Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 11 Prey (Part 1)

The weather wasn't too cold at this time. Romon, Farfell, and Nick went on the road together. Nick was carrying a big backpack, and the main luggage of the three was on Nick. Romon was dressed lightly and scouted the way ahead with his dagger. Farfell was carrying a short bow and a quiver on his waist, guarding against possible attacks from other directions.

Let's follow the current and go a little deeper. Romon was exploring the way ahead, observing the footprints of the beasts, and shouted back. Although the three of them agreed on a set of simple sign language, they are still not used to it.

After walking for a while, Romon suddenly stopped and gestured for his companions to stop.

What's the matter? Nick asked casually, and then Romon turned around and glared, so he looked a little embarrassed. They had already decided that after encountering their prey, they would only gesture and not speak. But after all, it was the first time to cooperate, so I forgot it as soon as I didn't pay attention.

Pharfell took the shortbow off his back and held it in his hand, looked at the place Romon was staring at, and then often pointed not far away, where there were several elk drinking water.

Good luck, I met the prey only one morning after I came out! Romon thought, he licked his index finger, and erected it to observe the direction of the wind.

We are downwind. He told the other two with his lips. Then, he pointed to Nick's bag, then pointed to the ground, folded his hands and pressed down lightly, signaling him to put down the bag carefully, and then made a forward gesture.

Romon and Nick stalked and slowly approached the elk, and stopped a certain distance away. Although they were in the downwind, don't underestimate the vigilance of the sight beast, while the archer Fafer stopped halfway to ambush. Romon took out two nooses from his pocket and handed one to Nick.

The three of them got ready. It was still morning, and the sun was still in the east. Then Romon looked at Farfell not far to the east, drew out the dagger at his waist and shook it vertically.

The archer on the opposite side saw the reflection of the blade, squinted his eyes, picked up an arrow, put it on the short bow, swished it, and launched an attack.

Almost at the same time Romon and Nick threw the noose.

Medium! Pharfell shouted, the feathered arrows from the archer pierced through the layers of leaves, and then only scratched the skin. Nick's and Romon's nooses both held an elk, but two antlers from the same elk.

Romon and Nick tugged at the noose at the same time, trying to tear down the prey.

Be careful! Farfell suddenly yelled at the two of them, The elk is rushing towards you!

Nick didn't hear clearly, and was still busy with the rope.

Romon raised his head abruptly, and saw the elk's blood-red eyes, which did not look like the eyes of herbivores at all. Fuck! Nick, they've mutated! he yelled

This forest is very complicated and has special energy. Sometimes, after being eroded, some creatures are easy to go crazy. Although their physique has not changed, they are extremely aggressive.

Nick threw the rope over his feet, drew his longsword, and was hit in the chest by the charging elk.

Ah cough...it hurts! Nick couldn't hold the long sword and fell to the ground, and hurriedly shouted: Romon help me!

Seeing an opportunity from Nick's side, Romon rushed forward quickly, stretched out his short sword and stabbed it, making a small cut in the elk's stomach, and pierced it with his sword.

The elk was pierced through its belly, and its strength suddenly weakened. Nick suddenly felt that the force of the impact on his chest was greatly reduced, and then his blood rushed up. He pressed his feet on the ground, grabbed the antlers with both hands, and grabbed the prey tightly.

Kill! Romon exhaled, exhaled heavily, his heels didn't touch the ground, and he grabbed the ground with the soles of his feet. The power was launched from his feet, accumulated along his waist and back, and exploded on the sword.

The mutated elk was in great pain, howled and struggled hard, the red eyes looked extremely terrifying, and the force of the charge and stab was getting stronger and stronger. Nick only felt that the hands holding the antlers were numb, almost suffocating. No effort.

Romon and Nick worked together to deal with the mutated elk, but at the same time, another mutated elk was about to arrive. Be careful! Farfell shot an arrow at another elk and hurriedly warned the two.

Nick heard Farfell's warning, but he was struggling with the dying elk and couldn't think of a way to resist it.

Romon gave up the dagger, let it stay in the belly of the first elk, and quickly rolled over on the spot to avoid the impact of the second elk, Nick, use it as a shield! Then he picked up Nick and dropped it on the ground. The long sword on the ground.

Although Nick understood it all at once, his face had already turned pale, and he couldn't use much strength at all. He could only barely block it with the body of the dying elk, but he was still about to be knocked over by the strong force from his hands. land.

However, Farfell's feathered arrow squeaked and scratched the elk's hind legs, and the rushing elk fell to the ground immediately.

Romon, who was covered in mud, got up holding Nick's long sword, aimed at the target, his eyes were calm, and he swung his hand, the blade drew a semicircle, and the large blood vessel on the head and neck of the second elk was cut in one fell swoop. , Gulu Gulu was bleeding.

The overall situation has been decided, Nick took a breath, and immediately felt much more comfortable. Seeing his old friend's expression like this, he felt a little shocked in his heart—he felt that this was the perseverance that a qualified warrior who has experienced life and death can only possess.

Thanks... ah cough! Nick just fought hard with the mutated elk until he got internal injuries. He was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of the water. Very white.

Can you rest for a while! Nick said, clutching his stomach, and then suddenly coughed violently: Cough... ah cough... I'm very... He sat down on the ground again.

It's okay, you rest for a while. Romon checked and found no trauma, and seeing Farfer also came, he sighed, and then explained to Farfer: Nick was hit on the chest by an antler, now It's very uncomfortable, I'll go get the backpack back first.

Then I'll take care of him. Farfell squatted down and checked Nick's injuries. There was a small hole in Nick's leather armor, which was obviously pierced by an antler, but a piece of iron inside had been dented.

Haha, nothing happened... Farfell said to Nick with a smile, I didn't make a single cut.

Faffel comforted Nick for a while, but Nick could only smile, sweat dripping down his face.

At this time, Romon also came back with a big bag on his back. He glanced at the dent on the iron plate on Nick's chest, and said a few words of relief.

Nick seems to have some internal injuries, why don't we help Nick back to the camp quickly! Romon still felt a little bit, and suddenly suggested to Farfell in a low voice.

Then what do we do with the supplies we prepared in the package and the corpses of the two elks? Farfell bit his lip. You can't throw it all away.

Anyway, the things in the package are not expensive. We can take off the valuable parts of the elk's body and put them away first. Romon said: As for the meat, we can eat some of the good meat at noon and throw away the rest.

Farfell lowered his head in thought, feeling very reluctant, but looked at Nick's pale face and said, Okay!

Among the three of them, Nick was originally responsible for carrying the heavy load, but now Nick is injured.

Well, I'm going to preliminarily dispose of the corpses of the two deer. Romon began to start his hands as he said that, no matter what, he had to collect the leather first, then dispose of the internal organs, and then eat some.

At noon, the sun was high in the sky, and the temperature gradually became hotter.

Farfell kept an eye on the surrounding situation, while Romon took care of a grill and a pot of broth at the same time.

On the grill is most of an elk. The rest of the edible offal, as well as some meat, were cooked in a pot.

Although the other elk was cleaned up, he planned to keep it first.

Called by the smell of food, Nick also woke up, but it was obviously beyond their expectations. He didn't need other people's treatment at all as they had guessed. Instead, he recovered by himself after a nap.

Romon and Farfell are not professionals after all. Although the two were delighted that their friend had recovered, they had to spend the night in the wild after a delay.

Although the three of them had the supplies to spend the night in the wild, if it wasn't for Nick's injury, they would have already captured two prey, and the carrying capacity of the three of them was very limited. up.

After dusk, the night gets darker.

Because of Nick, the three had to spend the night in the wild.

Romon went to the forest and picked up some dead branches and came back. Although it was autumn and he didn't really need a bonfire for warmth, he needed a wildfire to guard against wild animals, and he collected some wild mushrooms on the spot.

After returning, the delicious barbecue was finished, and the broth was cooking in a small pot, and mushrooms were added. After a short time, the three of them started eating.

Romon and Farfell were tired during the day, and they ate big mouthfuls, but they didn't realize that Nick didn't eat much, and his expression was a bit reluctant.

After eating, there must be a vigil in the woodland, so the three of them divided up the division of vigil shifts at night. Romon was in charge of the first part, Nick was in charge of the most troublesome middle stage, and Farfer was in charge until dawn.

The two went to sleep, and the forest was suddenly silent.

Romon sat silently by the campfire, propping his beardless chin with his right hand, looking at the campfire with his head tilted. Seeing that there were not many firewood, he fiddled with the firewood with his left hand, adding fuel to the campfire.

The burning flames made crackling noises, and Romon sat silently, listening to other sounds around him. After all, human vision is so poor in the dark that it is not as good as wild animals. The activity is purely for self-seeking abuse.

After all, Romon was used to going to bed late in the past, and he didn't go to bed until half past eleven at the earliest. Therefore, he also unceremoniously burdened this time period. Anyway, he couldn't sleep for a while after eating roast meat and mushroom soup, and he had nothing else to do.

I am idle and bored, carefully observing the space, the seeds in the space have germinated and are growing hard, it looks very lush, should we get some fertilizer? Roman thought.

However, no fertilizer was used before, and it grew very lush!

Accompanied by the sound of burning flames and the chirping of insects in the woodland, time flew by like fine sand slipping away in one's hands, and it didn't know how long it had passed without knowing it, but nothing unusual happened.

Romon counted the consumption of firewood and muttered to himself: Well, it's almost time.

Then he stood up like this, walked to the tent in a few steps, and whispered to Nick: Nick...wake up, it's your turn.

Nick let out a breath with sleepy eyes, put on his coat and went out.

The two changed shifts, and when it was Nick's turn to watch the night, Romon gradually fell asleep in the tent.

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