Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 143 Gap (Part 2)

Mundra Town

Also known as Flower Town. The place is not big, only the size of two Rika townships, and the rural territory near the township is not included, it is a simple township, so the actual area is only one-twentieth of the baron's territory.

However, although it is not the most prosperous town in the surrounding area, it is a town with the most flower shops. Every spring, many people from the surrounding area will come here to display their own flowers and conduct various transactions. buy and sell. In other seasons, although many flower varieties will appear, they are not as prosperous as in spring.

The terrain here is warm and the climate is very humid. Although it is only tens of miles away from Romon's territory, there is a big difference. If we say that Romon's territory is a paradise for wild vegetation, then this is a town. The country of flowers in China.

Every spring. This town will hold a month-long flower exhibition. At this time, the whole town will be flooded by the sea of ​​flowers, and various goods with flower patterns and clothes as beautiful as flowers will also flood in at this time. Market in the town of Mundra.

Many flower lovers, as well as troubadours, will gather in this small town at this time. They watch the beautiful flowers, smell the fragrance of all kinds of flowers, and feel that the arrival of spring can bring them as much as possible. The beautiful feeling, the breath of spring is everywhere here.

Even a well-known poet passed by here at that time, and he couldn't help saying with emotion: I really didn't expect that there is such a fascinating small town in such a remote place. This is really surprising.

But now, during the flower exhibition in the town of flowers, the fragrance of flowers all over the street diffuses in the air, making everyone who enters the city intoxicated.

The carriages of Romon, Bell and others finally came to this beautiful town at this time. Of course, for Romon, the purpose of coming to this town is not to enjoy the flowers, but to visit the mage union—— The headquarters of the mage union in this county is in this town, and to be more precise, this town is the fiefdom of the mage union.

Wow. It smells so good! My lord, take a look! The clothes that man is wearing are so strange! But to Ling Ding, flowers and amorous feelings attracted her attention even more. Passing by, Bell saw him, and was immediately surprised.

But Romon, who was sitting in a carriage with her, seemed much calmer. When he was on Earth, he had never seen any flower show, and this small-scale flower show in a small town was not enough to surprise him.

However, in Ling Ding's eyes, his appearance became a manifestation of calmness and lordship.

My lord, is the Mage Association you are going to far from here? Looking out from the window of the carriage,

Ling Ding's eyes are bright, and everything he sees is novel. Suddenly seeing something interesting, she turned her face and said to Romon hesitantly.

Luo Meng glanced at her, then looked at the lively scene outside: Want to go out to play?

En! Ling Dang looked at him with big eyes full of hope, and a longing expression appeared on her small face.

Romon didn't intend to take her to the Mage Association either, so he agreed, Then follow Sukar and the others, and don't act alone. Do you understand?

My lord, I know. Hearing that she could go out to play, the little girl's eyes lit up immediately.

When the carriage arrived at a place where there were few people, Romon asked the driver to stop the carriage, got off the carriage with a bell, and watched the several carriages behind slowly stop.

My lord. The archer Sukar stepped out of the rear car with a bow and arrow on his back.

Luo Meng said to him: Let's break up here. After shopping, you wait for me here. I will come back before the evening at the latest. The bell will be handed over to you. Go together. After shopping, you can Relax.

This time they came here. On the one hand, there was a lack of supplies in the territory, and no other towns had them. They needed to buy them here. On the other hand, the Mage Association was in this town, and Romon was about to come over to check. Because there is still a long way to go back, they need to split up here.

Yes, my lord. Sukar has always been completely obedient to Romon's orders, and he immediately smiled at the bell: Bell, let's go.

My lord, you have to be careful by yourself. While walking, Bell still turned her head and said to Romon.

Romon laughed dumbfounded: Don't worry. Your lord, I am a fourth-level druid!

With that said, he boarded the first carriage again, and said to the driver, Go to the Mage Association.

When he first entered the city, the coachman had already inquired about the route of the Mage Association, so nothing happened along the way, and soon, the Mage Association arrived.

Like the buildings of other associations, this Mage Association is also very magnificent, especially as one of the most powerful and least messy associations in the kingdom, the buildings of the Mage Association are really very tasteful.

A tall four-story building, there is a very strange pattern above the front entrance. It is an icon mixed with flying flames, leaves, water droplets, brown stripes, etc. Romon glanced at it, okay Like I heard someone say somewhere that this logo represents all other magicians. The reason for using this mixed pattern is that the Mage Association really represents all other magicians, and the other is not to offend certain people. An existence not to be trifled with.

My lord, I'll wait for you outside. Seeing Romon getting off the car, the driver said respectfully.

Romon nodded, knowing that this kind of association would generally not allow irrelevant personnel to enter, so he walked into the building by himself.

Welcome. Is there anything I can do for you? As soon as Romon entered, a girl with a sweet smile walked up to him: Who are you?

Obviously, as soon as he entered, someone could feel the energy on him.

Seeing the mage robe she was wearing with two stripes, she was actually a second-level mage. Romon didn't dare to be too rude, and replied politely: That's right, I'm Lord Tuttershaw, Level 4 druid, I want to visit the library of the Mage Association.

That's right! The girl looked at Romon curiously. A level four druid surprised her.

Moreover, Romon is wearing a noble-style robe today, and there is a mark on it. Seeing this, the girl didn't say much, and continued to say in a sweet voice: The library of the Mage Association only allows Mage to read according to their level. , if it’s another profession, generally only people above level five can go to see it...Of course, nobility is an exception, so let me take you to the office hall to inquire about it!”

Romon smiled and said, Thank you very much.

It's not bad to have the status of nobility!

Hehe, you are too polite, please come with me. The girl smiled lightly, and then led Romon through a long passage.

After walking for a while, it suddenly became clear that a hall appeared in front of Romon.

Sir, this is the office hall. However, the girl just passed by with Romon and did not stop here.

Seeing that Romon seemed a little confused, the girl laughed and said, This is an ordinary mage who came here to ask questions. You are a nobleman, and noblemen have a special area.

Romon nodded: So that's the case.

But I was thinking in my heart, the nobles are indeed a privileged class, no wonder so many people desperately want to be nobles.

A fourth-level mage, before becoming a nobleman, is not as high-status as a person with a noble title.

Under the leadership of the girl, a small suite next to the hall appeared in front of Romon very soon.

This is a place for nobles to solve problems and consult. Please come in. The girl stopped at the door and said to Romon.

Romon thanked her and walked in.

This place is about 100 square meters in size, which is indeed much smaller than the hall outside, but. The environment here is far from the lobby outside.

High-quality carpets, comfortable soft chairs for rest on both sides, exquisite small tables with fresh fruits on them, and beautiful waiters.

Hello, what can I do for you? Another girl came over with a smile and asked Romon.

Luo Meng said: I want to go to the library of the Mage Association and look up some information.

It's like this. To go to the library of the Mage Association, you need to have a professional level of five or higher, or be a nobleman. Could you please show us your identity certificate for verification? the girl said politely.

Romon handed over his magic identity card to the other party, and after a short verification, the other party said politely: My lord, you are fully qualified to go to the library below the second level, and I will take you there right away. .”

Then, Romon followed the other party and walked a long way, finally arriving at the library of the Mage Association.

The library is not big, and there is no one guarding the door. However, there is a magic barrier with a strength of five levels. Unless a person with a magic ability of level five or above can automatically sense and break it, ordinary people cannot walk in. However, Those inside are free to leave.

Gently melting a crystal card in her hand on a sign at the door, the girl said to Romon with a smile: You can go in, you need ID proof when you go in, but you don't need anything when you go out , as long as you come out.

Romon expressed his understanding, and then walked into this mysterious library.

Speaking of this, in fact, it is because Romon wants to check the history of the gaps in the territory. This world is different from the earth. The books here are very expensive, and it is generally impossible to learn knowledge. And facilities such as libraries, generally Only powerful associations or wealthy nobles can own it.

In the surrounding area, only the Mage Association has such a long-standing library. It is said that in this library, there are books that record various things nearby.

That's why Romon came here. The library was empty at the moment, and he was the only one there. Romon was also very happy, flipping through the books.

Although there were many spell books below level two, Romon didn't bother to check them out.

The main object of his search is the record of the territory.

The records were very complicated, and Romon looked at them one by one, but there was not much valuable information, until he found a volume of Historical Event Records of the Territory, which mentioned a sentence.

After the disaster that emerged from the ground, the Earl returned with the two remaining warriors...

The contents of the book were recorded in a very cryptic manner, but Romon felt an ominous aura, and based on this clue, he checked it deliberately, and with the prerequisites, it would be easy to find it.

Sure enough, many records, four hundred years ago, were ominous, but they also showed that the evil disaster, the impact of the evil disaster on the territory was devastating.

The evil disaster four hundred years ago...does it have anything to do with the present?

Seeing this, Luo Meng faintly felt that he had caused ** trouble.

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