Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 136 Reward (Part 2)

In the banquet hall of the temple, Baron Galle's eyes slowly swept over the shocked faces in the audience. Then I smiled with satisfaction, pointed to the box, and said with a smile: Everyone, in order to thank Ms. Ai Lini for helping my territory a few days ago, I decided to donate 1,000 gold coins to the Temple of the Goddess of the Earth. This is the 1000 gold coins, please accept it in the temple, this is my humble respect to the goddess as a believer.

After Baron Galle's words fell, the audience fell silent, and immediately there was a sound of breathing, filling the air of the banquet hall.

Although he was a respectable person, he still stared at the wooden box with a bit of jealousy and slightly heavy breathing.

1000 gold coins? This is not a silver coin, let alone a copper coin. This number, even for the decent people present, cannot be said to be a small number.

Of course, if they were asked to take out the money, they would still be able to. But donating to the temple, but reluctant.

Most of the assistant priests present are at level 0 to level 1, at most level 2. Moreover, this is a temple in a small town, and the donations of believers are limited. Even if there are some extra money earned, most of them have to hand in. It used to be used for daily expenses, but now, such a large sum of money appeared in front of him, and everyone was a little surprised.

Although Alini didn't care about the money, she was very happy with Baron Galle's way of thanking him. Moreover, the other party expressed that he had to return the salute. She walked over, bent down and saluted, and said to Baron Galle with a smile: Thank you for your generosity, the Goddess will never forget your donation.

When she bent down to salute, Romon looked over and happened to see the snow-white chest.

Afterwards, the money was handed over. It wasn't until the box was carried inside by the priests that everyone in the venue turned their eyes away. At the same time, he looked more expectantly at Baron Galle.

Everyone here, many of you have heard of the title of territory devotee, right? This is the second thing I want to announce today. After saying this, looking at the blank look in some people's eyes, Baron Galle despised In addition, he said: In order to thank Ms. Alini for her help to the people in my territory, I, Galle Territory, I will pay you 100 gold coins every year. You only need to contribute to the Galle Territory if you are willing to help. Just lend a helping hand.

Baron Galle's words immediately raised the discussion in the audience to a new level.

This kind of territory devotee is actually a strong support for the promotion of the pastor, which is equivalent to the consortium behind the election of parliamentarians on the earth. A pastor, who is promoted to a certain level, not only needs divine grace and piety, but also needs the support of the secular world. After all The church is for preaching and development. Only a pastor who enjoys the support of many territories can carry out his work better.

This is actually Galleland.

To support Miss Alini, of course the baron is optimistic about Miss Alini and invest in advance.

After all, a priest who was promoted to the fourth level before the age of twenty had a bright future.

Then, under the signal of Baron Rocas, everyone fell silent again, and then continued to look at the baron with the moustache, listening to what shocking words he had to say.

Next, I would like to thank Baron Rocas! After Alini accepted the invitation, Baron Galle thanked Baron Rocas in a courtesy manner. It was nothing more than the official language of high society, nothing special Surprising place.

However, everyone's spirits are still high, the reason is very simple, Baron Galle's gift to Alini is already very grand, and they want to see what kind of thank you gift he gave to Romon.

After all, the person who has been solving problems is Romon. Since Baron Galle gave Alini such a heavy gift, then there is no reason to give Romon a light one?

Maybe, 200 or 300 gold coins will be rewarded!

In this matter, I also want to thank one person, Romon, for finding out the root cause of my territory problem, and because of this, my territory can finally get rid of the nightmare. Get back on the normal track, Romon , in order to express my gratitude, I decided to give you a piece of land. Baron Galle smiled lightly.

This time, the entire temple was completely silent, and many people had expressions of shock and astonishment on their faces, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Although gold coins are precious, land is even more priceless! No matter how much private land a person can own, he will have the corresponding status and title. No matter what, this kind of thing is simply incredible.

You know, even if it is his own son, except for the eldest son who can inherit the territory and land, the other sons are usually given some money and dismissed.

What Romon did will not split the territory!

Romon, who was already familiar with the situation, was also shocked. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked straight at Baron Galle. I heard him continue to say: I have obtained the notarization of Saddat, the god of law and order, to transfer the hill and the surrounding village to Romon.

In the not-so-narrow banquet hall, the silence lasted for a while, and the sound of breathing was almost continuous. When countless people looked at Romon again, the envy in their eyes had completely turned into jealousy. After a while, , their eyes. It froze dully on a roll of parchment taken out by Baron Galle.

Romon this time... Seeing that Romon accepted the parchment, everyone in the banquet hall couldn't help taking a breath, thinking in their hearts that they had their own territory when they were only teenagers, With its own village, and not just one place, it is conceivable what kind of development it will have in the future.

Based on this situation, maybe... Maybe in a few decades, this kid Romon will really root his family deeply in this land and become a real nobleman... Everyone in the banquet hall glanced at each other, and the thought flashed across their minds by coincidence.

After receiving the title deed and the letter of transfer from Baron Galle, Romon's hands trembled a little. After a long time, he let out a sigh of relief. Then, he greeted Baron Galle in etiquette and accepted everyone's congratulations. .

Romon was delighted and also surprised that he would receive such a heavy gift. Generally speaking, even if a territory is to be granted, it will be entrusted——Romon must kneel on the ground to accept the canonization of baron. The Baron Le had a duty of subject.

Although this kind of obligation, in this world, is just a very thin status, and 40 days of free labor a year, but no one is willing to give up.

Now this is tantamount to donations and free transfers, so why not surprise everyone and Luo Meng?

Some distance away from Romon, Baron Rocas opened his mouth slightly, his thin cheeks were a little stiff, his chest heaved and heaved for a moment, and he lowered his head. He said bitterly: It seems that what you said is true! It's cheaper for this kid.

Turning his head, he saw a trusted aide standing beside him, and he couldn't help saying angrily: Write out the terms I said, write them on parchment, and bring them here, hurry up!

The confidant opened his mouth, as if he hadn't woken up from the order just now, seeing the baron getting angry, the confidant quickly nodded yes, and ran inside.

In this world, there is a saying: Gold coins are so beautiful, they dazzle my eyes. If you can give me a piece of land of my own, I am willing to give all my gold!

In this world, except for barbaric areas, almost every piece of land has an owner, and the free people can only build poor residential land in the city.

Especially the Kingdom of Esk, located in the northeast of the peninsula, next to the mountains, forests and oceans, the land is very scarce, so it is not an easy task to obtain a piece of land.

Therefore, in the banquet hall, the envious, envious, and hated people had no idea that there would be another bombing in the next moment.

Baron Rocas ordered in a loud voice: Gentlemen, please be quiet!

The people around immediately fell silent when they heard the order, and the respectable people in the distance also quickly noticed this and fell silent. At this time, the banquet hall of the temple was quiet.

I have always been very happy for Romon. He is the glory of our territory. He became a druid at level four. This time, he solved the problem of Baron Galle. I am very happy. Roca As Baron Si said, these words made the people around him stare at him closely again—could it be that Baron Rocas, who has always been stingy, wants to reward Romon as he pleases?

The baron's face was ashen, his muscles were twitching, and he said in front of the people present: I declare that the land connected to the hilly area that Romont just acquired, totaling ten miles, will be donated to Romont in recognition of his In the past year or so, the contribution to Rocas Land, the land contract and the map here, are now handed over to you, Romon, please be sure to accept it.

land! Land again!

Although the forest connected to the hills did not belong to Baron Rocas in the first place, but since there was no lord there, the nearest Baron Rocas could declare that it belonged to him.

Baron Rocas, who has always been a bit mean and stingy, really surprised everyone with this move!

And this is also a free gift, why is this a little weird? Could it be that Romon cast some spell to confuse the two barons? For a moment, everyone looked a little weird.

For all of this, Romon also did not expect that he was already a little flattered now.

At this banquet, he got the entire hill and a village presented by Baron Galle, and at the same time, he also got this piece of forest presented by Baron Rocas, which made the territory one piece. This situation made him almost Felt like I was dreaming.

You know, it took him a lot of effort to get the land in the border forest, let alone such a territory that was bigger than that land.

To be honest, the gift of land made Romon more happy than anything else. He was just wondering that Baron Galle gave him the land, and there was barely a reason. What did Baron Rocas mean by this move?

Although he felt strange, when he took over the land deed and documents, Romon behaved quite naturally, hugged Baron Rocas politely, and said: Thank you Baron for your generosity, I will work hard to manage this well. A piece of land, your command, is my honor!

I hope you can do what you say. Baron Rocas let go of Romon, forced a smile on his face, and found an excuse to go aside to talk to Baron Galle.

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