one by one relatively easily.

Everywhere he went, it was Romon who first used his inspiration to feel whether there was a black spider monster.

The space suddenly expanded under such circumstances. Looking at the open space in front of him, Romon sighed and said to the two of them: I have checked everything, there are indeed traces of life inside, you all stop.

Understood. The three of them stopped talking and all stepped lightly. Romon opened his spiritual eyes to sense with all his strength, and slowly stepped forward in the darkness. After a while, several fire lights appeared in his eyes.

The spiritual eye can detect magic or life aura at the first time, focus on it for the second time, know the number and the strongest brightness of the aura, and focus for the third time, know the strength and position of each aura...

Five, be careful, we can't deal with them, we must use magic traps! Romon sullenly crawled back slowly, the spider's sense is very keen, if it is not for the sense of spiritual eyes, it must be detected when it is close.

How to do?

In the Druid spells, there is the spell of flame trap, which can create some magical flames, but the time is very short. However, if it is combined with an oil tank, it may burn for five minutes. Romon said: Wait for the trap to be created Now, we are just to lure the enemy, pay attention, the spiders are very fast, so we can't be obsessed with fighting, we have to retreat quickly, anyway, the corridor is very narrow, blocked by a fire wall, they can't rush in for a while, pay attention, say it again, concentrate on fighting one, If it dies, hit the second one!

Farfell just mentioned the long sword and wooden shield in his hand, and his expression became more serious: I understand, Romon. Do it!

Be careful. Romon told him, and concentrated on creating the spell of flame trap, with three oil tanks, because Romon had mastered the fire domain, he could ignite it at any time.

After finishing, Romon gritted his teeth and led the three of them in.

Turning that corner, an open space half the size of a basketball court appeared in front of the three of them. This space seemed to have been occupied by spiders. Five huge black spiders were coiling together. Their appearance was very similar to that of spiders. It's similar, but it's almost a hundred times that of an ordinary spider. When such a large spider appears in front of people's eyes, the visual impact is enough to be terrifying.

They didn't even need to lure the enemy before approaching. The five spiders suddenly moved, obviously aware of it.

Quick back! Romon shouted, turning his head and running.

The three of them had been prepared for a long time, and retreated quickly. Fortunately, they were about fifteen meters away from the spider. In addition, the speed of the three of them was very fast, and they had quickly retreated to the edge of the corridor. At the end, a black spider monster had already pounced on it. .

Fire! A ball of flame suddenly appeared on the palm of Romon's hand, and fell on the trap.

Boom! The flame power of the oil tank and the flame trap all erupted immediately.

Almost at the same time, Su Kaal turned his head sharply, bent his bow, raised an arrow, and then released the arrow fiercely.

The flames rushed at the black spider monster, and the arrow shot into its body almost instantly. The black spider monster let out a shrill cry, then jumped up, and rushed towards the three of them with the fire on its body. .

Fafer showed a resolute look, jumped up, raised the wooden shield, and stabbed with the long sword.

Romon ignored the battlefield at all, chanting spells in a low voice, activating the second-level nature summoning spell.

In just half a minute, there was a sound of Peng, and three half-human tall alien wolves with ferocious teeth appeared in front of them.


Romon was very pleasantly surprised. Although in theory, the summoning spell could summon one to five summoned creatures of the same kind at a time, but in reality there was probably only one, and it was a real surprise to have three.

Kill! Without thinking, Romon pointed at the black spider monster.

The three alien dogs were brutal in nature. Of course, they were only summoned by projections. Upon hearing the temporary owner's order, they all roared and rushed forward. It seemed that the flames did not hinder their quick movements.

It was only then that Romon noticed the battlefield, and found that the first black spider monster was killed in just half a minute after being hit by flames, stabbed by arrows, and slashed by a sword. Black blood flowed out from under the body of the black spider monster in an instant. , and spread around.

As for the other four dogs, because they were not roasted by the flames, they were not like the first dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. On the contrary, they lingered outside the flames and did not dare to rush over. Sukar drew his bow again and again, and shot three arrows in a row.

The distance was short, the target was big, and it was difficult not to hit it. The second black spider monster was hit by several arrows in a row, and it became so beastly that it finally couldn't bear it anymore and jumped on it with flames.

Farfell was on the side of the flame, staring at the tiger, drawing his sword and stabbing.

When the spider jumped over the flames, Romon gasped. Since the flame trap lasted only about half a minute, what was burning now was ordinary fire. When the black spider passed by, the black fluff was indeed burning, but the flames were actually burning. Damage is limited.

There were only three alien wolves, who rushed forward without fear of death, biting desperately, making it difficult for the black spider monster to move even an inch, and the black spider monster also desperately resisted, waving its eight claws.

Faffer's face was sullen, the long sword slashed, black blood splashed, and some splashed on his skin, obviously, he frowned fiercely.

Toxicity is to be expected, and it doesn't matter.

Under such a blow, the black spider monster finally hissed and stopped moving.

There are two minutes left in the flame, kill one more! Romon shouted, and at this moment, only a sound of Peng was heard, and the three alien wolves disappeared out of thin air.

This is the reason why animals cannot be summoned to work. In theory, Romon can summon alien cattle to plow the fields, and its strength is several times that of ordinary cattle, but the summoning time of half a minute to a few minutes makes this kind of summoning Only works in combat.

Shooting five arrows in a row, Sukar's hands were shaking, his chest was heaving and heaving, without fighting spirit, he was the limit of ordinary people.

But at this moment, he gritted his teeth, took out another arrow, drew the bow, bent the arrow, and shot at the third one with a poof.

Romon is also making the second summoning. He now has a second-level natural druid spell three times a day. After using it, he must rest for a full day, unless he forcibly absorbs the power of the horn of Shennong and instills the heart of nature to form a spell—but this It is detrimental to Shennongjiao and the heart of nature, and should not be used unless it is a last resort.

Instead of using innocuous combat spells, it is better to summon. On Earth, Romon likes summoning the most. Using crowd tactics to crush the opponent is the kingly way.

Peng! It turned out that four alien wolves appeared, and without any surprise, Luo Meng pointed forward with his hand: Kill!

The four alien wolves rushed forward fiercely, biting at the third black spider monster. Immediately, blood spattered, and the three people behind were dumbfounded. The power of the four second-level alien wolves was already Very powerful.

After the monster stopped moving, there was still a little time, and the four alien wolves pounced on the fourth one again. Romon said, There are still ten seconds left, try to cast the third summoning spell, and wait for the flames to go out. Already, jump on it!

Romon, don't worry! Farfell said while holding the long arrow tightly.

At this moment, with a sound of Peng, the four alien wolves in the battle disappeared in the bite, and the black spider monster was scarred and dizzy, and for a moment it didn't meet the three people who were separated by a weak flame a few meters away. Attack.

Unexpectedly, things would go so smoothly, and Romon summoned for the third time.

Peng three alien wolves appeared again, launching an attack, biting at the fourth black spider monster, and the fifth black spider monster rushed up, but the passage was so narrow that it couldn't use it.

Sukar panted fiercely, and shot another arrow.

Kill it! Romon pulled out his long sword. At this time, the fire in the oil tank was basically only a little bit, and Pharfell hurriedly followed, and everyone stepped over and rushed on it.

Faffel held up the wooden shield, blocked the spider's legs, and besieged the fifth one.

A few seconds later, there was another roar from behind, and the three alien wolves pounced on the fifth one before the time came.

Romon glanced back, and saw that the black spider monster behind was already dead. He didn't expect the battle to end so soon. Only Sukar was panting loudly, unable to lift his hands.

Then there is only one left. It is a pity that this is a stone bottom, so it is difficult for the entanglement technique to work. Otherwise, a large piece of grass will grow to entangle it, and it will be killed.

During the battle, blood was dripping, and when the three alien wolves disappeared, the last black spider monster was already dying, and the two of them jumped on it, slashing desperately.

After a while, the spider finally stopped moving, and both Romon and Farfer were burning hot.

Although he had soft armor, he was still injured.

Drink it! Romon said, throwing out a bottle. The poison of this spider is not very strong, but there is a strange poison in it, it is better to treat it as soon as possible.

The two gulped down the antidote, and it took a while before they recovered.

Let's go. Cut off the black spider monster's legs, this kind of thing is an expensive material! Romon said, since he came here, he naturally couldn't fail, not to mention, they killed this It's a monster, always bring back something to show them, to prove what they said is true.

When they walked out, Sukar and Farfell, who had just fought, were very happy, but Romon became more and more worried.

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