Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 108 Omen (Part 2)

Romon? A druid? I seem to have heard that name before. Why, did he develop a cure for poison? The middle-aged man thought for a while, then handed the potion to the attendant: Go, find Let's do an experiment with an animal to see how effective this bottle of potion is against the toxicity of the abyss!

Yes! The attendant took the potion and retreated respectfully, leaving only the old man waiting anxiously.

The waiter didn't wait long, and the attendant came back soon: My lord, I found five kinds of animals for experiments, and infected them with abyssal poison. As a result, after taking this medicine, they all died.

The old man's face turned pale immediately, but he heard the attendant say: However, the time for them to die has been extended by five minutes. Obviously, this potion has a certain anti-toxic effect on the abyss.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man opened his eyebrows and nodded, It's a pure potion, it's good news that it can have this effect, Director Herbert, it's a credit to you for discovering this poison potion in the first place... …I wish I could meet the man who made the potion in person!

Thank you, Vice President, I'll go to Rika Town right now, and I'll definitely invite that druid to the union to meet you! The old man Hebbit was overjoyed when he heard the middle-aged man say this.

Then you go! The middle-aged man said calmly.

Yes, yes! After saluting, the man stepped back, walking quickly, bursting out with enthusiasm and vitality that he never had when he was young.

The middle-aged man sneered, dropped the bottle, but thought in his heart: Five minutes...

There is a secluded path sandwiched between two lush forests. This path is winding and difficult. It is obviously newly opened. It is the territory of Romon and the road leading to the town.

On a water surface, the wind stirred up layers of ripples, reflecting the waves, and the lake surface was shattered. Gold.

Looking at the sparkling lake in front of her, Romon felt very satisfied. The lakes in this world are basically undeveloped and beautiful, and the passage of time has not left any traces on her body.

Luka... A little Yaying eagle hovered over the lake amidst the chaotic flapping of its wings. In two months, it had more than doubled in size.

Luo Meng found a place by the lake to sit down, folded his arms, stared blankly at the lake water, his face was reflected in the emerald green lake water: Ah, it seems that he has grown up a lot all of a sudden.

Looking at the gradually mature face in the lake, and touching the beard on his chin, Luo Meng said to himself.

the years emerge,

After the new year, you will be seventeen years old. Even according to the laws of this world, eighteen years old is an official adult.

Originally, Luo Meng's body was that of a handsome young man, but according to the normal situation, he was also a young man in a small town in the country. There might be a few country girls who fell in love with him, but he couldn't make it to the stage.

It's just that Duoshe and Shennongjiao changed his circumstances, strength and status, and they were the ones that could increase his charm the most. His handsome outline, with a hint of fortitude and majesty, made him stand out immediately, emitting a faint brilliance.

These days, it is really a happy and peaceful life like heaven.

Standing up, Romon smiled, especially the arrival of Miss Aiweixi. In fact, now Romon is very glad that he was able to accept this task in the Adventurer's Guild and met Miss Aiweixi.

In his impression, Miss Aiweixi is a gentle person, and even a Druid with a very solid foundation.

Over the past month, Miss Aiweixi has fully demonstrated her solid foundation in Druid knowledge, and they have exchanged a lot with each other. The Druid teaching materials that Romon learned are indeed very rich, but there are many key points that are hidden. Did not say.

Giving Miss Aiweixi such casual advice made Romon suddenly enlightened, and he was hooked. Many problems that had troubled him for a long time and could not be solved were reminded by the woman's few words. Immediately flashed the answers to solve them.

The foundation of the entire druid was quickly completed in this way, forming a system with the potential for self-development. Among them, many of them were related to the preparation of potions. Suggestions - some of her suggestions and unique insights on many things are unheard of in the data.

A month later, some of the newly harvested herbs were sold at a high price, while the remaining half was kept and used in Romon's potion making.

Ai Weixi also helped a lot in the production of Romon's potion.

If it is worthwhile for Aiweixi to learn from Romon in terms of greenhouse manufacturing, then Romon has more things to learn from Aiweixi in the production of druid basic potions and knowledge consolidation and learning.

Recently, because of her participation and the continuous improvement of Luomeng's level, the production of medicines in Luomeng Pharmacy has greatly increased, and the quality has also improved a lot, and the reputation has even spread to the city.

No, early this morning, Romon received a letter from a commercial firm in the city. This is already the third cooperation letter from a commercial firm.

I heard from adventurers in the past that the medicine he produced was very popular among adventurers. There were even several cheap and effective medicines that were sold out as soon as they left the store. The adventurer's guild and some big business houses have spread, making many people who can see business opportunities ready to move.

And everything is because of someone's help. Two tripolar druids work together to make up for each other's shortcomings and improve each other's level. The effect will naturally be very strong. In the process, the two seem to cultivate There was a tacit understanding.

Although Miss Avisy is still a mystery to Romon, there are some details that tell Romon that she is extraordinary, but to Romon who was born on earth, he does not dislike and pursue— — Who has no secrets?

In his opinion, instead of chasing and creating gaps between each other, it is better to learn from her. Her knowledge and talent on druids made Romon feel that even Jaffa was inferior to a certain extent.

Just as he was standing by the lake and thinking wildly, a carriage drove up from a distance, and the carriage was trudging along the trail.

Romon frowned slightly, and called out, Lightning!

Lightning is the name of the little cliff eagle. The cliff eagle in this world is already a bit intelligent. After becoming a magic pet or an animal companion, it can share a little bit of Romon's power, so its wisdom has grown rapidly, and it can already understand people's words.

The lightning that was flying in the air suddenly flashed its wings, quickly cut through the lake, flew over, and landed on Romon's shoulder. Romon couldn't help but feel a sinking, and smiled wryly in his heart.

The grown-up Lightning has a wingspan of more than four meters, but no matter what, it can't land on the shoulders.

Lightning sensed the master's intentions, and with a sound of lu card, there was a trace of the majesty of the king in the sky.

The carriage slowly drove up to Romon. The driver was wearing a suit with an adventurer's mark on it. He looked at Romon with a little eagle on his shoulder in surprise, and asked, Excuse me, is this Romon's territory? ?”

Yes, I am Romon!

Oh, it just so happens that my lord wants to meet you! The coachman said in surprise, he turned around and said to the car, My lord, we have already met Mr. Romon.

Oh, coincidentally! There was a voice from inside, and after a while, an old man came out of it, his eyes swept away, and he stopped on Romon's shoulder for a moment, and he immediately understood what it was.

A little cliff eagle, this druid is not bad! He thought so, but said in his mouth: Mr. Romon, I am Herbert, the chief executive of the Adventurer's Union in Arpus City.

Your Excellency, Herbert, what can I do for you? Romon was startled, saluted, and asked.

In fact, there are some mysteries in terms of titles. Generally speaking, Luo Meng can already be called an adult by commoners, while Your Excellency generally refers to someone who has no title, has reached the fifth rank or above, or has a similar status.

Although the Adventurer's Guild is not an official organization and does not have much superior-subordinate relationship with Romon, Romon does not dare to be careless about the Adventurer's Guild that can secretly dispatch many adventurers and has connections with lords from all over the world.

Mr. Romon, isn't the anti-poison that appeared recently your masterpiece? Herbert said with a smile.

I made it, but it's just a slight improvement on the basis of the predecessors. Romon said cautiously, not knowing what to say.

Mr. Romon is too modest. Not every druid below level 5 can improve potions like you. I am here today for one thing. Your potion production will make adventurers suffer. There are many benefits, Lord El, the vice-chairman of the Adventurer’s Guild in Arps City, is very relieved to know this, and would like to invite you to the guild once.” Herbit remembered that the vice-chairman asked him to find people as soon as possible , said without daring to be negligent, and removed a lot of politeness.

Oh, even the vice president knows? Romon was really surprised.

In this world, it is difficult to obtain titles, and a very strange model has been formed.

When a warrior reaches level five, he may be awarded the title of knight, and if he has a territory, he will officially have the title of knight.

However, priests, mages, and druids are generally stronger than fighters of the same level, but it is difficult to obtain titles and territories. Of course, nothing is absolute. The status of the state can also be hereditary, which is not granted privately by the lords of various places, but by His Majesty the King.

The name of the vice president, he still remembered, was Lord Rhett El, which meant that this gentleman had made outstanding contributions in a certain field, and had a huge influence far exceeding that of ordinary jazz or even baron, making the king They all had to win him over and confer titles on him.

Hearing this, Romon hesitated for a moment, and then replied: Since it was summoned by Lord El, of course I dare not disobey, shall I go now?

If Mr. Romon has nothing else to do, then we'll go back now, and we'll see the vice president in the afternoon. Hebbit also hopes to go back early, to do things beautifully, and it's not a good thing to keep the superiors waiting for a long time .

Your Excellency, Herbit, I'm waiting for your arrangement! Since he agreed, he acted beautifully, and Romon bowed to him, expressing that he would obey his arrangement, which made Herbit show a trace of satisfaction.

After a while, the carriage turned around and headed towards the city.

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