Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 121 Small Village (Part 1)

On the hills, there are countless wild flowers blooming

Although the hill is not high, the path is winding. Romon suddenly remembered: Miss Avesy, it seems that we have made a big circle. Isn't the hill on the other side of our territory the forest home?

Yeah, I thought you knew about it a long time ago. Ai Weixi glanced at it amusedly.

The edge forest where Romon is located, is surrounded by thorn forests to the west, and this hill is to the north. road.

... Romon was speechless and had no choice but to continue down.

The horse that Druid was riding naturally ran smoothly and steadily. The two slowed down and let the horse go down slowly.

Passing through the jungle on the hills, both of them's eyes lit up. There is a flat land between the valleys, which is about 2,000 mu. A clear stream divides the plain into two.

The farmland was reclaimed, and it was early summer, and the oats and vegetables in the field were very abundant, and it was a bumper harvest.

The strange thing is that when I got closer, I realized that even under the sun, this small mountain village was covered by a kind of mist.

Going down the path, the first thing you see is a big tree at the intersection. Not far from the village, those plants and trees are half-dead, but here they are very lively , especially this big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, about seven or eight meters high, which is really rare.

The path very close to the entrance of the village was very narrow, and the road surface was uneven. Romon and Aiweixi got off their horses and led them along.

Romon, is this the disappeared village? Aiweixi said as she walked towards the village.

Romon nodded: From this road, there is indeed only one village in the territory of Baron Galle. This should be the village that disappeared in the story. Now that the village is here, there must be some Problem.

Okay, then let's go into the village and have a look. If anyone is there, let's inquire about the situation in the mountains. Aiweixi glanced at Romon with a half-smile.

For a long time, Romon has always been unable to tell the age of Ai Weixi. It is appropriate to say that she is five or six years older than Romon, but her skin is as snowy and youthful, so even if she is one or two years younger than Romon, she can still say The past, the present glimpse of a smile that is not a smile, the charm of a charming woman is immediately revealed.

I thought,

Since the farmland looked rich from a distance, it should be normal, but when they got closer, both of them frowned.

This village gives me a very uncomfortable feeling, what do you think? Ai Weixi suddenly said this when he was about to reach the big tree at the head of the village.

It seems that there is a strong death energy! Romon said with a frown. As soon as he approached the village, Romon also had a very uncomfortable feeling. Although the village looked nothing like the villages and towns they had visited before However, looking at the entrance of the village, it looks like the mouth of a devil opening, as if swallowing people who fall in at any time.

What's even more strange is that, obviously on the hill, I saw people inside, and the farmland was reclaimed very well, but when I got closer, the village seemed very quiet, as if it was really a dead village.

Walking on the quiet village road, looking at the quiet houses on both sides, a gust of wind blew by, both of them felt a little chilly.

Or, let's find a family and go in to see if there is really no one in there. Romon and Aiweixi walked around the village, but they didn't see anyone, so they proposed.

Avisi nodded: Okay!

So the two gently pushed open one of the half-closed wooden doors and walked in.

Is anyone there? Excuse me, is there anyone here? Ai Weixi's crisp voice echoed in the yard.

No one responded, as if no one lived here.

The two waited for a while, but when no one responded, they looked around. This is a very ordinary farmer's house. There are several fruit trees in the small courtyard. The fruits on the trees are about to be harvested. Cleaned up.

Seeing this situation, Ai Weixi had a thoughtful look on her face.

But at this moment, Romon had already stepped in ahead of her, pushing the door open and entering the house. Avisi then followed.

There is still no one. Romon said to Ai Weixi just after he came out of the back room.

This village is really strange. Ai Weixi said as he walked towards the corner of the house.

There is a table and a few chairs in the outhouse, and there is a strip of bacon hanging on the wall in the corner. Avisi walked to the side of the bacon, smelled it lightly, then walked to the table, and picked up the cup on the table , looked at it, his face became very strange.

Romon, there were people here just now. Ai Weixi said with a serious face: Look, the ground on this table is very clean, and there are no fallen leaves in the yard, and the glass of water is still warm. There were people here just now.

Who?! Just as Romon was about to respond to Aiweixi's words, a shadow suddenly swayed in the yard, and Romon and Aiweixi exchanged glances. Go out and have a look.

When the two came out of the house, there was no one in the courtyard, and the door that was half closed just now was wide open.

Strange, if it's the owner of this household, why is his whereabouts so strange? Romon looked at the door, feeling very strange.

Wait, listen! Romon was about to walk outside, but was suddenly grabbed by Ai Weixi, turned to look at her, and saw the girl listening intently.

Being curious, Luo Meng also listened carefully, the sound of the wind, amidst the whistling wind, there was the faint sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

This place is really weird. After hearing this, the two of them turned solemn.

And at this moment, there was a sudden slap outside, as if something had been knocked to the ground.

When Romon and Aiweixi walked out quickly, they happened to see a middle-aged woman walking past the corner in front.

Follow. As Romon said, he returned to the courtyard and pulled out his horse, and followed. Ai Weixi also followed.

The speed of the two was not too fast, and it took some time to go back and lead the horse, so when they arrived at the corner, the woman was no longer in sight.

The two had no choice but to knock on the doors of a few more houses. As a result, there was still no response from inside, and the doors of more houses were locked from the inside, so the two could only look at the doors and sigh.

After all, judging from the situation just now, it's not that there are no people in this village, it's just that these people seem to be avoiding them and don't want to communicate with them.

Let's go, let's go outside and take another look! Romon was only a third-level druid, and he couldn't do a large-scale investigation, so he had to say.

But at this moment, there was a sound of playfulness outside, and the two of them looked over and immediately smiled.

These children went to play in the wild, and now they are back. Adults can avoid them, but children don't know. Romon said proudly, and went up to welcome them. He saw them under the big tree at the head of the village they passed by just now. , a few children were catching some small animals and came back from the outside.

Children! Where are your parents? Romon led the horse to them and asked with a smile.

Seeing a stranger, the children immediately stopped playing and looked at each other. Then, an older boy looked at Romon and asked, Are you an adult from the town?

Romon's heart moved when he heard this, but he still kept a smile on his face: Who told you this?

Ah, grandpa doesn't let us talk to strangers... Suddenly remembered something, the children were about to rush away, but Luo Meng was impatient, and scolded: Stop!

After drinking this, a group of children were frightened immediately, and they all stayed there.

Romon felt complacent and was about to ask, when an old man walked over in the distance.

My lords, I don't know what's the matter with coming to our village? The old man forced a smile.

Oh, I was sent by Baron Galle to investigate plants! Romon is a smart man, so he simply showed an arrogant look and looked down from above: Why, you want to defy the lord and reject my proposal? investigation?

No, no, my lords, how dare we... It's just that a group of robbers have been robbed in the village recently, and a lot of things have been robbed, so everyone is afraid, and they hide when they see outsiders. Of course, they don't intend to avoid the two lords! the old man said. He waved his hands again and again and forced a smile: Since they are the adults sent by the two lords, we naturally welcome them. I will ask them to stand up and greet them.

As he said that, the old man yelled a few times. After a while, a group of villagers appeared hesitantly in a place far away. There were men and women, old and young. Romon noticed that there were about forty villagers. Young and middle-aged, all watching vigilantly.

From the feeling of the druid, Romon felt fear and hostility.

Who are you? At this moment, Romon wasn't afraid anymore. His spiritual eyes swept over him. There were basically no fighters here who could pose a threat to him. Among the forty men, there were about five or six men. With the strength of the first and second levels, this strength is not to be feared.

I am Sanders, the village head here. My two adults, please come to my house to entertain you two.

No! Romon waved his hand, there was food on his horse, not to mention in the space: We just want to ask, your village is the closest to the valley, have you noticed any strange things recently?

The old man said: No, apart from meeting a group of robbers last time, nothing strange has happened recently!

Oh, go then! Romon waved him away.

At the beginning, Romon thought he was suffering from being bullied by the lord, but when he heard that it was someone sent by the town, he became frightened like this. There have been such villages on earth that fear officials like tigers, so he was not surprised at all. .

But now, I don’t think so anymore, because on the way, Miss Aiweixi told him that when she left Jumu Town, she asked the people in the town quietly, and found out that the owner of the inn in the town used to be from this village , Thinking about the strange behavior of the shop owner and the suspicious aspects of this village, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this village must be related to the plant problem.

Thinking of this, the two exchanged eye contact.

Under the sunlight, green light appeared on both of them. This light was very thin, but very obvious.

Natural detection!

As soon as this happened, there was a commotion among the people in the village, and the old man immediately stopped the commotion, watching from afar, with worry emerging.

Negative energy seeps out from the ground, but the valley is indeed the strongest here! Romon said.

Although the smell of death is the strongest here, the local plants are the least affected, and it seems that they have avoided it consciously... Miss Aiweixi went deeper, she said.

In fact, Romon had already used druid power when he was inspecting other places, and found that a faint negative energy breath penetrated from the ground, stretching for hundreds of miles.

However, the breath of negative energy is a part of nature, so the source of this breath cannot be found, and the two people will keep searching according to the decay of the plants.

Finally, in this small village adjacent to the valley, they discovered a stronger breath of death. What's even more strange is that although the breath of death is the strongest here, the growth of the plants here does not seem to be affected. Could it be that the reason why those plants are declining has nothing to do with the presence of the breath of death?

Neither Romon nor Aiweixi would believe this kind of result.

There is a problem in this village, but it's true that the source is not here. Let's follow up first! Luo Meng said, frowning.

Okay, let's go now! Seeing that there was nothing to gain in the small village, the two decided to follow the breath of death and go deeper to see if they could find any new clues.

Keep moving forward, is there still a way to go? Seeing Aiweixi looking at the map, Romon walked up to her and asked.

Ai Weixi shook her head: There are no marks on the map, but the lack of records on the map does not mean that there are no roads in reality. When you checked just now, which direction is more deathly?

This way. Romon pointed to the depths of the village, that is, the other side of the valley. I saw that the deeper you go, the stronger the breath of death.

That's right, the root of the death breath should be there. Since we all suspect that this death breath is the root cause of plant decay and death, let's go into the mountain to have a look.

Ai Weixi put away the map, and now for them, this map is of no use for the time being, because the scope of the territorial map ends at this village, and as they move forward, the valley is no longer recorded on the map up.

Neither of them was going to rest in the village. This time they led the horses to the village. The leaders no longer closed their homes like before. Some people have already started to come out to activities. However, looking at the eyes of the two , but obviously in fear, with a trace of hostility.

The way they looked at Romon was very similar to how the innkeeper in the town looked at them. Romon thought of what Avesy had analyzed for him just now, and felt more and more reasonable.

This time, they didn't take the initiative to ask anything, and the villagers didn't seem to want to have any contact with them. Occasionally, a few people gathered together to talk, and their vigilant eyes were always watching.

Not to mention druids, even ordinary people can feel this unwelcome atmosphere!

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