Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 153 Manpower (Part 1)

Forest House grows winter wheat. Below is a small mining village.

The land given to Romon by Baron Galle includes the hilly area and the small mining village below.

Romon rushed to the small mining village with a large number of people.

To be honest, the conditions of the small mining village are several times better than those of the forest village, where there was originally a small piece of fertile plain.

Coupled with the investment of a large amount of funds and meticulous planning and design, the small mining village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

All kinds of dilapidated houses have been demolished and rebuilt long ago, and, according to Romon's original idea, small wooden houses were built on the left and right sides of the street. Each wooden house has about 100 square meters of vegetable fields. Fence it.

The brand-new houses make the villagers here feel like they have flown from hell to heaven.

The smooth village road is paved with gravel, and the vehicles and horses pass by without bringing up dust. And when it rains. Basically, that kind of muddy scene will not appear.

In a remote village that usually has few shops, because of the transformation of the village, and because of the daily convenience of these villagers, Romon opened some simple shops.

Although department stores, mills, bakeries, and blacksmith shops are not as good as the town, they are small and well-equipped, but they are still places that benefit the people.

Up to now, most of them have been built, and what is still under construction are the lord's villa and the basic altar.

Therefore, in the morning, construction workers came and went, and horse-drawn carts carrying stones came from far away. And all kinds of materials are being transported continuously.

My lord, where is the location of the altar? Someone in the village was asking respectfully.

Although the style of each god is different, as the most basic altar, the model is exactly the same.

In front of him, Romon was holding the blueprint in his hand and looking down. He raised his head when he heard the construction worker's question, and then, pointing to the place closest to him, he said, Start from here, and lay stones all the way around this line. Also, here, here, all Make it thicker...

Yes, my lord, don't worry, we will do things seriously. The man promised quickly.

And Romon nodded, pursing his thin lips slightly, looking forward to the construction of the altar that had already started.

In a few days, the project here will be completed, and by then, a brand new small village will appear in front of everyone. This is the second village in his territory, managing it well will not only bring him a harvest, but also enough glory.

Romon! Someone urged the horse to come over at this moment.

Romon raised his head and saw that it was Sukar who was waiting for him.

Sukar has always appeared as a supervisor of various constructions, and because he has many acquaintances in various places, has been to many places, and has a resolute personality, it is even more rare. There is absolutely no doubt about his loyalty to Romon, so every time the materials are purchased, he is the one who takes the initiative.

And the construction site couldn't do without him, so he rode over as soon as he bought the materials this time, and those materials were transported behind, and they would arrive in waves soon.

Seeing that Romon was standing outside the construction wall, Su Kaal quickly got off his horse, tied the horse aside, and walked over.

You're here. Why, have the materials been prepared? Is this purchase going well? Are you tired? If you're tired, go and rest first. Romon said.

Sukar smiled: Yes, Romon, I've already bought it. I'm not tired. I took a break halfway, and now I feel refreshed.

Really? Romon looked at him carefully, and sure enough, he saw that there was no sign of fatigue on his face, and he also knew that the other party's physical strength was quite good, so he was relieved.

It's good if you come back. Since this is the case, you should be in charge of the affairs here. You are in charge, I don't worry. I will go back to discuss the land reclamation with Nick later. Here, I will leave it to you.

This resolute and decisive person is really the best candidate to be a supervisor. Seeing him rushing over, Romon immediately gave way easily.

Sukar nodded: Romon, leave the matter to me, don't worry, I will definitely do it well.

Enen, I believe in you, but don't be too tired, you just need to point them out. Romon handed a sketch in his hand to Sukar, and explained it carefully.

...That's all, you understand everything, right? Romon asked after finishing speaking.

Sukar simply repeated the content again, and then asked: Well, is that so, my lord?

Luo Meng secretly sighed, it is true that people cannot be judged by their appearances, such a resolute and tough person has such a good memory: Well, that's right, Sukar. Then I will leave this place to you, and I will go to see the reclamation first.

Okay. Sukar agreed.

When Romon got on his horse and urged the horse to take a few steps, he looked back and saw that Sukar had quickly entered the state and was seriously watching the workers constructing.

Seeing this scene, Romon smiled knowingly, then urged the horse to leave and came to the plain outside.

It was already October at this time, because it had just been sorted out. The land looked a little bare, with only brownish-yellow soil exposed to the air.

This smell of the field stimulates people's sense of smell, and the lush vegetation growing on the hillside not far away is still telling everyone that although autumn has come, winter is still far away.

Because of the need for material transportation during construction, it is inevitable that some trivial stones, clods and the like will fall on the road. The road does not look so smooth, making the horses bumpy.

Not far away, Nick is leading a large group of people planting winter wheat.

The area of ​​the small mining village is very large. The field inside the wall is also 1,000 mu, which is divided into the lord's private land. The field outside the wall has been plowed with 16 oxen, and there are 2,000 mu of hills and slopes. Not developed.

Romon, you don't look very pretty. Nick was also taken aback when he saw his appearance for the first time.

As soon as Nick directed the leaders to work, he saw Romon like this and hurried over.

Luo Meng looked at him fussing angrily: It's not that this road is not easy.

Hehehe, it turns out he's fainted. Nick knew that Romon would be fine in a while, so he simply laughed. In other words, he learned the term fainting horse from Romon, and he is very proficient in using it now, at least, he uses it very well now.

Romon came down depressed, and after walking a few steps, he felt alive again. Immediately, he said: This road needs to be repaired, especially the road going down from the hill. It's better if it doesn't rain or snow. If it comes to winter, there will definitely be trouble.

I've noticed this too, but that's not the point. When all the construction is completed, it will be cleaned up naturally. Nick once again habitually transformed a pen from his hand one by one. The reason why he used a The word change is because Romon really didn't see where he got the book and pen out of it.

Nick is wearing a robe with a round neck today, without pockets or bags. I don't know where he put his pen and notebook with him.

What do you want to say? Romon stopped guessing at all, knowing that Nick would tell the things he had summed up one by one, so Romon took a leisurely walk and looked at Nick expectantly.

Nick was used to his appearance for a long time. He opened a page of the small book and told Romon while reading: The problem we are going to solve right now is about the development of the land around the small mining village. It's October now, although it's a bit late for planting now, but the time has not completely passed, we just need manpower now, within this month, all the land will be sown and looked after, after all, these lands used to be It's all fertile farmland, so it's a pity to be so deserted! No, it should be said to be a waste! Our territory has just been built, and unlike other territories, there is squandering capital, so no piece of land can be allowed to be wasted Condition……

Luo Meng nodded, looking at the 2,000 mu of land, even with cattle farming, it is difficult to take care of this piece of land.

Currently, there are thirty-two households in the small mining village, each with 30 mu of land, all of which have been allocated. Only 1,000 mu of land has been allocated, and there are still 1,000 mu of land, at least 30 households. In addition, Luo The various workshops you have opened up also need manpower, and it is estimated that there will be another 30 households, and on the hills, it is said that you plan to plant all the apple groves? This is a big project, and it also needs manpower to take care of it, and what is left behind Special grasslands need manpower. In short, the village now needs at least a hundred households to meet the needs. Besides, you have built hundreds of wooden houses. It is not good to leave the land and houses vacant. What I mean is Say, can you solve the problem of people? This is what we should care about now.

Oh? That's right. These issues do need to be considered. You can continue. Romon nodded and looked at Nick seriously.

Nick went on to say: According to my point of view, there have been people who have been relocated here. Since this model is good, we can continue to relocate some people from other places. Difficulty. What do you think?

En. That's right. After a moment of silence, seeing that Nick's eyes were already showing anger, Romon said, Just do it.

After a pause, he continued: However, all the subjects belong to the lord. If we want to recruit subjects, we must be in the city to recruit them. But Apus City, after all, is not big, don't look at it. The first time in the forest village, it was easy to recruit dozens of families, but if you want to recruit hundreds of families in the small mining village, it will be very difficult to do.

Under the enfeoffment system, not only the land belonged to the lord, but even the citizens belonged to the lord. A farmer was the person of the lord. Under this kind of law, the so-called marriage tax and first-night rights existed in the early years.

Theoretically speaking, even if the farmer starved to death, he was still his lord and could not move to other territories to live.

Of course, there are rules in every world. As a price, peasants do not participate in wars. The gods once jointly issued an oracle that does not allow attacks on non-combatants, especially the peasant class. Obtain the status of free people-this is because farmers are the sheep of the gods, and it will not affect the outcome.

Only free people can move freely, but how can free people give up their freedom and degrade them into farmers?

So, are freedmen allowed? Nick asked.

Romon frowned and said: There can be, and there must be a certain percentage of free people in the territory, because management, trade, craftsmen, etc., must be free people, but the foundation must be tenants, otherwise, the territory will not be able to maintain.

It is said that in the city of Apps, there are indeed not many free and poor people who cannot survive. Nick also frowned.

In cities, the inhabitants must be free men. Free merchants naturally belong to the category of free people, while unfree people such as serfs from the countryside, once they enter the city for one year and one day, they will acquire the status of freedom and become free citizens. its recovery.

Freemen are not allowed to be summoned to appear in court, arrested and interrogated at will, imprisoned and tried at will, and have considerable authority. Therefore, they are not poor households and will not become tenants.

Then I can only recruit from the mercenaries again. Unfortunately, those who are willing to accept the recruitment are disabled or old mercenaries. Romon also frowned, and that was the reason.

Most of the mercenaries were neither freemen nor tenants. They obtained some of the rights of freemen, and thus lost certain security guarantees—for example, in wars, they were often dragged into the battlefield as cannon fodder.

The two thought for a while, then Romon waved his hand and said, No matter what, let's use the people in the forest village to unite and plant the winter wheat first, and we'll talk about the future.

That's the only way. Nick agreed, and after a while, he asked again: What is the pasture in this village for? Cows and horses need to eat grass, so they can be put in the wild. Why bother to open up a field?

I said you're stupid, but you still don't believe me, it's for Farfell. Seeing that Nick was still a little puzzled, Romon continued, Fafere has a formal knight education and has made rapid progress. It is about to be promoted to level 4, and may be promoted to level 5 in the future, this basic configuration must be prepared!

Then, he explained: A regular knight's armor is worth 150 gold coins, and a horse that can afford a knight is worth 120 gold coins, which is equivalent to the price of 50 bulls. That's all, the key is, this kind of war horse, Because they have to bear hundreds of kilograms to fight, they cannot eat ordinary weeds, and must have special pastures to provide high-quality forage.

Besides, a knight should have at least five armed attendants, and he should also prepare chain mail, spears, shields, and swords for them, as well as inferior horses. It is more convenient to have pastures.

A knight must have at least 1,000 acres of land to maintain. Although I can't afford the fiefdom now, I must at least have the treatment to support knights! Romon said.

After saying this, Nick understood and nodded repeatedly.

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