Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 104 Harvest (Part 2)

morning in three days

The sun has risen high, and by May, the sun has become a bit sinister. Romon stands on the edge of the field, most of the time just watching quietly, occasionally making suggestions, but Fudi has already arrived Tanaka, get busy with those farmers.

Looking at their busy figures, Romon felt very peaceful and joyful in his heart. This kind of faint joy has always followed him since he came to this world, from when he started from scratch until now he has With such a small property, it is not bad to be able to live like this every day.

Romon, it's really going to be a bumper harvest this time. I don't know if there is the 350 catties per mu you mentioned! Nick's voice suddenly sounded from the side, and Romon turned his head. Seeing Nick's The small face was full of happiness similar to his age, because he usually deliberately appeared in front of everyone with a serious expression, and Romon was not used to such a pure smile on the other side.

I really miss it. Suddenly, facing this kind of warmth and pure happiness, Romon became in a daze for a moment, as if the past events on the earth were gradually fading away, while his eyes became brighter.

Gathering his mind, Luo Meng was startled for a moment, then laughed and said, Well, yes, this time the harvest is really going to be bumper, don't worry, it won't be much worse!

Luo Meng still has some confidence in the seeds coming out of Shennongjiao.

Three good friends, two of them are standing side by side. There, one is leading people to patrol around. They are all just teenagers. The three teenagers who started from ordinary status, but, with dreams as the road, they will go far, far in the end. .

Romon's eyes were blurred, but there was a smile on his face.

Look, everyone's enthusiasm for work has increased. The voice interrupted Romon's thoughts, and he looked in the direction Nick pointed. All with smiles.

After all, some of these crops will become their own income. The better the harvest, the more they can get. How can this not excite them?

Romon nodded in satisfaction. He was very satisfied with the fiery scene of labor that appeared in front of him. Although he is now a lord, as a druid, he still needs to guide everyone in some things, so , while everyone was harvesting the crops, he was also watching.

However, at this time, it seems that there is no need for him to point out.

Luo Mengdu walked along the road, and the fruits on both sides of the road had already grown very large, and it was estimated that they could be harvested in June.

The sun shines on the earth,

It was still raining two days ago, but today it is indeed sunny.

But in Shennongjiao, another batch of medicinal herbs has been harvested, and the new medicinal fields have sprouted.

A lot of sporadic flowers, but also scaled beautiful flowers, will embellish the vitality.

Although it needs a lot of power to upgrade the space this time, just by feeling, I know that it is less than half now, but this is acceptable, after all, every time the space is expanded, it is calculated by multiples, and it is getting bigger and bigger .

When? Can you jump and run freely in the space, as in the mountains and forests?

Presumably, this day will not be too far away.

Of course, what attracted Romon even more was that there were foot-long saplings growing in the olive fields outside. At a glance, there were thousands of acres of land surrounding the fence, which would be the wealth of the future.

Walking in such a field, wouldn't it give people a sense of fulfillment?

Thinking of this, Romon shook his head and smiled wryly. Is this the feeling of an agricultural druid?

After he became a natural druid, it came inadvertently.

Of course, in Romon's view, there is no absolute contradiction between the two.

Just as he was thinking, at the end of the distant path, another six carriages came with blue bricks. Romon saw it from a distance and just smiled.

At this moment, Barnl in the distance was talking to Card: What do you think of Romon? What did you see, let's hear it.

As a leader of a caravan, Barn has many considerations. Although his son Fezia is quite good and can handle the affairs of the business association when he is not around, he lacks experience and prestige after all.

Therefore, constantly looking for talents and cultivating talents is what Barnes must always pay attention to.

When he went back to his hometown some time ago, he found that his nephew was very intelligent and flexible, so he told his parents and brought him out. That person was Card who appeared in Romon's territory three days ago.

Because Baener adhered to the principle of starting from the grassroots level, he did not tell others that this was his nephew, and treated him as a newcomer to the caravan, and asked him to drive the car to deliver the goods. Let him do the work that various grassroots guys do. In fact, this is a kind of experience for Card.

Seeing that the business of the caravan is getting better day by day, and the size of the caravan is growing day by day, Barn has actually started to think about the future. For example, after handing over the caravan to his son, how can his son take care of it? , and, even now, I started to find some people who can be used by my son in the future, and this Kade is not only a nephew, but also has a good understanding, and the character in his heart is also very good after observing this period of time. At least, he can be trained as an assistant to his future son.

That's why, this time, he asked Card to go to Romon's territory with the others, in order to exercise his eyesight.

Card naturally understood Barn's meaning, so he described all the scenes he saw, and also expressed his own views.

While listening, Barn touched his chin and kept nodding. He was still very satisfied with the comprehension of this nephew, and the more he heard it, the more he felt that it was a wise principle to bring this child out.

He had always valued the shooter Sukar in Romon's territory before, but the other party rejected him several times, which made him helpless, so he had to shift his target to other places. He didn't expect that there would be such a good one in his family. Miaozi, um, not bad, not bad.

However, when Kade heard that Romon boasted that the yield would be 350 catties per mu, Baener couldn't help being startled, and stopped touching his chin: You mean, Romon said, Will his territory have a bumper harvest this year? Can winter wheat yield 350 catties per mu?

This seems exaggerated, right?

Ba Ener traveled around with the caravan, and he was well-informed. The average yield per mu is only about 200 catties, and the better ones are only 250 catties.

It is not unheard of for him to have such an exaggerated harvest. However, behind those harvests, there is either a priest of the Harvest Goddess, an intermediate druid, or simply the most fertile fields with good weather.

And now Romon is just a three-level druid. Although the field is still fertile, it is not the top Ueda. If he can get such a good harvest, it will not be easy.

After receiving Kade's affirmative answer, Barn was silent for a while, and at this moment, the gate could already be seen.

When he raised his head, he saw that Kade was still looking at him, and nodded with a smile: Well, you have done a good job, keep working hard, there is still a lot to learn in the caravan, and you must earnestly ask your seniors for advice. ,do you know?

Yes, don't worry, I will. Card replied obediently.

Okay! Barn said, looking at the door that was getting closer and closer, he immediately fell into deep thought. I kept thinking about what Little Card said just now in my mind.

Bragging about 350 catties per mu? Knowing that Kade would not deceive himself about this kind of thing, Barn was shocked.

For a long time, he has been cooperating with Romon because of the other party's creativity and the wealth that the other party can provide him. But now, he suddenly realized a problem, even if the other party can't provide him with wealth now, but with a spiritual genius like the other party, practicing Druid, sooner or later he will become a person standing at the top of the pyramid.

At this moment, Barn seemed to truly understand the value of Romon.

Thinking of this, he suddenly saw Romon not far away, he jumped down suddenly, and shouted enthusiastically: Oh, Romon!

Romon, who was observing the field, was taken aback when he heard the long-lost enthusiastic voice.

He stood up and gave a welcome smile to Barn who jumped out of the car.

During his growing up, Barnel helped him a lot. As long as he is willing to continue, Romon will not mind the indifference of the previous period. He said with a smile: Mr. Barnl, how are you!

Barnl changed his mentality, and his expression became more and more enthusiastic. He also had a new understanding of what Romon was doing. After a few words of greeting, he took a look at this olive tree: Romon, this piece of olive tree The olive garden is huge!

That's right, although it will be seven years before there will be large-scale fruit, but I still prepare ten households to take care of these, and when the harvest comes, I can call everyone to help! Luo Meng didn't mind others knowing the plan, Said: Also, the vineyards inside have already been planted and will bear fruit next year, so I want you to send green bricks to make them solid!

Yes, yes, if the fruit really bears fruit and oil is produced, it will take care of our business! Barn nodded repeatedly.

Of course, Mr. Barn is the priority, and recently, fruit wine has come out. Just as Romon said this, he saw someone running over, saying that he wanted Romon to go to the farmland as soon as possible.

Did something happen? Romon thought.

The person who came to call Luo Meng was a tenant. The other party was honest, and he was a little confused when he spoke. Therefore, at first, Luo Meng thought that there was some problem in harvesting winter wheat!

Until he hurried over, he saw Fudi and Nick, both dancing.

Seeing Romon approaching, Nick ran over with a smile on his face: Romon, guess how much yield the one mu of land harvested just now has?

Luo Meng looked at the other party's uncontrollable smile, and said, Three hundred and fifty catties?

No, it's a full three hundred and seventy catties. Look, everyone is cheering! Sure enough, at this time, everyone cheered, and especially the one-acre land was cut out and weighed first.

Three hundred and seventy catties! Barn, who was following behind, was dumbfounded, looking at Romon's eyes, with shock for the first time.

Seeing everyone thanking the Harvest Goddess for her blessing, and everyone laughing happily, Romon couldn't help but feel better. He made a gesture to signal everyone to pay attention, and then said: The harvest is very good, everyone Work hard, in order to celebrate the great harvest, I decided to invite everyone to drink a glass of fruit wine for free!

My lord is wise!

Thank you, my lord!

My lord is merciful!

Also, the adventurers who are willing to help harvest, besides wages, are the same.

Okay, I'm fine today, so please help! Some adventurers responded.

Due to the implementation of the three-field system, there are two hundred acres of wheat fields planted now, which is not much compared to fifty families and a large number of adventurers. Therefore, after a busy morning and afternoon, at dusk, these The winter wheat harvest is over.

The harvested grains were piled up in the open space that had been cleared up in advance, and they were piled up into dozens of large piles. As soon as the harvest was counted, there was another burst of cheers. The people in Romon's territory were all overjoyed.

Romon, the average yield per mu has reached 360 catties, it's unbelievable! Except for Romon, there is no one who is happier than Nick, an internal affairs officer, who is constantly calculating the results in his hands. The benefits that these grains can bring to the territory, the smile on the face is like a flower.

Come on, take out the fruit wine in the basement and pour a glass for everyone! Romon shouted, and someone responded immediately.

The price of fruit wine is not low. Many people who migrated to Romon's territory were miserable before coming here.

After coming to Romon's territory, Romon allowed them to have their own home very quickly. Although they can't be regarded as having enough food and clothing, at least they can still eat enough. In fact, there are not too many lords in this world. There was a thought of rejoicing, so as soon as Romon's words came out, these people cheered immediately.

The wine is all ready-made, there is a lot in the hotel opened by Luo Meng, and he has people carry out a lot, and put tables and barbecue grills on the open space not far from the wheat field.

The aroma of fruit wine and the smell of grilled meat mixed together in the air, forming an intoxicating atmosphere.

These people in the territory were all drinking and celebrating the big harvest happily, and some people who heard the cheers from the hotel also joined them, including Ba The few people in the Ener caravan.

The bumper harvest in Romon's territory gave them a big shock. The yield per mu was 360 jin. It is a rich family. In this era, most free people live by farming. Even if they don't farm, they will always know something about the farmland. Therefore, once the yield per mu is mentioned by the people in the Romon territory, Immediately, there was a louder surprise.

Immediately, the way they all looked at Romon was different.

Making money with potions and spells is the privilege of mages, priests, druids, etc., and has little to do with them.

But this improvement of farmland is related to the lives of many, many people.

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