Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 108 Mission (Part 2)

Named after a god, Romon pondered.

He didn't know much about the goddess of love and beauty, Ines, and had only heard of it with limited information.

It is said that she is the goddess who has mastered love, beauty, and sex. It is said that she has had romantic relationships with many gods, and is also the incarnation of descending from the earth. She is one of the goddesses who have the most sexual union with mortals.

In the city of Apus, there is a shrine to this goddess, but Romon has never been there. As for the countryside, there are not many shrines to her, far inferior to the goddess of abundance.

At this moment, Ms. Yiya's dance has ended, and the next dance is for other people.

Romon was a bit boring. The characters in the baron's hall were either lords or knights. His status was not good enough, and it was his first time participating. He didn't know anyone, so of course no one talked to him.

Romon glanced around, guessing that this hall is on the west side of the residence. This hall is spacious and can be used not only for banquets and dances, but also as a place to summon officials from the territory.

There are windows all around, using a large piece of glass, but now the curtains are drawn.

There were still people coming and going in the hall. The servants kept bringing snacks and drinks here, and a housekeeper directed them secretly.

Romon stayed for a while longer, feeling bored, so he wandered out of the hall, the outside was rather dark, the lawn was connected to the garden.

Romon glanced at them, and suddenly saw two familiar people. This was because Romon had activated his darkvision last time, allowing him to see things clearly in the dark.

That is Baron Galle and Miss Yiya.

Ms. Yiya has already changed her dance clothes and put on a dress with a pink belt around her waist. It's just that this kind of dress is parted at the top and the bottom is parted, making her breasts taller and her thighs looming.

Romon glanced at it, then quickly avoided it, and went back to the hall. Even if no one spoke to him, it was better than peeking at others.

Gradually, Romon saw something. In the hall, these nobles and knights spoke politely but full of subtleties. Looking carefully, these people were divided into several small circles, each surrounded by a group of people.

People of different ethnic groups are faintly separated. Although they greet each other, no one can intervene in their ranks.

Romon was watching with relish, and had some of the most superficial understanding of the noble world.

Mr Roman,

Baron please go to the study! Unknowingly, time passed quickly, and suddenly, a butler came up and said.

Oh, I'll go right away, can you lead the way? Romon was startled and asked casually.

Mr. Romon, I'll lead the way for you right now, please! The butler said while walking two steps forward to lead the way.

Leaving the hall, turned upstairs, reached the door, the butler knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened and Romon was able to go in.

At a glance, this is indeed not ashamed of the name of the study. The large bookshelves are full of books. There is no time to read more. Romon bowed to the baron across the desk: Lord baron!

Oh, Romon, don't be too polite, sit down! Baron Galle put down a document and calmed down his inner worries. These days, the situation he entrusted with the investigation has gradually shocked him.

Thank you, my lord! Romon said, and looked around at the bookshelves.

Baron Galle saw it, shrugged his shoulders and said, Mr. Romon, are you interested in books?

Yes, my lord, I have always believed that books contain history and knowledge. Romon replied flatteringly: The books on your bookshelf are the ones I have seen the most. It is really amazing.

Oh, haha, these are the books accumulated by my ancestors. My grandfather once served as the internal affairs officer of Apus City and acquired a lot of books during his tenure. The baron laughed, and he was quite proud of his book collection. In this world, even nobles can be proud of this.

You can also inherit your grandfather's position! Romon said, he didn't understand this.

Oh, being a Home Affairs Officer is just a job, and not everyone is interested in this kind of office, especially us, so my father didn't inherit the position of Home Affairs Officer, and went back to the territory to take care of it, I thought maybe He will serve as an advisor to the king or the earl, and become a member of the parliament, but that's all. Baron Galle knew that Romon didn't understand, so he was not angry, shaking his head and said.

Romon didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it, it suddenly dawned on him that in this world, the enfeoffment system is practiced, and private land is sacred and inviolable. Even the king's officials cannot dictate to the people of the earl and viscount below—— In the territory, the military, government, judiciary, and finance are all the power of the lord, and the king has no right to intervene.

Therefore, officials are not very attractive at all, and the earls serve as sheriffs in name only in name.

Of course, apart from being in the city, in the city, due to the free people, the management and tax collection can be unified, which makes it different. Knowing this, Romon knew that he was asking the wrong question.

Oh, you are a model of a true nobleman. Romon said flatteringly, but a little dryly.

Oh, I'm not. The real example is our lord, Viscount Eagle Edel, ha! Baron Galle shook his head, paused, and then changed the topic to the point: Oh, Mr. Romon, Do you know what I mean by invitation?

Lord Baron, I have already heard about the problems in the territory. Romon said with a sigh.

Yes, on half of my territory, the plants are relatively shrinking, especially this year's wheat production has been reduced by half! The baron said solemnly, even the baron cannot afford such a situation for several consecutive years. The situation must be resolved quickly, so he said: I hope you can investigate and resolve this matter.

As you wish, I will go there immediately. Romon nodded and said, It's just that I need to inspect your territory and hope to get your cooperation.

Of course, this is a letter of authorization issued by me. With this, you can go to any farmland and forest on my territory to inspect, and get the support of the local mayor and village chief. If necessary, you can also dispatch no more than Thirty-man territory guard. Baron Galle took out a document that seemed to have been prepared long ago, and signed on it: You will be awarded the title of agricultural consultant in the Galle territory, which is valid for half a year. If you can solve the problem within this period , you will officially become the agricultural consultant in my territory.

An agricultural consultant, whose status is equivalent to that of an internal affairs officer in the territory, Jaffa is the agricultural consultant of Baron Rocas.

Thank you, my lord! Romon bowed and said, what he took was a heavy bag, which was money. The Baron Galle seemed to be quite generous.

Oh, I have already reserved a room for you in this villa, and I also have a carriage. During this period, I am waiting for you to call. Baron Galle said, and waited for a while, seeing that Baron Galle had no other words, Romon bowed and left.

After leaving the house, in the corridor, Romon opened it, and there were fifty golden coins inside.

Oh, lovely coins! said Romon.

In this world, in this era, there is no market for a certain concept of self-esteem on the earth. For a professional, even an aristocrat, to personally accept a reward from a superior is not only considered a disgrace, but a kind of honor and benefit——glory and benefit never apart, right? This is the concept of health.

Romon was very satisfied with this, and he despised the big and unwarranted glory on earth.

However, even so, he still put the gold coins in his own space.

Just outside, the housekeeper who had already received the order came up: Master Romon, do you want to go and see your room first?

Accepting the title of agricultural consultant, Romon suddenly changed from a gentleman to an adult.

After thinking about it for a while, Romon agreed, and the butler immediately led the way. Under his guidance, Romon came to a small room upstairs.

The room is not big, but the design is extremely unique.

The windows are six French windows, all glassed in enough to let in plenty of sunlight, but if you prefer darkness, you can draw these all over with curtains.

There is also a row of bookshelves in the room. There are some novels and poems on this side for the guests to pass the time.

The sofa was not seen, but the rattan chair was seen, obviously corresponding to the coming summer.

There are blankets on the bed, and tables and chairs opposite. Although it is very simple, it is very elegant. Although Romon knows that he cannot live here often, he is still very satisfied.

At this time, the servant following the steward had already stepped forward and lit the candles on the candlestick.

This candlestick was made of bronze, and twelve candles could be inserted on it. Of course, the servant only lit three, but it was enough to illuminate the desk.

Not far away is a fireplace, which is of course not needed now.

Master Luo Meng, what other orders do you have? the butler asked.

No, you bring me the dossiers about the territory, especially the most recent ones, and serve me a cup of coffee, then that's it. Romon ordered unceremoniously: Tomorrow morning, get my carriage ready, I'm going back again.

As you wish! The butler agreed and withdrew.

After a while, a stack of files was delivered to Romon's desk, but Romon didn't pay attention to the butler's eyes.

In a world where knowledge is power and is monopolized, being able to access files and information immediately instead of foolishly wandering around like headless chickens in the territory is wisdom and strength in itself.

This kind of behavior has been praised as knowledgeable and calm, and it is regarded as part of temperament. This matter will soon spread and add some weight and evaluation to Romon.

In the room, Romon didn't pay attention to these, he started to read.

Some secrets of the territory were exposed before his eyes.

Three towns and fifteen villages, plus twenty vassal villages, the baron's territory is very large, and there is still a large piece of wasteland that has not been reclaimed, but belongs to the baron in name.

After reading this, Romon thought deeply, but to do this, he still needs to go back and invite Miss Avisy.

Presumably, with the cooperation of a druid with such a solid foundation as her, it is easier to find out and solve problems more quickly.

There is a lot of power in numbers, and Romon understands this very well, even if it is worth sharing part of the credit.

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