Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 103: Fruit Trees (Part 1)

As time goes by, the sun continues to move up, and the brightness of the sunlight gradually expands, dyeing the earth golden.

The crisp chirping of birds was heard far away in the forest.

Miss Avesey, please explain clearly. Romon in the room said.

Miss Avesy didn't want to say it, and after several urgings, she sighed and said, Do you know what a natural druid is?

Natural Druid? Romon showed a puzzled look.

Miss Aiweixi sighed, and said: Druids were the earliest priesthood in ancient times, and most elves took this profession as their magic profession. Afterwards, humans gradually learned to gain power, but in Along the way, many tragedies occurred.

Oh, what tragedy? Romon listened with a serious expression.

You are a druid now, you should feel the power of nature, you said, is the power of nature great?

Great! Romon said sincerely.

The problem is here. Compared with the small human beings, this is naturally too great. When human beings enter the druid profession, their hearts are often difficult to bear. Later, agricultural druids and natural druids are divided into two. The so-called natural druids use nature as their source, but agricultural druids must be under the guidance of gods to cultivate. In your case, I think you feel the power of nature, not just plants field.

Miss Aiweixi saw that Romon listened to contemplation, and there was a smile on her mouth, but she said again: And now, the Church of the Lord of Radiance has regarded the natural druids as heresy, you still stick to it. Only in the field of plants.

Oh, I see. Romon replied, but in his heart, he suddenly remembered his domain of fire, and suddenly became a little vigilant. Did he automatically step into the domain of natural druids?

For a moment, his heart became heavy, he stayed for a moment, got up and left.

Watching him go away, Miss Avesey smiled.

The sun became stronger and stronger, and it shone brightly on the fields. Walking among the fields, listening to the constant greetings, Romon finally gradually melted away his depressed mood.

Walking on the street, he always felt that something was missing. After thinking for a while, staring at the open space on the side of the road, he suddenly remembered: Fruit wine...fruit trees...yes, it's fruit trees! My previous thoughts can now be Achieved……

It seems that in order to fully excrete the depression just now,

The corners of Romon's mouth twitched upwards, and he smiled happily.

Wine needs raw materials, but in this world, food is very precious. Later, people discovered a grass called snake fruit grass, which can be used as a raw material for wine when dried, but in fact, this grass It has a small amount of toxicity, and drinking too much is not good for the human body, but because it is cheap, it has become the first choice for the lower class.

Fruit wine is already mid-grade, and Romon has already had this idea.

At this moment, all his mind has been taken away by the question of fruit trees and fruit wine, and he is quickly thinking about this recalled question in his mind.

It should be planted on the side of the road. In this case, there will be more scenery and benefits. But, will adventurers reach out to collect it?

This problem, although not big, is also under consideration by Romon.

After all, he still has the money to buy the saplings, and he also needs to consider the place to plant the trees. If they are planted in the field, they will take up space. Pick, after all, people come and go, you can't treat visitors like thieves, and besides, it's not worth it.

Romon lowered his head and thought about where to plant those fruit trees, as he walked forward.

Although his territory is not small, a large piece of land has either been built as a base or a house, or it has become farmland, making him profits in food production, or it has become a future vineyard. It is a good thing to want to plant fruit trees, but you can't do it blindly. You need to plan well first. At least, you can't affect other things because of the tree planting.

After thinking about it carefully, Romon smiled. He thought of it. There is a kind of fruit tree called Shiguo. The fruits are many and big, but they are soggy and hard to drink, but they can be used as raw materials for fruit wine, and the quality is not very good. Low.

If it is well cultivated, no one will pick the fruit of this fruit tree, but the profits it can generate are really not low. Because he is a druid, he cannot cut down trees at will, but it is possible to grow fruit trees to achieve income.

Besides, there are more varieties, which can not only be provided to adventurers in the hotel, but also can be sold to the town. The residents of Rika Town have been farming for generations. Even if a few go out, most of them are doing business or becoming For other professionals, although many people think that fruit wine is delicious and easy to sell, none of them have the habit and idea of ​​planting fruit trees to make wine and make a fortune.

Of course, an important reason is that most of the fruits used to make fruit wine are artificially planted, and the brewing of fruit wine is a waste of materials. Instead of doing this, it is better to plant high-quality fruits. , but failed to sell on a large scale.

There is fruit wine for sale in this hotel in Romon, so Romon is very clear about the profit that this kind of wine can generate. It is much cheaper than the kind of wine that nobles drink, but ordinary people also It’s not something you can drink every day. At most, it’s when you celebrate something or celebrate the New Year. If you let go, you can have a few drinks.

That is to say, those adventurers will come here often, instead of drinking the poisonous herbal wine, they will drink fruit wine. However, those adventurers who are a little older, every time they drink, they will sigh like just now .

If the fruit wine can be produced, or the price can be lowered a little, the money he can make will definitely not be less than what he sells medicine.

No one will take medicine every day, but every adventurer hopes to have a little fruit wine.

Romon figured it out, and his eyes lit up.

At this time, many adventurers had recognized him and greeted him one after another. Romon responded one by one, and walked around the various roads in the fence, feeling more and more satisfied the more he looked.

For such a long road, all wet fruits can be planted, at least hundreds of trees can be planted, and the annual income can be considerable.

Only then did Romon walk back in a good mood. On the way back, I happened to meet Foddy, the head of the house, and Romon stopped him.

My lord, what are your orders?

Go and buy some wet fruit trees and plant them on the roadside. Romon ordered.

Fu Di was a little surprised. After asking what Romon was thinking, he immediately looked at him differently. This lord is so pervasive that he can do whatever he wants to make money. Why didn't he think of it?

However, he had some thoughts about this, and said, My lord, there is no need to buy them. There are actually quite a few wet fruit trees in the field outside. Let's just dig them up and plant them by the roadside.

Oh, this is also the way. Romon remembered that his newly made natural water contains natural power, and it is spring again. With the combination, the fruit trees that should be transplanted can survive, so he agreed.

After thinking for a while, Romon said again: There is no need to mobilize the leaders, there are tasks, why not let the adventurers dig.

This idea was implemented, and soon, adventurers will know.

There are indeed many fruit trees of this kind that no one cares about growing in the wild, so as soon as dozens of adventurers go out, within a few hours, hundreds of such fruit trees are brought in.

Fu Di commanded, and soon, the planting was in full swing.

Seeing those fruit trees appearing on both sides of the road under the busy crowd, Romon's mood became better and better.

He began to distribute the natural water, sprinkled some on each wet fruit, and he was busy all day.

And a few days after planting these fruit trees, there was another soft spring rain. It is said that spring rain is as expensive as oil. , or wet fruit trees, green vitality emerged, a piece of light green, which looks very seductive.

After the rain was over, Romon came to the road again. He was pleasantly surprised to find that most of these trees had already germinated, and they were obviously alive, and they might be able to bear fruit that year!

Go to the town, help me invite Mr. Barn, and tell him that I have something to look for him. Romon was busy checking the saplings, while facing the bell beside him who was curiously looking at him. Said. It just so happened that Ling Dang seemed to have the idea of ​​going to the town to buy things a few days ago, so she happened to drop by, and she was introduced by Baener, so it was very appropriate for her to look for it.

Luo Li bell, as soon as she heard that she could go to the town, her big eyes flashed with joy. Although she likes Romon very much and works hard, she also hopes to relax for a while.

Nodded, prepared for a while, and ran to the town. Of course, Romon had someone send her there. Although the road has been paved well, but walking to the town is not fast, and besides, the invited guests cannot be allowed to come here on foot.

It didn't take long for the carriage to come back. Barn got out of the carriage and saw Romon standing at the door. He glanced at him in surprise, and then said with a warm smile, Why, Romon, What's the matter?

Although he had a smile on his face, Romon knew that the other party had been somewhat hostile to him recently. Thinking of this, Romon laughed: Mr. Barn, I would like to ask you to trouble me.

Oh? Really? There's another business deal? Barnl narrowed his eyes, muttering in his heart. Thinking of this, he really had a smile on his face this time. He walked over and hugged Romon.

Luo Meng secretly shook his head. Sure enough, the businessman valued profits, but with a smile on his face, he led Barn to look at the fruit trees on the road, and told the other party his idea: I hope you can help me build a The winery is not only about these wet fruits, but also, I plan to build a vineyard in the future to make wine, so the quality requirements are relatively high.

Hearing this, Barn nodded again and again, thought for a while, and said, Okay, I'll take care of this, I guarantee you will be satisfied!

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