Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 123 Immortality (Part 1)

The open space is still very clean, but both of them are discolored

In the spiritual eyes, on the ground, the gray aura was constantly rolling, and a foul smell rushed to his face from time to time.

That's not right, the death here is heavy! Romon turned and said to Ai Weixi, at this moment, suddenly, a hand stretched out from the ground, and for a moment, several skeletons poked their heads out.

Romon, behind you! Ai Weixi saw it and quickly reminded Romon.

When Romon turned around, he saw a human-shaped skeleton standing upright, and in the hollow eye holes of this skeleton, there were actually two clusters of flames flickering continuously.

Undead creature! The name that was once known in some movies on Earth suddenly came out of Romon's mouth.

Ai Weixi listened and looked at Romon: You also know about undead creatures?

This world does not have any entertainment such as TV, newspapers, and novels, and undead lives do not appear often, and there are very few channels for information to spread.

If Romon is a regular professional, it is not uncommon to know this term, but she already knows all about Romon's previous experience - similar to ordinary townspeople, even if she sees it, she will only treat it as a monster, etc. , will not call out such a name right away.

Romon drew out his sword and said casually, I've heard people talk about it before...

I don't know why, but he didn't have any fear at all. To deal with this kind of undead life, the priest is the best here. With a holy disperse, these undead lives are probably about to perish. After all, this kind of skeleton skeleton is actually just one of the undead creatures. The lowest grade kind.

The second is Fire of the Sun, which is a second-level spell. Druids also have it in the natural magic. It can cause the body to emit flames and cause damage to undead life.

But the problem is, this kind of power must be under the sun, absorbing the power of the sun to create the spell leaf. In this situation, it is too late.

Fire weapon! At this moment, Aiweixi cast it, and immediately, flames burned on Romon's sword.

To deal with this kind of undead creature, the power of the sun and gods is the best, followed by flames. When Romon saw that the sword was on fire, he immediately chopped it up. When the flame touched the undead creature, it started to burn.

Although the fire wasn't big, a wave of death energy was disintegrating, so the weak skeleton was seriously injured, and soon scattered on the ground.

Be careful, there is a lot of negative energy here, and there should be more of these things. Since three undead creatures have appeared here, there may be more dangers waiting for them in the area with a heavier breath of death.

Romon nodded and became more careful. Later, in the passage, they encountered several batches of low-level undead creatures, and they wiped them out one by one.

The further you walked in, the wider the passage became. Suddenly, a large open land appeared in front of the two of them.

The real mining place has been found by them.

Romon, look here. Aiweixi pointed to the large gravel area in front of him: This mine should have experienced a major landslide, and all the roads ahead have been blocked, I think, we The breath of death felt must have something to do with the collapse of the mine.

In fact, without Avesy saying, Romon has already felt the strong breath of death emanating from the collapsed mining area. There must have been a big accident here, and many people died inside, and the corpses and No soul can rest in peace.

While the two were checking, a few more skeletons staggered towards them, and Romon frowned and smashed them into pieces.

Let's go, it's been wiped out, and there should be no such low-level undead life nearby. Romon checked around and said, It's just some miners after all, and they can't form any climate.

And Aiweixi looked at the landslide and thought for a while, and then said: We have found the source of the death breath, but if the death breath is the cause of the decline of the plants in the territory, and the death breath leaked from here Go out, then, there must be a reason for the leak, right? Although there are new traces of this mine, it has been abandoned for at least ten years, and there are no recent traces of the landslide. Then, why did the breath of death not leak before, but now But it didn't affect the growth of the plants?

There must be some clue, we haven't found it yet, let's look for it carefully. After hearing this, Romon felt right, and said.

So the two continued to search around, and finally, at a landslide about 500 meters away from here, in front of a crack that could accommodate one person, the two were surprised to find a high stone platform.

It is said to be a stone platform, but it is actually several pieces piled up with ore. It has the shape of a platform, but the top is a stone slab. On top of the stone slab, there are bloody animal corpses and some weird things. It's some disgusting looking stuff.

The Altar of Immortality? It was Aiweixi who exclaimed this time.

Seeing Romon looking at her in confusion, she briefly explained a few words to him. It turned out that the Altar of Immortality was used to awaken evil ghosts. Once the ceremony was completed and the powerful and evil ghosts were awakened, it would cause a disaster in the surrounding area.

As for why someone wakes up the ghost, it is because the person who successfully awakens the ghost after performing the ritual will be able to summon the awakened ghost for his own use. Many years ago, there were some selfish mages who used this method to serve the ghost. Self-seeking profit has caused very serious consequences. It was also from that time that this kind of ritual was rejected by the mage's world.

Looking at the current situation, the ceremony hasn't had time to be completely successful... who?! Romon was talking to Ai Weixi, when he suddenly shouted, pulled out the sword behind his back, and pointed at the back of the stone platform, with a smile on his face. Strong killing intent.

Just now, Ai Weixi also heard a slight noise behind the altar, so she also stared there, as long as there was any change, she would blast it with a spell.

Cough...it's me... Seeing that people outside had already found him, a young man came out from behind the altar.

Jacob? The name immediately flashed in Romon's mind. He stared at the young man who looked extremely down-and-out, and said coldly, Why are you here?

Romon, do you know him? Ai Weixi saw the faint mage aura on this person at a glance, stared at him, and asked Romon.

Romon nodded: He is Baron Galle's younger brother Jacob!

The younger brother of Baron Galle?

Ahem... yes, Romon, unexpectedly, we meet again. Jacob greeted Romon with a dry smile.

Romon still stared at him coldly: Why are you here?

Under the gaze of the two, Jacob showed a dejected expression: Romon, you also saw that I am already down and out, and now I can't even eat. I heard that there is an abandoned Mithril mine here , I want to come here to try my luck, pick a few pieces out, so that I can exchange for some money.”

Saying that, he put down a small bag on his back and opened the mouth, and there were indeed some ores in it.

Mithril mine? Mithril is still produced here? Romon was stunned.

Mithril is a benign conductor of very good magic power, which can amplify the released magic effect and guide the flow direction of magic power, so no matter ordinary magic items, there will always be mithril in some more sophisticated magic items.

Therefore, mithril is an indispensable magic material in the magic system, but this expensive metal is very rare, so the price is very expensive.

Seeing Romon's expression, Jacob was stunned: You don't know?

Oh, I don't know, tell me, besides copper mines, there are also Mithril mines? Romon asked.

Only then did Jacob realize that he had slipped his tongue, and he said: It was indeed a copper mine at first, but later I found a small silver mine, and there happened to be some mithril accompanying it. I knew this from my father. Yes, it is generally not leaked, so there is no such record in the data!

So that's the case. Romon nodded, as if he believed it: Then let me ask you, did you see anyone else when you were here just now?

Yes, I just saw a person go through here and get into the gap... Jacob thought for a while and said.

Romon and Ai Weixi looked at each other, and Romon said, Really? I'll go and see.

Turning around to leave, just as he passed Jacob, Jacob's tired face suddenly turned grim, and with a dagger in his hand, he stabbed at Romon: Go to hell!

The moment he stabbed, Romon sneered, and dodged it. In turn, it was a sword. This sword pierced his body without any politeness. When he pulled it out, blood spattered immediately.

Jacob, do you think you can fool us? Romon looked at Jacob with a sneer and said.

As early as when Jacob said those words, Romon didn't believe it at all, and when he turned around, he even gave Ai Weixi a hint.

After being hit by a sword, Jacob rolled over and screamed. Suddenly, he hissed miserably: Yes, I set up the altar. Although you broke my plan, you must not get out alive now. Ha ha……

Having said that, he threw himself on the altar desperately, pouring blood down, and immediately, the altar glowed red.

The neighing voice of the undead rang out, crying, sneering, and wailing, but the source of the voice could not be found, as if it came from any direction. This voice sometimes sounded like a little girl, and sometimes it sounded like an old man sighing, accompanied by This sound appeared, and there were patches of red light

Romon only glanced at it, and suddenly felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

I saw distorted faces appearing in the red light, most of them were men, there were also children and women, all with their mouths and eyes wide open, as if they were silently shouting The expression on his face was also extremely distorted and painful, and he even squirmed slowly, as if he was alive.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly rushed out from the crack and rushed towards Jacob.

Be careful, let's retreat! Romon said hastily. This situation is beyond their ability to handle. It must be handled by a special priest.

Death...death! The voice just now shouted from many faces below. This kind of power carried an indescribably strong resentment. It was just a simple deterrent, which made Romon and Aiweixi take a few steps back. .

The distorted human faces on the ground also began to squirm, and came towards the place where Romon and Aiweixi were standing. Although the speed was not fast, the number of them was really scary.

Ai Weixi nodded, and also felt that if this continues, the ghost may not be able to be eliminated. The two of them will be killed by the other party first. It is to go back to the castle and ask him to invite a powerful priest to destroy this ghost.

So, the two started to retreat. Strangely, the ghost didn't seem to be very active in pursuit, so after Romon and Aiweixi retreated from the open area while defending against each other's attacks, the threat was on their bodies. The pressure on him suddenly decreased, and the ghost did not chase him out immediately.

Even after exiting the landslide, the powerful ghost did not immediately chase it out, but the retreat of Romon and Aiweixi still encountered considerable resistance.

On the ground, there were skeletons crawling up from the ground from time to time. These undead beings were instinctively longed to chase the two of them desperately.

They have no intelligence. Once a living person or animal enters the range they can feel, they will gather like blood-eating worms, and even if you choose to escape, they will try to catch up.

And at this time, the best way is to use the power of the priest, or get out as soon as possible, the farther away from them the better. Romon and Aiweixi are both tripolar druids, lacking experience and strength to deal with them, so they can only walk and retreat.

Romon, be careful! At this time, Aiweixi had just knocked out a skeleton, and now she had time to look at Romon, but she happened to see Romon surrounded by several skeletons, and she rushed up to attack, and shot Scattering one of them allowed Romon to break out.

Luo Meng hurriedly jumped out, shouting: Go, don't get entangled with them, get out!

Aiweixi nodded, and the two hurriedly rushed out, Aiweixi was in front, and Romon was behind, but on the way of running, when turning a corner, the foot suddenly staggered and was disturbed by something for a moment.

What is this? Just as Romon was about to move forward, he suddenly found that what was holding him was not a stone, but a small package. Looking at the shape, it seemed that a book was wrapped inside, and a book was wrapped outside. It seemed to be cowhide, Romon felt moved, bent down and lifted it up. Since he didn't find anything wrong with the package, he just glanced at it before throwing it into his own space.

Romon, let's go! Ai Weixi, who had already run far away, saw that Romon hadn't followed, and couldn't help but look back. Seeing that Romon had stopped, she hurriedly urged: I feel the undead power inside. It's getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Romon didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed out, no matter what was there, escape was the most important thing at this time!

Since both of them marked the fork at the intersection, they did not go wrong in the underground passage. After a while, the entrance of the cave was seen, and the sun shone down. It was obviously afternoon.

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